o; 1"42 torOaA$1q1 oopega mftlith4 111'1'11 2.91822Fi ,-azz Np., p',.1251,51 vo,oc 0 :.t..4q Er*51§ " i." 31C) 3t30 r1t610 . V 00 0001 ONIE NOVO XI*, .wi ON THE RADIO TODAY TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1948 ,.I . JUNE 22, 1948 1TUESDAY,11-11:30A. M.Republican National ConventionWOR;12:30-1 The New Pork Times WNBC, WJZ (Also on all Television Stations). MORNING NEWS BULLETINS 1:55-4:30Baseball: Dodgers vs. PittsburghWH_N; 1:55-4:30Yank- 10:00-WNBCFred Waring Show every hour on the hour 7 A. M. ees vs. ClevelandWINS; 8:25-11Giants vs. ChicagoWMCA. 1 WORNewaHenry Gladstone WJZMy True StorySketch to midnight Over 7:30-8Much' Ado About MusicQuiz, With Stan Roberts; Marion WCBSMissus Goes A-Shopping Bell, Fritz Rothschild, GuestsWQXR. WMCANews: Tommy Dorsey Show WQXR IA/NYCCity Fun With Children moon your dial) 8-8:30Variety: Dinah Shore and Johnny Mercer, Songs; Harry James Becky Reyher W Q X RFM WIINTed Husing's Bandstand (To 12) (96.3 mc. (Channel 242) and 43.S mc.) OrchestraVVNBC. WNEWMake-Belleve Ballroom 8:05-9Symphony Hall: Beethoven's Symphony No. 2 in DWQXR. WQXRThe New York Times News WLIBNews; Recorded Mum MORNING 8:30-9America's Town Meeting, From Boundbrook, N. J.; "Are You 10:0S-WQXRPanorama of Music Preparing to Grow Old Successfully?" Senator Claude Pepper of 10:15-WORMartha Deane Program 5:30 WNBCRecorded Music Florida; Dr. Daniel A. Poling; Marion B. Folsom, Eugene J. Ken- WNYCClearthe AirDr.AlfredH. WINSGoing to Town Fletcher 13:45-WONNews of the Farm: Market Trend ney, Dr. George LawtonWJZ. 10:30-IVNBCRoad of LifeSketch WJZRecorded Music WJZBetty Crocker Magazine WCBSReveille Music 9-9:30Play: "Adventures of the Thin Man," With Claudia Morgan, WCBS.Hillton HouseSketch 4:00-WNBCToni and Wally Les Tremayne, OthersWNBC (Premiere). WNYCEating Right for Sound Teeth... WJZFarm NewsPhilip Alampl Dr. Anthony R. Shezniot \VCRSArthur Godfrey Variety Show 9-9:30We, the People, With Gus Lesnevich. Mack and Bob: Mrs. WINSListen to Lacy WENRadio Newsreel Robin Burgess, Norma Belloff, OthersWEBS. WNEWNews; Make-Believe Ballroom 6:30-WORRambling With Gambling WJZRiernan's Corner 9-11Republican National Convention: Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr. of 10:45-WNBCJoyce JordanSketch WINSArt Scanlan Show WJZChoral Singers 6:45-WORMonaghan.'s Morning Watch Massachusetts; Herbert Hoover, OthersWJZ, WNYC; 9-10WI-IN; WCBSDavid HarumSketch 7:00-1VNBCNews. Clyde Icittell 9:15-11WOR, 9:30-11WCBS; 10-11:30WNBC. (Also on all tele- WNYCPlano Music WonNews. Melvin Elliott 10:55-WNYCNews Reports WJZNews. Don Gardiner vision stations). 11:00-IVNBCThis IS NOra DrakeSketch WMCANews; Western Songs (Programs today are subject to change due to the coverage of the Republican National Convention) WORRepublican National Convention WNYCSunrise Symphony WJZConvention Roundup WINSNews: Art Scalan Show WCBSArthur Godfrey Variety Show WENTodd Lawrence Records WNYCWeather; Music WONNews. Harry Hennessy WMCANews; Ted Steele Show WL/BNews; Band Music V7HNGeorge H. Combs WJZBreakfast club, Variety WNYCCity Food Guide WQXRThe New York Times News WINSPrize Package WCBSNews ReportsJoe King WLIBNews; Recorded Musie 7:05-WNBCBob Smith Show WLI33Young People's Church WMCANews; Duke Ellington Show WQXRThe New York Times News INTQXRBreakfast Symphony WQXRThe New York Times News WNYCMasterwork Music 7:15-WORGainbling's Musical Clock 11:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony WINSRecorded Music 11: 0S-WNYCOrgan Odes WJZKternan's Corner 8;15-WOEBreakfast, Dorothy and Dick WHNLiving Should Be FunCarlton WQXRAlma Dettinger: Other People's WMCANews; Recorded Music WJZEd and Pegeen Fitzgerald Fredericks Business; Deo Lerman. Guest 7:30-WNBCNews, Charles F. McCarthy WCESPhil Cook Show WHEWTake It Easy. Variety I1:15-WNBCKatle's DaughterSketch WLIRIn Town Tonight WINSNews: Art Scanlan Show WY-ZSNews: Woody's Workshop 11:30-WNBCJack Berch Show WINSRepublican Convention 21:30-WNBC-111. Jinx, Interviews, Talks WQXRThe New York. Times News WORHeart's Desire 1:46-WNECEob Smith Show WCBSMargaret Arlen Program; Latter-9:05-WQXRPlano Personalities WIZGalen Drake WCBSNews Reports views With Clare Boothe Luce, Virginia9:I5-wNBCRoom 416Jotin mccaffery WCBSGrand SlamMusical Quiz WMCAUnity ViewpointTalk Colbert WORPassing Parade WNYCBBC Radio Newsreel WLIBBing Crosby Records WMCANews; Platter Review WCBSThis Is New YorkBill Leonard WNEWNews; Bing Crosby Records 7:50-WNYCTalkCity Careers WNYCCity Food Guide WHNReeorded Music WQXRU. N. Newsreel 7:55-WIZNews Reports WLIBRancho Grande Time WQXRMorning Melodies 11:45-WNBCLora LawtonSketch WNYCNews Reports 8:45-WNYCAro1ind New York Today 9:30-WNBCNorman Brokenshire Show WJZTed Malone Program 6:00-WNBCNews: Bob Smith Show 8:55-WJZGerns for ThoughtDr, Ira W. WOEThe McCanns at Home WCBSRosemarySketch WORNewsPrescott Robinson Langston WINSMorning Matinee WMCACecll Brown. Comments WJZNewsMartin AgronSky WNYCNews Reports WHNFun at BreakfastWard Wilson WNYCMusic Time WCBSNews Reports WHNNews Reports WHEWNews: BeautyRichard Willis WQXRAlong the Danube WMCANews; Music 9:130WABCPeten Roberta. News 8:55-WNYCNews Reports MSSWNYCNews Reports AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 13:00-WNBC-News, Red Hall WLIB-News; Dance Music SVQXR-Curtaln at 2:30 4:30-177NBC-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WON-Kate Smith Speaks WQXR-The New York Times News 2:40-WNBC-Retty Crocker WON-The Ladles' Man WJZ-Welcome Travelers. With Tommy 05-WQXR-Midday Symphony 2:45-V7NBC-Light of the World-Sketch WwJcZE-sM_Gr.aiDenelengartaek,eInstheziew Bartlett. Others WNYC-String Quartet wcas-nomance a Evelyn Winters WCBS-Wendy Warren and the News 1:15-INJZ-Nancy Craig Program WQXR-Muslcal Specialties WNYC-Music of the Theatre WIICA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Music WCBS-Ma Perkins-Sketch Z: sd-wrrY C-News SumTary WINS-Listen to Lacy WNYC-Midday Symphony 1:30-WON--The Sturnpus Bob's 3:00-WIIBC-Life Can Be Beautiful-Sketch WHEW-News; Recorded Music WINS-Convention News WJZ-The People-Patt Barnes WOR-Movie Matinee 4:45-WHBC-Young Widder Brown-Sketch WIIN--George H. Combs, News WCBS-Young Dr. Malone-Sketch WJZ-Ladies. Be Seated WJZ-Convention Sidelights WNEW-Let Yourself Co. Variety WHN-News: Warm-up Time WCBS-Double or Nothing, Walter 4: 55-I.VNYC-News Reports WLIB-News; Tico-Tico Time - WNEW-News: Frank Sinatra Records O'Keefe 5:00-1VNBC-When a Girl Marries-Sketch WQXR-The New York Times News 1:45-WNBC-Believe It or Not-Robert L. WI/ICA-News: Ted Steele Show WON-Treasure Chest 12:05-WQXR-Luncheon Concert Rioley WNYC-Gilbert-Sullivan Music 12:15-WNBC-Metropolitan. News Round-Up WOR-Talk-Victor H. Lindlahr W1.1B-News: Music WJZ-Dick Tracy-Sketch WOR-Kate Smith Sings WCBS-The Guiding Light-Sketch WQXR-The New York Times News WCBS-Robert @ Lewis Show WCBS-Aunt Jenny-Sketch 1:55-WHN-Baseball: Dodgers vs. Pittsburgh,3:05-WQXR-Recent Releases WiVICA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Matt WINS-Peter Donald Show at Ebbets Field 3: 15-WNBC-Ma. Perkins-Sketch WRYC-Disk Date: Records WEN-Recorded Music WINS-Baseball: Yankees vs. Cleveland 3:20-WNBC-Pepper Young's Family-Sketch WHN-Ted Husing's Bandstand 12:30-WNBC, WJZ-Republicare Convention at Cleveland WNEW-1V/usic From Hollywood WOR-News; Henry Gladstone 3:00-SVNBC-Double or Nothing-Quiz. With WON-Song of the Stranger WLD3-News: Music WCBS-Romance of Helen Trent Harry Von Ze/I WSZ-Paul Whiteman Club WQXR-The New York Times NeWS WHN-Asic Bile Mason-Quiz WON-Queen for a Day WCHS-House Party, Art Linkletter 5:05-WQXR-Today in Music WINS-It's in the Bag-Quiz, With WJZ-Mogyi MeNellis-Herb Sheldon WNEW-News: Variety Music 5:15-1VNBC-Portia Faces Life-Sketch Johnny Olsen WCBS-Second Mrs. Burton-Sketch WQXR-Stringtitne WOR-Superman-Sketch WNEW-News; Johnny Andrews Show WMCA-Ted Steele Show 3:45-WNBC-Right to Happiness-Sketch WJZ-Terry and the Pirates-Sketch 12:45-WON-The Answer Man WNYC-Weather Report WOR-Daily Dilemmas WHEW-Green Light Revue WCBS-Our Gal Stmday-Sketch WNEW-Music Hall Records 3:55-WCBS-Hollywood-Radie Harris; John WQXR-Modern Rhythms 1:00-WN13C-Mary Margaret McBride; Mrs. WLLB-News: Music Lund, Guest 5:30-WH33C-Just Plain Bill-Sketch Thomas E. Dewey, Guest WQXR-The New York Times News 4:00-WNBC-Backstage Wife-Sketch WCBS-Margaret Arlen Program: Inter-2:05-WQXR-Program Favorites WOR-Barbara Welles Show WOR-Adventure Parade WON-Luncheon at Sardi's 2:10-WNYC-SpOtlight Varieties WC33S-Hint Hunt. Chuck Acres WIZ-Sky King-Sketch WJZ-H. R. Bauktiage. News 2:15-WCBS-Perry Mason-r Sketch WMCA-News: Ted Steele Show WC.BS-Winner Take Ail-Quiz. With WCBS-Big Sister-Sketch WQXR-Tom Scott. Songs WISEW-Varlety Musicale Bill Cullen WMCA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Music 2:30-WNBC-Today's Children WISES-News; Music WHEW-News; Make-Belleve Ballroom WNYC-Missing Persons Report WON-John Gambling Calling WQXR-The New York Times News WQXR-Cacktail Time WINS-Listen to Lacy WJZ-13ride and Groom 4:05-WQXR-SyMphonic Matinee 5:45-IVNBC-Front Page Farrell-Sketch WHN-Morey Amsterdam Show WCBS-This Is Nora Drake-Sketch 4:15-WNBC-Stella Dallas-Sketch WON-Tom Mix Adventures WNEW-Recorded Music WHEW-News; Variety Music 4:25-WCBS-News--George Bryan 5: 55-WNYC-News Reports EVENING EVENING 6:00-WNBC-Kenneth Banghart, News 8:15-WJZ-Erwha Canham, New! WIVICA-Walter Joseph. Plano 9:15-News: Blue Chapel =ass WON-News-Lyle Van WNEW-Recorded Music WINS-Recorded Music 10:00-Your Morning Star WJZ-News Reports WHIM-Jewish Philosopher 11: 35-WJZ-Convention Round Table 10:15-Preview of Tomorrow WCBS-Erte Sevareid, News 8:25.WMCA-Baseball: Giants vs. Chicago, 11:45-WMCA-Recorded Music 10:30-Musical Comedy Tunes WMCA-News: Listen to a Story at Polo Grounds WEVD-Drama Review-Joseph Shipley 4:00 P. M.-News: Afternoon Music WT./EC-Sunset Serenade 8:30-WNBC-Play: A. Date With Judy, With12:00-WNBC-News: Jose Morand Orchestra 4:00 P.
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