Bibliography from ADS file: solanki.bib Tripathi, D., Nived, V. N., & Solanki, S. K., “Coronal Heating and Solar August 16, 2021 Wind Formation in Quiet Sun and Coronal Holes: A Unified Scenario”, 2021ApJ...908...28T ADS Panja, M., Cameron, R. H., & Solanki, S. K., “Sunspot Simulations: Penumbra Peter, H., Ballester, E. A., Andretta, V., et al., “Magnetic imaging of the outer Formation and the Fluting Instability”, 2021ApJ...907..102P ADS solar atmosphere (MImOSA)”, 2021ExA...tmp...95P ADS Peter, H., Alsina Ballester, E., Andretta, V., et al., “Magnetic Imaging of the Yadav, N., Cameron, R. H., & Solanki, S. K., “Slow magneto-acoustic waves in Outer Solar Atmosphere (MImOSA): Unlocking the driver of the dynamics in simulations of a solar plage region carry enough energy to heat the chromo- the upper solar atmosphere”, 2021arXiv210101566P ADS sphere”, 2021A&A...652A..43Y ADS Yadav, N., Cameron, R. H., & Solanki, S. K., “Vortex flow properties in simula- Mandal, S., Krivova, N. A., Cameron, R., & Solanki, S. K., “On the size distri- tions of solar plage region: Evidence for their role in chromospheric heating”, bution of spots within sunspot groups”, 2021A&A...652A...9M ADS 2021A&A...645A...3Y ADS Sowmya, K., Nèmec, N. E., Shapiro, A. I., et al., “Predictions of Astromet- Chatzistergos, T., Krivova, N. A., Ermolli, I., et al., “Reconstructing solar irra- ric Jitter for Sun-like Stars. II. Dependence on Inclination, Metallicity, and diance from Ca II K observations”, 2020AGUFM.A237..10C ADS Active-Region Nesting”, 2021arXiv210701493S ADS Feller, A., Gandorfer, A., Iglesias, F. A., et al., “The SUNRISE UV Spectropo- Smitha, H. N., Castellanos Durán, J. S., Solanki, S. K., & Tiwari, S. K., “Ti I lines larimeter and imager for SUNRISE III”, 2020SPIE11447E..AKF ADS at 2.2 µm as probes of the cool parts of sunspots”, 2021arXiv210701247S Tsuzuki, T., Katsukawa, Y., Uraguchi, F., et al., “Sunrise Chromospheric In- ADS frared spectroPolarimeter (SCIP) for SUNRISE III: optical design and per- Johnson, L. J., Norris, C. M., Unruh, Y. C., et al., “Forward modelling of Kepler- formance”, 2020SPIE11447E..AJT ADS band variability due to faculae and spots”, 2021MNRAS.504.4751J ADS Katsukawa, Y., del Toro Iniesta, J. C., Solanki, S. K., et al., “Sunrise Chromo- Anusha, L. S., Shapiro, A. I., Witzke, V., et al., “Radiative Transfer spheric Infrared SpectroPolarimeter (SCIP) for sunrise III: system design and with Opacity Distribution Functions: Application to Narrowband Filters”, capability”, 2020SPIE11447E..0YK ADS 2021ApJS..255....3A ADS Shimizu, T., Imada, S., Kawate, T., et al., “The Solar-C (EUVST) mission: the Castellanos Durán, J. S., Lagg, A., & Solanki, S. K., “How rare are counter latest status”, 2020SPIE11444E..0NS ADS Evershed flows?”, 2021A&A...651L...1C ADS I¸sık,E., Shapiro, A. I., Solanki, S. K., & Krivova, N. A., “Erratum: “Amplifi- Romoli, M., Antonucci, E., Andretta, V., et al., “First light observations cation of Brightness Variability by Active-region Nesting in Solar-like Stars” of the solar wind in the outer corona with the Metis coronagraph”, (2020, ApJL, 901, L12)”, 2020ApJ...905L..36I ADS 2021arXiv210613344R ADS Horbury, T. S., Auchere, F., Antonucci, E., et al., “Solar Orbiter: connecting Sebastián Castellanos Durán, J., Lagg, A., & Solanki, S. K., “How rare are remote sensing and in situ measurements”, 2020AGUFMSH038..10H ADS counter Evershed flows?”, 2021arXiv210605592S ADS Albert, K., Hirzberger, J., Kolleck, M., et al., “First results from SO/PHI’s on- Sowmya, K., Shapiro, A. I., Witzke, V., et al., “Modeling Stellar Ca II board data reduction”, 2020AGUFMSH038..05A ADS H and K Emission Variations. I. Effect of Inclination on the S-index”, Löschl, P., Hirzberger, J., Schou, J., & Solanki, S. K., “Multi-view magnetic 2021ApJ...914...21S ADS synoptic maps with SO/PHI and SDO/HMI”, 2020AGUFMSH0360028L ADS Bhatia, T., Cameron, R., Solanki, S., et al., “Small-scale Dynamo in Cool Main- Chitta, L. P., Peter, H., Priest, E. R., & Solanki, S. K., “Impulsive coronal heat- Sequence Stars: Effect on Stratification, Convection and Bolometric Inten- ing during the interaction of surface magnetic fields in the lower solar atmo- sity”, 2021AAS...23830404B ADS sphere”, 2020A&A...644A.130C ADS Narayanamurthy, S., Holzreuter, R., van Noort, M., & Solanki, S., “How wrong Prabhu, A., Lagg, A., Hirzberger, J., & Solanki, S. K., “The mag- are the results of inverting Fe I lines when NLTE and 3D radiative transfer netic fine structure of the Sun’s polar region as revealed by Sunrise”, effects are ignored?”, 2021AAS...23811305N ADS 2020A&A...644A..86P ADS Breu, C. A., Peter, H., Cameron, R., et al., “Coronal loops in a box: 3D models Yelles Chaouche, L., Cameron, R. H., Solanki, S. K., et al., “Power spectrum of their internal structure, dynamics and heating”, 2021AAS...23810606B of turbulent convection in the solar photosphere”, 2020A&A...644A..44Y ADS ADS Przybylski, D. F., Cameron, R., Solanki, S., & Rempel, M., “First Results of the , “VizieR Online Chromospheric MURaM code”, 2021AAS...23810605P ADS Amazo-Gomez, E. M., Shapiro, A. I., Solanki, S. K., et al. Krivova, N. A., Solanki, S. K., Hofer, B., et al., “Modelling the evolution of the Data Catalog: Faculae-Spot dominance & rotation periods (Amazo-Gomez+, 2020yCat..36420225A Sun’s open and total magnetic flux”, 2021A&A...650A..70K ADS 2020)”, ADS Witzke, V., Shapiro, A. I., Cernetic, M., et al., “MPS-ATLAS: A fast all-in-one Staub, J., Fernandez-Rico, G., Gandorfer, A., et al., “PMI: The Photospheric code for synthesising stellar spectra”, 2021arXiv210513611W ADS Magnetic Field Imager”, 2020JSWSC..10...54S ADS Yadav, N., Cameron, R. H., & Solanki, S. K., “Slow magneto-acoustic waves in Albert, K., Hirzberger, J., Kolleck, M., et al., “Autonomous on-board simulations of a solar plage region carry enough energy to heat the chromo- data processing and instrument calibration software for the Polari- sphere”, 2021arXiv210502932Y ADS metric and Helioseismic Imager on-board the Solar Orbiter mission”, Usoskin, I. G., Solanki, S. K., Krivova, N. A., et al., “Solar cyclic ac- 2020JATIS...6d8004A ADS tivity over the last millennium reconstructed from annual 14C data”, Yeo, K. L., Solanki, S. K., Krivova, N. A., et al., “The Dimmest State of the 2021A&A...649A.141U ADS Sun”, 2020GeoRL..4790243Y ADS Horbury, T. S., Laker, R., Rodriguéz, L., et al., “Signatures of coronal hole Yeo, K. L., Solanki, S. K., & Krivova, N. A., “How faculae and network re- substructure in the solar wind: combined Solar Orbiter remote sensing and late to sunspots, and the implications for solar and stellar brightness varia- in situ measurements”, 2021arXiv210414960H ADS tions(Corrigendum)”, 2020A&A...642C...2Y ADS ¸Senavcı, H. V., Kılıçoglu, T., I¸sık,E., et al., “Observing and modelling the young Amazo-Gómez, E. M., Shapiro, A. I., Solanki, S. K., et al., “Inflection point in solar analogue EK Draconis: starspot distribution, elemental abundances, the power spectrum of stellar brightness variations. III. Facular versus spot and evolutionary status”, 2021MNRAS.502.3343S ADS dominance on stars with known rotation periods”, 2020A&A...642A.225A Usoskin, I. G., Solanki, S. K., Krivova, N., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cata- ADS log: 1000-year sunspot series (Usoskin+, 2021)”, 2021yCat..36490141U Spice Consortium, Anderson, M., Appourchaux, T., et al., “The So- ADS lar Orbiter SPICE instrument. An extreme UV imaging spectrometer”, Isik, E., Shapiro, A. I., Solanki, S. K., & Krivova, N. A., “Ampli- 2020A&A...642A..14S ADS fying variability of solar-like stars by active longitudes and nesting”, Solanki, S. K., del Toro Iniesta, J. C., Woch, J., et al., “The Polarimetric and 2021csss.confE.279I ADS Helioseismic Imager on Solar Orbiter”, 2020A&A...642A..11S ADS Krishnamurthy, S., Shapiro, A. I., Witzke, V., et al., “Modelling Solar Ca II Antonucci, E., Romoli, M., Andretta, V., et al., “Metis: the Solar Orbiter visible H&K Emission Variations”, 2021csss.confE.154K ADS light and ultraviolet coronal imager”, 2020A&A...642A..10A ADS Bhatia, T., Cameron, R., Solanki, S., et al., “Small-scale dynamo in an Rochus, P., Auchère, F., Berghmans, D., et al., “The Solar Orbiter EUI instru- F-star: effects on near-surface stratification, convection and intensity”, ment: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager”, 2020A&A...642A...8R ADS 2021csss.confE..75B ADS Auchère, F., Andretta, V., Antonucci, E., et al., “Coordination within the remote Smitha, H. N., Holzreuter, R., van Noort, M., & Solanki, S. K., “The influence sensing payload on the Solar Orbiter mission”, 2020A&A...642A...6A of NLTE effects in Fe I lines on an inverted atmosphere. II. 6301 Å and 6302 ADS Å lines formed in 3D NLTE”, 2021A&A...647A..46S ADS Velli, M., Harra, L. K., Vourlidas, A., et al., “Understanding the origins of Reinhold, T., Shapiro, A. I., Witzke, V., et al., “Where Have All the Solar-like the heliosphere: integrating observations and measurements from Parker So- Stars Gone? Rotation Period Detectability at Various Inclinations and Metal- lar Probe, Solar Orbiter, and other space- and ground-based observatories”, licities”, 2021ApJ...908L..21R ADS 2020A&A...642A...4V ADS Shapiro, A. I., Solanki, S. K., & Krivova, N. A., “Predictions of Astrometric Zouganelis, I., De Groof, A., Walsh, A. P., et al., “The Solar Orbiter Science Ac- Jitter for Sun-like Stars. I. The Model and Its Application to the Sun as Seen tivity Plan. Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action”, from the Ecliptic”, 2021ApJ...908..223S ADS 2020A&A...642A...3Z ADS 1 Rouillard, A. P., Pinto, R. F., Vourlidas, A., et al., “Models and data analysis Nèmec, N. E., Shapiro, A. I., Krivova, N. 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