
*• -tf i i , /'I- . ■ T •f '\ X X ► I . • ^ < y TUESDAY, MAX 29, Averate Daily. Net JPtWMltm .V-). : • -.'I', Fcr the WaA Ended The Weather > MaftrljfHtrr lEwttittii ififralb tySd. lise FerecMt of C. B. Wenthor O e rtu Mias Juna Wcrdclln, 49 Plaaaant [2,083 Warm, humid, ccatterdd thunder, StA and Richard Brickaon, 26 Al­ PjEi'sonal Shower •r cf ^ Audit shower., tonight, ocoasloiiaily itTown No Herald ton S t, who received the annual Sampson-Sltiref Wadding heavy. Low hi mid-66s. aeariiig, ‘‘Youth.'of the Tear” awmrda giv­ 1 cf CIrwiIntl.n'. For Future Bride lees humid Friday. High a«ar M. ▲'eoUac* pr«y«r mMtlng Jor Tomorrow en to outstanding young people of M anchettet'^A CUy of Village Charm dm«najit Cmfrefationallitii win. ■ , ______ , ♦A Ihnanuel Lutheran Church, will A. persona) shower, her second OPEN ' b« h«M Thuntday at 1:30 at ,|ht each receive a Youth of the Y’ear shower,, was given for Miss Bev- ' The Manchester ' Evening certi&cate. a devotional book and ■!. - Itoma of the Frank Johnaona.N;^! M y Erickaen Friday night by her, . I n c l u d i n g ^ (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, MAY SI. 1958 .(Olaaaiflad AdvertMag on Pago I6>. BtrieMand St. The midweek aen^ Herald wilf not be published an expense-paid week at Camp PRICE FIVE CENTS Lutherwood, Webster, Mass.,idur- msten Mias Betty Erickaen, who * lea will be held aa uaual at TtSa tornorrow. Memorial Day., will be maid of honor at her wed-1 pjn. at the charch. A brief bual- Uig leadership ^training week in ding on June-16. at their home. August. naaa maetlnB for admlsalon of ap- '■I ' ■ ' -................. — ■ Smith St.. Wapping. plteanta for church mamberahip The bride-elect was seated under U.S. ^Sees fallow at S:30. TheVMancheater Education Aasn. A daughter w-as born st the MEMORIAL DAY Teenagers art umbrella trimmed in.orchid anc)' X will hold a generel meeting at the Hartford Hospitsl on May 24 to' yellow, the colors of the gowns of j . Bowera. School tonight at f o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Lorensen,- -1 John O. Obrien will apeak on “A All .teachera; are urged to attend. 105 Branford St., and s son, on the maid of honor and the bHdea More R ed IVlp' Around the World” at the May 2.5 to Mr. .and Mrs. .los.»ph E. maids. She received many beauti-' Unexpected company dro§i^n on you? / T e rm riz e itteatlac of the RoUry Oub to- ful girts. A buffet luncheon was' niaht at 6:30 at the Mancheater Mlae Betty Jane Wilion, daugh­ Banning, 94 W.-Middle Tpke. A iagt minute picnic? \ . / ■ ter' of- Mr.' and 'tMra. Hewitt E. ------ , - ■ • served. Invitations Country Club. Hla talk will be Miss Adella Loomis, lifelong Miss Erickaen wll) become the ^ ______ / tiluatrated wHh^pirturea. WilMn of Jackao'rtvllle. Tex., for­ Entire Ship merly of Mancheater.\graduated aa resident of Bolton, who Is leaving- bride of Robert Hayes on June 16 .STOP AT TURNPIKE m a r k et this week to make her home with at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Washington, May 31 (/P)— Membera of the Auxiliary to an honor atudent from Jackaon- South Windsor. IT'c’rc altcayg open fo ta k e iyire, 6 f y ou r Buffalo, N. Y., May 31 (A*) Anderaon>6hea Poat, No. 2046, vllle High School laat ^ r I d a y. her sister, Mrs. L- M. Stetson of Some informed U.S. officials VFW, planninc to take part In the After' the graduajliop e^erclaea, Cromwell, after Jufte 1, may be food need*. ^ believe Moscow will follow up — A IjoHday outing ended in a Jdamaeial Day parade will meet she left wltn her grandippther. resche^l' at 373 MSin St., that voyage of terror for pas- Mra. C. is. Wilaon. to apend\the tOWTV HAMBURG ~ HOT D O G ^ R^LIS its successful bid to Geh. With their unit at Hartford Rd. RTTMMAGE BALE Nathan F. Twining with invi­ sengera aboard ,a Lake Erie and Main 8t a t • o’clock tomor­ aummer at the Wilaon cottageNit^ . - CHARCOAL — PAPER PLATES The -usual Wednesday evening amuaement pa'rk,*yeaael .laat row momlnK> , Crystal Lake. She plana to enteY^, NAPKINS — COLD ^ D A and BEER tations to' other American Trinity Univeraity. .Sah Antoi^.' rehearsal of the North Methodist SI. Maurice Church nf Rnllpn V night aa teenagera' ridted , At military leaders to visit Rus­ Tex.. In the fall. She la also-- the Cl,urrh cho(r will be omitted this COOKED HAA^^ STEAKS \ sia. ■ atMwrd the ahip. granddaughter of Mr. and' Mra. weMc on account of Memorial Day. Army and Navy Club Reporters aboard the crowded Z Tbnrs., May 31—>10 A. M. FRESH FRUITS^d VEGETABLfS Member* of the Soviet high com­ Fred England of SchopI-'Sl. mand may be asked to qome. to Canadians for the ~15-nille trip Middle East SomVllOO friends and employes Also Small- Household Articles from Crystal Beach Amusement Victim Challenged Natio is X the United States in return. | GIBSON'S T^e benefit party' planned , by aftendedXthe annual staff h*Tty Secretary of pie Alr'Force’Don-[ Park. Ont., to this city deacrihed Sunaet Council, fto. 45, Degree of and testimqniql of Rogers Corp. aid A. Quarles announced yeater-1 It aa "a nightmare of flashing Pact Aired ' > Pocahontas, to''be'held at the Saturday nl^ t at the Ben Qrosi< day that “with th* authorisation of | knives and sobbing, frightened” GARAGE home of Mrtf. Betsy Farris, has venor Inn In ^Pomfrel., The four THE NEWEST 5IODELS OF the President'’ Twining had, ac­ paaaengers.. ^ R a n d a ll to iSi^oo# been pMtpbned. Ahnouhcement of officers of the corporation. - Saiil cented an invitation to a Soviet Rioting - aboard the Canadians 185 Main St, — MI 3-5012 thr^ne.w date wdll be made later. ELECTRIC RANGES sUversteln. presidMt; Robert F. 179.95 UP aviation day celebration June' 24. flarad up after t. day of dtsoVders In Private . Bear Wheel AliKnment Hawley, treaaurer; Raymond A. St. Twining, Air Force chief 6f Staff, by white and Negro youths at the lUrtford, MaK^l Twenty yeap-^d Darrell F. Hothgm Bid .Members of Mary Biiahnell ^urent, vice preside^ in charge ARE AT 1S1 MIDDLE TURNPfKE W EST »M r3 -8 3 3 8 will be accompahied by several amuaement park. United Nations, N. Y., Slay :C9>enoy Auxiliary who wish to par subordinate ofllcera.. Six person* war* treated for in­ of Kensiiurton lost his life in South/hgton on Mother’s Day, Motor Tune-Up iMy of sales; and Sidney X, Brown, Pottcrteii's \- 31 (fl*)—The president of the Panmunjom, Korea, MajrRl ticipate In' the Memorial vice president In charge m mtnii-1 136 CENTER ST. y Qugrles ^ d the decision to ac- juries at hospitalfi in Buffalo and a coroner’s report said today, b ^ u se he dared Ronald A .' Brakes Adjusted ' parade are requested to m e ^ at oapt -had/been approved also by 'First Test of Netv Yawl Ft. Erie. Ont.. ahd at least 10 U.N. Security ’ Council dis­ KAndall, 16, of Meriden to ahopt him (/P)— The U.N. CotTimand to­ the Army and Navy C lu b b ^ e at facturing. were honored fo r^ vin g completed 10 years of servlcex^ • S^retary of Defense Wilson and Two weeka after her launching, the 73-foot vawl ••Venturer'* other* were treated for minor In- closed today that private ."Randall admit* the ahootlng,*; day clipped the wings of th i OPEN f« 10 P.M. QAlLY 9 o'clock tomorrow m o m l^ when S ech ^ ry of State Dulles, who la stratebu the wrinkiM out of her sails in her first tuneup. In jtuies at a first aid station at the talks gre under way in an ef-- aald Coroner Loula W. S ch aef^ , ' * « four-nation' commission au- Except Monday and Saturday transportation ' will be ^furnished prea^ly on a 10-day vacation, Southwest Harbor. Maine. lOne of the largbst bf her class, tit* park. "Nowhere In his atatement t^po- S t a t e P l l t A l e r t for thoae who require Manchester Wates will hold thel> fort to revise a British Middle pervising the Korean armis­ final meeting tonight at 6 o'clock he Rtnsian embaaay was advised , Venturer coat Harry G. Haskell of Wilmington, Del., aboiit^ ' Provincial poilc* arrested nine lice Inveatigatora or in hliAeetl / A lC I $ the decision. i $500.000—nearly $7,000 a foot. Th# yawl # first real taat will ba Buffalo >’Ouths at the' beach. Ftv* East proposal to meet Arab mony before the coroner.,dM* he' l i X f * f f X L ^ a llr r a ia t tice, charging the Corhmu- Mrs. iBeatrlce nlng, degree In Tinke'r Hall. The meetihg next DON'T Tuesday evening 'wiil be held In X Thus ended half a dozen days of .the Bermuda race, June 16. Salta stretch Sl'fAet above the yawl's wer* Negroes and -* four were objections. auggeel fear of HothantX that ^ ^ “ a H t O U l nists have used it as a blind. mlatresa, ,requ< all officers, Still plenty of wear left la apeculation behind the arenea 'decka, (AP WirepHotoji whites. Ambassador Joza ' Brilej of he waa defending hlmwlf. for an illegal buildup of arms guards and otb^s taking part In the Army and Navy Club, Weigh­ shoes when brought here for TO ing tonight will be at 7:.50 and, uncertainty.
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