Wt)t Jleto l)ampff)tre PRICE — SEVEN CENTS VOLUME NO. 46 ISSUE 10 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — APRIL 19, 1956 Elections Near O u r Enigmatic Godfather U N Political Expert, Ralph Bunche Speaks A t University Convocation For Senators, w By John Page Class Officers Ralph Johnson Bunche, United Nations Official, expert on race Balloting for class officers for 1956- relations, and well-known political scientist, will speak at an all- 57 will be held in the housing units on Friday, April 20. Each class will select University convocation to be held in New Hampshire Hall on Thurs­ officers for the coming year, and some day, May 3. Dr. Bunche, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 of the housing units will also select for his efforts in settling the Arab-Israeli dispute in Palestine, will representatives to fill vacancies in the talk on “certain aspects of international affairs from the UN point Senate. Candidates for office for the class of of view .” 1957 are: for President, Joseph Supino, An authority on non-self-governing Egils Veverbrants; for Vice-President, territories, Ralph Bunche came to the Joseph R. Cotie, Jr.; Leah Hooker, Greenfield Talks On UN from the State Department where Alan Roland, and George Tansey; for he had served as associate chief of the Secretary, Shirley Fielding, Eva Nes­ Dead Sea Scrolls ini' Division of Dependent Area Affairs. mith and Sandra Willard; for Treas­ Bunche was named mediator of the United urer, W alter Hall, Jr, W illiam Houle, By Don Whittum Nations Palestine Commission in 1948, and Clifton Rockwell, Jr. following the assassination of Count Candidates for officers of the class “ W hat effect does the discovery of Folke Bernadotte. of 1958 include, for President, Robert the Dead Sea Scrolls have on Chris­ Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1904, Dr. Merrow, William Nelson and Vangel tianity?” This was one of the ques­ Bunche was valedictorian of his high Zissi; for Vice-President, Peter Bru- tions directed to Dr. Jonas Greenfield school graduating class. He went on to nelle, Luther Gibson and Richard work his way through the University of Swift; for Secretary, Carole Taylor of the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis Uni­ California, where he majored in inter­ and Beverly Warner; for Treasurer, national relations and graduated summa versity, who gave a public lecture in Grace Gilson, Peter Horne, Dean cum laude in 1927. Bunche took his M.A. Louis and Mary Lunt . Murkland 14 last Thursday night. Dr. from Harvard in 1928, and began work For the Class of 1959, candidates Greenfield, the guest lecturer of the as a political science instructor at How­ for President are Stanley King, Alan B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation, has ard University in Washington, D. C. He Sawyer and Robert Trouville; for had an opportunity to study the orig­ Vice-President, John Dulude, and Paul returned to Harvard for his Ph.D. in Narkiewicz; for Secretary, Barbara inal Scrolls. Government in 1934. Hood and Margaret Johnson; for To Ben Thompson and his ever-existing shawl, the entire UNH commun­ Beginning with the accidental dis­ With the -help of a generous post­ Treasurer, Diane Howe and Judith ity pays tribute on the anniversary of his 150th birthday April 22. To Ben covery of the Scrolls by Bedouin doctoral fellowship from the Social Sci­ Thompson we owe our gratitude for the establishment of the University here Potter. tribesmen in a cave near the Dead Sea, ence Research Council, Dr. Bunche was At the same time, the following in Durham. Ben probably never dreamed that the “ agricultural school to be Dr. Greenfield very effectively outlined able to study at Northwestern Universi­ built on (his) Warner farm” would grow to become a University with about housing units will vote for Student their subsequent history to the present ty, The London School of Economics, and Senators from their list of candidates. 3000 students from all parts of the United States and from several foreign Capetown University in South Africa. countries. date. From Scott Hall, three of these can­ The papyrus manuscripts were dis­ The fellowship also provided money didates will be selected: Sandra Brown, covered in 1947, but it was impossible enough for Bunche to travel around the Patricia Draper, Priscilla Flagg, Janet world. In 1939, Ralph Bunche served for archeologists to examine the caves Lyman and Nancy McLaughlin. Mc­ as a staff member for the Carnegie Cor­ Laughlin Hall will select three from thoroughly because of the Arab-Jewish poration’s “ Survey of the Negro in this group: Clara Elizabeth Knowles Trickey and Gay Capture Audience war. Thanks to John Trevor, whose America.” During World War II, he Muriel Maclver, Gretchen _ Remick knowledge of early Hebrew language held various capacities in the Office of Martha Williams and Cynthia Gould enabled him to recognize the great Strategic Services. Then, in 1944, Bunche Three representatives for North Con­ With Informality at Recent Recital value of the manuscripts. The Scrolls became a territorial specialist for the greve will be chosen from this list were shipped to the United States. Department of State. Anita Gross, Patricia Herman, Gail By Linda Chickering However, nobody in America would Kern and Mary E. Moore. Kappa Dr. Bunche served as an expert on buy them because the Jordanian gov­ trusteeships for the United States dele­ Delta will elect one of the following: Light opera put a good-sized audience in a merry mood last Kathryn Matsis and Barbara Walton. ernment were their rightful owners. gation at the Conference of International week at the final program of the Blue and White Series. Nancy Organization held at San Francisco in Phi Mu will elect either Betty Lou More Manuscripts Linegar or Jacquelyn Viele. Theta Up- Trickey and Robert Gay starred in the recital which was held in 1948. Since then, he has served as advisor to many other conferences on internation­ silon will choose either Cynthia Ma- New Hampshire Hall on Wednesday, April 11. Meanwhile, other parchments began al problems. cauley or Irene LaPlante. Englehardt Concert^goers relaxed and enjoyed the informal atmosphere of to turn up— but in small fragments, as Ralph Bunche joined the UN Secre­ Hall will elect two of the following: the Arab tribesmen found it more prof­ David Decker, Robert Levesque or beautiful music, while the personalities of Miss Trickey and Mr. tariat in 1946 as director of the Trustee­ itable to withhold many of the parch­ Bruce McGinley. Gay held them spell-bound. The pair successfully put across the ship Division. The following year, he In addition to selecting their class — mood and emotion of the music in a ments, producing them in small pieces. went to Palestine as a special assistant officers, sophomores, juniors and sen­ Physicist Reviews Space number of duets, and in solos by each. An examination of the original to the UN Committee on Palestine. iors will vote to select the recipient of In the first section of the concert Scrolls showed that there were three Bunche assisted in writing up the Com­ the Hood Achievement Award, a gold Ships In Talk Tonight Miss Trickey and Mr. Gay sang: parts. The first part was a manuscript mittee’s report recommending the parti­ medal awarded to the outstanding tion of Palestine into Arab and Jewish Dr. Joseph Kaplan, Professor of “ Sound the Trum pet” and “ Lost to of Isaiah which predated any previ­ senior of the yean_________ my Quiet” by Purcell, “ T o the Even­ states. Dr. Bunche was instrumental in Physics at the University of California ously found manuscripts by a thousand ing Star” by R-Qbert Schumann, and helping to bring about a cease-fire be­ and Chairman of the United States Com­ years. The second part was a commen­ “The Best Love Letter” by Peter tary on Habakkuk, and the third was tween the Arabs and the Israelis in Oc­ mittee on the International Geophysical tober 1948. The political committee of Cornelius. a Manual of Discipline which con­ Thespians Tangle year, will deliver a public lecture in the UN then decided to set up a three- Miss Trickey then demonstrated her tained strict rules of conduct, cleanli­ Murkland Auditorium tonight at 8 p.m. talent in: “ The Nightingale” arranged man commission to help promote good ness, prayer, study, and eating. Jointly sponsored by the Lectures and by Brockway, “The Sally Gardens,” feeling between the Arabs and the Israelis. The manual of discipline has proven For Acting Awards Concerts Committee and Sigma Xi, na­ “The Trees They Grow So High,” Ralph Bunche has received much recog­ to be most important because of its With Interhouse Plays only a week tional honorary society, Dr. Kaplan will and “ Oliver Crom well,” three folk nition for his efforts in behalf of peace. songs arranged by Benjamin Britton, resemblance to Christ’s Sermon on the In addition to his Nobel Peace Prize, away, Mask and Dagger has assigned speak on, “ The International Geophysi­ committees, and plans are well on their and “ Norwegian Echo Song” arranged Mount. It is believed that many of the Bunche has also received several other cal Year — Rockets and Satellites.” way to completion. by Thrane.. moral maxims contained in the Man­ awards, among them the Spingarn Medal, Dr. Kaplan was decorated by the War Directing the lights will be Larry Trickey and Gay joined forces for ual provided concepts which come awarded to him by the N A A C P in 1949. Department for Distinguished Civilian Miller. Publicity is under the direction a series of numbers taken from popu­ down to us in the Sermon.
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