BULLDOGS ASFORD PLAYBOY, owned by He is pictured in this issue. He was of Honey. This direct line-breeding was G. L. Haynes, Birmingham, Ala., whelped in 1935 and his very clear suggested by George Hewson and Mr. B finished his championship in a brindle markings, gave him his name Day writes the results are more than blaze of glory, by going Best in of "Tiger." During his career he has gratifying. Show All Breeds at the Huntington, W. been Best of Breed eight times and has Mr. and Mrs. M. Peppe of Glen Rock, Va. event under Vinton P. Breese. This placed in the group on five occasions. N. Y. sent us a picture of a more than excellent son of Ch. Basford Brigadier Red-headed Phil Marsh of Ft. Wayne, promising four-months-oM puppy, Crov- and Gypsy Pendola, both of which are Ind. has always handled him. He came anspring of Locrest. This rich red fawn owned by George A. Gibson of Birm- out in 1936 and was only shown a time youngster is sired by Crovanspring ingham, came out as a six months old or two each year until 1939, when he Legacy out of Lady Kensington. He puppy in Birmingham, when he won the started his current career by going started his career at the Sparrow Bush Novice class. His next wins were as fol- Winners Dog in an entry of 42 at the Match where he won the 3-6 months lows : Winners at Beaumont, Texas ; Best Pittsburgh show. class. Following this he was Best Puppy of Breed and first in the group at Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson of in the Non-Sporting group at the Union Clarksdale, Miss. ; Best of Breed and Sioux City, Iowa, report a litter of County match. The Peppes are so de- second in the group at Winterhaven, eight out of a Tri-Int. Ch. Basford lighted with him that they have just Fla., Best of Winners at Savannah ; Best Ideal daughter and sired by Dartmouth's shipped their Locrest Short Stuff for of Breed at Greensboro and Best of Dean of Women ; also another litter sired mating to the Crovanspring Legacy. Breed and third in the group at Ashe- Yorkist Leonora, latest champion of ville. Mr. Haynes plans to offer Playboy Mr. and Mrs. Millard C. White, Oak- at public stud in the near future and land, Calif., is pictured in this issue. we hope to have a picture of him for She finished at Malibu Beach and at the our next issue. present time she is heavy in whelp to Ch. The Charleston, W. Va., show on Cragsman Buckshot. This will be Leon- October 24th, finished two champions. ora's second litter by him and she is Basford Boofuls owned by the Sunbury only 2^2 years old. The Whites are also Kennels, Gahanna, Ohio, was Winners expecting a litter by Buckshot out of Bitch and first in the group, and this Princess Patsy Cintrason. This will be win gave her the final points for the Pat's first litter. She was bred for the title. The Winners Dog, Lumid's Tiger first time some three years ago but the also acquired his last remaining points. punriies never came and she has never Basford Boofuls is an imported bitch that had a litter. This time she is very heavy came over in March of this year from in whelp and there is no doubt but what the Basford Kennels in England. Her there will be puppies. first American show was at Lorain, We understand that Mr. Lawlor's Ohio, where she placed second in the splendid Bulldog models are now avail- group. Following this, she was Best of able in utility pieces, such as book ends, Breed at Chagrin Valley; Winners at desk pieces equipped with two fountain Lake Forest; Second and third in the Another ne-ju Champion pens, ash trays with models, etc. The groups respectively at Jackson, Mich. Bulldog model itself, is now available and Roanoke, Va. ; Winners at Greens- BASFORD BOOFULS in both male and female sex. We have boro and Durham and first in the group Owned by E. W. Dennis and F. L. been told this is the first model of a at Charleston, W. Va., where she ac- Koons, Sunbury Kennels, Gahana, Ohio. bitch made to date. Incidentally, the quired the final points for her title. Boo- By Ch. Basford Revival ex Ottac book ends are made up of one each of fuls will not be shown during the winter Comedienne. the male and female models. The desk months. It will be remembered that pieces are mounted on an onyx base. English Ch. Basford Model was also by Ideal out of Wally's Lady Pat. The Full information on these can be secured imported by Sunbury Kennels at the Davidsons plan to let Pat rest a year from Mr. Lawlor. time Boofuls came over. He unfortun- and will not have any other litters until Mrs. Harry Middleton, Richmond ately died in the express office at New their Belinda The Beautiful Model, one Heights, Mo. has recently purchased York. As a replacement for Model, Bas- of Pat's daughters by Ideal is ready to British Guardsman from the British Bull- ford Dandy was purchased. Dandy was breed. She is now six months old and dog Kennels in Detroit. Guardsmen was by Ch. Basford Son O'Revival ex Frax- the Davidsons write she's a real beauty. the only male resulting from the union inus Faith. He too, proved to be ill- Puppies sired by Ideal have gone to the of Lady Lorna and Larchmont White fated and died on the train enroute following new owners: D. W. Price, Duke, a mating which produced three from New York to Columbus on Octo- New York City; Mrs. P. H. Mann, champion bitches—Ch. Guinivere, Ch. ber 7th. Mr. Dennis writes that in spite Hardinsburg, Ind. ; A. Schomens, Brain- Lady Lorna II and Ch. Lily Maid. Mrs. of all the bad luck, the Bulldog spirit erd, Minn., and C. W. Gerdes, Chicago. Middleton plans to show British Guards- predominates and they are hoping for a About a year and a half ago, the man. She had hoped to breed two better break next time. Davidsons bred a Crovanspring daughter bitches to him, but unfortunately they Sunbury report a litter of four puppies to Tri. Int. Ch. Drinkmoor Homebrew were ready before Guardsman arrived out of their Mag Magdaline of Sun- and one of the puppies was sold to Mr. at his new home. One of them a grand- bury, a young bitch by Colonel Nipper Conn, Winnipeg, Canada. A few months daughter of Tri. Int. Ch. Basford Ideal The Stormer out of Dugals Betty. The ago she was returned to the Davidsons and Tri. Int. Ch. Parkholme Primula, sire of the litter is Drury Lane George, for breeding to Basford Ideal. News was bred to Ch. Cambridge Gladiator a Ch. Westbrae Stormer son. Inci- just comes that the Conns have a litter and the puppies are due about Thanks- dentally, George will be started on the of three delivered via Caesarian and giving time. show circuit this coming spring. today the puppies are doing splendidly. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Gordon of Green Lumid's Tiger, which finished for the The Luther S. Days of Clarksburg, River, Wyo., are newcomers to the title at Charleston, W. Va. is owned by W. Va. report a litter of seven sired by fancy. Late in August they saw a seven- Mrs. Luelk M. Cook of Pittsburgh, Pa. Ch. Bon Tee Dee Em out of Bon Bit (Continued on page 66) 62 . First Specialty Show, Bulldog Association of Southern California, October 15th By William Lawlor, Judge ROM "The Birthplace of American He has a good sour expression; small, Liberty" to "The Home of Sunkist well placed ears. All in all, a real head FHospitality" is a little train ride of piece with a body to match. some 3,285 miles, but from start to fin- Moira is an all-of-a-heap rich, red, ish, my trip was a real pleasure and I brindle bitch and in spite of her being am happy indeed to give you an ac- in whelp, I could see she has great count of at least the highlights of some balance. I would judge that when she of my California experiences. is in exhibition condition, she would be My train pulled out of Boston on the a hard one to beat, though of the two afternoon of October 10th., headed for dogs, I personally prefer Baker. Chicago, where I boarded the Grand Sunday, October 15th., the day of my Canyon Limited, which was my home judging assignment, dawned beautifully for the next two days. I arrived in Los bright and cheerful. I had had a grand Angeles on the night of Friday the 13th., night's sleep and was bubbling over Tri, Int. Ch. Bastard Ideal and after a good nights rest, was up with enthusiasm to enter the ring and with the sun to get my first view of the start judging what they told me was FEE $35 . FOR SALE 1. Show type daughter Basford Ideal. Natural whelper, good mother raising 1st litter 8 pups unaided. 18 mos. old, _ . __ white pied V • *H0 2. The above pups sired by Dart- mouths Dean of Women. 3. Male and female pups by Tri. Int. Ch. Basford Ideal ex Wallys Lady Pat. Congratulations to C. L. Best in Show: Specialty Show of the Bulldog Association of Haynes, whose Basford Play- Southern California boy finished with a Best English and American Champion in Show win.
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