Perceptual learning and the technology of expertise Studies in fraction learning and algebra* Philip J. Kellmana, Christine Masseyb, Zipora Rothb, Timothy Burkea, Joel Zuckera, Amanda Sawa, Katherine E. Aguerob, and Joseph A. Wisec aUniversity of California, Los Angeles / bUniversity of Pennsylvania / cNew Roads School Learning in educational settings most often emphasizes declarative and proce- dural knowledge. Studies of expertise, however, point to other, equally important components of learning, especially improvements produced by experience in the extraction of information: Perceptual learning. Here we describe research that combines principles of perceptual learning with computer technology to address persistent difficulties in mathematics learning. We report three experiments in which we developed and tested perceptual learning modules (PLMs) to address issues of structure extraction and fluency in relation to algebra and fractions. PLMs focus students’ learning on recognizing and discriminating, or map- ping key structures across different representations or transformations. Results showed significant and persisting learning gains for students using PLMs. PLM technology offers promise for addressing neglected components of learning: Pat- tern recognition, structural intuition, and fluency. Using PLMs as a complement to other modes of instruction may allow students to overcome chronic problems in learning. Keywords: algebra, fluency, fractions, learning technology, mathematics instruction, mathematics learning, pattern recognition, perception, perceptual learning, perceptual learning module (PLM) 1. Introduction What does it mean to learn? To understand? To have expertise in some domain? Although approaches to mathematics teaching and learning vary widely, virtually Pragmatics & Cognition 16:2 (2008), 356–405. doi 10.1075/p&c.16.2.07kel issn 0929–0907 / e-issn 1569–9943 © John Benjamins Publishing Company Perceptual learning and technology in mathemathics 357 all current approaches emphasize some combination of declarative knowledge — facts, concepts, and lines of reasoning that can be explicitly verbalized — and pro- cedural knowledge — sequences of specified steps that can be enacted. Verbaliz- able knowledge may include memorized facts or co-constructed explanations, and procedures may be invented by learners or taught by direct instruction. Regardless of the pedagogical approach used to acquire them, these kinds of learning still fit within the typology of declarative and procedural knowledge. A primary goal of this paper is to introduce a different dimension of learning that we believe has been neglected in most instructional settings. In contrast to declarative and procedural learning, we focus on perceptual learning, which refers to experience-based improvements in the learner’s ability to extract structural pat- terns and relationships from inputs in the environment.1 Rapid, automatic pick-up of important patterns and relationships –including relations that are quite abstract — characterizes experts in many domains of human expertise. Experts tend to see at a glance what is relevant to a problem and to ignore what is not. They tend to pick up relations that are invisible to novices and to extract information with low attentional load. From the standpoint of conventional instruction, the expert’s fluency is mysterious — attainable only by long experience or “seasoning”. Yet the passage of time is not a satisfactory explanatory mechanism for cognitive change. We believe that persistent problems in mathematics learning, including dif- ficulties in retention, failure to transfer, lack of fluency, and poor understanding of the conditions of application of knowledge, might be improved by systemati- cally introducing perceptual learning interventions. In this article we consider the hypotheses that (1) some perennial difficulties in learning and instruction derive from an incomplete model of learning, specifically a neglect ofperceptual learning, and (2) perceptual learning can be directly engaged, and accelerated, through ap- propriate instructional technology. 1.1 Perceptual learning Perceptual learning (Gibson 1969) refers to experience-induced improvements in the pick-up of information. Unlike most computer-based sensor systems, which pick up information using unchanging routines,2 humans have an astonishing ability to change their information extraction to optimize particular tasks. Al- though seldom mentioned in discussions of instruction or learning technology, perceptual learning underlies many, if not most, of the profound differences be- tween experts and novices in any domain — differences such as rapid selection of task-relevant information, pick-up of higher-order relations and invariance, and effective classification. 358 Philip J. Kellman et al. Perceptual learning (PL) actually involves several kinds of improvements in information processing (Gibson 1969; Goldstone 1998). Kellman (2002) has ar- gued that these may be broadly categorized in terms of discovery effects and flu- ency effects. Table 1 shows some of these effects and categorizes them according to this dichotomy. Discovery effects refer to learners finding the information that is most relevant to a task. One well-known discovery effect is increased atten- tional selectivity. With practice on a given task, learners come to pick up the rel- evant information for classifications while ignoring irrelevant variation (Gibson 1969; Petrov, Dosher, and Lu 2005). Practice also leads learners to discover invari- ant or characteristic relations that are not initially evident (cf. Chase and Simon 1973) and to form and process higher level units (Goldstone 2000; for reviews, see Gibson 1969; Goldstone 1998; Kellman 2002). These discovery processes, while seldom addressed explicitly in school learning, are pervasive, natural forms of learning. When a child learns what a dog, toy, or truck is, this kind of learning is at work. From a number of instances, the child extracts relevant features and relations. These allow later recognition of previously seen instances, but more im- portant, even a very young child quickly becomes able to categorize new instances. Such success implies that the learner has discovered the relevant characteristics or relations that determine the classification. As each new instance will differ from previous ones, learning also includes the ignoring of irrelevant differences. Fluency effects refer to changes in the efficiency of information extraction rather than discovery of the relevant information. Practice in classifying leads to fluent and ultimately automatic processing (Schneider and Shiffrin 1977), where automaticity in PL is defined as the ability to pick up information with little or no sensitivity to attentional load. As a consequence, perceptual expertise may lead to more parallel processing and faster pickup of information. Table 1. Some characteristics of Expert and Novice information extraction. Discovery effects involve learning and selectively extracting features or relations that are relevant to a task or classification. Fluency effects involve learning to extract relevant information faster and with lower attentional load. (See text.) Novice Expert Discovery effects Selectivity: Attention to irrelevant and Selective pickup of relevant infor- relevant information mation / Filtering Units: Simple features “Chunks” / Higher-order relations Fluency effects Search type: Serial processing More parallel processing Attentional load: High Low Speed: Slow Fast Perceptual learning and technology in mathemathics 359 The distinction between discovery and fluency effects is not razor sharp. For- ex ample, becoming selective in the use of information (a discovery effect) surely increases efficiency and improves speed (fluency effects). Nonetheless, clear cases of each category are evident. Experimentally, one might expect to see effects of discovery in pure accuracy measures (without time constraints), whereas fluency changes may be more evident in speed (or speed/accuracy relations when time constraints are present). PL should not be considered a detached aspect of learning. Rather, it is in- tertwined with, in fact presupposed by, declarative and procedural knowledge. To be useful, both facts and procedures need to be deployed in relevant situations. Relevance depends on classifying the situation. In a geometry problem, one might recall the theorem specifying that a triangle having two equal sides must also have two equal angles. Whether this recollection is immediately useful or merely dis- tracting, however, depends entirely on classifying the situation at hand. Classifying depends on picking up information about the structure of a problem or situation. The abilities to classify, discriminate, recognize patterns, and notice invariance in new instances are exactly the abilities that improve in task-specific fashion via PL (Gibson 1969; Kellman 2002). Applying procedures also depends on pattern rec- ognition. For example, some leading approaches to computer-based learning (e.g., Anderson et al. 1992; Anderson, Corbett, Koedinger, and Pelletier 1995) have em- phasized the analysis of learning content into sets of particular procedures (“pro- ductions,” in a production-system approach). Instruction then consists of teaching these productions that make up the “cognitive model” for the task. Implicit in these approaches is the need for the learner to come to recognize the situations in which particular procedures apply. This
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