VOLUME 46 No 41 South Amboy, N. J., Friday, January 14, 1927 Price Four Cents. PORT RARITAN COMMISSION OFFERS ENTERTAIN PARENT FOURTH CHAUTAUQUA PETITION URGES GIVING COUNTY MAIN TEACHERS ASS'N TUJESDAY, JAN. 25TH PLAN FOR WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT Regular Monthly Meeting Tuesda Engaging Program Planned for Fi- ST. AND PAVING IT AS CONNECTING LINK Enjoys Program by Pupils. nal Event of Series. Would Reclaim Nearly 400 Acres Now Inundated—Urge St. .Mary's Parent-Tciachers Asso The fourth aiwi last of the Chau- Council Asked to Initiate Action—Ordinances Appointing elation held its regular monthly meet tauqua series of entertainments will Full^Cooperation of Property Owners—Ask For Condi ing on Tuesday of this week. be given in the high school auditor- Officials Adopted at Lengthy Session Opened With The attendance was good despit ium on Tuesday, Jan. 25th, both af- tional Options on Riparian Rights and Titles. the cold weather some parents travel ternoon and evening. Prayer. ing all tine way from Keyport to en- At 3:30 P. M. a musical prelude a joy the evening's entertainment. The Port Raxitan Commission pre- ===^^==^= will be given by the Betty Booth The paving of Main street from eented at the City Hall here Monday IMOITD ANf V AP|7rV'I\ The following program as pre Concert ,Co., and a special entertain- Washington avenue to Roses Corner sen ted speaks for itself; ment for the children will be pre- "• night a comprehensive plan for the Overture, "In the Middle of th, POLISH CITIZENS CLUB by (thb Board of Freeholders after (reclamation otf nearly four hundred sented by the famous ventriloquist, taking <yver the road 'by *hat body was Night", Alioe Kennedy, on the violin Frederick C. Trappe. In the even- • acres o>f land mow lying under water TO SEE WASHINGTON 1 ELECTS NEW OFFICERS the content of a petition presented to ^between the teal' wall piers and "Bye, Bye Blackfoird", cornet sol. ing at 8:15 "A Master's Birthday' , , . , , „ , the Commton Council at the< first reg- Local Men Cuests of Prudential Life by Anthony Banbiere. an operetta will be .presented by the . Cheepequake Creek at Morgan. The At the yearlyy y .meeting of the Po-u]ai. .^jo,^jo,,, of that body held Tues- at Annual Conrention. Vocal S«Je«.tions, fry Seventh Gnad' company. u]ai of that plan was presented through la com- ksh AmericaA n CitizenCt s CluClbb helhldd re- day evening. ThThe puttitiotti n borb e thhe aiittee of Commission mieonbers head- PupJJs, "Agnus Dei" and "Sylvia." Anyone not hoklinjr a season tick- cently, tlw following offtcers were > signature of a number of local citi- «d by •George JR. Delaney, of this A few of *he agents -of the Pru- .Sketch, "Lu<nllei and Oswald" et, may .purchase single ad.miissi<jn electcelected ttUo serve during the year 1D21D277 . _ ^ dential Insurance Company working present deplorable condi- «jty; 4.The meeting was attended by John McDonnell and Helen Monag. tickets the aftcrnon or night of the Lawrence J. Polowczyk, President, j^n the road, the nuismce of in- b han. performance. Frank Stochc.il, Vice4*resident. creasing automobile traffic owr it, of the property owners af-i™J™^YwLZguests of the companmy at a two day Piano Solo, "Polet and Peasant" ^-'•'""iiected, toy 1°*^ sm^ county Very fc.v people wiho s<?e ia ven- Julkia Zalewski, Treasurer. the need of a hard surface roadway, convention to foe held at the May-Gertrude Trinley. triloquist at work realize how thor- Louis Ploskonka, Secretary. Che need of .that portion of the road flower Hotel, Washington, D. C. on interest- The regular business meeting pro- ough an actor he is and what a clo- Henry Malkiewicz, Sergeant at as a connecting link in the contem- citizens and business Jun. 27th end 2&th. The conven- ceeded tho entertainment program ed. ver job of composing un act tie docs. Arms. plated .highway improvements under tion is one of a business nature and but provled to 'be in itself an interest Frederick C. Truppe is a man who Vincent Bartkowiak and Paul Bry- consideration by the .State adn Coun- entcrUu.it-d ing part of the ewninff's program. has been an actor on the legitimate linski, Trustees. ty authorities were among t'he • easons while they bution to those desiring of giving the The mumlbers present learned tho stage and i» called a "character man" Mr. Polowczyk, who wins elected assigned fur petitioning the council matter close study. Briefly the are in the Capitol. The following results of the movie (benefit so ably because hi* work was the making president, is well known in the real to take actioji. plan as drawn shows a proposed bulk- agents, leaders in this district will conducted by Mrs, James Wallace himsulf up to look like interesting estate und insurance business in the During the discussion which fol- pp aiblend: Assistant Superintendent chairlndy of the ways und nw p head parallelling nd uniiHiml characters. Bergen Hill section and is very ac- lawfcia thc, r<fndine of the petition, 1 pierhead line Lw) Kalz B nebt Sin T DavW h mittee. JOBeJy amand dex exZrJiZ g fm™_ e coal - «" ^ . ^ It was this exnCTiaiMSc that show tivo among the Polish citizens, not city Solicitor Lovely .brought out inson and George Gengel. Tho proceeds of tho different card >d Mr. Trappe 'how vt"r,jwtile he could only in this city .but throughout the,that the law required that such -- piers to Morgan. The chairman of Ageats of Ithe Prudential Comiwiny the committee, Mir. Defaney, explain- parties i?iv<>n to <inir>ry 011 th<> chain, >e and tfave him tho training neces- State. He, is treasurer «xf Branch '.petition should be accompanied by from all over tho country will attend was read by t'he 'twas uuor, Mrs. Wcii- iary for him to HniUiito the many dif- 110, of the Polish National Alliance Up or ,plan showing 'the beginning ed that the imain object .of the meet- number mnn in -her report. "crait 'kinds of voices he lines when of A/meriKia, and also treasurer of the '• aTMj en<j| wi4tn amj ie.ngth of the road Mrs. Richard Mack, as ohainhidy of for his dummies or "block- Naturalization Sub-Committee in fa question. It waa finally decided lospitality explained .the motive pow- pg IOIUIH" US he calls Lham. Newark" '". Ithatithe petition be received and the that, a very dose approximate of the er behind the ilitUle dunce given rtf- The club plans many activities dur- clerk authorized .to notify the petit- ctantly to St. Mwry'.s gUiidunU's and iMr. Trnppe's family numbers five iprojetet might bo ofotaiinied. eople representing sharply disting- ing the coming year and further an- ioners regardingg g the mapp . A suggesgg - l present high school .mcmibcns, nouncement will be mad© later in this • A suggestion from Dhe audience Dr. li. G. Griffin, after persuasion, j si hod dhuracters. The talk that connection. tion that the City Engineer furnish that a committee 'be appointed to talk HARMONY CLUB lows luick un-d forth between Mr. tho necessary map met with opposi- gave a short talk und then with the tion baaed on the probable cost it the project over with the interested 'help of the Sisters of Mercy, who Irappo and his family is fast, furious property owners and endeavor to | —oTO— ENTERTAIN ind funny, and When you realize would entail. Next lurt so kindly stayed for that pur CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS The meeting of the Council - have them agree 'upon valuations At High School Auditorium >ose, gave all visitors who had nothat he is talking to 'himself all the seemed to .meet with imuch favor. The | Tuesday Night. ;imo and yet never makes <a mistake opened with a pray«r delivered bs ylet seen the new addition to the INSTALL OFFICERS the Rev. G. E. Sehlbrede, ipastor of committee designated were, as l'ol-j —-°— school building, an opportunity to do >ut always speaks the liiw with the >ropur voice and accent, you respect the First Presbyterian Church. Get* lows: Dr. Robinson, A. T. McMichael, Arrangements have been comple- Silk Shower li Given Retiring Offi- Chanles SaiSran, Wm. E. Lawrence I ted for the part song conceit to be ;he man .for 'his really great ability. iting under way shortly after e^l and Counoilman-at-Large Raymond given next Tuesday at the High he ichildren giggle and squeal with cers of Court Sancta Maria. o'/clock, the meeting lasted unt'l very Mallloy. The committee is to report School Auditorium by the South Am- lelight and the old folks chuckle and nearly eleven. The .lengthy meeting CHAPMAN TAKES inally 'burst out into hearty roars of At the regular meeting of the f!a-was ithjt" result of rather Jengthy dis- at the next meeting of the Commis- boy Harmony Club. Between twen- tholic Daughters of America held in cussions of nearly every matter that sion, which will be held here on Jan. ty and thirty -mom'bors will take part pughter, at the ".fame time admiring 20th. in the program, in addition bo the POSTMASTERSHIP ihe ability that makes the act possi- the K. of C. rooms last nighit the An-was brought before the councilmen. {Property 'owners holding eithci- South Amboy High School Orchestra l nual Installation of officers took The Woman's Club through the nights or title to property along the which will play several selections. Relieved Frank Hoffman Tuesday— place. District Deputy Mrs. Margar- corresponding secretary, Jean S. waiter front or riparian rights, etc., The entertainment will start at 8:15 Hoffman Praised.
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