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The financial Ofl1Miit(j1l §w windy INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section VOL 88. SATURDAY, MAY 22 1909. NO. 2291. Week ending May The Thronitte. Clearings at- 15. Inc. or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1907. 1906. Terms of Subscription-Payable in Advance $ $ % $ $ For Chicago 265,410.280 227,923,655 +16.5 209,014,779 One Year $10 00 Cincinnati 266,230,509 For Six Months 0 00 25,000,100 23,341.350 +7.1 28,844,700 25,833,050 Cleveland 15,943,353 16,131,211 -1.2 18,402,190 17,041,953 European Subscription (including postage) 13 00 Detroit 17,860,536 European Subscription six months (including postage) 7 17.010,177 +5.0 15,889,936 13,567,222 50 Milwaukee 11,060,399 9,965,786 +16.0 11,130,611 9,438,881 Annual Subscription in London (including pcstage) 22 14s. Indianapolis _ 8,907,346 (including 7,416,072 +20.1 8,176,273 6,577,719 Six Months Subscription in London postage) 21 11 s. Columbus 5,457,000 4,573,400 +19.3 5,745,700 5,608,200 Canadian Subscription (including postage) $11 50 Toledo 4,048,866 3,868,073 +4.7 4.280,312 3,987,441 Peoria 2,672,409 Subscription includes following 2.517,166 +6.2 2,740,993 2,342,302 Supplements- Grand Rapids_ 2,807,977 2,401,951 +16.9 2,580,662 2,488,851 B • NK AND QUOTATION (monthly) STATE AND CITY (semi-annually) Dayton 1,977,494 1,569,198 +26.0 2,142,734 1,843,726 RAILWAY AND INDUSTRIAL (quarterly) ELECTRIC RAILWAY Evansville 2,249,476 1,796,533 +25.2 2,031,295 1,687,097 (3 times yearly) Kalamazoo 1,245,352 RAILWAY EARNINGS(monthly) BANKELS' CONVENTION 956,066 +30.2 996,860 997,106 (yea:1Y) Fort Wayne __ 806.942 976,978 +2.3 883,407 712,731 Terms of Advertising-Per Springfield, Ill.- __ 1,008,193 769,125 +31.1 749,872 759,053 Inch Space Akron 705,000 600,000 +17.5 778,000 699,000 Transient matter per inch space (14 agate lines) $4 20 Rockford 754,965 597,444 +28.5 655,054 605,920 Two Months (8 times) 22 00 Youngstown 1,005,315 580,124 +73.3 613,492 629,373 Three Lexington 676,619 Standing Business Cards Months (13 times) 29 00 540,919 +25.1 648,306 509,298 Six Months (20 times) South Bend 547,437 494,098 +13.1 630,567 406,264 50 00 Springfield, 534,092 Twelve Months(52 thnes) 87 00 Ohio 412,909 +29.3 367,175 320,886 Bloomington_ __ - 450,795 401,394 +12.3 395,908 312,503 CHICAGO OFFICE-P. Bartlett,513 Monadnock Block; Tel. Harrison 4012. Quincy 511,538 401,664 +27.4 363,276 344,100 LONDON OFFICE-Edwards & Smith,1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C. Canton 822,345 392,739 +114.9 643,721 518,385 Jackson 375,000 332,969 +12.6 442,283 248,674 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY,Publishers, Mansfield 357,776 297,925 +20.1 358,311 358,108 P. O.(lox 958. Front, Pine and Decatur 423,362 22293,575 +49.4 360,313 280,602 Depeyster Sts., New York. Danville 322,063 271,149 +18.8 Jacksonville, Ill_ 204,580 135,104 +51.4 211,312 239,629 Published every Saturday monthly by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY Ann Arbor 219,729 166,607 +31.9 144.317 100,836 William B. Dana,President; Jacob Seibert Jr., Vice-Pres. and See.; Arnold Adrian 43,735 27,994 +56.2 33,000 G. Dana,Treas. Addresses of all, Office of the Company. Tot MId.West. 375,000,074 326,921,354 +14.7 377,475,085 307,479,820 CLEARING-HOUSE RETURNS. San Francisco.. _ 38,616,807 35,930,536 +7.5 44,344,617 Los Angeles 14,053,682 10,952,939 +29.2 13,053,881 11,424,921 The following table, made up by telegraph, &c., indicates Seattle 13,223,010 8,767,24,3 +50.8 11,371,582 9,052,755 ,, Portland 8.003,362 5,900,000 +35.6 7,910,667 5,138,627 that the total bank clearings of all clearing houses of the U. S. Salt Lake City 6,109,550 4,438,466 +37.6 6,259,271 5,402,455 for week end. May 22 have been $3,053,550,581, against $3,- Spokane 8,056,679 5,917,425 +36.2 6,173,907 4.439,511 Tacoma 5,112,567 4,014,946 +27.3 5,058,769 4,123,786 241,629,116 last week and $2,610,106,706 the week last year. Oakland 1,953,190 1,595,077 +16.2 2,981,832 2,900,000 San Diego 1.252,000 725,000 +72.7 Helena 969,974 603,013 +60.9 1,053,476 786,266 Clearings-Returns by Telegraph May 22. 1909. 1908. % Sacramento 959,000 749,000 +28.0 Fargo 934,107 513,924 +91.9 462,521 429,596 New York $1,535,923,116 $1,340,414,969 +14.6 Sioux Falls 59500,0 494,000 +20.9 385,400 329,090 Boston •124,399,719 123,310,464 +0.9 Sran Jose 443,204 445,734 --0.6 437,801 Philadelphia 111,435,189 98,890,958 +12.7 resno 506,292 407,194 +24.3 Baltimore ,• ... Stockton 405,630 369,922 +10.0 24,249,204 18,328,533 +3h-,, North Chicago 231,814,504 Yakima .... 400,000 "292596 +41.5 192,022,795 +20-7 Billings 169.939 St. Louis 59,174,780 49,420,872 +19.8 1122:756 +38.4 New Orleans 11,490,058 12,401,517 -7.3 Total Pacific 101,653,986 82,118,557 '+23.8 100,093,624 44.027,007 Seven cities, 5 days $2,098,492,570 $1,834,790,108 +14.4 Kansas City _ _ 44,735,681 34,928,507 +29.1 34,465,562 22,465,562 Other cities, 5 days 422,974,382 335,986,287 +25.9 Minneapolis 18,230,490 10,334,915 -5.7 24,560,337 16,036,813 Omaha 14,573,629 11,775,897 +23.9 11,507,908 9,715,457 Total all cities, 5 days $2,541,466,952 $2,170,776,395 +17.1 St. Paul 8,515,141 9,142,364 +4.6 9,663,536 7,287,424 All cities, 1 day 512,083,629 439,330,311 +16.5 Denver 8,671,061 7,745,765 +11.9 8,014,620 6,517,776 St. Joseph 5,149,902 5,896,123 -9.6 5,591,375 4,934,978 Des Moines Total all cities for week $3,053,550,581 $2,610,106,706 +17.0 4,037,763 2,976,073 +40.4 3,295,885 2,947.347 Elloux City 2,621,644 2,166,354 +21.0 2.231,496 1,681,175 Wichita 2,430,938 1,497,459 +63.4 1,368,649 1,133,489 The full details for the week covered by the above Lincoln 1,341,412 263,259 +6.2 1,376.060 1,091,733 will be Topeka 1.292,233 1,7791,073, +20.4 1,041,519 875,997 given next Saturday. We cannot furnish them to-day, Davenport 1,097,229 903,200 +36.6 963,724 782,533 clearings being made up by the Cedar Ranh's_992,013 799,349 +24.3 589,465 540,709 clearing houses at noon on Colorado Spring; 755,625 699,278 +9.6 616,897 632,564 Saturday, and hence in the above the last day of the week has Pueblo 567,824 421,172 +34.8 672,206 509,642 to be in all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. Fremont 352,193 268,111 +31.4 274,762 175,314 We present below detailed figures for the week ending with Total oth.West 115,364,778 99,471,504 +15.9 106,233,990 77,297,513 Saturday noon, May 15, for four years. St. Louis 62,756,230 62,756,230 +5.3 69,424,127 57.388,523 New Orleans.. _ _ 16,361,872 13,421.145 +21.9 16,965,479 16,161,597 Louisville 11,379,410 Week ending May 15. 10,630,771 +7.0 14,125,499 12,319,127 Clearings at Houston 14,787,308 9,470,643 +56.1 12,449,957 8.97,021 Galveston 5,369.500 5,076,500 +5.8 6,924,500 5,350,000 Inc. Richmond 1909. 1908. Dec. 7,223,723 5,916,565 +22.1 6,107,954 5,351,086 or 1907. 1906. Atlanta 9,136,911 4,128,340 +97.1 4,909,771 4,679.031 Memphis 5,227,640 4,292,255 +22.1 4.136,997 4.563,309 $ $ % $ $ Fort Worth 5,927,039 New York 2,054,902.862 1,548,309,960 +32.7 1,613,334,927 1,928,702,798 5,036,917 +17.7 3,934,825 2,638,473 Philadelphia_.._ Nashville 3,459,579 2,996,332 +16.0 4,299,907 4,666,047 129,824,384 123,518,901 +5.1 144,546,811 139,460,639 Savannah 3,297,300 Pittsburgh 42,459,721 39.486,970 +7.5 49.805,561 40,033,477 2,959,915 +11.4 3.357,597 4.256.083 Baltimore Norfolk 2,590,514 1.727,524 +50.0 3,233,557 2,749,470 29,877,089 24,790,043 +20.5 28,511,467 26.465,576 Birmingham ___ Buffalo 9,357,904 8,533,879 4-9.7 9,513,183 2,115,000 1.715.034 +23.3 2,182,032 2,078,512 Albany 9,069,564 Jacksonville _ _ - 2.032,271 1,547,509 +31.3 1,559,148 1,335,278 5,456,136 5,660,189 -3.6 8,736,409 6,932,567 Chattanooga Washington 6.702,741 _ - 1,429,338 1,3135,499 +3.2 1,594,223 1.324,476 5,419,678 +23.7 6,227,556 6,566,834 Knoxville - 1,332,548 1,372,636 -29.2 Rochester 3,814,826 3,710,542 +2.8 3,655.294 3,616,782 1,490,414 1,310.240 3cranton 2,384,956 Augusta 1,690,556 1,259.185 +34.3 1,549,423 1,762,604 2,065,706 +15.4 2,073,142 1,713,562 Little Rock 1,027,943 1,276.109 +39.3 1,370,955 1,176,477 3yracuse 2,075,374 1,644,475 +26.2 2.342,185 2,673,970 Reading 1,550,000 Oklahoma 1.525,000 1,024.443 +49.9 938,921 800,000 1,341,755 +15.5 1,445.107 1.295,703 Mobile 1,220,522 1,375,958 1,440,966 Wilmington 1,505,067 1,308,679 +15.0 1,349,974 1,170,857 1,039,372 +17.4 Wilkes-Barre_ 1,164,183 Charleston 1.220,190 1.157,544 +5.4 1,316,500 1,522,521 1,150,461 +1.2 1,292,543 949,546 Macon Wheeling 1,603,031 1,441.143 711,955 575,725 +23.6 650,000 574,443 +11.2 1,227,613 925,435 Beaumont 573,538 554,245 +3.5 499,935 460,000 Harrisburg 1,155,886 1,024,897 +10.6 1,372,282 906,412 Austin York 882,997 822,108 '713,562 455,514 +56.6 +7.4 Vicksburg 247,226 17.4 Erie 707,469 656,528 +16.9 801,022 634.823 299.423 3reensburg 541,325 570,076 -5.0 494,473 533,421 Total Southern 162,954.5751 +17.5 164,246,271 142,779,284 Binghamton _ __ 449,300 526,000 -14.6 598,900 579,600 138,694,181 )hester 428.830 461,175 -7.0 520,762 534,004 To-rarill Altoona 455,063 499,516 -8.9 3,241,629,1idj2,584,520,42371--25.4 2.808,3382,924,285,451-i57 Franklin 243,532 240,978 +1.1 306,785 302,952 Outside Crenton 1,533,773 1.898,370 -19.2 N.

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