CENTENARY BIRTHDAY OF SAYAMAGYI DAW KYAN, WRITER RESEARCHER P-8-9 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL State Counsellor offers ‘soon’ to State Counsellor: Only by remembering country’s history, Sanghas in memory of Martyrs one learns what to do and what not in future PAGE-3 PAGE-5 Vol. V, No. 95, 8TH Waxing of Second Waso 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 20 July 2018 President U Win Myint and First Lady Daw Cho Cho pay homage to the Buddha before Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of General Aung San, pays tribute to General Aung San donating ‘soon’ (day meal) to the Members of the Sangha. PHOTO: MNA and Martyrs at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum yesterday. PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT President and First Lady Daw Aung San Suu Kyi pays share merit for martyred tribute to Bogyoke Aung San st leaders on 71 Martyrs’ Day Tens of thousands pay respects to Martyrs st ON the 71st Martyrs’ Day, a donation U Hla Thein and wife Daw Aye Thida, at Mausoleum on 71 Martyrs’ Day ceremony was held at the Nay Pyi Taw Deputy Commander-in-Chief of De- Council Office Zabuthiri Hall yesterday fence Services and Commander-in-Chief AT an event for the 71st Martyrs’ Day held assassinated 71 years ago. morning, and merit was shared for the (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, yesterday at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum in Present at yesterday’s event at the leaders who sacrificed their lives for the Union Ministers, Union Attorney-Gen- Yangon, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Martyrs’ Mausoleum near the northern country. The ceremony was attended by eral, Union Auditor General, Chairman Suu Kyi laid a wreath at the monument of gate of Shwedagon Pagoda were 71st President U Win Myint and First Lady of Union Civil Service Board, Chairman her father, Bogyoke Aung San, and paid Anniversary of Martyrs’ Day Convening Daw Cho Cho. of Nay Pyi Taw Council, Central Bank silent homage. Central Committee Patron Vice President The ceremony was graced by Rever- of Myanmar Governor, Anti-Corruption The State Counsellor would be one U Myint Swe, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U end Sayadaws and Sanghas, led by State Commission Chairman, Nay Pyi Taw of at least 100,000 in Yangon who came T Khun Myat, Amyotha Hluttaw Speak- Ovadacariya Abhidhaja Maharahtaguru Command Commander, Deputy Min- out yesterday to pay their respects to er Mahn Win Khaing Than, Union Chief Maha Visutarama Zaygone Monastery isters, Deputy Attorney General, Nay Bogyoke Aung San and the seven other Justice U Htun Htun Oo, Command- Sayadaw Bhaddantaka Vithara. Also Pyi Taw Council members, Nay Pyi Taw leaders of the pre-independence gov- er-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior present at the ceremony were Chairman Development Committee members and ernment, and one bodyguard —Thakhin General Min Aung Hlaing, Pyithu Hluttaw of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Un- their spouses, Permanent Secretaries, Mya, U Ba Cho, U Razak, U Ba Win, Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein, Amyo- ion U Myo Nyunt and wife Daw Htay Yi, Directors General, invited guests and Mahn Ba Khaing, Sao San Tun, U Ohn tha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha Union Election Commission Chairman officials. SEE PAGE-2 Maung and Ko Htwe—all of whom were Aung, SEE PAGE-10 INSIDE TODAY Secretariat, Bogyoke Aung San Museum jammed with visitors on Martyrs’ Day THOUSANDS observed the 71st Martyrs’ ument, where the names of the Martyrs The building, which is more than 100 years Day yesterday at the Secretariat, the colo- were inscribed, and observed two minutes old, is in the process of being restored. NATIONAL nial-era building where Myanmar’s nation- of silence at 7am as the flag was lowered to A picture of the room, complete with Multi-religious prayer al hero General Aung San was assassinated half-mast in tribute to the fallen martyrs. tables and chairs arranged as they were service for National Leader in 1947, along with eight other martyrs. The room where General Aung San at the time of the assassination, 71 years Bogyoke Aung San A throng led by Yangon Mayor U and his fellow Martyrs were assassinated ago, was also shown to visitors. PAGE-3 Maung Maung Soe gathered at the mon- were shown to the public through CCTV. SEE PAGE-2 20 JULY 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR President and First Lady share merit for martyred leaders on 71st Martyrs’ Day FROM PAGE-1 vided offertories to the Zaygone Monastery Sayadaw Bhaddan- First, President U Win My- taka Vithara. This was followed int and First Lady Daw Cho Cho by the offering of donations to paid homage to the Buddha im- the Sanghas by Chairman of the age in the hall and offered fruits, Constitutional Tribunal of the flowers, water and oil lamps. Union U Myo Nyunt and wife Next, the President, First Daw Htay Yi, Union Election Lady and guests received the Commission Chairman U Hla Five Precepts from State Ovad- Thein and wife Daw Aye Thida, acariya Abhidhaja Maharahtagu- Deputy Commander-in-Chief President U Win Myint and First Lady Daw Cho Cho offer ’soon‘ (day meal) to Members of the Sangha ru Maha Visutarama Zaygone of Defence Services and yesterday at a Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY Monastery Sayadaw Bhadd- Commander-in-Chief (Army) antaka Vithara and listened to Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Myo Aung and their wives. gained with the fallen martyrs. At the end of the ceremo- the Metta Sutta recited by the Union Ministers Lt-Gen Sein After listening to the ser- At 10.37 am, the President, ny, the President, First Lady Sayadaws. Win, Lt-Gen Ye Aung, U Kyaw mon delivered by the presiding First Lady and guests observed and guests offered ‘soon’ to the Later, President U Win My- Tint Swe and Dr. Aung Thu, Nay Sayadaw, the President, First two minutes of silence honouring Sayadaws.—Myanmar News int and wife Daw Cho Cho pro- Pyi Taw Council Chairman Dr. Lady and guests shared merits the martyred leaders. Agency Secretariat, Bogyoke Aung San Museum jammed with visitors on Martyrs’ Day FROM PAGE-1 The rooms on the first floor The building, which is 97 The Parliament building were shown on an LED board in years old, is structurally too weak in the same compound was the compound of the house. to support a large number of visi- opened to visitors. Officials said the public will tors. The historic building will be The building will be open be permitted to visit the first floor renovated in the 2018-2019 Fiscal to the public until 21 July. of the residence after 21 July. Year.—Hein Htet Lin Meanwhile, the General Aung San Museum in Bahan Township was also crowded with visitors yesterday. Union Ministers and Yangon Region Chief Minister offer meals to During the three-day spe- st Sanghas at the Yangon City Hall on the 71 anniversary Martyrs’ cial opening to public, from 19 Day. PHTOO: MNA to 21 July, to mark the 71st Mar- tyrs’ Day, the public was not st allowed to visit the first floor of 71 Martyrs’ Day General Aung San’s residence as the historic house could not withstand the weight and con- ceremony held at stant foot traffic of the crowds. Yangon City Hall Bogyoke Aung San Museum crowded with visitors. PHOTO: MNA A TRADITIONAL ceremony Sangha Maha Nayaka Sayadaw for offering meals and sharing Abhidhaja Agga Maharahtagu- merits to fallen leaders was held ru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Sad- yesterday at the Yangon City dhamma Jotika Dr Bhaddanta Hall on the 71st anniversary of Kumarabivamsa and listened to Martyrs’ Day. the recitation of the Metta Sutta. Present at the ceremony Later, Union Ministers, were Union Ministers, Yangon Yangon Region chief minister Region Chief Minister U Phyo and the deputy ministers offered Min Thein, deputy ministers, offertories to the Sangha, lis- Yangon regional ministers and tened to the sermon delivered by their wives, YCDC secretary and Thanlyin Minn Kyaung Sayadaw members, departmental heads, Agga Maha Panditha Bhaddan- representatives of political par- ta Sandhima Bivamsa and then ties and invited guests. First, the shared merits gained to Bogyoke congregation received the Five Aung San and the fallen leaders. Precepts from Chairman of State —Myanmar News Agency Students visit the Secretariat in Yangon on the 71st anniversary Martyrs’ Day. PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR 20 JULY 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and invited guests receive the Five Precepts given by Ashin Viriya (Dhamma Bheri) at her residence in Yangon. PHOTO: MNA State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi offers ‘soon’ to Sanghas in memory of Martyrs STATE Counsellor Daw Aung gal Affairs and Special Cases San Suu Kyi offered ‘soon’ (day Assessment Commission Chair- meal) to Sanghas at her resi- man Thura U Shwe Mann and dence at No. 54 University Av- wife, Union Peace Commission enue Road in Bahan Township, Chairman Dr. Tin Myo Win and Yangon yesterday morning in wife, Deputy Minister for the memory of her father, Bogyoke Office of the President U Min Aung San, and other martyred Thu and wife, National League leaders. for Democracy patron U Tin Oo The food offering was re- and wife, relatives and friends. ceived by 15 Sanghas led by Before the donation to the Taungzun Sayadaw Ashin Viri- Sanghas, State Counsellor Daw ya (Dhamma Bheri). Present at Aung San Suu Kyi and invited the event together with the State guests received the Five Pre- Counsellor were Vice President cepts given by Ashin Viriya U Myint Swe and wife, Pyithu (Dhamma Bheri).
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