T X-"' r V-! X, TUESDAY; JUMB 2^ IMS \ 'X --V Ge# Behind the Men Behind the Guna-^ ' • I ♦ church anOthelr atoup o f M f. W er­ I^toaii, aad^ gtitoa that ttma ntoiiy outdoor flreplacea baVel ner's pih^'W Ul give a recital, eXangaa have tokra place in the OmUt in OehUr Springe Park Second D i^ce Is Promoted EtectLoofl^ »nt T o w n Nailed Qiainnan and At this time the instructor comjiany. X - Average Daily Circulation n ie Weather I »««< Aw now be used by plcnick- will Anounce rewards for the high- Aa Secrad Uantoriaet . - Feiecaat af C. S. Waathiv te I ere. Wob|, lB to' made available average report card and for Cowles waa commlteoned a Sec­ Y President .FW the MoOth of May,-1943 for thla use. Several oOier flre- For Soldiers moat atudloua boy or girl. ond Lieutenaitt on AiuX 7^ 1987, H a m x A HiMul B ridg* Club' placaa will be constructisd later. in the same unit. ’Tha o^m ljig wSa littta ahaaga i made when F irst Lieut. Ra^nnond 7,386 JtBUrtiliied ' .lb^ •v«nta» alght. I a t U r . iad Mn. 0«org« Frank C. Hcaly, -son o f Mr. and Auxiliary of Army a Walter G. Cowles Is Now Hagedorn was promoted to Oap- Succeeds W ells .^Stadok'* of tha Aodtt ^ Tte blfii boMte UDNw yfrs. Andrew J. Healy, of Buck- '^Manchester In Command of Old taln and given command of the old laiid; Other Officers at OlrenlatloM by M n . Jfoba CasuxUi mib- land, la home on leave from the Navy QuK Annou ces Headqukrters Company, and Sec­ Mandte$ter-r~A City of ViUage Ctuarm tog fb r U n . Rlcbanl Martin, Cavsdry S^ool at Fort Riley, D ate Book Company K . ond lieutenant Frey was appoint­ ChbseU by Board. FbiUp Twcanne bad bi|^ where he haa been taking Friday D«lte. ed from second to first Lieutenant (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THRBB^CBNTB fitba men. ^ a special courae to prepare him for On July 3, 1S40, Cowles receivted ao Fdga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, 24,1942 promotion in that branch of the Tonight It was announced today by regi­ At a' aneeting of tha dtoaetors Another in, the ser}e6 o f dances Joint School Board meeting. his Silver bars and took over the VOL. LXL, NO. 226 Knaat Sndth began aervice. »• and entertainments duties of First lieutenant He of tha Maiicheatar Y. M. C. A.. Municipal building. mental headquarters of the Con­ -8 jeatarday completing the armed services witf be held at tne necticut Infantry regiment of the served faithfully, aa the Adjutant held at the 'T yesterday aftoraoon t x„ A t o f _fldawalk________________ on the aouth , Unne Lodge No. 7?. KnlghU o f Army and Navy^ub this Friday Rec^tion for aelecteea at Le- of the third battalion fo r' aome Charles B. .Loomis was etectad c t Porter atreet begun under pythiaa, will hold lU regular meet-. evening. The qffair, the second, in gioa Home. rd pivlsion, that First Lieuten­ time.i. Hia service m oril is one of § resident, ^succeeding Wells A. A Paiekage for b /U-Boat PA. piolaet aeveral montba I jng tomorrow night at 8 o'clock th the series, is p][^sored by the La­ . Friday, June ’38 ant Walter G. Cowles, who left continual work and study. tricklan.d. here when the division waa Induct-, & town took over the work Orange Hail. ElecUon of offlcera dies’ Auxl Danes for aoidlera at Army and Mr. Loomis haa served on the WPA Bunport waa with- wUl taka place. There win also be ’The enterU^ment will be under N a vy Club. ed, has bera promoted to the rank board of directors for atapy yearn N a z i s from the and the con-1 the drawing on the War^^nds, ao the dlrept supervision of Rbolda Monday, Jnno Sh of Captain! and has alwaya taken, a jiv f^ in­ let'by the Selectmen to I ajj lUembers are urge^to turn in Martln/and musiefor dancing will B. W. V. Carnival opens. Maple ’The former Manchester National Prices Keeping Up terest in the. work. He has sarved and Spruce atreels. Guard, off leer assumes the com­ Smith. Itbeir etuba be by Frankie Val’s Orchestra, on various committees that entail­ Dur g. the evening a b iiffet sup- Vacation church school. North mand of Company 1^ the unit At Berry Market ed much of his tlnaie. He baa al« Main street churches. w^ira left the locid armory under Move South to hA bnakdown ln the pumping Aviator Cadet John D. Hamil dll be served to all those at- waya taken the-work of tha T. ' ton, of" 87 Garden atreet, form er hdlng. Tuesday, Joss 88 C. A. seriously, especially that Into ^' arim ery o t Tree Siirgeon Harry ^ ■waat held up the town yray- Unlveralty-of Connecticut student, All men In uniform will be ad­ Registration of young men b^ which would help the younger ele­ on furlough from Bradley FlMd, tween 18 and 20 at Legion H o^ , The rain this morning will hjk'lre ment in the community. r yaaterday for aeveral boure. mitted free of charge. A nominal a bad effect on the stniwbemes ^ all of the treea on the eaet Windsor Locks, left this morning admission fee will be charged for 7 a.m. to .9 p.m. Mr. Strickland who retires from for Maxwell Field, Alabama. Wednesday, July 1 brought to the Manchester Auc­ the head of the institution, .has Cf town hav« been aprayed all others attending. tion market this afternooh. Rain Defenses of Sals of War Bonds, and i^tampa^ served aa president ever since the f^too aocB, fo r the elm ’The oommittee in charge of the baa cut down the number of On IChkrkov aa and other inaacta were William J. 'Bedford was among by all local merchants, 13 to 12tl5.‘ T waa started. Marbert B. House has jmcepted dance and entertainment la headed crates offered ao far this aeason ; to oat ttM leavoa. Spray- the 40 men’from Connecticut who by Mrs. Rose PMchat and includes Thursday, July % Other .Oflloeie Cheeea V' enlisted in the United Statea Navy, ths chairmanship of the,'Retailers Blood bank donations at Legion but the prices have been good. ’The other officers named yes­ .’ to b a lu dona on the Waat Side Mrs. Nellie McCarthy, Mrs. Chria-,- Testei^ay an average of 30 AppiurenUy Intenff to L y. The town haa 1,400 treea to yeaterday, for Victory Campaign*' It was Homo. Fifty volunteers needed. terday Include: Dr. Ferric E. Rey­ announced today by the Manches- tine Glenney, Mrs. Irene Palshaw, cents a quart was reported, at the Reckless Charges by jUu prayod imder the preaent con-' Monday, July 8 nolds, vice president: Tliomas Tivo Groups Opposing Y ^ e e l and twr Chamber of Coplmerce. The Mrs. Florence Sullivan and Mrs. market. Sold were 178 crates Bentley, treasurer; Herbert ’Ten­ : at 6S cenU per tree. M ary BushneU Cheney Auxiliary, Georgina Vince. Besides the com­ Vacation Church school, South Hundreds of Tanks A W B l K i campaign w ill opeiyton July l-When Methodist church, begins packed .34 quarts, for a high of ney, secretary, and Edgar Clark, Crash int^ Frontier U.8.W.V., will hold its monthly mittee. there are a number of the 86.70, a low o f |3.85 and an aver­ business meeting tomorrow eve- all Jocal merchnnta w ill suspend Wedatedav. Jotr 8 asaiatant secretary. Followed by Infantry r. No. 08. O. E. S. younger set to act as hostesses to age of 84.S4. Aim sold were 483 AU the officers and iBrectora Many jMues Below nliW'-at eight o'clock at the Y.M. buBlnesB for fifteen ipinutea, from Annual outing. Retail Credit tta teal BaaoUng of the 13:00 to 12:15 m. and devote the the invited guests. iprates packed 18 quarts, tor' a hava pledged thdr hearty sup­ Break Lines; Ovcipow- By Chinese Forces toaaor tow evaolag la the C jL . Bureau, Bantly’s cottage, CoveU' Coastin H ope o f time to the inle of War Savings try, high o f $4.50, a low o f $3.50 and port to the nqW president, who TOmple. A aocial time an average o f 83.33. takea office at once. ering Strength Be­ Newa of the birth of a daughter Bonds and {Ithmpa exclusively. July t te 11 Outflanking Brit pafreahmente will follow the The drive' will continue through- PolUically-Wise Observ­ to Mr. and Mrs- Alvar Berggren of Students Give Registration for ja s imtloalng ing Brought to Be^ Push Back Western Claw Canada Faces Mobile Units in Shelton on June 17, discloses the but the month of July, and local at High, Nathan Hale and Hol­ EXpect Ortiz ^ ers Predict Spiking fact that on that data falls the an­ citlsens will be requested to co­ lister street schools. Against Defenders Of Japanese Pincer :; iMka. Hdwaid J. Veirla, Jr., of operate with their merchants by West of Salnm. Middle TumpikA and her niversary of Mrs. Berggren'a par­ Piano Reeital Meaday, July IS Of Besieg^ ^ Port. Coming Wi$hin SO Of Moves by Chal­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. John LJnnell of pQKhasing the ' bonds and stamps Vacation church achool, Eman­ W^NESDAY AND THURSDAY T o Q u itP ost Higher TaXes m , Edward, tetty Jaaa and -during the 31 days tha campaign _ _ laft today for their cottage 70 Oak atreet, and that it ia aied uel Lutheran chucch.
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