Therapeutic Effect of Rosiglitazone Combined with Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Transplantation in Rats with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitu

Therapeutic Effect of Rosiglitazone Combined with Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Transplantation in Rats with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitu

ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ ৰ 21 Ż ৰ 33 ƛ 20171128 ϦČ Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research November 28, 2017 Vol.21, No.33 ऺƣጛۘ 2Ƨசɳ҉۔ปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ̓ ăএ) ϴ ዐ(ǧSďS˂ˡŋʒ½ˍãKǧSď 300350) .Ƨசɳ҉[J].ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ 2017 21(33):5325-5331 2 ۔šϬƨăএ) ϴዐ. ปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ̓ DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2017.33.013 ORCID: 0000-0001-9343-6732(ăএ)) তȷợⓉᪿ ÒŻűK˿K1973 ˝ÛK Ƨசɳ҉ 2 ۔ปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ̓ ǧSďNK˩ȂKƶƍ åKƶϙÎāˍǫɯΡ~ ̼ϟūʃ Ƿ ͏ћȒ 3 ɬ Ě ିǻ:R394.2 ाွᜄ ඗Ș۔ȭ+ඈ (1)ᢆȓȈඈ̓ B:ۅǒɀ¬ĭ Dzʃ᪊ (1)µƧඈ˸྇ǎɲ☝࿍ ச3ྴˏ௤3CཱྀǎĿᯬ ปʸ′⍤ █ɳ SD ̓ তේǻ:2095-4344 ˈ֔ˊͼȸϣ ₓǜĚ ༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ (2017)33-05325-07 ปʸ′⍤ඈ˸྇ඝ(2) ۔ (2)࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ Oǎƌ ඊྡྷࢿΉdz ɘ4ěY2017-06-03 tปʸ′⍤ Ϗ ƅά͏ћ̓ 2 Ƨசɳ Ƨசɳ 2 ۔ ཮¾ඊྡྷඈɲ☝࿍ (3)ྴှඈඋƮɍǜĚǎ࿆(3) ҉µƧ ͼȸ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ ྴˏඊྡྷη̑Ρ ҉ õ:̺ (4)ǒɀඈ˸྇ඝtปʸ (4) ྴ ှ ඈ උ CXCL1 3 ҋǑà4 ′⍤ՈȐrɲ☝࿍ͼȸ CXCL2 ǎ͢ǛĿ CXCR2 ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ4 ᖏՁᜬẂˈ¿4 L₎5 ปʸ′⍤«P࢑ ÖZϬՈ̕Σx′ିሳĭ dzƅά┑ĺ 2 Ƨசɳ҉˯້Ոᜄசˈ¿ ෗ᢧ̺ҋǑ à IJ⑃ƛūϬKĆȰႸཀྵྚʐˈྃ਍]ᄳǑà4 ཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћசɳ҉dz&ƶĿȴƇǷՈྴˏඈඋඊྡྷ ẟ໐ŻÏĿͱ>Ǜ4۸ūՈྴˏඈඋ ම࿆ ťǷՈᜄசˈ¿ ęû̺ҋǑà ෗ᢧசɳ҉ՈÂǕҋ਍ IJʌசɳʟȭ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷͣƅǃĐňϬ ƽˑ ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћՈάȘ4 ʼᡅ ëۘऺº߾ ʌசɳʟȭ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷƌϏͣƅºՈõ:ňϬ ẝPňϬₑƽˑ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷń 2 Ƨசྐ ɳ҉͏ћ5☦ՈάȘ4 Ƨசɳ҉ՈάȘ4 2 ۔Ոᢆȓปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћֲ̓ ỞẋွဘͼȸɃFₓ⏂࿶◍௤༘۔Ǯ ╓ƶǚ 20 Ǯň&Ƿȭ+ඈ mŅՈ 88 Ǯ̓ 108 ۔̓ 5ͩǚ SD ˈ֔ˊ 4 ඈ͏ћµƧඈ˸྇ǎɲ☝࿍ͼȸϣ Ȍʌசʌ࿆Ģņএ 2 Ƨசɳ҉µƧ ỤµȒ 20 d ╓ƶ ปʸ′⍤ඈ˸྇ඝtปʸ′⍤ ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷඈɲ☝࿍ͼȸ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ ǒɀඈ˸྇ඝtปʸ′⍤ՈȐ ाွᜄச3ྴˏ௤3Cཱྀ۔rɲ☝࿍ͼȸ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ4ţ 1 Ƶ/d Ảන͏ћ 7 d4͏ћȒ 3 ɬ ᢆȓȈඈ̓ ǎĿᯬₓǜĚ ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ OǎƌϏ ྴှඈඋƮɍǜĚǎྴˏඊྡྷη̑Ρ Ñǎྴှඈඋ CXCL13 CXCL2 ǎ͢ǛĿ CXCR2 ᖏՁᜬẂˈ¿4 ඗Ș^඗᩾ ^Ƿȭ+ඈɨṇ µƧඈाွᜄசŋʌ(P < 0.05) ྴˏ௤3CཱྀǎĿᯬₓţ[┑(P < 0.05) ྴˏඊྡྷηϔₓʺ¤(P < 0.05) ྴှඈඋ CXCL13CXCL2 ǎ͢ǛĿ CXCR2 ᖏՁᜬẂŋʌ(P < 0.05) ྴ ˏඈඋƮɍ௎] ±ᢅɅₓྴˏඊྡྷþ ^µƧඈɨṇ ปʸ′⍤ඈ3࿆཮¾ඊྡྷඈ3ǒɀඈाွᜄச ┑ĺ(P < 0.05) ྴˏ௤3CཱྀǎĿᯬₓţŋʌ(P < 0.05) ྴˏඊྡྷηϔₓλɅ(P < 0.05) ྴှඈඋ CXCL13 CXCL2 ǎ͢ǛĿ CXCR2 ᖏՁᜬẂ┑ĺ(P < 0.05) ྴˏඈඋƮɍɌɴ]Ȑ࣏òΝΈ ͢ÑǒɀඈȈūʃǎ ྴˏඈඋΝΈ࣏òżº ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷඈ3ǒɀඈdzᢅࢿΉՈ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷ Ñǒɀඈɹ̶඗Șᜬ Ƨசɳ҉ õ:̺ҋǑà4 2 ۔ปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉdzƅά͏ћ̓ ͟⏲᪑ ҋᱏĚüƄ̺۔ඊྡྷ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷปʸ′⍤ࢿΉசɳ҉̓¾ 'L᪑ ¾ඊྡྷசɳ҉ඊྡྷࢿΉඈඋ1࣏ Therapeutic effect of rosiglitazone combined with adipose-derived stem cell transplantation in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus Kang Li-li, Attending Kang Li-li, Tian Meng (Department of Internal Medicine, Tianjin Jinnan District Xianshuigu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, physician, Department of China) Internal Medicine, Tianjin Jinnan District Xianshuigu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, Abstract China BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that high glucose environment has a significant inhibitory effect on the ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 5 3 2 5 Ƨசɳ҉ 2 ۔ăএ) ਍. ปʸ′⍤༘Ȍ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ̓ survival of adipose-derived stem cells, which significantly affects the therapeutic efficacy of adipose-derived stem cells on type 2 diabetes mellitus. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the therapeutic effect of rosiglitazone combined with adipose-derived stem cell transplantation in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: A total of 108 male Sprague-Dawley rats were chosen, 20 of which were randomly taken as normal controls and the rest 88 rats were used to make type 2 diabetes mellitus models through intraperitoneal injection of low-dose streptozotocin combined with high-sugar/high-fat diet. At 20 days after modeling, the model rats were randomized into model, rosiglitazone, cell transplantation and combined groups, followed by administration of normal saline (by gavage and via tail vein), rosiglitazone (by gavage), adipose-derived stem cells (via tail vein), and rosiglitazone (by gavage)+adipose-derived stem cells (via tail vein), once a day, for consecutive 7 days. Three weeks after treatment, fasting blood glucose level, insulin level, C-peptide level, body mass changes were detected; distribution and survival of adipose-derived stem cells were observed; the changes of pancreas histomorphology was observed, the apoptosis in islet cells was detected, and the CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCR2 protein expression levels in the pancreas tissue were determined. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Compared with the normal control group, the fasting blood glucose level was increased (P < 0.05), while the insulin level, C-peptide level and body mass were significantly decreased in the model group (P < 0.05); the number of apoptotic islet cells was increased (P < 0.05); the expression levels of CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCR2 in the pancreas tissue were elevated (P < 0.05); and the pancreas tissue morphologies were in disorder, with few islet cell masses. Compared with the model group, the fasting blood glucose level was decreased (P < 0.05), while the insulin level, C-peptide level and body mass were significantly increased in the rosiglitazone, cell transplantation and combined groups (P < 0.05); the number of apoptotic islet cells was decreased (P < 0.05); the expression levels of CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCR2 in the pancreas tissue were declined (P < 0.05); and the pancreas tissue morphologies were improved to different extents, and the combined group showed the best improvement. There were many transplanted adipose-derived stem cells in the cell transplantation and combined groups, especially in the latter one. Overall findings indicate that rosiglitazone combined with adipose-derived stem cell transplantation is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus in rats, which is better to inhibit inflammations. Subject headings: Stem Cells; Diabetes Mellitus; Cell Transplantation; Tissue Engineering Cite this article: Kang LL, Tian M. Therapeutic effect of rosiglitazone combined with adipose-derived stem cell transplantation in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2017;21(33):5325-5331. 0 šᣄ Introduction 1njʐ5ͩMaterials and methods Q ͔Аசɳ҉˯້>ॅ۸3.8«¦Ƶ ͢ę 1.1 Éα ╓ƶȭ+¬ĭǒɀ4ֲ ˯້ƅẕ1.3« சɳ҉>t&5྅¦ିɑăՈξˈǟͩ[1]4 1.2 ðϏΛıļ ǒɀz2015À8ƄႷ2016À10Ƅńͅ ͠]ᱷzňϬ ιĿ࢕̓ƚ¬ĭǒɀۘऺȏǀt4 சɳ҉Ո҉ü'ᡅ«˯້ƶĿͱՈྴˏ௤ Ǜ4└: ˯້Ո'ᡅ Öᜬɴ&ᜄசŋʌÂĠ╓؄]Ȑ 1.3 ƨ 108Ǯ Ŀᯬₓ220۔࣏òՈĿᯬₓλḿ[2]4᫇ɡ>ඓᜬ2Ƨசɳ҉ń¤ƅசɳ ǒɀ¬ĭ40 dܸ█ɳSD̓ ŤՈɨŷʌẂ90%ÑZ ᪩҉ₑƽˑ؄˯້ 260 g ϵͅιĿ࢕̓ƚǒɀ¬ĭȏȴƇ ϣ᩼dz᪅ǻ¤້˯҉ ՈϣʁɑăʐϣϏᯬₓ[3]4ปʸ′⍤«ẕÀǡ ÖZṇ &SCXK(ι)2012-010 ¬ĭǒɀ᩼dz᪅ǻ&SYXK (ι) 80%3SPFɳʟ[Ⴎ ᢅՈP࢑Ϭz͏ћ2Ƨசɳ҉Ոሳĭ ۘऺᜬ᪩ሳdz 2012-0026 ǘÕ25 ?3īò50%& ƅά┑ĺ2Ƨசɳ҉˯້Ոᜄசˈ¿ ෗ᢧ̺ҋǑà IJ⑃ ϵĢˈʐ₋4 ཮¾ඊྡྷ(ͅιůϛϣĭ࿆۔ƛūϬKĆȰႸཀྵྚʐˈྃ਍]ᄳǑà[4-6]4Ⓒ̱ᯬ¾ඊྡྷ 'ᡅඊྡྷ3᪙FǎÖ ĚȈ࿁Ո̶࿁¾ඊྡྷ ẕÀǡ̶-ۘऺ 1࣏ƅ└͘Ǽ)ྴᖏՁ›(Sigma͘Ǽ)PBS3DMEMȕ Pିͣƅ̶ȕ» ǕɴⒸ̱ᯬ¾ඊྡྷdzdž^ǚ̩Ǜǃඈඋ[7-9] Âńசɳ҉š ͧȖ3ྒğᜄ±ʐPBS(Hyclone)ඊྡྷȕͧੵ(Heraeus ǕՈǃĐʐÂǕҋ͏ћ5☦ňϬºጛ[10-13]4࿆཮¾ඊྡྷň Sepatech ͘Ǽ)Trizol᪙F֖(Invitrogen)BCAᖏՁϧò P࢑ļz࿆཮ඈඋՈⒸ̱ᯬ¾ඊྡྷ ẕÀ;ǛĿƚۘऺ ϟ᪙᪙F֖(ʺƆƧ)35×SDSᖏՁZʳ෗Ξ^320×TBS& └Ո☖ؔ[14-18]4ƅۘऺ඗Șº߾ ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷń෗ᢧ2Ƨச ෗Ξ^(śņtϣĭ)᱉ά1ňǴ(ᄾ+ʌZ#᯼ƅ້ ɳ҉5☦ћάºጛ ͢'ᡅỞẋΝΈྴˏ௤γͫɳ3ʺ¤ ͘Ǽ)CXCL13CXCL2ǎ͢ǛĿCXCR2Pû&̀û¦̶ βඊྡྷՈϔₓǡ┑ĺᜄச[19-20]4Ǹ̲ۘऺº߾ ʌசɳ ̷╊ûĿ CXCL13CXCL2ǎ͢ǛĿCXCR2Ոxû&ṧˏྴ ʟȭ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷՈƌϏͣƅºõ:ňϬ ẝPňϬₑ ʵẋʻĚĭ›(HRP)ʃᩴՈʥ๎û̶̷̀╊ûĿGAPDH û¦ûĿ GAPDHՈxû&HRPʃᩴ۔ƽˑ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷń2Ƨசɳ҉͏ћ5☦ՈάȘ[21]4üǸ Ȗ Pû&ř̷╊Ƀ Ո̶̷╊ûĿ(ᅂăϣĭäƫ(ǩ*)ƅ└͘۔zZẴۘऺ ᫂LඈȌϟỞẋปʸ′⍤Ո┑ᜄசňϬÑ Ոʥ๎ûɃ ȴʌ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷՈƌϏ࿁ ẟ໐ȴʌ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷࢿΉń2 Ǽ)4 Ƨசɳ҉Ո͏ћ5☦ՈάȘ Ñƛ&2Ƨசɳ҉Ո͏ћ1ň 1.4 ôκǒƽ ȴƇˊ᩾ȋℸʐΓť4 1.4.1 ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷՈĿ̲ȕͧ ȺΧƌ࿆཮¾ඊྡྷาz 5326 P.O. 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