September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1583 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE 50TH izing the agency. Sharing core American val- Saint Mary’s is a Lasallian Catholic College ANNIVERSARY OF ROHNERT PARK ues with some of the world’s most impover- with a strong history of service to our country. ished populations, his leadership these past In the 1940s, Saint Mary’s joined the war ef- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY three years reflects his service to the under- fort in becoming the West Coast naval aviation OF CALIFORNIA represented and underprivileged. training center. Lieutenant Gerald R. Ford of Despite a complex, changing global climate, Michigan, who would later become President IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Williams dedicated tireless efforts to en- of the United States, was stationed at Saint Thursday, September 20, 2012 sure the safety of the Peace Corps volunteers. Mary’s for three years as he trained young pi- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr, Speaker, I rise today to I was proud to work closely with the Director lots for duty in the Pacific Theatre. After the honor a city in my District on the occasion of to pass the Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volun- Second World War, Saint Mary’s welcomed the 50th anniversary of its establishment. In- teer Protection Act. This act expanded the returning veterans studying on the G.I. Bill and corporated in 1962, Rohnert Park has become Peace Corps’ safety precautions by providing continues to support our Veterans today an integral part of Sonoma County’s historical further protection for female volunteers who through the Yellow Ribbon program. and cultural heritage. are particularly vulnerable while living in for- St. Mary’s rightfully boasts of a faculty com- The land that would become Rohnert Park eign countries. It also increased government posed of scholars at the top of their field with was known as Rancho Cotate when it was accountability in responding to sexual assault a devotion to teaching students to be engaged granted by General Mariano Vallejo to one of through a Sexual Assault Advisory Council global citizens. Nearly 45,000 alumni have his soldiers in 1844. During the next century, and protects the anonymity of volunteers who earned degrees at Saint Mary’s, leading to the land would change ownership many times report sexual assault. every imaginable career path. The Graduate and experience much development. Mr. Williams understood that a better Peace Business programs have produced scores of After World War II, when Sonoma County Corps is a bigger Peace Corps, and he there- corporate leaders in businesses around the experienced a surge in growth, the City of fore fought for the necessary increase in vol- world, while the School of Education has pro- Rohnert Park was conceived and developed unteers. He successfully expanded programs duced world-class teachers who are in turn by two Sonoma County lawyers, Paul Golis throughout Colombia, Indonesia, and Sierra educating millions of students around the and Maurice Fredericks, who had a vision of Leone. And I was proud to work in the Appro- globe. a vibrant planned community in the heart of priations Committee to help the agency obtain Saint Mary’s is also proud of its extra- the valley. Their concept stressed the impor- the largest funding in its history. curricular programs. The athletic department tance of ‘‘neighborhood units’’, groups of Whether it was collaborative efforts with has brought national and international atten- houses centered around schools and parks, in RCPV/W or promoting fundamental principles tion to Northern California through athletic ex- order to provide ample recreation to city-dwell- that make the Peace Corps and our country cellence in basketball, baseball, softball, crew, ers. exceptional, Mr. Williams never wavered from soccer, golf, and rugby. Furthermore, world-re- Through collaboration and hard work, his commitment to enhancing Peace Corps’ nowned artists, authors, scholars, musicians Rohnert Park was established in 1962. Today outreach and capacity to serve diverse com- and political leaders share their unique talents it is proud to serve its residents with many munities. Having served in the Peace Corps, not only with the student community, but with recreational amenities and attractions. Rohnert I know firsthand the positive impacts that re- all of Northern California. Park is home to two municipal swimming sult from our Peace Corps programs and vol- I invite my colleagues to join me in recog- pools, an 18-hole golf course, and bike, hiking, unteers. Due to Mr. Williams’ vision and lead- nizing Saint Mary’s College of Moraga, the and equestrian trails. The city also contains ership, the Peace Corps continues to lead the faculty, staff, alumni and students as they cel- Sonoma State University and the Green Music cause for peace, prosperity, and progress, and ebrate 150 years of extraordinary success as Center. it has been strengthened for future genera- an educational leader in the State of Cali- Mr. Speaker, Rohnert Park is an important tions. Again, I thank Mr. Williams. I am im- fornia. city in the heart of Sonoma County. Please mensely grateful for his service, and most of f join me in honoring Rohnert Park on the occa- all, his friendship. SUPPORTING THE EFFORTS OF sion of its 50th anniversary. f THE GEORGIA AQUARIUM f RECOGNIZING SAINT MARY’S COL- PEACE CORPS DIRECTOR AARON LEGE OR MORAGA, CALIFORNIA HON. TOM PRICE WILLIAMS OF GEORGIA HON. GEORGE MILLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA OF CALIFORNIA Thursday, September 20, 2012 OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, today Thursday, September 20, 2012 I rise to honor the wonderful work being done Thursday, September 20, 2012 Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. by the Georgia Aquarium, which is located in Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Speaker, I rise with my colleague Congress- the heart of downtown Atlanta. With more than honor and thank Director Aaron Williams for man JOHN GARAMENDI to recognize and con- 10 million gallons of water, the Georgia Aquar- his invaluable service to the Peace Corps and gratulate Saint Mary’s College of Moraga, ium is the world’s largest with more aquatic our nation. As the Director throughout the past California, upon its 150th year of academic ex- life than any other aquarium, and six distinct three years, Mr. Williams undeniably impacted cellence in the San Francisco Bay Area. galleries that portray diverse aquatic habitats, the Peace Corps legacy. It is important that Saint Mary’s College was founded in 1863 ranging from arctic to tropical waters. Since we recognize the importance of his contribu- in San Francisco as a liberal arts institution re- opening its doors in 2005, Georgia Aquarium tions and the unique role the Peace Corps has flecting the life and work of the founder of the has established itself as a leader in aquatic played in our national and global community Christian Brothers, John Baptist de La Salle. animal conservation and research. The results throughout his tenure. The College was founded to serve some of of this research are shared with the global zo- Mr. Williams championed the ideals of the California’s earliest denizens, many of whom ological community for the enhancement of Peace Corps by bridging alliances with Minor- were immigrants with few resources and the animals everywhere, thus showcasing Georgia ity Serving Institutions, enhancing the safety first in their families to attend college. In 1928, as a global center of animal study. and security for the nine thousand volunteers after establishing a brief presence in Oakland, Currently, Georgia Aquarium is one of only serving abroad, and as President Obama the college moved to its current location in six accredited facilities in North America that is noted, was essential in reforming and modern- Moraga, California. capable of providing care for beluga whales, a ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.024 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2012 species which is presently listed by the Inter- Throughout his lifetime, Victor was a vibrant Barney’s career with Chugach began when national Union for the Conservation of Nature presence in the area. He won the hearts of he joined Chugach Development Corporation as ‘‘near-threatened’’ in its indigenous Arctic many as a child star on KNOE–TV’s ‘‘Happi- (CDC) as Operations Manager. With a back- and sub-Arctic environment. In June 2012, the ness Exchange,’’ and his family has graced ground in Engineering and Business Adminis- aquarium applied for a permit to import 18 Monroe with their superb ability as res- tration, his project experience in managing beluga whales to the United States with the taurateurs since World War II. The family ven- Base Operation Services (BOS) contracts in purpose of conducting research which must be ture began with his late mother Josephine’s extremely remote locations began 33 years done in human care, for the continued edifi- ‘‘Spaghetti Garden’’ and culminating with The ago when he went to work on his first BOS cation of aquarium guests, and to secure the Chateau, a Louisville Avenue institution, where contract in 1979 on Wake Island. sustainability of the population in North Amer- Victor hosted such celebrities as Liberace, Barney told of his Wake Island initiation by ican zoological parks and aquariums.
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