“Who gets the money?” 2005 (pages 13-19) British readers If only the baboon ploy send a gift to helped with elephants bile farm bears C H E N G D U ––An early Christmas JOHANNESBURG, CAPE “The monitors, drawn from the present sent to the Animals Asia Foundation in T O W N ––Baboons are a traditional head- unemployed particularly in Masiphumelele, October 2005 by the readers of the W e s t e r n ache for South African wildlife officials, have been successful in keeping baboons Daily Press in Bristol, England, bought the but environment and tourism minister out of the smaller Southern Peninsula vil- December 6, 2005 delivery of a newly liberat- Marthinus van Schalkwyk probably wishes lages of Kommetjie, Scarborough and Da ed bear family of four to the China Bear Rescue elephant issues could as easily be handled. Gama Park,” wrote Melanie Gosling of the Center near Chengdu. Failing to achieve broad-based Cape Times. “As of 6 p.m. today,” Animals Asia agreement in favor of culling the Kruger “The monitors employ the simple Foundation founder Jill Robinson e-mailed, National Park elephant population at a method of lining up and making any form of “we have four bears settling down in our hospi- series of consultatation meetings in noise, for instance clapping their hands,” tal, munching on a fresh fruit supper and November and December 2005, South explained Bekker. “This discourages the slurping shakes made of condensed milk, African environment and tourism minister baboons from crossing into an urban area. sugar, blueberry jam, apples, and pears. One Marthinus van Schalkwyk scheduled anoth- The monitors also collect important scientif- poor love is blind. Some have cage-bar and Ex-bile farm bear at the original Animals Asia er consultation meeting for early 2006. ic data regarding baboon populations.” stereotypic scarring.” Foundation sanctuary in Pan Yu. (Kim Bartlett) Van Schalkwyk is believed to Observed Gosling, “With Robinson noted that all had wounds In seven years of rescuing bears from favor culling, but only with political cover increasing numbers of houses springing up in their stomachs indicative of having been bile farms whenever officials can be persuaded sufficient to prevent harm to the South in baboons’ traditional foraging grounds, used for bile collection by the “free drip” to permanently close one, the Animals Asia African tourist industry. baboons have turned to stealing food from method, in which shunts are implanted to keep Foundation has taken in 198 bears, with 165 Van Schalkwyk’s Cape Province houses, leaving behind a mess of feces, their gall bladders constantly open. This is the still living at the Chengdu sanctuary, opened in counterpart avoided a similar confrontation spilt food, broken furniture and electrical most common method of collecting bile from October 2000. over baboons when CapeNature acting chief appliances. In retaliation, residents have caged bears now, superseding the older method Western Daily Press senior reporter executive Fanie Bekker appropriated 3.5 taken to shooting and poisoning the ani- of permanent catheterization. Ruth Wood and photo editor Jon Mills in million rand, worth about $530,000 U.S., mals, often maiming them…Many have The bile is used in traditional Chinese September 2005 set out to raise £5,000 to help to hire baboon monitors. been injured or killed by cars.” medicine to relieve pain and fever––and report- the bears with an appeal to readers. The appeal Schemes have even been edly has at least 74 herbal alternatives. actually raised £120,000. advanced to try to control baboons by “They’re angry, stressed, and need As well as rescuing and rehabilitating (continued on page 8) lots of tender loving care,” Robinson said. (continued on page 9) ANIMAL PEOPLE News For People Who Care About Animals December 2005 Volume XV, #10 Olive baboon. (Kim Bartlett) Will the European Union phase + out animal testing––or export it? + B R U S S E L S ––Trade associations framework designed to gather better informa- representing the animal health, bio tech, tion on chemicals that reached the market chemical, cosmetic, pesticide, pharmaceuti- before 1981.” cal, and soap and detergent sectors on REACH parallels the High Product- November 11, 2005 signed a pledge to jointly ion Volume testing program underway in the seek alternatives to animal testing. The agree- U.S. since 1998. If not amended, REACH ment was brokered by European commission- could potentially require Britain alone to per- ers for enterprise and research Günter form tests on as many as 6.5 million animals, Verheugen and Janez Potoènik. British rural affairs minister Alun Michael told “We do not only wish to reduce ani- Parliament in March 2004. mal testing, but also want to bring it to an end But British chemical product manu- in the long run,” declared Verheugen. facturers do not seem to be rushing to do the The signatories committed them- tests––at least not in Britain. selves to producing an action plan early in The Association of the British 2006, Sebastian Marx of the cosmetics trade Pharmaceutical Industry in April 2005 pub- group COLIPA told Stephen Pincock of T h e lished figures showing that investment in Scientist. European Union laboratories cur- British-based research dropped from £3.3 bil- rently use about 10.7 million animals per year. lion in 2003 to £3.2 billion in 2003, after years “More than half of these are used in of annual increases. research, human medicine, dentistry, and Home Office data shows that British “Many citizens were surprised on November 5, 2005 to see Robert Francizsty’s fundamental biological studies,” wrote laboratory use of nonhuman primates declined performance ‘T4-Work in Progress’ in downtown Zagreb,” writes Animal Friends Croatia. Pincock. “Another 16 percent are used in pro- 12% in 2004. About 70% of the nonhuman Organized to promote a seminar on the Charles Patterson book Eternal Treblinka: Our duction and quality control,” associated with primates used in British labs are part of toxi- Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust, the performance coincided with the arrival of making human health care products. About cology studies done to test pharmaceuticals. avian flu H4N1 in Croatia and the ensuing slaughter and incineration of tens of thousands of 10% are used “for toxicology and other types Expecting the trend away from non- factory-farmed poultry in a “stamping out” effort symbolically represented by shoes and of safety evaluation,” Pincock added. human primate research to accelerate, chicken carcasses. Helping Francizsty were fire swallower Senata Hren, narrator Nina The new declaration comes 19 years Cambridge University in January 2004 can- Coric, composer Igor Bogdanic, and video director Drazen Jeren. (Animal Friends Croatia) after the European Union adopted a directive celled plans to build a new primate lab. calling for the use of alternatives to animal In March 2005 the Academy of experimentation wherever they exist. Medical Sciences, the Medical Research Trafficking brings H5N1 threat home “The timing of the current initiative Council, the Royal Society, and the NEW HAVEN––Pickled “jellyfish” killed 71 people in Indonesia, Thailand, had a lot to do with another proposed EU Wellcome Trust jointly appointed a scientific could bring the potentially deadly H5N1 avian Vietnam, China and Cambodia since 2003: directive that could have the opposite effect,” panel to assess the future of nonhuman primate flu virus to the U.S., a courtroom learned on just over half the total number of people Pincock noted. “That proposal, under debate research in Britain. December 15 in New Haven, Connecticut. known to have become infected. Most victims at the moment, is Registration, Evaluation “Countries such as China, India, Food King Inc. owner Vichittra “Vicky” were poultry workers, cockfighters, or mem- and Authorization of Chemical Substances, a (continued on page 10) Aramwatananont pleaded guilty to smuggling bers of the families of poultry workers and more than 27,600 pounds of chicken feet into cockfighters, who shared their homes with the U.S. from Thailand, mislabeled “jelly- sick birds. fish” to evade inspection. The chicken feet “There are some subtle changes in were sold in 11 states. the genetic makeup of H5N1 which suggest “Aramwatananont faces up to six that it is making some of the mutations that months in prison, but is not expected to would enable it to have a higher likelihood of receive jail time when she is sentenced on being able to become a human-to-human March 24,” reported Associated Press writer transmitted virus,” warned senior United Matt Apuzzo. “Food King will pay $170,000 Nations coordinator for avian and human as part of a plea agreement.” influenza David Nabarro during a December Still passing mostly from bird to 16 visit to Pnom Penh, Cambodia. bird, rarely crossing into humans and even “Virologists who study these things more rarely into other mammals, H5N1 has (continued on page 11) 2 - ANIM AL PEOPLE, December 2005 On the way home I worried about Petie. I knew he was on the run deep in the desert . and there was no way I could be back before dark to even try to rescue him. All night long I tossed and turned, thinking of how sad it was that Petie, and the other dogs I was talking about at the meeting, had nothing to eat but occasional trash and fast food wrappers thrown from a car window . but Petie’s chewing on a piece of rubber took this suffering to a new low. Being obsessed with saving the lives of any animal in need, and feeling Petie’s pain, I headed out early the next morning with our rescue van hoping to find Petie still alive and not dead by the side of the road.
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