PB19 Casa Flora 72 Cell Tray - 4 trays per box 40 Cell Tray - 3 trays per box 4" Pots - 30 per box is 2 trays Boxing charge 6.90 per box Shipping is not included in the plant price Shipping will be billed as a separate line item. Below 40 degrees F an insulated box will be used an additional charge of $8.90 per box will be charged for insulation Item #68996 Specific Variety COLOR Tags are available at a cost of $0.17 per tag. Tags are sold in a bundle of 25. PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Item # Description TR72 TR40 CS30 TR50 TROPICAL FERNS Boston Types Ferns PB97273 Australian (Emerald Queen) Sword Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata) $51.84 PB70999 Blue Bell Fern (Nephrolepis bostoniensis Blue Bell) $51.84 PB94451 Boston Compacta Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Compacta) $51.84 PB17439 Boston Babe Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Babe) $51.84 PB94808 Boston Dakota Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Bostoniensis Dakota) $51.84 PB22298 California Upright Sword Fern (Nephrolepis Cordifolia California) $51.84 PB94448 Dallas Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Dallasii Ramet cv Dallas Jewel) $56.16 $52.20 PB17440 Emerald Vase Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Emerald Vase) $51.84 PB97275 Fishtail Fern (Nephrolepis falcata Furcans) $51.84 PB97272 Fluffy Ruffles Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Fluffy Ruffles) $51.84 PB24120 Kupukupu Sword Fern (Nephrolepis Cordifolia Hawaii) $56.16 PB97276 Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia Duffi) $51.84 PB70997 Macho Fern (Nephrolepis falcata) $51.84 PB94449 True Boston Fern (Nephrolepis bostoniensis Maasii) $51.84 $52.20 PB94450 True Roosevelt Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata Roosevelt) $51.84 Rabbit's Foot Ferns PB70998 Black Rabbit Foot (Davallia trichomanoides) $59.04 PB97440 White Rabbit Foot (Davallia tyermanii)) $59.04 Tree Ferns PB57699 Antarctic(Tasmanian) Tree Fern (Dicksonia antartcica) $70.56 PB94466 Australian Tree Fern (Cyathea cooperi 'Brentwood') $68.40 PB18312 Brazilian Tree Fern (Blechnum brasiliense) $62.64 PB22299 Silver Lady Fern (Blechnum Gibbum Silver Lady) $64.80 Other Tropical Ferns PB17444 Fragrant Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum Fragrantissimum) $56.16 PB71091 Japanese Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium antiquum) $59.76 PB16289 Victoria Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium antiquum) $61.20 PB19098 Mother Fern (Asplenium bulbiferum) $59.76 PB16286 Austral Gem Fern (Asplenium dimorphum x difforme) $62.64 $58.80 PB57756 Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus Aves) $59.76 PB16287 Hawaiian Laua'e Fern (Microsorum grossum Laua'e) $56.16 PB58975 Wart/Kangaroo Fern (Microsorum scolopendrium) $52.56 PB58723 Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum cv. Netherlands) $59.76 PB14516 Elephant Staghorn Fern (Platycerium Elephantotis) $62.64 PB58974 French Staghorn Fern (Platycerium veitchii cv Lemoine) $59.76 PB94465 Leatherleaf Fern (Rumohra adiantiformis Iberia) $56.16 Pellaea - Button Fern PB97438 Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia) $64.80 PB26394 Blue Star Fern (Polypodium aureum Blue Star) $59.04 Pteris - Brake Ferns PB58972 Variegated Brake Fern (Pteris ensiformis Evergemiensis) $54.72 PB71105 Variegated Cretan Brake Fern (Pteris cretica Albo-lineata) $54.72 Asparagus Ferns PB58973 Foxtail Fern (Asparagus meyerii) $68.40 PB41533 Sprengeri Fern (Asparagus sprengeri) $38.88 PB99802 Asparagus Plumosa Fern (Asparagus setaceus) $44.64 PERENNIAL FERNS Adiantum - Maidenhair Ferns PB98305 5 Finger Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum) $64.80 $68.00 PB58980 Himalayan Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum venustum) $62.64 PB17445 Mairis's Hardy Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum x Mairisii) $59.04 $62.00 PB97439 Rosy Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum hispidulum) $56.16 $61.20 PB97870 Southern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) $56.16 $61.20 PB24127 Tracy's Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Tracy) $62.64 $66.00 PB55031 Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) $70.56 Arachniodes PB98244 East Indian Holly Fern (Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata') $56.16 $61.20 PB17449 Shiny Bristle Fern (Arachniodes davalliaeformis) $59.04 $62.00 PB17451 Upside Down Fern (Arachniodes standishii) $59.04 $62.00 Athyrium - Lady Ferns PB58976 Applecourt Crested Painted Fern (Athryium niponicum pictum Applecourt) $61.20 $62.80 PB57762 Branford Beauty Fern (Athyrium x Branford Beauty) $61.20 $62.80 PB17441 Petite Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina Minutissima) $61.20 $62.80 PB57767 Limelight Lady Fern (Athyrium otophorum) $61.20 $62.80 PB57775 Ghost Painted Fern (Athyrium x Ghost) $61.20 $62.80 PB24067 Godzilla Painted Fern (Athyrium Niponicum Pictum Godzilla) $62.64 $66.00 PB26416 Japanese Painted Fern Pearly White (Athyrium niponicum Pictum Pearly White) $61.20 $62.80 PB94219 Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum Pictum) $56.16 $61.20 PB17443 Japanese Painted Fern Regal Red (Athyrium niponicum Pictum Regal Red) $62.64 $66.00 PB94472 Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) $61.20 $62.80 PB57700 Lady In Red Fern (Athyrium angustum forma rubellum Lady in Red) $61.20 $62.80 PB57788 Tatting Fern (Athyrium filix-femina Frizelliae) $61.20 $62.80 PB57776 Victoria Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina Victoria) $61.20 $62.80 Blechnum - Hard Fern PB57766 Deer Fern (Blechnum spicant) $61.20 $66.00 Cheilanthes(Notholaena) - Lip & Cloak Ferns PB57769 Hairy Lip Fern (Cheilanthes lanosa) $59.76 $62.80 PB57787 Silver Cloak Fern (Cheilanthes argentea) $59.76 $62.80 PB56251 Wavy Cloak Fern (Cheilanthes sinuata) $59.76 $62.80 Cyrtomium - Holly Ferns PB57772 Fortune's Cold Hardy Holly Fern (Cyrtomium fortunei) $57.60 $62.00 PB94456 Japanese Holly Fern (Cyrtomium falcatum Rochfordianum) $54.72 $61.20 Dryopteris - Wood, Shield, & Buckler Ferns PB22304 Beautiful Wood Fern (Dryopteris Pulcherrima) $59.04 $62.00 PB57761 Autumn Brilliance Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora Brilliance) $59.04 $62.00 PB22305 Champions Wood Fern Dryopteris Championii $59.04 $62.00 PB58982 Christata The King Male Fern (Dryopteris Felix-Mas affinis Christata the King) $59.04 $62.00 PB56245 Dixie Wood Fern (Dryopteris x australis) $59.04 $62.00 PB94460 Eastern Wood Fern (Dryopteris marginalis) $59.04 $62.00 PB57768 Fancy Fern (Dryopteris intermedia) $59.04 $62.00 PB17452 Golden Mist Wood Fern (Dryopteris labordei) $59.04 $62.00 PB57791 Goldies Giant Wood Fern (Dryopteris goldiana) $59.04 $62.00 PB98307 Log Fern (Dryopteris celsa) $59.04 $62.00 PB58981 Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) $59.04 $62.00 PB56249 Mexican Male Fern (Dryopteris pseudo-filix-mas) $59.04 $62.00 PB57784 Parsley Leaf Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas Parsley) $59.04 $62.00 PB71018 Remote Wood Fern (Dryopteris x remota) $59.04 $62.00 PB98308 Robust Male Fern (Dryopteris x complexa) $59.04 $62.00 PB98313 Shaggy Shield Wood Fern (Dryopteris cycadina) $59.04 $62.00 PB58717 Southern Shield Fern (Dryopteris ludoviciana) $59.04 $62.00 PB57798 Tokyo Wood Fern (Dryopteris tokyoensis) $59.04 $62.00 Matteuccia - Ostrich Fern PB57785 Ostrich Fern - The King (Matteuccia struthiopteris The King) $61.20 $62.80 Microlepia - Lace Fern PB58979 Lace Fern (Microlepia strigosa) $59.76 $62.00 Onoclea - Sensitive Fern PB57701 Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) $59.76 $62.00 Osmunda - Flowering Ferns PB98312 American Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis var. Spectabilis) $61.20 $62.80 PB98303 Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) $64.80 $68.00 PB58978 Interrupted Fern (Osmunda claytoniana) $64.80 $68.00 Polypodium - Pyrossia PB18314 Scouler's Polypod Fern (Polypodium scouleri) $59.04 Polystichum - Holly, Shield, & Sword Ferns PB19099 Alaskan Soft Shield Holly Fern (Polystichum setiferum divisilobum) $59.76 $62.00 PB24121 Asian Saber Fern (Polystichum Neolobatum) $59.76 $62.00 PB94221 Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) $59.76 $62.00 PB17442 Dyce's Hybrid Holly Fern (Polystichum x Dycei) $59.76 $62.00 PB94464 Korean Rock Fern (Polystichum tsus-simense) $59.76 $62.00 PB57773 Makino's Holly Fern (Polystichum makinoi) $59.76 $62.00 PB94222 Soft Shield Bevis Fern (Polystichum Setiferum Bevis) $59.76 $62.00 PB94463 Tassel Fern (Polystichum polyblepharum) $59.76 $62.00 PB55506 Western Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum) $62.64 $66.00 Thelypteris - River & Maiden Ferns PB19101 Dwarf River Fern (Thelypteris ovata 'Lindheimerii') $59.04 $62.00 PB98309 Japanese Beech Fern (Thelypteris decursive-pinnata) $59.04 $62.00 PB58983 Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris) $59.04 $62.00 PB58986 Southern River Wood Fern (Thelypteris kunthii) $56.16 $61.20 Woodwardia - Chain Ferns PB71165 Giant Chain Fern (Woodwardia fimbriata) $59.76 $62.00 PB22309 Jeweled Chain Fern (Woodwardia Unigemmata) $59.76 $62.00 PB16773 Virginia Chain Fern (Woodwardia virginica) $59.76 $62.00 SELAGINELLA PB13046 Emmeliana Spikemoss (Selaginella sp Emeliana) $52.56 PB72744 Frosty Fern (Selaginella kraussiana variegatus) $52.56 PB72746 Krauss' Gold Spikemoss (S. kraussiana Aurea) $52.56 PB72745 Krauss' Gold Tips Spikemoss (S. kraussiana Gold Tips) $52.56 PB72747 Krauss' Green Spikemoss (S. kraussiana) $52.56 PB71001 Peacock Spikemoss (S. uncinata) $52.56 Foliage PB94808 Tea Tree (Camellia Sinensis $52.80 PB24619 Coffee $26.64 $23.50 PB71720 Fatsia Japonica (Aralia Siebold) $26.64 PB71127 Philodendron Monstera (Deliciosa) $31.00 PB13694 Philodendron Splitleaf (Selloum) $30.24 PB26980 Philodendron Danadu (Philodendron Winterbourn) $54.00.
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