WTT5 GOVEKNMENT OF INDU ^R nsFT W m I DETAtLED DEMANDS FOR GRANTS NIEPA DC f OF llililli D^0092 MINISTJIY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT FOR 1996-97 Wafcid^fklhi^ittiVe r i Sducl^i^lar PlaQQin^f nd Admiijii*tr»tior*. 17-^, S?j Aurobin<j|.o M*r<, Naw Delhi-110016' ^ o o c . N o .................... ^ ERRATA Deptt of Education Demand No. 47 Page No. Particulars Reference For Read 1 2 3 4 5 1 O.T.A. Numerical Code 0100.03 01,00.03 . 1 Foreign Travel Expenses —Do— 01.0012 01.00.12 3 Grmts-in-aid —D o - 0206.31 02.06.31 3 ^ 0 — —Do— 030031 03.00.31 3 —Do— —Do— 12.0031 12.00.31 3 —Do— —Do— 11.0031 11.00.31 * Professional Services —Do— 1300.28 .13.00.28 4 Grants-in-Aid —Do— 14.0031 14.00.31 4 -rJDo— Do— 1600.31 16.00.31 7 Scholarships of Stipends —-Do— 00.0134 00.01.34 18 Salaries —D o^ 0200.01 02.00.01 18 O.T.A —Do— 02.0003 02.00.03 28 Salaries —Do— 03.0401 03.04.01 61 RE 1995-96 (Plan) 01.00.31 18,00 9,18,00 65 Under 04.00.31 Numerical Code 0 03 66 Grants-in-Ald - D o - 01.0031 01.00.31 78 Appendix IX-A After Budget 1995-96 Revised 1996-97 Revised 199^96 80 Salary (B) Staff 1640—2660 Actuals 1996 — 4 105 S. No. 1 Col. 2 ...Auldt... ...Adult... ... Saldia, . Sabha, Hyderakad Hyderabad. 109 Col. 1 S. No. 2 32 117 Col. 1 S. No. 144 114 in C o ll S. No. ' 166 116 144 Statement Information NI NIL Deptt of Youth & Sports 163 08.90.31 08.00.31 164 Other E3q>endi- 00.800 ture Minor Head 178 95,00 95,00,00 Deptt of Culture 1 2 3 4 5 201 Total—Other Schemes B.E. 1996-97—Total-Plan 31,9,00 31,90,00 203 Objective Head B.E. 1996-97 203 Machinery & Equipment Machineiy & Equipment 02.03.28 02.03.52 B.E. 1996-97 Plan — 55,00 203 D o - —Do— —^Non-Plan — 1,50 203 —Do— —^Do— —^Total — 56,50 203 02.03.20 B.E. 1996-97 Other Adnm. E?q)enses—Plan 55,00 — . 203 —Do— —^Do— —^Non-Plan 1,50 — 203 - D o - —Do— —Total 56,50 — 210 Total B.E. 1996-97 Promotion and Strengthening of 190,00 100,00 regional & local museums 01.00.31—Grants-in-aid—Total ll^Hri^inHfeleBRTtWHR Deptt of Women and Child Dev. Demand Na 50 %WT'*n S.No. Page No. Computer Code In place of Read 1. 244 36 •iftiril I^T'PT 2. 244 36.00.50 ^TFRT 3r*f5P1R 3. 244 33 . 4. 244 33.01 5FF«r WI<f 5. 244 33.04 ■?Pr 6. 263 — of Est^lishment and therefore Establishment and Budget I^ovision therefor 7. 272 3IC0I.4&6 766,60,50 776,60,50 803,97,10 813,97,10 8. 272 50 Col. 4 & 6 55,22,00 65,22,00 55,59,15 65,59,15 9. 272 Total C0I4&6 827,07,00 847,07,00 895,07,00 ' 875,07,00 ___X a . ---------------------------------/ — V - 2128 HRD/96 'T' M o '■J J d O -li .S A .X ^ •TV » \ ~“S -^5 .=; O ■3 *ii > i- jt t C TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 1- ^ 1. Detailed Demands for Grants 1-81 2. 25 ^m n 1996-97 ^ ^ strstr! 2. Statement showing broad details of Nonj-Plan Expenditure provision costing Rs. 2S laicte aM above in B,E. ........................................ 82-^84 3. »k-^<f.ro fr^Tifr ^ yiRcnr tr^^nf % ^ 1996-97 3. Details of provisions in B.E. 1996-9? fof Payments of grants-in-aid to non- 85-96 % srra’OTTT ^ Governm^ent Bodies 4. 50 !5jra ait?: «rf^ ^ ^TFIcT t o fR? ^ ^ f%r?7>T 4. Details of individual works costing Rs. 50 lakhs or above . 97 5. ^rra’^n^F ^ ^'TPTT sftT ^ tffoft^FITsff ^ W f ^ 5. Statement showing Revised Cost Estimates of Projects of Public Sector Under­ 98 5fFRT S-I'i't^-'n'fl ^ "iVlW 2(iV{T f^«i<.W takings and Departmental Undertakings . 6. 1996-97 5r *rc ^TEFT^ % PTHRffef/^S^T^ STcfH 6. Particulars of Government property of value exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs proposed 99 5TT% ^T5ft Ti^ ^o ^ jfrfejp ^ ^ f%^r^ to be transferred/gifted to non-governmeint bodies in 1996-97 7. aPclTftfltr fJr^TTJff ^ 3RRH ??rfn ^MT f^^TTir 1996-97 7. Statement showing Contributions to International bodies Provided for in 100-103 the Badget Estimates foi : 996-07 8. fRT ^ Sf%^ ^«rr 31 1995 ^ Tff^T 8. Statement showing Guarantees given by' the Central Governinent and Out­ 104 i|it ^9lf% «fT?n 1%317TT standing as on 31-3-1995 9. ^ 1994-9 5 % ¥FTr3ff/#qg?fl' Jpt 5 ?TT^ ^o (?TR^) 9. Statement showing grants-in-aid exceedinig Rs. 5 lakhs (Recurring) or Rs. 10 t<«RT 10 (?HT^) fr ?rf^ ^f^nrcn- ^rtt lakhs (Non-recurring) Sanctioned to private Institutions/Organisations/ 105-143 Individuals daring the year 1994-95 10. ^ 55Tf^ 5 R ^ fr SjfftsR I^R fi' 10. Statement showing the cases which are required to be included as an Anne- 144 «r^^g % it surrsi^ f^^rr ^rRT | f^raw xure to the Detailed Demands for Grants as prescribed in note 3 under Section ^TTFT) % 13 ?r^, 1982 % 5fte 3 ^ n (=^) % ?RIR I 11(F) of the M/Finance (DEA) OM No.. F7(l 5)B(RA)/82 dt. 13‘4-82 1 1. "-.ft?fr ^ r^TT 1996-97 ^'t %ir JliT 5TIqSrr?fT ^■'"t 11. Particulars of “New Service/New Instrument of service” for which provision is made in Budget Estimates 1996-97 145 ^|9T-9flW JTTq-srrH^ 5T9rf^ ^T?fT f^fTOT 12. Statement showing the deteailed provision Object Head wise 146-149 2128 HRD;95—1 tcnication—ri.. 47 N o. 47—DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4 7 DEMAND NO. d e p a r t m e n t o f e d u c a t io n srr? Revenue Capital Total Voted 45,33,42,00 52,00 45,33,94,00 snHTTft^ Charged 1,00,00 1,00,00 (In thousands of Rupees) 3RJTR «r3T5 Actuals, Budget Estimate, Revised Estimate, Budget Estimate, 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 ^iT^TsfnT ?n^'pRT- vT^wri- ^fPTTJRT ^?raT5T5TT q-fjfl'JlHI- f«?^ Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Total Revenue Secton: The details are as follows: 2251 Secretariat-Social Services : (Major “2251” Head) yRTPTT 00.00.90 Secretariat (Minor Head) 01 Department of Education 27,89 5,97,56 93,00 6,52,00 93,00 6,53,00 01.00.01 Salaries 93,00 6,80,00 7,73,00 4,76 22,30 5,00 22,50 5,00 22,50 0100.03 Overtime Allowance 5.00 22,50 27,50 29,22 11,89 41,00 17,00 43,00 17,00 01.00.11 Domestic Travel 41,00 17,50 58*50 Expenses 8,74 ... 8,00 . 19,53 01.0012 Foreign Travel ••• 9,00 9,00 Expenses 43,02 2,63,58 47,00 224,25 65,00 3,27,60 ctpT 01.00.13 Office Expenses 1,00,00 2,46,53 3,46,53 11,59 21,00 20,00 01.00.16 Publcations ... 20,00 20,00 1,07 10 10 ?r^^Tcrr 01.00.31 Grants-in-aid ... 10 10 3,15 3,27 01.00.26 Advertising and Publicity ... 3,37 . 3,37 2,00 2,00 V-r^ SI?fR 01.00.50 Other Charges 2,00 2,00 9,00 12,00 3T?ir wral^^ 5IRT 01.00.20 Other Adminisirative Expenditure 10,00 10,00 1,04,89 9,16,73 1,86,00 9,59,00 2,06,00 10,77,00 Total—Secretariat 2 ,39.00 10,11,00 12,50„00 5i\'g “2251" Major Head ‘^2251” Education—B / qTt Tfrrr, 1996-97: DE^^ANDS FOR GRANTS, 1990-97 : (^5IK ¥Tlfli (In thousands of Rupees) N» «r^5T iW Actuals Budget Estimate, Revised Estimates Budget Estimates. 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 sniftspir 3rnft3i^ m . 3TT. f?[fr srnfl^nr?! 3rr. fiT?r Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Total 2013 Council of Ministers (Major Head) frW ifrr 00.105 Discretionary Gmnt by Ministers (Minor ftrerrf%?iK Head) 02 Department of Education 3.08 5.00 5,00 5PT5n(IR 02.00.50 Other Charges 5,00 5,00 3.08 5.00 5,00 “2013” Total—Major Head ... 5,00 5,00 ‘^2013” f^TT 2202 General Education (Major Head) 01 JEi»;meutaiy Educa­ tion (Sub Major (ot Head) 107 Teachers Training; (Minor Head) 01 . Strengthening of 14,27,70 SrrmT’T ^ Teachers Training Institutions 30.00.00 .. 30,00,00 yiWcTT 01.00.31 Grants-in-aid 10,00,00 ... 10,00,00 f?r«R; ftrsn % 04 National Council for Teacher Education 50,45 2.00.00 .. 2,00,00 ^fl'ST'TriT^TR- 04.00.31 Grants-in-aid 3,00,00 ... 3,00,00 Total—^Teacher 13,00,00 ... 13,00,00 14,78,15 32,00,00 .. 32,00,00 ^ —ftRfRF 5TftRFT Training Education—B ffsqr 4 7—nrsn NO 47-DEPARTiMENT OF EDUCATION (fan? H) (In thousands of Rupees) CR<rf*R> Actuals Budget Estimale, Revised Estimate, Budget Estimate',' 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 wTiftspTi tn^fV’oJ’Tl STiql'af'Tl mvt^T irtifN’Tr wt? fir^ ftw r?iw Plan Non-Plcin Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Total 800 Other Expenditure: (Minor Head) 10 Integrated Education for Disabled Children 20,00 14,38 20,00 20,00 10.00.31 Giants-in-aid 20,00 02 Bal Bhawan ^ps^nr ettvt National Children’s (ifT5r Museum (Bal Bhawan Society) 0206.31 Grants-in-aid 1,75,00 98,00 2,73,00 1,25,00 1,00,00 1,50,00 86,00 h50,00 99,00 03 INSAT Cell and f assistance to Specia­ lised Institutions r?n; ^^^55) 1 (Educational Techno- 9,70,00 9,70,00 logy Programmes) 030031 Grauts-in-aid ^,30,54 9,70,00 5.70.00 09 Operational Black Board.
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