IUIUBII Weekly, UnUrid as Hecciiid-Cluiw Miitl>r nl tlic I'oat- [VOLUME XLV. NO. 9. ullice ut lU-il tluiil'., N. J., inilcr thu Act ol Morcli ad, 16TJ." RED BANK, N. J.,' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1922. $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 1 TO 10. SINGING ON A LAWN. HURT BY CONCRETK MIXER. NEW SIGN FOR RED BANK. SALE OF A RIVER PLACE. 'CHARGED WHB SWINDLING! THK£E $Z5 EACIf- Son{;fi:it to bo Held Sunday Night Arthur Bennett's Hand Mangled an ! Ked Bard: Young Men Get Into LONG LEASE RECORDED Two Fingcrj lirulien. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION on Baptist Church Grounds, SUMMIT MAN BUYS THE EBERS- RED BANKERS SAY THEY WERE Trouble on Tramji Hollow Rniid. A special service with an elaborate Arthur liennett, who liw on tin HADDON BLOCK LEASED HY . TO PUT IT UP. corner of Shrewsbuiv FLEECED BY NEW YO1UCER. I aul Ili.riiit ily, John Bias.-h ;,nd i 'iidcal program will lie (riven on the BERGEK PROPERTY. IUUTV !>ini:-i el' Ked liank were ai- WHALEN-CASSSDY COMPANY. liiiyn of thu Ilolmdel Baptist church j-j^ River street, suffered two bro! 'iiMi-iiion Granted by the Mayor Place Contains G7 Acreu and is lingers and other iii.tn Joseph Fix, Jr., Claims He wits Ku- le.M-d List Wcdne-diiy Jliullt oil Com- •Sunday night under the direction of J i'\s la;-t \v >-k clired Out of $400 and ibe- Moose Leas.; Runs 211 Y^nro ut $7,000 tc» and Council to Pltice It on Bridge l a High Bluff on Swimming wlien his rij^ht hand ) >::int.- made I,.. ( eorgc II. Ml rdiiek $9,000 i.er Year—L M, ' Mml the Christian Kndeuvor .society of i v• 1 cnur.lit '.I! Say They Were "Done" for $l(iO 1 v\ H -. ii. \V." who 1 ve Ol elM c cilman Lippincott River, Al>out u Quurter of a Mile the cog -wheel of a en 11 trlill. Also Fay All Tnxet find Allclf the New Monmouth Hapti.sf church. ncrete miser. —New Yorlccr Now Behind Burs. 1e Tr imp HolIc road The c hargL A ven ut'—C ppictt Above Newman Springs. The hand Rot wedgeil ;-o firmly be- \ w nients—No Option of Purchase. Thia will lie u union service, as the Arthur' Kcbramm, a New York man as- th.it llartne ly Bra. eh and lilll'MS ai.d (own Notes Figure at Meeting John Kber.-djcrger has sold his (ween two eog wheel.; 1 /\ bill;.; leaai', whieh is ;-,iid to be llolmdel Reformed church will be oi tbi- mixer ,who had boarded three months at ilh" e: -pa. seit on t ic !"•')[ .-l-tie.-- < f till 1 Sevci-il com I properly a short distance above New- that it took the combin :d l-lrength of! tbc fii.st of its kind <jv<;r ifeordi-d in Permission was granted liy thoclosed on that (into. Monmoutli hotel at Red flank, was Hlljlb; inant.-; ;i id hec line a Ml.si VI 1 K 1 t b si clis mil l!i Arthur's brothers, Wall or and Lester; .Monmouth county, \va.- placed on mayo•"s"'i",i!in',r an:l! i"counci "'1 l'" o' f "Re."d Hank ."onlmuiiity 3ong«;rvices have been held !'«<>•• Springa to Samuel Katz of Sum- arrested hiM Wednesday on ehari',v.' ben )nlered i if Tl >. tbre. men 1 5 lllw ilt llll! Bennett, to move the .v 1 lecord at Freehold last week. The Vm-t ,'m ' I "'{ V^",'™ '", !"" »« llolmilel this summer and !»"•• W>ersberger place is on the n-ck buck and of having- obtained money ut:der lln V. 1 JVlomkiy night to the bi lorou !l re anes ed ha.d a hearing be- ?m. 1? I iM i "' ? all «f them have been largely ntte.nl- r^r hank and lies between the Han- get the hand out. l-' ng, deep and ,l"n«i' was made by llr:;. Josephine jagged cutH were mad.- false pretence:-. The i-oniplaiiiaiit.- r n-e I it.-tico K an r ('. Wainv right JiiopeiLy on l>mlj{o avenue whore the ,,,i • cock farm anil the properly ul Daniel m addition to [were Jos(;ph l''ix, -If., and the lied Stolfel, widow (if I'hilip Htuffel, mid i bi I- aeh was tilled •") am costs, wbicl I)-- Klizabetb II. Pope and Juliii P. two lingers being br.d-icn. Artlmi • „ ,. , , • f Moose. .Schramm bad v Wilwwagcl he. .plant II , is located. On thu sign '" ... _^.^_ _ II. Cook. Mr. Kbersbcrger bought as pa id. Wipe', her husband, to the VVImlen- words, "The Shopping the property several yearn ago and will be unable to work fur a month ; Q?'^ ' ^g , and !:•• (•enter of Moninouth County, Hod : he has i;pent his Hummer.-, there dur- r m bufor(j Juiitici w Cu::^i<!y company. The property Jliink." PAVING MAPLE AVENUE. ing hia ownership. The place was or more. Iwas sent to the county jail to awa.i leased comprises the three store _ It was reported that some practical formerly owned by 'Mr. Nelson of 1 Itlie action of the grand jury. !CIRCUS ON PLAYGROUND. Innldiugs nt the corner of liroad and joker bad painted one of the atl'fcet Oceanic and previous to that was According to the complaints White streets and known as the Ilad- NEW U1DS TO BE CALLED FOR AUTO DEALERS OUTING. Schramm represonted himself as an lights red. oil Wallace street so that owned by Eli Gilford of Newuik. RED BANK CHILDREN HAD A don block from the fact that the Jt gave no illumination. The light UY THE FREEHOLDERS. The property com|U'ises a tract of agent for the Union home builders, ;: property was for many years owned committee was instructed to attend 07! acres and it has a river frontal A PICNIC AT COLD INDIAN concern with headquarters at. Wash- B1C TIME LAST WEEK. by William Haddon, father of Mrs. These Bids Will be Opened and the ington and with a braiw-b oilier ;tt to the matter. Contract Awarded on Wednesday, of about 9011 feet. The house is a SPRING LAST TUESDAY. The Circus Was Held on the Hii'li tUuffcl. The property has a frontuj;" tile bungalow, a story and a half Brooklyn. This concern loans money of 7f> feet on liroad street and iii ( Curbing assessments were fixed at September 6th—Tlic Work to be , 1)l .- . - . to persons who build homes and otlie School Grounds on Thursday Af- -lf> cents n foot on propertied where Completed Before Winter Sets In. |1"K". !i"]H iin the Californif a style. It Twelve Automobile Merchants of ternoon—Seventy-Five Children llll feet deep. The stores atv each ' contains twelve rooms, with two batn Ked Bunk Had Perfect Day of buildings. The complaints say thai. '-TI.NIOO feet, except that the niidd!" iiirliing has been put rlovvr. by the James J. IJarrett, who wan the low- Schramm told them they would bav Danced nnd Played. •I own. nd all improvements avail- Sport and Fun—Joseph Sesta Won .--tore has been divided into two busi- est bidder for the contract to pave room:: Horse&hce Match arid a Pen. to pay the interest in advance befor A playground circus with nothing ness places. Councilman Harry Ii. Clayton re- Maple ayenue, has withdrawn his bid. able in that locality. A large garage, they got the principal and that h lacking but a big tent was held last ported llml Thomas. Wise had com- The bid was made in June and was with room for four cars and with Twelve members of the automobile w The lease was made July rilsl, It is dealers' association of Kedliank °uld send the interest money to th Thursday afternoon on the Red liank plained to him about water flowing withdrawn because of tho long delay chauffeur's quarters ' on the second home building company at the sain high .school grounds under the direc- made free from all tenancies except l,wo leases, one made to Nick S. Ga- lining West Front street on to Mr. in awarding the contract. Under Ihe floor, is also on the place. The house itlme ht .." ' ' th lion of Miss Helen II. Porterliold, Wisc'ii property nnd doing damage. Tuesday'o'f ' sent'the application for briel and assigned by Gabriel to regulation;; a bidder has a right to is on a high bluff, which drops sharp- money to the company. tin- superintendent ol cn-alion. No action was '.alien on this matter. withdraw his hill if :t is not accepted ly down to the water, and there is la'st week and tiiey spent the whole About Vi children t l'etc'.s Candy Shop, which expires Mr. Fix made a check out fof if-lm • ok part. They April 1st, l!ll!5; and another lease to Action was likewise deferred on lay- within u reasonable time. wide view both up and down the | ,jav tiicre. Swimminc, bathing, cook to Mr. Schramm, this being the in niMiiid a parade cm Hudson uvrnuc iii;; Hi lewiillts on West l'Yont -street The next lowest bidder was the river. An apartment bouse at New-j jni; t|lci,. own meals over a campliie and mar 1'eil lo the school urounds. George S. Noglows, which also ex- ark inured as a trade in the transuc-1 i horse-shoe throwing match tercet he was to pay on the loai pires April 1st, 1025. No mention near Hiibbard's brii'ge.
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