I 97.1 fm eptember, 1971 I I 1971 * * * PRESENTS * * * 1972 LIVELY ARTS SERIES GOLD CURT AlN SERIES Arturo Booed Maurice Bejart's Ballet of the Twentieth Century "Olympian" Chicago Sun "An art with a mass appeal" London Daily Telegraph Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1911 8:30 pm Monday, Nov. 8, 1971 8:30 pm Ruggiero Rice!, Violinist Center Opera Company of Minneapolis "One of the world's greatest violinists" New York Times "The future of opera !n America" Chicago Tribune Friday, Nov. 5, 1971 8:30 pm Saturday, Nov. 20, 1971 8:30 pm Bach Arla Group Vienna Opera "Music without equal" Washington Post "An all-star Sun(Jay, Dec. 12, 1971 8:00 pm Saturday matinee, Jan. 22, 1972 2:00 pm Vienna Opera City Center Jeffrey Ballet From the very ,oe1retta-land "Happiness is the retum of the Joffrey" New York Times Friday, Jan. 21, 1912 8:30 pm Tuesday, Feb.·8, 1972 8:30 pm Herman Prey, Baritone Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre International star of opera and recordings "Ballet with pizzazz" Los Angeles Times Sunday, Feb. 27, 1972 8:00 i,m Thursday, Feb. '17, 1972 8:30 pm Minnesota Symphony Orchestra Netherlands Dance Theatre "One of the cou best orchestras" New York Times "Zany, pure, beautiful" London Daily Express Saturday, Apr. 8, 1 72 8:30 pm Friday, April 21, 1972 8:30 pm DANCE SERIES Jacques D' Amboise's Ballet Theatre USA BEVERLY SILLS "He has few rivals in the world" New York Times Thursday, Oct 14, 1971 8:30 pm Opening the 1971-72 Season Maurice Bejart's Ballet of the Twentieth Century in 5th Annual Benefit for "Exotic, erotic, electric" After Dark the Auditorium Theatre. Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1971 8:30 pm Fonteyn with The National Ballet Tuesday, October 5, 1971 8:30 pm ' New York Times • 4, 1971 8:30 pm BENEFff PRICES: City Center Joffrey Ballet Boxes of 6 seats, $300; Box and "Contemporary vigor and classical elegance" Newsday Special Section seats $50 each; Thursday, Feb. 3, 1972 8:30 pm Main floor $26, $15; Edward vme!a with the Boston Ballet First Balcony $10, $8, $6; "Dazzling-fl Boston Globe Second Balcony $4.50; Gallery $3.50 Friday, Feb. 972 8:30 pm Donation portion of the ticket ArU11.1r Mitchell's Dance Theatre of Harlem price is tax deductible "Brilliant and breathtaking" Harper's Bazaar Sunday, March 5, 1972 8:00 pm AFRO- ASIAN FESTIVAL SERIES REQUEST BROCHURE Classical Khmer Ballet of Cambodia "Perfection" Auguste Rodin Friday, Oct 29, 1971 8:30 pm National Dance Company of Morocco Auditorium "Sahara Desert comes alive" Lawrence of Arabia Thursday, Nov. H, 1971 8:30 pm Theatre I Senegalese National Dance Company Council "A potpourri of " Friday, Nov. 19, 70 E. Congress Royal Acrobats of Persia Chicago, 11 linois 60605 "A spectacular of ritual dance and acrobatics" Monday, Nov. 29, 1971 8:30 pm Phone 922-6634 DEBUSSY 3 Nocturnes ("Nu.a,et"; "Fetas''; & "Sirenes") - New Philh & John All­ PROGRAM SCHEDULE dis Cho/Pierre Boulez (Col M 30483} 8 PM MUSIC OF DEBUSSY WNIB DEBUSSY Ariettes OubHees {Paul 97.1 fm September, 1971 Verlaine) ("C'est l'extase langoureuse"; "Ii pleure dans mon coeur"; "L'ombre des arbres"; "Cheveaux de oois"; "Green"; & "Spleen") - Suzanne Danco,s; Guido Agosti,p (Lon 1329) DEBUSSY Preludes for Piano, Book I ("Danseuses de Delph.es"; "Voiles"; "Le vent dana la plaine"; "Les sons et les parfume tour­ WNXB Program Schedule is published by Radio station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, nent clans l'a!.r du eoir"; "Les eollines d'Ana­ Chicago, lliinoi!l 60611. Plwne: 337-5252. SUbscrlptioo rates: one year $5, 00; capri."; "Dea pas sur la neige"; "Ce qu'a vu le two years $1}. 00; three years $12. 00. vent d'ouest"; ttLa fille aux chevel.lX de lin"; "La serenade interrompue"; "La cathedrale en­ gloutl.e"; "La danee de Puck"; & "Minstrels11)­ Walter GJ.eseking,p (Ang 35006) COVER: "Return :i:l", an etching by Diane Farris. Miss Farris is an assooiste of Chicago Printmakers Workshop, 3335 North Halsted. 9 PM MOZART Sym lf35inD,K.381i("Haff- ner"}-Berlin Phil/Herbert von Karajan {Ang S 36770) {Tonight and on each week night through next Wednesday we have scheduled the last six Sympoonies of Mozart as performed on three new Angel LPs by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan.) SCHUBERT Moments Musicau, Op. 94 - Emil Gilels,p (Mel/Ang SR 40082} MENDELSSOHN Sym #5 in d, Op. 107 ("Reformation"} - New York Phil/Leonard Bern­ 4:40 LISZT Mephlsto Waltz fl; & Mephlsto stein {Col MS 7295) WEDNESDAY 1 Waltz #3 - John Ogdon, p {Ser S 60170) 10:20 BRAHMS Violin Sonata fl! in A, Op. 9 AM IPPOLITOFF IVANOFF "Caucasian 5 PM HUMPERDINCK {born on this date in Sketches",Op, 10-Moseow Phil/Gennadi Rozh­ 100 {"ThUl'l"} - Josef Suk, vn; Jan Panenka,p 1854) Moorish Rhapsody - Leipzig Gewandhaus (Cr 22-16-0087) destvensky {Mel/Ang SR 40119} Oreh/Hennann Abendroth {Urania '¥020) STRAUSS Interludes from "Die Frau TCHAIKOVSKY Concert Fantasy for H'O'MPERD!NCK "Spielmanns letzter Piano & Orch, Op. 56 - Peter Katin, p; London olme Schatten" - PhUh/Erich Leinsdorf (Ser Geaang" from "Die Koen!gskinder" - Hermann S 60097} Phil/Sir Adrian Bault {Lon CS 0055) Prey,bt (Electrola SMC 80075) IDJMPERDINCK Act 3, Scene l of 10 AM LOEWE Songs: "Freibeuter", "Der "Hansel and Gretel" - !nngard Seefried, s {Hlm­ Zauberlehrl.ing", "Der 'l"otentanz", & "Gutmal'll'l sel.); Anneliese Rothenberger, s {Gretel); Lise­ THURSDAY 2 und <Jutweib" - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau,bt; lotte Ma.ikl., s {Dew Fairy); Vienna Phil/Andre Joerg De1111,1a,p (OOG 2530 0521 Cluytens (Ang B/L 3648) 9 AM PUCCffiI Hi&blipta from "La Ron- ALKAN Piano Pieces: "Petit Conte", HUMPERDINCK string Quartet in C dine" - Anna Moffo (Magda); Graziella Sciutti "Le Tamoour bat au champs", & "La Vision•i - Tonhalie Quartet, Zurich (Musiea Mundi VMS (Lisette}; Daniele Barioni (Ruggero}; Piero De - Raymond Lewenthal,p (Col M 30234} 1016) Palma (Prunier}; Mario Sereni (Rambaldo); BRAHMS string Quartet fl in c,Op. RCA Itallana Opera Oreb & Cho/Francesco Mo­ 5111 - Weller Quartet {Lon CM 9432} 6 PM CHOPIN Krakowiak {Concert Rondo} lina.ri-Pradelli (RCA 3033} U AM NICOLAI Excerpts from "The Merry for Piano&Orcl!., Op. 14-Alexis Weissenberg, p; Parls Cons/Stanislaw Skrowaczeweki {Ang 10 AM RAVEL "Dapl.mis & Chloe" SUite if2 - Wives of Windsor": Overture - Vienna Phil/ Boston Sym/Claudio Abbado {OOG 2530 038) Willi Boskovsey (Lon CS 6605); '.'Nun eilst ller­ SC 3723) BELLINI "Norma" Overture - Ba­ DEBUSSY Fantaisie for Piano & Orch bei" - Rita .straieh, s (OOG 19 368); & "Horch, - Jean-Rodolphe Kara, p; London Sym/Alexander die Larche" - Nicolai Gedda, t {Ang S 86624} varian state Opera Orch/Giuseppe Patane (Clip SP 8671) Gibson (Lon CS 6657) ELGAR "Falstaff" (Sym Study) - Halle DELIUS 'Cello Concerto - Jacqueline Orch/Sir John BarbiroUi (Ser SIB 6033) BELLINI "Prendi l'anel ti dono" from "La Sonnambula" - Mirella Freni, s; Nicolai du Pre, 'o; Royal Phil/Sir Malcolm Sargent (Ang S 36285) 12 PM WlENIAWOO Violin Concerto #2 in Gedda, t {Ang S 36397); & "Parti" from "Beatri­ ce di Tenda" - Joan Sutherland, s; Luciano Pa­ d, Op. 22 - Pil'!Chaa Zukerman, vn; Royal Phil/ U: 1(1 HOLST The Planets, Op, 32 - Boston varotti, t (Lon OS 26140} Lawrence Foster (Col M 30044) Sym & New England Conservatory Cho/William HAHN "Le Bal de Beatrice d'Ests" - CHOPIN "Les Sylph.idea" Ballet Suite Steinberg (OOG 2530 102) - Royal Opera House Orch/Str Malcolm sargent Orch de Parts/Jean-Pierre Jacquillat {Ang S 36769} {CliP SP 8670} 12 PM RACHMANINOFF Suite 12, Op. 17 {Introduction; Waltz; Romance; & Tarantella} - 1 PM THE WNlB LIBRARY *1568 7 PM MUSIC OF DEBUSSY Braoha Eden & Alexender Tamir, p {Lon 0434} STRAUSS Sonatina in F for 16 Willde; (A aeries of programs featuring DVORAK string Quartet in E, Op, Serenade in E~ for 13 Wtnds; & Gavotte for 13 music of Claude Debussy begins tine evening 27 - Dvorak Quartet (Cr 22-1&-0089} Winds from Suite, Op, 4 - Boston Wind Ene/ and will be heard subsequently this month and Erm Simon (Boston B 406) in October on Mondays and Frldays from 8 to l PM THE WNIB LIBRARY IH569 IIPM,) KORNOOLD"Much Ado About Nothing" DEBUSSY Prelude to the Afternoon &lite, Op, 11 - Boston Chamber Artists/Eric 2 PM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OPERA of a Faun - Colonne Concerts Orch/Pierre Der­ Simon; BEETHOVEN 2 Marches in F; SCHU­ BOrro "Mefl.atofele" - Renata Te­ vaux (Ber S 6017'¥) BERT Military March, Op. 51#2; KRENEK 3 baldi, s (Margherita); Mario del Monaco, t DEBUSSY 'CeHo Sonat. fl ind - Mercy Marches, Op. 44; BERG March from (Fa.u11t); Cesare Siepi, be (Mefi11tofele); Lucia Jules Eskin, 'c; Michael Tilson Thomas,p {OOG "Wozzeck"; J STRAUSS I Radetzky March - Dalll.eli,e (Marta & Pa.malts); Florian Cavalli., 2530 041:l) Boston Concert Band/Eric Simon {Boston B 411} a{E!ena}l&Piero dl. Palma,t {Wagner & Nereo); DEBUSSY Premiere Rhapsody for Santa Cecilia Orch & Cho/Tullio Serafin (Lon Clarinet & Orch - Gervase de Peyer, cl; New 2 PM BERLIOZ "The Damnation of Faust" A 4330) Phil.h/Pierre Boulez {Col M 30483) - Janet Baker,ms (Marguerite}; Nicolai Gedda, 3 t {Faust); Gabriel Bacqul.er, bt (Mi,phistopheles); LALO "Vainement, ma Men aimee" & Pierre Thau,ba {Brander); Orel! de Parts & FRIDAY 3 (Aullade) from "Le Roi d'Ys" - Henri Legay, t Cho of the Opera, Pnria/Georgea Pretre (Ang (Ang 35673}; & MASSENET "En ferment les 9 AM MASSENET Scenes Pittoresques - SOL 3758) yeux" ("La Reve"} from "Manon" - Leopold Parts Cons/Albert Wolff {Lon LL 1298} Simoneau, t {Dec DL 9968) DUPARC "Pbidyle" & "L'Invitation 4:10 SCHUBERT ''Alfonso & Estrella" SAINT SAENS Fantasy for Viollll & au voyage"; SCHUBERT "Liel:Jeshotachnft" & Overture - Menuhin Fest'lval Orch/Yehudi Harp, Op.
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