Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, February 17, 1997 Volume 33ÐNumber 7 Pages 163±193 1 VerDate 05-AUG-97 07:51 Aug 15, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\TEMP\P07FE4.000 pfrm09 Contents Addresses and Remarks Interviews With the News Media Exchanges with reporters ``Adoption 2002,'' reportÐ189 Cabinet RoomÐ176 Ambassador Pamela Harriman, funeralÐ181 Oval OfficeÐ182, 189 Campaign finance reform legislation, meeting Roosevelt RoomÐ179 with cosponsorsÐ176 News conference with Prime Minister Congressional leaders, meetingÐ178 Netanyahu of Israel, February 13 (No. Maryland General Assembly in AnnapolisÐ 135)Ð183 165 Letters and Messages Radio addressÐ163 Id al-FõÂtr, messageÐ163 ``Thomas Jefferson,'' film screeningÐ179 White House Commission on Aviation Safety Meetings With Foreign Leaders and Security, final reportÐ179 Israel, Prime Minister NetanyahuÐ182, 183 Communications to Congress Proclamations National Child Passenger Safety WeekÐ164 Budget rescissions and deferrals, message Statements by the President reportingÐ176 Canadian whaling activities, message Campaign finance reform legislationÐ181 Northern Ireland, killing of British soldierÐ reportingÐ175 189 Executive Orders Supplementary Materials Acts approved by the PresidentÐ193 Advisory Committee on High-Performance Checklist of White House press releasesÐ192 Computing and Communications, Digest of other White House Information Technology, and the Next announcementsÐ191 Generation InternetÐ178 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ192 WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. 2 VerDate 05-AUG-97 07:51 Aug 15, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\TEMP\P07FE4.000 pfrm09 Week Ending Friday, February 14, 1997 Message on the Observance of Education is about opportunity, about giv- Id al-FõÂtr ing our children the tools to make the most February 7, 1997 of their God-given potential. This is a goal every American must share for every other On behalf of all Americans, I want to ex- American. That's why I'm calling for a new, tend greetings to all Muslims in the United nonpartisan commitment to education. Dur- States and around the world as you celebrate ing the cold war, America had a bipartisan Id al-FõÂtr. commitment to foreign policy, and politics This celebration, which marks the end of stopped at the water's edge. Today, edu- a month of fasting and sacrifice, is an occa- cation is a critical national security issue for sion for rejoicing. It is an opportunity for our future, and our politics must stop at the Muslims to gather in joy, as well as in re- schoolhouse door. membrance of those less fortunate. My plan calls for world-class standards for It is also an opportunity for all of us to students, teachers, and schools. It calls for rededicate ourselves, not only to achieving expanding Head Start, rebuilding crumbling spiritual growth, but also to the cause of schools, opening the doors of college wider peace between all peoples of the earth. It than ever before, and ensuring that workers is our common challenge and our shared re- can learn and earn for a lifetime. sponsibility to create a better world for our- To give our children the best education, selves and our children. we must help them to harness the powerful To all who practice the faith of Islam, in forces of technology. That's why we've chal- the United States and abroad, Hillary and lenged America to connect every classroom I extend our very best wishes. May peace and library to the Internet by the year 2000. be with you and your families, and may God For the first time in history, children in the grant you health and prosperity now and in most isolated rural towns, the most com- the year ahead. fortable suburbs, and the poorest inner-city Bill Clinton schools will have the same access to the same universe of knowledge. NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub- We've come a long way toward meeting lication in the appropriate issue. that goal, and we owe much of that progress to the leadership of the Vice President who The President's Radio Address will now say a few words about our efforts. February 8, 1997 [At this point, the Vice President made brief remarks.] The President. Good morning. This morning the Vice President and I are going The President. Thank you, Mr. Vice to talk about the progress we've made to President. We are making a lot of progress. bring 21st century technology to our students Today we're issuing a report prepared by and our schools. Secretary Riley and the Department of Edu- In my State of the Union Address Tuesday cation that shows that 65 percent of our night, I issued a call to action to all Ameri- schools are now connected to the Internet, cans to prepare our people for the 21st cen- almost double the number of schools con- tury. The very heart of this mission and my nected in 1994. But it's not enough to con- number one priority these next 4 years is to nect every school; we must connect every give our children the best education in the classroom and every library as well. Since world. 1994, we have more than quadrupled the 163 VerDate 05-AUG-97 07:52 Aug 15, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\TEMP\P07FE4.010 pfrm09 164 Feb. 8 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 number of classrooms with a direct link to Proclamation 6972ÐNational Child the Internet. But the vast majority still do Passenger Safety Week, 1997 not have access. That's why we're now February 8, 1997 launching an aggressive, three-part plan to finish the job. By the President of the United States First, my balanced budget plan makes an of America unprecedented commitment to education A Proclamation technology, doubling the technology literacy initiative the Vice President just mentioned Children are our Nation's most precious and providing a total of $500 million for com- gift, and one of our most profound respon- puters, teacher training, and educational soft- sibilities is protecting their health, well- ware for our schools. being, and safety. Nowhere is this duty more critical than on America's streets and high- Second, we're working to ensure that every ways. school and library can afford the Internet. Automobile accidents are the leading Under the Telecommunications Act, the cause of death for America's young people. Federal Communications Commission is It is tragic that a high proportion of these now developing a plan to give schools and deaths could be prevented, but are not. For libraries access to the Internet at a dramati- example, we know that seat belts save livesÐ cally discounted rate. Fees for most schools last year they prevented the deaths of almost will be cut in half. Fees for our poorest 10,000 AmericansÐand, yet, many still fail schools will be almost free. I urge the FCC to wear them. to act quickly. And I call upon the tele- I encourage all Americans to take a few communications industry to support this ef- simple steps to ensure that their families trav- fort. el safely. The most important rule is also the Third, this April 19th, parents, teachers, simplest: The safest place for children is the business people, and volunteers from all back seat. Also, parents and guardians must walks of life will answer our call and hold always make sure that children are secured, NetDays in all 50 States, connecting tens of either in a locked seat belt or in an appro- thousands of schools, classrooms, and librar- priate child safety seat. ies to the Internet. I commend the Department of Transpor- By doubling our investment in education tation for its ``Patterns for Life'' program, technology, by dramatically lowering the begun in 1996 to focus attention on correct Internet rates for schools and libraries by child safety seat use and the proper position- mobilizing Americans all across the country ing of children and their safety seats away to help wire our schools, we will meet our from air bags. Working through national safe- goal of connecting every classroom and li- ty organizations and State public safety and highway offices, this program offers a net- brary to the information superhighway by the work of qualified child passenger safety train- year 2000. That's how we must prepare our ers to provide communities with the valuable children for the 21st century, with the full resources they need to reduce motor vehicle- promise of the information age at their fin- related deaths and injuries.
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