UNICEF SOMALIA WARBIXIN SANADEEDDA 2016-ka UNICEF SOMALIA WARBIXIN SANADEEDDA 2016-ka TUSMO WARAAQ KA TIMID WAKIILKA UNICEF SOMALIA 4 CAAFIMAADKA 5 NAFAQADA 9 BIYAHA, FAYADHOWRKA IYO NADAAFADDA (WASH) 12 WAXBARASHADA 16 ILAALINTA CARRUURTA 19 WARBIXIN DHINACYO BADAN TAABANAYSA 22 TAAGEERADA DEEQ-BIXIYEYAASHA 27 Cover photo: ©UNICEF Somalia/Sebastian Rich 2 UNICEF SOMALIA Annual Report 2016 S O M A L I A A D M I N I S T R A T I V E M A P 42°E 44°E 46°E 48°E 50°E N N ° Caluula ° 2 ! 2 1 1 CALUULA ! Zeylac ! Bossaso GULF OF ADEN !! DJIBOUTI !Laasqoray QANDALA ZEYLAC BOSSASO ISKUSHUBAN Lughaye LAASQORAY ! Ceerigaabo LUGHAYE BERBERA !! ! AWDAL BAKI CEERIGAABO BORAMA ! ! SANAAG BARI CEELAFWEYN N N ° GEBILEY ° 0 Borama 0 ! Sheikh Ceel Afweyn 1 ! ! ! 1 SHEIKH QARDHO !Gebiley WOQOOYI BANDARBAYLA ! Burco GA!LBEED ! Qardho ! ! ! !Odweyne CAYNABO HARGEYSA BURCO !Xudun T!ALEEX TOGDHEER XUDUN Taleex OWDWEYNE !Caynabo SOOL GAROWE Laas Caanood !! BUUHOODLE ! Garowe !! !Buuhoodle LAASCAANOOD EYL NUGAAL N N ° ! ° 8 BURTINLE 8 ETHIOPIA !Burtinle GALDOGOB ! !Galdogob JARIIBAN GAALKACYO Gaalkacyo !! MUDUG !Cabudwaaq ! Cadaado HOBYO N CADAADO N ° CABUDWAAQ ° 6 6 Dhuusamarreeb !! DHUUSAMARREEB ! GALGADUUD XARARDHEERE CEELBUUR !Ceel Barde Belet Weyne CEELBARDE !! Ceel Buur ! !Xarardheere !Yeed BAKOOL HIRAAN XUDUR !Doolow Xudur RABDHUURE !! Tayeeglow N DOOLOW ! N ° ° 4 BULOBURTO CEELDHEER 4 LUUQ Waajid ! ! !Belet Xaawo ! ! Bulo Burto !Adan Yabaal Ceel Dheer Luuq TAYEEGLOW WAAJID KENYA ADANYABAAL BELET JALALAQSI XAAWO Garbahaarey BAIDOA ! !! Jalalaqsi !Berdale GARBAHAAREY CADALE !! JOWHAR GEDO !Qansax Dheere MIDDLE Ceel Waaq !Buur Hakaba WANLAWEYN Jowhar ! !! SHABELLE Cadale QANSAX ! CEELWAAQ DHEERE ! BAY BALCAD !Diinsoor Baardheere BUURHAKABA !Balcad ! AFGOOYE BAARDHEERE ! DIINSOOR BANADIR N \! N ° ° 2 QORYOOLEY Mogadishu 2 MARKA SAAKOW Qory!ooley Marka KURTUNWAAREY ! Saakow ! ! !Kurtunwaarey INDIAN OCEAN LOWER MIDDLE SHABELLE JUBA Bu'aale Sablaale !! ! SABLAALE BU'AALE !Baraawe BARAAWE AFMADOW JILIB Afmadow ! ! JAMAAME LOWER ! ° ° 0 JUBA 0 Kismayo !! KISMAYO BADHAADHE !Badhaadhe / Legend Map reference: 160215_Somalia_Administrative_Map_A1 Map data source(s): \! Creation Date: 15/02/2016 Administration layers.: UNDP Somalia (1998) National Capital International boundary Projection/Datum: Geographic/WGS 1984 Road and Rivers: FAO SWALIM P Town Disputed border Web Resources: http://www.unocha.org/Somalia/ S S ° Email: [email protected] ° 2 p Airstrip Region boundary 2 Nominal Scale at A1 paper size: 1:2,170,000 !! ! Regional capital District boundary Disclaimers: ! The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do District capital Major road not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, Coastline 0 40 80 120 160 200 kms territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the elimitation of its River frontiers or boundaries. 42°E 44°E 46°E 48°E 50°E Esri, DeLorme, GEBCO, NOAA NGDC, and other contributors WARAAQ KA TIMID WAKIILKA UNICEF SOMALIA Letter from the UNICEF Somalia Representative Guud ahaan, UNICEF waxaa ay daaweysey ilaa 91,000 carruur nafaqo-xumo ba’an ay haysey oo da’doodu ka yareyd shan sano. Carruurta la daaweeyey ayaa waxaa ka boqsoodeyFor UNICEF 93 Somalia,boqolkiiba. 2015 Annaga was ooa year kaashaneyna of highs WHOand lows. We saw positive progress for children and their iyorights UNFPA, but waxaanalso the taageerney devastating sii losswanaajinta of four helitaanka of our colleagues in an attack in Puntland. adeegyada caafimaadka ee 5.7 milyan qof, oo ay ka mid In October, Somalia became the 196th country to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is yihiin 900,000 carruur ah oo ku nool 47 degmo oo la beegsadey.excellent news Soomaaliya for children. ayaa xaaladdeedii The Convention adkeysatey provides oo an important framework for policy and legislation welion children’sxor ka ah cudurka rights. UNICEFdabeysha, immediately iyada oo shan started olole ooworking closely with the federal government to ensure tallaalkaits implementation. cudurka dabeysha In Somaliland, ah oo ay fuliyeen progress UNICEF was iyo made towards finalizing a Child Protection Act. la-hawlgalayaasha lagu gaarey 2.3 milyan oo caruur ah. Another positive development was the official announcement that Somalia has succeeded in interrupting UNICEF ayaa sidoo kale gacan ka geysatey in carruurta the transmission of the wild polio virus. The last case was reported over a year and a half ago. The lala xiriiriyo kooxaha hubeysan laga soo dhex saaro dibna loogusuccess celiyo in stopping bulshooyinkoodii polio was waxaana the result ay ofkorjoogteyn a well-resourced and coordinated campaign by the authorities, kusupported sameysey by kana UNICEF soo warbixisey and WHO. xadgudubyada More than 2 million culus children were vaccinated. Madaxa Hay’adda UNICEF ee Somalia Steven Lauwerier oo ee loo geysto xuquuqaha aadanaha. Waxaan sidoo kale booqaneyay hoyooyin iyo caruur jooga xarunta lagu daaweeyo During the year, UNICEF maintained its core activities, treating over 115,000 severely malnourished caruurta ku dhacay nafaqo daro ee taagerto UNICEF oo ku ka hortagney oo aan wax ka qabanney dhacdooyin la tala Garbaharey. xiriireychildren tacaddi under ku5 years saleysan of age, jinsi, providing annaga nearlyoo gaarney 317,000 people with sustainable water supply systems and ©UNICEF Somalia/Knowles-Coursin dhibbanayaanhelping the authorities 4,000 ah. Ugu to provide dambeyntii, health waxaan care to66,000 5.5 million people. With support from the Global Fund, 1.4 carruurmillion ah long-lasting gacan ka siinney insecticide-treated in ay ku biiraan malaria dugsiyada nets were distributed in 2015. aasaasiga ah. In addition, we helped more than 84,000 young children and adolescents to receive an education. We UNICEF Somalia, sanadka 2016ka waxaa uu u ahaa sanad Annaga oo adeegsaneyna tabo cusub sida lacagaha aan provided 10,000 children, including children of pastoralists, with the means to attend Alternative Basic culeys uu jirey kaas oo aanse ku guuleysanney in aan shuruudda ku xirneyn oo loo wareejiyey 5,000 qoys iyada horumar ballaaran ka gaarno xuquuqaha carruurta ooEducation loo sii marinayo Centres. kaararka We assisted elektaroonnigga over 9,700 ah survivors ee ay of gender-based violence through a package of inkasta oo ay culeysyo mug lihi ay jireen. sameyseyservices, andWFP, provided iyo barnaamijyo reintegration idaacadeed support oo for laga 769 children who had been involved with armed groups. wada qaybqaato oo dadka macluumaad lagu gaarsiiyo Sanadka dhexdiisa, ayaa Dowladda Federaalka There were also several exciting new initiatives, such as a joint birth registration and vaccination campaign, Soomaaliya ay ansaxisey Qorshihii Horumarinta Qaranka oo ururiyana xogta dadka dhegeysta, ayaan waxaan ee uu dalku yeesho kii ugu horreeyey muddo 30 sano qabanneywhich led tohawlo 106,000 ka childrenballaaran obtaining barnaamijyadeenna birth certificates, expansion of the micronutrient sachet scheme, ah. UNICEF ayaa hubisey in ay ku jirto xog ay carruurtu joogtadaand the ah.use of mobile phones to collect data for nutrition and health. xuddun u yihiin iyo hab nafaqeyn oo waaxo badan ay 1dii Jannaayo 2016kii, ayaa 17ka Yoolalka Horumarinta fuliyaan oo waafaqsan Ballaarinta Hawlaha Nafaqeynta. Early warnings about the El Niño weather system enabled UNICEF and partners to preposition supplies Joogtada ah ee Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaan diiradda saarney ilaalinta in advance of the heavy rains in the south, which affected an estimated 145,000 people and temporarily iyo Ajandaha Hourmairnta Joogtada ah ee 2030 ee bulshada iyo adkeysiga maaddaama ay yihiin cunsurrada Agendadisplaced for 60,000. Sustainable Hiraan, Development Lower Juba,ay Middlesi rasmi Juba ah and Middle Shabelle were the most affected regions. taageera sii wanaajinata helidda adeegyada aasaasiga ay u dhaqangaleen waxaana UNICEF dhexgelineysaa ah. UNICEF’s operations during 2015 were particularly challenging following the attack on the 20th of April in qorsheyeyaasheeda iyo hawsheeda. Xaaladda bani’aadamnimada ayaa sii xumaaneysey Garowe, Puntland. UNICEF lost four staff: Payenda Gul Abed, Brenda Kyeyune, Woki Munyui and Stephen sanadka 2016ka, iyada oo hannaanka cimilada ee El WaqtiganOduor. Five warbixintan more were la seriouslydaabacayo, injured. UNICEF UNICEF Somalia has since adopted new operating modalities to adapt to Niño loo yaqaan uu sababey abaar ba’an oo ka dhacdey waxaathe higher si ballaaran risk environment kor ugu qaaddey (such hawlgalladeeda as increased partner lagu risk profiles, third-party and real-time monitoring). khafiifinayo raadadka ay reebtey abaarta dabadheer oo waqooyiga dalka iyo fatahaado ka dhacay koonfurta. This is work in progress. UNICEF Somalia ayaa taageertey bulshooyinkii ay saameysey nolosha malaayiin qof waxaana ay sii wadi abaartu saameysey iyada oo siisey waraaqo biyo lagu doontaaDespite hawsha these challenges, la xiriirta in wemustaqbal currently ifaya still ay have gaaraan 36 international and 144 national staff based in Somalia, dhammaan carruurta dalka ku dhaqan, gaar ahaan kuwa beddesho iyo adeegyo iskudhafan oo caafimaad iyo with a support office in Nairobi working to ensure that the children of Somalia realize their basic rights nafaqo oo warwareega. Waxaa sidoo kale aan degdeg ugu nugul, iyo in la hubiyo in ay helaan xuquuqahooda and receive full support to survive and thrive.
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