J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 242–248 N Sharifinia et al.: Fauna and Geographical … Original Article Fauna and Geographical Distribution of Scorpions in Ilam Province, South Western Iran Narges Sharifinia 1, Iman Gowhari 2, Manijeh Hoseiny-Rad 3, *Ali Ashraf Aivazi 1 1Department of Public Health, School of Health, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran 2Department of Biology, Payam-e-Noor University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran 3Department of Biology, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran (Received 28 Apr 2015; accepted 14 May 2016) Abstract Background: Scorpions’ stings and their own mortalities place them among the most important health and medical problems. The dreadful features and especially their poisonous stings are considered a major cause of human stress and abhorrence/phobia. The current study aimed to study the scorpion fauna of Ilam Province, south western Iran in order to manage scorpionism related problems. Methods: In this field-laboratory investigation during March 2014 to February 2015, different parts of Ilam Province were surveyed. Nine sampling parts were selected based on geographical situation, scorpionism reports, weather, flora, and local data. Capturing scorpion was done employing a black light, and a long forceps from dusk to mid- night. The collected scorpions were placed to 70% ethyl alcohol. All specimens were determined based on the valid taxonomic keys, furthermore their sexes were studied. Results: Out of the 391 collected scorpions, 11 species were identified as follows: Hottentotta saulcyi, Mesobuthus eupeus, Compsobuthus matthiesseni, Razianus zarudnyi, Hemiscorpius lepturus, Androctonus crassicauda, Or- thochirus iranus, Odontobuthus bidentatus, Buthacus macrocentrus, Scorpio maurus, and Polisius persicus. Conclusion: Eleven species of Buthidae, Scorpionidae and Hemiscorpiidae families from high risk areas were iden- tified. Despite the low surface of the province, such different species reveals a diverse scorpion fauna that, in turn, shows good and suitable habits of scorpions, as considered by health staff. Keywords: Habitat, Scorpion, Fauna, Ecology, Iran Introduction The fearful feature and painful poisonous cluding children (75%) in Iran, only 36,000– stings of scorpions have caused human phobia 50,000 ones are reported officially, with a 7– for a long time. Most people think of scorpi- 60 mortality rate per year (Ghaderi 2004, Zarei ons as pests and killers of man (Polis 1990). et al. 2009, Mirshamsi et al. 2011), especial- Scorpions having diverse distribution are most- ly in Khuzestan, Bushehr and Ilam Provinces ly living in semi-temperate regions at latitude (south-western Iran) (Rafizadeh et al. 2013). of 23–38 °C, while their abundance and di- The Iranian scorpion fauna ranges from 51– versity toward Equator and also poles de- 66 species in 17–23 genera and 3–4 families, crease (Polis 1990). Out of about 1,500 scor- according to different references (Mirshamsi pion species in the world, few cause severe et al. 2011, Navidpour 2012), of which about toxicity, including more than 1.23 million 10 species have been incriminated in human stings annually, of which approximately 3,250 envenomation, that, in turn, is more than any (0.27%) cause death (Khatony et al. 2015). other country in Middle East (Dehghani and Mexico, Colombia, and Iran are the most af- Fathi 2012). Except Hemiscorpius lepturus fected countries. (Hemiscorpiidae), the most important, medi- Out of about 100,000 scorpionism cases in- cally, scorpion in Iran (Kovařík 1997), all the 242 *Corresponding author: Dr Ali-Ashraf Aivazi, E- http://jad.tums.ac.ir mail: [email protected] Published Online: May 27, 2017 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 242–248 N Sharifinia et al.: Fauna and Geographical … venomous scorpion species belong to the Buthi- All the specimens were identified according dae family (Zarei et al. 2009). to taxonomic keys (Navidpour et al. 2008a). Ilam Province (Latitude: 33° 63’ 74” N, The gender of specimens was also determined Longitude: 46° 42’ 27” E) located at west of based on Farzanpey method (Farzanpay and Iran with around 20,150km2 and 1.2% sur- Vachon 1979). face of the country area, rich and diverse plant coverage, and also various climates, is of Results the most suitable living-places for scorpions. The current study aimed at determining fau- Out of all the 391 specimens collected from na and bio-geographical distribution of scor- nine sites in different parts of the province, 11 pions in Ilam in 2014 15. – species were identified as follows: Hottentotta saulcyi, Mesobuthus eupeus, Compsobuthus Materials and Methods matthiesseni, Razianus zarudnyi, Hemiscor- pius lepturus, Androctonus crassicauda, Or- In this cross-sectional study of employing thochirus iranus, Odontobuthus bidentatus, field and laboratory techniques, the fauna Buthacus macrocentrus, Scorpio maurus, and was investigated during March 2014 to Feb- Polisius persicus. ruary 2015. The sampling sites (nine places) The most abundant species were H. saul- were selected based on geographical situation, cyi 25.09% (relative frequency), M. eupeus scorpionism reports, weather, and plant cov- 23.29%, and C. matthiesseni 16.18% which erage in all the three climates of the province. showed the highest frequency in all the three The detailed data of sampling sites have been climates studied. The lowest abundance stood shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. for P. persicus 1.79% and S. maurus 1.29%, The sampling was done at night (from dusk respectively. H. lepturus which is the most to midnight) using a black light -ultra violet poisonous scorpion of Iran had a 7.16% rel- (UV) light- and a long forceps. All the cap- ative frequency. Further, R. zarudnyi was found tured scorpions were placed in 70% ethyl al- just in mild mountainous climate, however, cohol. No specimens were caught by above- O. bidentatus 3.58% and B. macrocentrus mentioned method during November to Feb- 2.84% were found in low abundance at dry- ruary months, due to cold weather of sam- hot climate. Totally, 138 males and 253 fe- pling areas. The geographical data were rec- males were identified showing F/M sex ratio orded by a GPS apparatus (GARMIN 78 S). of about 2:1 (Table 2). Table 1. Sampling sites of scorpions in Ilam Province, 2014 Climate type County Sampling site Longitude Altitude Height (sea level m) Cold mountainous Aivan Babagir 46 ْ◌ 11 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 56 َ◌ 1,070 Cold mountainous Ilam Gholandar 46 ْ◌ 27 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 39 َ◌ 1,045 Cold mountainous Sirvan Karezan 46 ْ◌ 32 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 44 َ◌ 1,280 Moderate mountainous Badre Badre 47 ْ◌ 1 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 19 َ◌ 1,090 Moderate mountainous Dare-shahr Dare-shahr 47 ْ◌ 21 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 10 َ◌ 670 Moderate mountainous Zarin-abad Sayed-naseredin village 46 ْ◌ 50 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 10 َ◌ 810 Dry and hot Abdanan Murmuri 47 ْ◌ 41 َ◌ 32 ْ◌ 44 َ◌ 520 Dry and hot Mehran Golan 46 ْ◌ 16 َ◌ 33 ْ◌ 25 َ◌ 550 Dry and hot Dehloran Bishe-deraz 47 ْ◌ 01 َ◌ 32 ْ◌ 46 َ◌ 390 243 http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: May 27, 2017 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 242–248 N Sharifinia et al.: Fauna and Geographical … Fig. 1. Sampling sites of scorpions in Ilam Province, 2014 244 http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: May 27, 2017 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 242–248 N Sharifinia et al.: Fauna and Geographical … Table 2. Scorpions collected in different parts of Ilam Province, 2014 Frequency of each species Relative fre- Family species Sampling sites Male Female Total quency at the N (%) N (%) province (%) Buthidae Hottentotta All areas 30 (31) 68 (69) 98 25.09 saulcyi Buthidae Mesobuthus All areas 40 (43) 52 (57) 92 23.29 eupeus Buthidae Compsobuthus Ilam, Sirvan, matthiesseni Dareh-shahr, 22 (35) 41 (65) 63 16.18 Zarin-abad Buthidae Razianus za- Mehran, Badre, 16 (47) 18 (53) 34 8.69 rudnyi Zarin-abad Hemiscorpiidae Hemiscorpius Mehran, Badre, 10 (36) 18 (64) 28 7.19 lepturus Abdanan Buthidae Androctonus Sirvan, Mehran, crassicauda Dehloran, Ilam, 5 (24) 16 (76) 21 5.39 Aivan Buthidae Orthochirus Sirvan, Mehran, iranus Dehloran, Ilam, 6 (33) 12 (67) 18 4.67 Aivan Buthidae Odontobuthus Dehloran, 2 (14) 12 (86) 14 3.58 bidentatus Abdanan Buthidae Buthacus mac- Dehloran, 3 (27) 8 (73) 11 2.84 rocentrus Abdanan Buthidae Polisius persi- Abdanan 3 (43) 4 (57) 7 1.79 cus Scorpionidae Scorpio Dehloran, 1 (20) 4 (80) 5 1.29 maurus Abdanan All Scorpion species 138 (35.30) 253 (64.70) 391 100 Discussion In the current study, totally 11 scorpion estan Province (Nejati et al. 2014), 2 species species from Buthidae, Scorpionidae, and from Sari County (Motavali-Haghi et al. 2004), Hemiscorpiidae families were identified, 5 species from Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari which shows a diverse fauna due to the good Province (Pirali-Kheirabadi et al. 2014), and habitat and favorite climate of the studied finally 5 species from Zanjan Province (Moradi area. In other studies accomplished in Iran, 8 et al. 2015) have been reported. Comparing species from Fars and Kohgilouyeh and Boy- the current findings to other studies, the spe- er-Ahmad provinces (Azizi et al. 2001), 10 cies richness and diversity of scorpions can species from Hormozgan Province (Shahi et be concluded, based on the quantity of spe- al. 2009), 3 species from Gonabad County cies found. However, in neighboring prov- (Ramezani-Avval-Riabi et al. 2010), 8 species inces of Lorestan, and Khuzestan with al- from Kerman Province (Dehghani 2008), 7 most similar climates, 5 and 19 species have species from Kish Island (Khaghani et al. been reported respectively, showing much 2005), 7 species from Qeshm Island (Zarei et more diversity in Khuzestan Province (Taheri- al. 2009), 8 species from Sistan and Balouch- an 2003, Navidpour et al.
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