'.504*2 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 11, 1881. To be Lieutenant-Colonels. FACTORY AND WORKSHOP ACT, 1878,, Major Henry Chamberlayne Farrell, vice Brevet 41 Viet., c. 16. s. 53. Colonel A. H. W. "Williams, promoted. Dated OVERTIME.—ADDITIONAL Two HOURS. 1st October, 1881. Order of Secretary of State extending Special Major Edward McLaughlin, vice Brevet Colonel Exception. C. F. Cockburn, promoted. Dated 1st October, WHEREAS the Factory and Workshop Act,. 1881. 1878, contains a special exception to the effect To be Majors. that the. regulations of the Act with respect to the. Captain Harry William. Rooke, vice H. .0. Farrell, employment of young persons and women shall promoted. Dated 1st October, 1881. not prevent the employment in the factories and. Captain William McClintock upon the Seconded workshops or parts thereof to which the exception List. Dated 1st October, 1881. applies of young persons and of women during a. Captain Pemberton Harrison, from .the Seconded period of employment beginning at 6 A.M. and List, vice E. McLaughlin, promoted. Dated ending at 8 P.M., or beginning at 7 A.M. and ending 1st October, .1881. at 9 P.M., or beginning at 8 A.M. and ending at Captain Edward Bainbridge upon tbe Seconded 10 P.M., if they are employed in accordance with List. Dated Ifet:October,.. 1881. the following conditions ; namely, Captain and Adjutant Alfred Edward Turner, ^1.) There shall be allowed to every such young- vice J. P. Nolan, retired. Dated 1st October, person and woman for meals during the 1881. period of employment not less than two hours,, Captain James Fox Brougb, vice F. W. Nind, of which half an hour shall be after five retired. Dat'ed 1st October, 1881. o'clock in the evening j and To be Captbins. (2.) Any such young person or woman shall not Lieutenant Albert Henry Cnllwell, 'vice E. M» be so employed on the whole for more -than Baker, seconded for service as an Adjutant of 5 days in any one week, nor for more than Auxiliary Forces. Dated 18th September, 48 days in any 12 months. 1881. And whereas the special exception is by the Lieutenant Josceline Heneage Wodehouse, vice Act declared to apply to the factories and" work- H. W. Rooke, promoted. .Dated -1st October, shops referred to in the said section ; ' 1881. And whereas it has been proved to my satis- Lieutenant Fitzgerald Muirson Banister, vice faction that in the class of workshops mentioned A. E. Turner, promoted. Dated 1st' October, in the schedule here under, it is necessary, by 1881. reason of press of work arising at certain re- Captain Gerald Bourke,.from the Seconded List, curring seasons of the year, and of the liability vice J. F. Brough, promoted. Dated 1st Octo- of the business to a sudden press of orders ber, 1881. arising from unforeseen events, to employ young- Lieutenant John McDonnell, from the Seconded. persons and women in manner authorized by-this List, vice T. J. Roch, seconded for service in exception, and that such employment will not the Department of. .the Director of Artillery injure the health of the young persons and. •and Stores. .Dated 1st October, 1881. women affected thereby; Now I, the Right Honourable Sir William. Captain Charles- Russell to &e .Adjutant, vice Vernon Harcourt, one of Her Majesty's Principal A. Browne, who resigns that appointment. Secretaries of State, by this Order, made under- Dated 26th September, 1881. Part 2 of the said Act, extend this exception accordingly,. Provided that nothing in this Order- MEMORANDA. shall be taken to apply : The undermentioned Lieutenant-Colonels, Royal (a.) Where persons are employed at home, Artillery, to be Colonels in the Army. Dated that is to say, to a private house, room..or 1st October, 1881 :— place which, though used as a dwelling, is,, Henry Thornhill. by reason of the work carried on there, a Arthur Thornton Gratwicke Pearse. * factory or workshop within the meaning of Thomas Priaulx Carey. this Act, and in which neither sleam, water,, Henry James Alderson. nor other mechanical power is used, and in Alexander Hadden Hutch inson. which the >only persons employed are mem- Frederick George Ravenhill. bers, of the same family dwelling there ; or John Edward Ruck-Keene. (6.) To a workshop, or part thereof, which is- Francis Towry Adeane Law, C.B., half-pay, conducted on the system of not employing Assitant Adjutant-General Woolwich District. any child or young person therein. Major Francis Downes (Local Colonel in Southern This Order shall come into effect on Tuesday,, Australia). the 11th of October, 1881, and shall, unless pre- Falkland George Edgeworth Warren, C.M.G. viously revoked, continue in force until 31st De- Walter William Woodward (late Bombay). cember, 1882, and no longer. John Charles Tayler (late Madras). W. V. Harcourt. Henry Montgomery Finlay (late Madras). Home Office, Whitehall, October 6, 1881. William Henry McCauslaml (late Madras). Frederick Edward Hadow (late Madras). Schedule. Horatio Powys Lane (late Madras). Workshops wherein the manufacture of fire- works is carried on. Whitehall, September 30, 1881. THE Secretary' of State for the Home Depart- ment hereby gives notice, that the Dorset Indus- trial School for Boys, at Milborne St. Andrew, TREASURY WARRANT. near Blandf ord, in the county of Dorset, has been WE, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's; certified by. him as fit to be an Industrial School Treasury, in exercise of all powers enabling ua for the reception of Boys, not exceeding 45 in. in this behalf, do, by this Warrant, made on the number, under the provisions of " The Industrial representation of Her Majesty's Postmaster- Schools Act, 1866.". General (testified by his signing the same), and THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER If, 1881. 5043 - Tinder the hands of two of us, the said Commis- for the Old Church thereof, in the County of sioners, order, direct, and declare as follows :— Cardigan, and Diocese of Saint David's. 1. All Treasury Warrants at any time hereto- To all to whom these presents shall come, fore made relating to the conveyance by post of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Eng- postal packets (which term in this Warrant means land, send greeting: •and includes all letters, post-cards, newspapers, WHEREAS a new church has lately been built packets of commercial papers, packets of printed within the parish of Llangwyryfon, in the county papers, and pattern or sample packets), between of Cardigan, and in the diocese of Saint David's, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of and has been consecrated and dedicated as the Hawaii (Sandwich Islands), and also between any Church of Llangwyryfon. British Colony or Foreign Country and the King- And whereas the Right Reverend William Basil, •dom of Hawaii (Sandwich Islands), are hereby Bishop of the said diocese of Saint David's, as annulled to the extent to which such Warrants such Bishop, and Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce respectively relate to the several matters com- Chichester, of Arlington, in the county of Devon, prised in this Warrant as aforesaid. Baronet, as the. patron of the vicarage of the 2. The rates of postage and additional sum for said parish of Llangwyryfon, and the Reverend registration now chargeable and payable by the Morgan Evans, Clerk in Holy Orders, as the authority of the Treasury Warrant of the 29th Vicar or Incumbent of the same vicarage, did, day of May, 1879^ or the schedules thereunder by an instrument under their hands, bearing date written on postal packets conveyed or delivered on or about the fifth day of November, in the for conveyance by post from or to Mexico, to or year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, from any other country or place affected by the certify to us, the .said Ecclesiastical Commis- provisions of such last-mentioned Warrant of the sioners for England, that it would be for the 29th day of May, 1879, and all regulations and convenience of the said parish of Llangwyryfon, conditions as to the posting, forwarding, convey- that the said new church of Llangwyryfon, ance, and delivery of postal packets conveyed or situate within such parish, should be substituted •delivered for conveyance by post now in force and for the old parish church (also called the Church applicable thereto shall extend and apply to all of Llangwyryfon), of the same parish. postal packets conveyed or delivered for convey- And whereas, since the date of the said instru- ance by post from or to the Kingdom of Hawaii ment, the said Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce (Sandwich Islands), to or from any other country Chichester, party thereto as aforesaid, has departed or place affected by the provisions of such last- this life. mentioned Warrant of the 29th day of May, And whereas the four persons next hereinafter 1879, in the same way as if the Kingdom of mentioned, that is to say, William Wither Hawaii (Sandwich Islands) had been named in Bramston Beach, of Oakley Hall, near Basing- such last-mentioned Warrant of the 29th day of stoke, in the county of Hants, Esquire, and May, 1879, or the schedules thereunder written. Tankerville Chamberlayne, of Cranbury Park, 3. This Warrant shall come into operation on near Southampton, in the said county of Hants, the first day of January, 1882. Esquire, and William Best, of Winchester, in the Dated this fifth day of October, one thousand said county of Hants, Esquire, and Hans Sloane', eight hundred and eighty-one. Stanley, of Number 14, Halkin-street West, in Charles C. Cotes, the county of Middlesex, Esquire, are the Arthur D. Hayter, trustees of the settled estates of the said Sir Two of the Commissioners of Her Alexander Palmer Bruce Chichester, deceased, Majesty's Treasury.
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