Sunday Edition December 8, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER $1.50 Residents speak THE FRONTLINES out against extended stay CMC takes new measures in fi ght against opioid abuse hotel ordinance BY JAMES SWIFT at commissioner [email protected] meeting It’s the undergirding principle of the Hippocratic Oath — “fi rst, do no harm.” BY JAMES SWIFT As the case with virtually all health care providers in [email protected] the nation, Cartersville Medical Center (CMC) fi nds itself in a diffi cult position in the wake of the national opioid Things got heated at a public crisis. On one hand, physicians want to do everything they meeting Wednesday morning, can to ensure patients with legitimate pain problems are as several residents sounded off JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS given proper — and sometimes, life-saving — treatment. on Bartow County’s recently ap- Cartersville Medical Center’s Emergency Department Director proved extended stay hotel ordi- Heather Clement, left, and Chief Nursing Offi cer Jan Tidwell. SEE OPIOIDS, PAGE 6A nance. The monthly meeting actually began with Bartow County Com- missioner Steve Taylor authorizing an amendment to the ordinance voestalpine approved in late November. “There was one sentence in that seeking ordinance that caused a lot of con- MEDALS OF HONOR cern with the school system,” said Bartow County Administrator Pe- bonds for ter Olson. As originally written, that sec- $58.5M AHS Raider tion of the ordinance effectively barred local students from resid- teams honored ing in extended stay motels. “The expansion proof of registration of children in area schools using the address of BY JAMES SWIFT for national the facility shall result in termina- [email protected] tion of guest stay,” the now-deleted championships provision read. Austrian manufacturer voes- “The school systems pointed talpine AG is apparently looking out that they have an obligation to increase its footprint in Bar- BY DONNA HARRIS to serve kids who get determined tow County — and the interna- [email protected] to be homeless if they leave their tional steel company is hoping home and go to an extended stay,” the Bartow-Cartersville Joint For most schools, celebrating one na- Olson said. “They saw that as Development Authority (JDA) tional championship in anything is an creating a problem for them, and can assist it with fi nancing a pro- accomplishment of monumental pro- we said “Well, we didn’t mean it posed $58.5 million expansion portions. to create any diffi culties for the project. But Adairsville High School got to school system, it was really just “Apparently, they’re doing multiply that accomplishment by two. another issue, you know, of perma- some internal competition, and AHS students, staff and families nency.’” they have asked us to go ahead gathered in the auditorium Friday af- Yet other controversial ele- and approve a [memorandum ternoon to recognize the male and fe- ments of the ordinance remain. of understanding, or MOU] for male JROTC Raiders teams for mak- That includes a provision barring that project, and go ahead and ing school history by winning national any tenant from occupying an ex- approve the bond resolution,” championships in the same year. tended stay hotel room for more said JDA legal counsel Keith The Raiders were among 91 teams than 120 days “without a two-day Lovell at a public meeting Fri- from 19 states competing last month vacancy between stays,” as well day afternoon. “We will send in the National Raider Champion- as right of entry provisions grant- those off to the company, and ships in Molena, and when the scores ing non law-enforcement Bartow then the company will make were tallied, the Tigers were crowned County “employees or agents” the their fi nal decision in the next the top teams out of more than 1,700 ability to enter individual rooms week or two whether they’re Army JROTC programs in the coun- “at reasonable times to inspect or going to do it for this calendar try. perform the duties imposed.” year or they’re going to give that Principal Bruce Mulkey thanked ev- As the ordinance is currently money to one of their other enti- eryone for attending an event to “cele- written, members of the Bartow ties who apply.” brate a truly amazing accomplishment County Sheriff’s Offi ce, Bartow Lovell noted that the request by some outstanding young men and County Fire Department, Bartow from voestalpine is an unusual young women” and said he’d been County Community Development one. thinking about what he was going to Department and Bartow County “Normally, it’s sort of the say to them at the celebration. Board of Health would have the opposite way,” he said. “The The avid sports fan said he enjoys ability to “conduct inspections to company approves it first and watching interviews with athletes af- ensure compliance with this or- then we approve it, but in this ter championship games to hear “what RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS dinance during the hours the the case they’ve asked us to go they’re trying to articulate to the re- Steven Lynch, right, commander of the male Raiders team, receives his na- facility is open for business,” with tional championship medal and congratulations from Adairsville High School ahead and send them the pro- porter.” principal Bruce Mulkey. “recourse to the remedies provided posal.” “If you watch those interviews, by law to secure entry.” Members of the JDA voted they’re all the same question, right?” speechless or they reply, “I just can’t what’s going through your mind … is The ordinance comes in the unanimously to approve the he said. “So the reporter looks at the put it into words.” the journey, all of the events, all of the wake of the overnight closure of the MOU and bond-related docu- player, puts the microphone in their And there’s a reason for that. experiences that led up to that moment. Budgetel Inn off Carson Loop in ments — who then sent the two face and says, ‘Tell me how you feel “If you’re a champion, you know It’s really not about the championship October, which resulted in the dis- items to the Bartow-Carters- right now.’” what’s going through your head at that game at all.” placement of roughly 200 residents. ville Second Joint Development Usually the athletes answer in one of time really is not about the game,” he Authority (2JDA) for its approv- two ways, Mulkey said — they’re either said. “Sure, you just won it all. But SEE JROTC, PAGE 2A SEE ORDINANCE, PAGE 6A al. Lovell said the proposed proj- ect would bring an estimated 324 new jobs to Bartow, ultimately raising the number of local voes- talpine employees to well over EHES collects stuffed animals, toys for kids in crisis 1,000. While the 2JDA voted unan- BY DONNA HARRIS go above and beyond expectations.” imously to approve both the [email protected] Fifth-grade representative Samantha Gough MOU and bond resolution, was happy with the results of the toy drive. Lovell stressed that voestalpine Students at Euharlee Elementary School be- “I thought we did great,” she said. “It looked has yet to officially authorize gan their season of thanksgiving and gratitude like every student was trying to participate either. a little early. because we had a large amount of stuffed an- If approved by the company, During the entire month of October, the imals.” Lovell said the $58.5 million student council sponsored Bears for Boos, a Corbin, who teaches third-grade English bond would go towards the con- schoolwide community service project to col- language arts, reading and social studies, said struction of a new building and lect stuffed animals and toys for the Bartow the student council originally wanted to collect purchasing new equipment. Un- County Sheriff’s Offi ce to give to kids who are toys for “many different organizations.” der the agreement, he said the involved in accidents and other traumatic situ- “We decided that we needed to narrow down company would refund the previ- ations. who we wanted to concentrate on for the drive,” ous $112 million in bonds issued By the end of the drive, the 20 fourth- and she said. “I contacted the Bartow County Sher- by the 2JDA in 2016. fi fth-graders on the council had collected 152 iff’s Offi ce and spoke with Allison Beanland. Previously, voestalpine Au- stuffed teddy bears, dolls, Disney characters She was so helpful in directing us to who would tomotive Body Parts, Inc. was and plush toys from their schoolmates. benefi t from the bears and toys the most.” issued $62 million in taxable “I was so pleased and overwhelmed by the The Highway Enforcement of Aggressive SPECIAL revenue bonds by the 2JDA in generosity of our students,” student council Traffi c unit was selected as the benefi ciary of Students at Euharlee Elementary School collected stuffed an- 2013. sponsor Amber Corbin said. “EHES has prov- the donations. imals and toys during the entire month of October to donate en time and time again to have the most giving to the Bartow County Sheriff’s Offi ce’s HEAT unit to give kids SEE VOESTALPINE, PAGE 7A and caring parents and students. They always SEE EHES, PAGE 8A involved in traumatic incidents. 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