©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Beitr. Paläont., 29:145-253, Wien 2005 The Herpetofauna (Amphibia: Caudata, Anura; Reptilia: Sclerogiossa) of the Upper Miocene Locality Kohfidisch (Burgenland, Austria) by P e t r a M. T e m p f e r *} T e m p f e r , P.M., 2005. The Herpetofauna (Amphibia: Caudata, Anura; Reptilia: Sclerogiossa) of the Upper Miocene Locality Kohfidisch (Burgenland, Austria). — Beitr. Palaont., 29:145-253, Wien. Summary Zusammenfassung Diverse groups of invertebrates and vertebrates of the Aus der obermiozänen MN 11 Fundstelle Kohfidisch (Pan- Upper Miocene MN11 locality Kohfidisch (Pannonian nonisches Becken) im Burgenland, Österreich, sind bereits Basin) in Burgenland, Austria, have already been pub­ diverse Wirbellose und Wirbeltiergruppen beschrieben lished. Herein, the herpetofauna containing Amphibia worden. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Herpetofauna and Reptilia except the Testudines is presented. It is com­ mit Ausnahme der Schildkröten, welche sowohl Amphibia posed of the Caudata: Mioproteus caucasicus (Proteidae); als auch Reptilia beinhaltet. Erstere setzen sich aus den Chelotriton paradoxus, Triturus (cristatus ) sp., Triturus Caudata: Mioproteus caucasicus (Proteidae); Chelotriton {vulgaris) sp., and Triturus sp. (Salamandridae) as well paradoxus, Triturus (cristatus) sp., Triturus {vulgaris ) sp., as the Anura: Bombina cf. bombina, Latonia gigantea, Triturus sp. und Caudata indet. (Salamandridae) und den Latonia ragei, Latonia sp. (Discoglossidae); Pelobates Anura: Bombina cf. bombina, Latonia gigantea, Latonia cf. cultripes (Pelobatidae); Bufo bufo (Bufonidae); Hyla ragei, Latonia sp. (Discoglossidae); Pelobates cf. cultripes sp. (Hylidae); Rana (ridibunda) sp. (Ranidae) and Anura (Pelobatidae); Bufo bufo (Bufonidae); Hyla sp. (Hyli­ indet. Reptilia are represented by Lacertilia: Gekkonidae dae); Rana {ridibunda) sp. (Ranidae) und Anura indet. indet. (Gekkonidae); Lacerta cf. viridis, Lacerta sp. A, zusammen. Reptilia sind durch Lacertilia: Gekkonidae Lacerta sp. B, Miolacerta tenuis, Edlartetia sansaniensis indet. (Gekkonidae); Lacerta cf. viridis, Lacerta sp. A, (Lacertidae); Scincidae indet. (Scincidae); Anguisfragilis, Lacerta sp. B, Miolacerta tenuis, Edlartetia sansaniensis Pseudopus pannonicus (Anguidae); Varanus cf. hofmanni (Lacertidae); Scincidae indet. (Scincidae); Anguis fragilis, (Varanidae); Lacertilia indet. and the Serpentes: Typhlops Pseudopus pannonicus (Anguidae); Varanus cf. hofmanni cf. grivensis (Typhlopidae); Elaphe kohfidischi, Coluber (Varanidae); Lacertilia indet. und die Serpentes: Typhlops planicarinatus, Natrix longivertebrata (Colubridae); cf. grivensis (Typhlopidae); Elaphe kohfidischi, Coluber Naja romani (Elapidae) and Vipera burgenlandica (Vi- planicarinatus, Natrix longivertebrata (Colubridae); Naja peridae). romani (Elapidae) und Vipera burgenlandica (Viperidae) Compared with today’s condition, the Recent distribution vertreten. Die heutige Verbreitung der vorhandenen Taxa of the taxa or their closest relatives and especially the beziehungsweise ihrer engsten Verwandten, und speziell gekkos and skinks indicate the predominance of a dryer Geckos und Skinke zeigen gegenüber heute ein trockeneres and warmer climate including frost-free winters during und wärmeres obermiozänes Klima mit frostfreien Wintern the Upper Miocene. With regard to the climate during the an. In der generellen Klimaentwicklung des Obermiozän Upper Miocene of Austria, the herpetofaunas indicate a Österreichs wird anhand der Herpetofaunen ein Wechsel zu climatic change towards aridity and rising temperatures größerer Trockenheit und höheren Temperaturen zwischen between the Uppermost MN9 and the MN11. der obersten MN9 und der MN 11 deutlich. Ökologischen The paleoenvironment is reconstructed as a sparse and Überlegungen zufolge befanden sich die Höhle von dry wood where a stagnant, shallow lake near the cave Kohfidisch und ihr nahe gelegener, ruhender seichter See attracted the animals. inmitten eines lichten und trockenen Waldes. 1. Introduction The outcrop Kohfidisch (between 284,09 m and 302 m *] Dr. Petra M. T e m p f e r , Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, high) in Burgenland is located 115 km south of Vienna, Geologisch-Paläontologische Abteilung, Burgring 7, south of Kirchfidisch and on the western slope of the Ho- A-1014 Wien, Österreich hensteinmais Mountain. More precisely, it is positioned ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 146 Beitr. Paläont., 29, Wien, 2005 Figure 1, 2: Geographical position of the outcrop (within the rectangle) Kohfidisch in Burgenland, Austria (modified after B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e 1969). slightly above the road leading from Kirchfidisch to Punitz Natural History Museum Vienna organized each summer (B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e , 1969; fig. 1,2). excavations in the Upper Miocene locality (fig. 1, 2, 3). In 1955, the geologist F. Krümel of the department of From 1955 to 1984, they washed, sieved and sorted the Geology and Paleontology of the Natural History Museum material. Merely in 1958, F. Bachmayer leaded together Vienna brought some fossil remains of Kohfidisch in Bur­ with E. Flügel. The countess J. Palffy-Erdôdy as landowner genland, Austria, to Vienna. Shortly after his detection, promoted the excavations and the Society of Nature and he was killed in an accident in the Alps. Together with the Technology (Vienna), the federal agency of monuments landholder’s steward S. Wölf er he ranks as the discoverer as well as S. Wôlfer subsidized them (B a c h m a y e r & of that locality. Subsequently, F. Bachmayer and H. Zapfe Z a p f e , 1969). of the department of Geology and Paleontology of the The firstly discovered sediments leading fossils belonged ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien T e m p f e, rP.M., The Herpetofauna of the Miocene Locality 147 Serpentes). B a c h m a y e r & W il s o n (1970, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1990), B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e (1969, 1972), R a b e d e r (1989), and W e e r s & M o n t o y a (1996) have pub­ lished the small Mammalia, while the large Mammalia are mentioned in R a b e d e r (1989). Proboscidea have been described by B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e (1972). A faunal list of Kohfidisch results as follows: Mollusca: Bivalvia: Dreissenidae: Congeria neumayri A ndr u so v , 1897 Gastropoda: Carychiidae: Carychium bertae (Halaváts , 1911) Planorbidae: Planorbis (Anisus) confusus Soos, 1934 Helicidae: Tacheocampylea (Mesodontopsis ) doderleini (Brusina , 1897) Teleostei: Teleostei indet. Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Tinea sp. Siluridae: Silurus sp. Percomorphi: Gobiidae: Gobiidae indet. Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae: Mauremys aff. gaudryi (D epéret, 1885) Testudinidae: Testudinidae indet. Testudo burgenlandica (B achmayer & M lynarsk i , 1983) Lacertilia: Figure 3: Detailed sketch of the outcrop-situation of Koh- Anguidae: Ophisaurus pannonicus (K orm os , 1911) fidisch (modified after B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e 1969). Serpentes: Colubridae: to the cave (“Höhle” = I). After some years, the density of Elaphe kohfidischi Bachmayer & Szyndlar , 1985 the fossil record got less and the excavations in the deeply Coluber planicarinatus (Bachmayer & Szyndlar , dug off cave became dangerous to life. Near the cave, 1985) Natrix longivertebrata Szyndlar , 1984 B achmayer & Z apfe (1960) found fossil bones in a fox- Elapidae: Naja romani (Hoffstetter, 1939) earth and in the soil in front of it. Test excavations revealed Viperidae: Vípera burgenlandica Bachmayer & Szynd ­ kolks and fissures filled by fossil-leading clay sediments. lar , 1987 50 m3 soil had to be removed to expose the new outcrop. From 1960 on, kolks (“Koike”) and fissures (“Spalten” = II), Mammalia: and from 1961 to 1969 mainly the kolks (“Koike” = III) situ­ Insectívora: ated between I and II were examined. Excavations continued Erinaceidae: in an old limepit (“alte Kalkgewinnungsstelle” = IV) in 1964. Schizogalerix cf. moedlingensis (Rabeder , 1973) Schizogalerix zapfei Bachmayer & Wilson, 1970 Further on, the terms “old stock” (“Altbestand”), “cm”, Lanthanotherium sp. “a”, “b”, “7 ”, “9”,“HI below” (“III unten”), “HI above” Erinaceus ? sp. (“III oben”), “V” and “VI” exist for special outcrop-places Soricidae: (B achmayer & Z apfe , 1969; fig. 3). Blarinellia (=”Petenyia”) dubia (Bachmayer & Wil­ Fossils are present in the cave, fissure and kolk sediments son, 1970) and in the further outcrop-places (see above) of Kohfidisch. Paenelimnoecus (=”Petenyiella”) repenningi (Bach ­ Concerning the herpetofauna, there exists no difference in mayer & Wilson, 1970) the faunal composition of the diverse outcrop-places. Anourosorex kormosi Bachmayer & Wilson, 1970 Some of the invertebrates and vertebrates have already Neomyinae ? indet. Talpidae: been described. B a c h m a y e r & Z a p f e (1969) have worked Talpidae indet. on the Mollusca. M. B ö h m e (pers. advice) had a look on the Desmana (í‘Dibolia,’) vinea Storch , 1978 Teleostei, and some representatives of the Reptilia have al­ Desmanella cf. crusafonti Rümke, 1974 ready been described by B a c h m a y e r & M l y n a r s k i ( 1977 : Talpa gilothi Storch , 1978 Lacertilia, 1983: Testudines), B a c h m a y e r & S z y n d l a r Chiroptera: (1985, 1987: Serpentes) and S z y n d l a r & Z e r o v a (1990: Megadermidae: Megaderma vireti Mein, 1964 ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 148 Beitr. Paläont.,
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