lin iolo, organ solo and the topical re¬ will bo ten years old and the last two which ho first published in 1888, bor¬ 'Another Sort view. The Stage Door will bo nine. rowing the money from a brothr to AMERICA'8. JT0KEM08T TIIEATRB8 ANO HITS, niRKCTION OF I.KK & .1. .1. SHVHEKT pay for tho printing. TIIKATRK. WEST 41ST KT. Mary Robert« Rinehart write the Ibsen's "An of the camo to in 180U aha Of Seen orig¬ "The Bad Man," a comedy by Tortor Enemy People" Gregg Boston WINTER GARDEN K'Ä.SÄS: COMEDY Slnuur.cn Thur-dty Ar Saturday Cowboy inal story from which "It's a Great will be presented at the Manhattan' has spent his entire timo since tfwíti MATINEE T0-MORHOW AT 2 shown at The¬ Emerson Brown, will be presented to¬ two 1 Life," being the Capitol at the Theater Will¬ Opera House for weeks, beginning developing his system, until* it him BEGINNING TO-NIGHT 8:30 ater this week as the feature night Comedy Labor now a so In "Blue Bonnet" picture, a by Day, by Rob'ert K. Whitticr. reached point nearly per¬ CINDERELLA ON BROADWAY GREENWICH mm THEA. was taken, and apparently to make iam Harris jr. It is play of Mexican fect that it is in the national Hotbrook Biinn äv?;£, certain that overlooked this border life, and the cast is headed by reality Whert Pallia« Bloom and Audlenoo« Qrow Wild. In Portar Kmcrnon ^WHE«IANSl»t.A>INOUNCf nobody At. the Greenwich Rohenrsalg for "Mecca," the Oriental system. According to the Into Elbert Browf.r.'H THE' "fc l/JÈUT* Fresh Characterization is fact a small note in the corner of each Holbrook Blinn. musical extravaganza by Oscar Asche, wh owent down in the Lusitania dis¬ comedy noto the film Village Theater to-night The Bohemians which PROMENADE explanatory through Inc. will "The Iroenwich Vil¬ Comstock & Gent will present aster, "Gregg has replaced all other £2"<!"t BAD MAN Played by Ern¬ reads "A Mary Roberts Rinehardt Pic¬ present at the Century Theater the first woek systems as nine to on account of CENTURY ROOF THEATER Splendidly a one, *.". The lire, aiith, n'r Hway. »rug. g ;,')«). yj ture." If it were not for that fact lage Follies, 1920," with cast includ¬ in 2 PRMCESS rouie/o£i9io* on October, will begin to-day at the the ease witli which it is acquired and Different Munlcal Production* Nightly JvliV«.. Wei A Sat.. - 30. est Truex Scarbor¬ a great many persons would bo con« ing Savoy and Brennan, Bankoff and Tim MWtfms. STIUBKRT Present Severn nnd a Century, tho efficiency of the writer." CENTURY) vinced only with that the co¬ Mile. Phebe, Margaret of MIDNIGHT Th"L 'w 4,?b New at the difficulty or more known One tho most remarkable of the BEI MflNT nu Vjn * » ough's Comedy author of "The Bat" and author of score of other widely Cecil Lean and Cleo will REVUE ; b-LITiun I M_,, 'mur». A Sat Ï.30 artists. Mayllcld ap¬ many instunces which provo Huhbard Prices Y ROUNDERS^. "BLUEA New BONNET" Princess ?$ÏU "The Amaiing Interlude" is responsible stago pear at the Bronx Opera House this is right, is found in President Wilson's $l. S'i. *:»l Prltaes $1. «a. $3. $5. t'timixly b7 Oorcs Hcarborouita. OPENING THUR8. EVE. at id« for "It's a Great Life." week Most I-cinitlflll Girt* lit Tim World. The in "Look Who's Here." personal stenographer, Charles !.. Dining, Panting In Open Air. 6:30 on. ll_l Ktadeal Onnody The Cast The picture has to do with the Emily Stevens, who has been ill for who ERNEST TRUEX Sworn, studied Gregg shorthand «Jin a fireat Cant. LITTLE Wll» Burlenon.. .Wrnest Tru« dreaming of two young college boys several days, will resume her perform¬ in school for seven MISS CHARITY . Hope HHlyor.Mona Thomas of rôle Three Great night months. Be¬ Til. 44th W. of By. V.n. 8:15. «rltil Frank Minian. Jnar.:«« sailing «way to uncivilized lands, ance of the leading In Zoo Akin's Statesmen fore he was ho established a SHUBERT MaUnnea Wed. ana Bat., 2:15. TTTKATRE. 4r> Bi Eve*. 8:20. Proder--* F>teh»r, there to set an eighteen BOOTH Mat». Raymond. Maryirle <;«u¿ up empire, to rule and "Foot-Loose" at the Littlo Theater to¬ world's record for in short¬ tel Wed. (Pop ) & Hat. 2.30 son A a Daulmg Dane Äclayton:-:::::::::::.^rrz^SU*«-ll to hold. The reason Able to Wrile accuracy THE NEXT MAT. T,ATtOJl DAY Mm« Rerpt fi t Easembi«. Mi*« Saille .T«nkl«>».Heleni for this is that night. Shorthand hand in ' "BIG 8UCCE8S. Judgo 8t«mUl.Rohert Harrlaon en this uncivilized island writing competition with BEST THING" 1LAWLE83 ACTING. CANNOT they may many of the foremost of FAIL TO DELIGHT.'.L0UI8 DE FOE. WORLD JT»* Tifa.. W. 43d St. Et* a Terry T.bor find real on the One of the reporters the With EIJ-KKN HUBAN ID. Mr» «iilsiraoM«í...>«',*"* Keonf pearls beaches. These It is announced that George Le interesting things in con¬ United States, and within a yoar after .Mnltte are to be baskets- nection with the recent Paris a «id <'YRII. WOTT ^".co'u^V ....... .Sell Burton pearls gathered by Maire's "Broadway Brevities of 1020" confer¬ completing his course In business col¬ "New Nitrces» Iiiih irreHi«(il>l«> heroin?. jrr ful and presented to the rulers' wives. will have its opening at the- Lyric ence which the news oclumns did not lege he was doing the stenographic niiothiT 'Pen; <>' My If-iirt.' ".Sun-Herald. ! Of course, there »re scenes of the Theater on Wednesday night, Septem¬ tell of is the fact that the three lead¬ work for the President of the Heywood Broun college trunks filled with bo¬ ing men there, Premier United Til ,Jung oí By. Bru.«:»». By boys' ber 8. Clemenceau, States.".San rancisco t:.. - «.' which and Premier and President Bulletin. ÖTM8THST. Mu. ?. 31. The best of "Blue Bonnet," logna, cheese, jams dirty skillets. Lloyd Qcorgo Jmm PLAYHOUSE 25SÍ» Thaa., 45, W ft Em. It isn't the kind of work with which Wilson, have more or less B'way. S. was at the Princess Theater Frank to an an¬ stenographic Catholic .v&830matsat'',t2'30 BfJOU Ma«,-.. Wed «Pip & Sat. at !: produced Mary Roberts Rinehart has made her- Tlnney, according skill. Summer School THIRD on is so exceptionally nouncement by Arthur Hainmerstein, While MONTH OPPOJtTU///ry Saturday night, self famous, even if it is an adapta- little is generally known of Sympathizes With it is difficult to understand tion of one of her stories. will give up blnckface entirely after the French premier's as a sten¬ MacSwiney good that widely read this season. In "Tickle. Me" the come¬ ability PITTSBURG, N. Y., Aug. 29 .Reso- was com¬ There is a ballet, "Sixth Hungarian ographer, it is a matter of history that lutions with Terence am\M. just why George Scarborough dian appenrs for only a few minutes in sympathizing THEATR» Dance," that leads the in ¦thirty years ago David Lloyd George, Lord of list with program MacSwiney, and h St., nr. TV " pelled to pad it out here and there the first act in black. He has signed a in Mayor Cork, way. EXTRA MAT. Omng (o ai«>l'ita ntf««wi:.y point of real merit, the music of struggling young lawyer Wales, Archbishop Mannix, of Australia, were Eve». 8 :.'!«». Mat«. NOTE:. of sfcurinï a larger so inferior. He has a five-year contract with Mr. Hammer- one the LABOR DAY. Theatre, material markedly which is Äy Rr.'.hms, executed by Mile. stein. became of pioneers in modern adopted at n meeting of the Catholic Wed. * Sat., 2:30. the Charm School will more Ui t Wi I »t least one distinct creation to his Gambarelli, A, Oumansky and the Four stenography. Summer School of America at Cliff WAGENHALS A KEMPER CO. Present« Tiiea'.r«? Alonday Evei;ine. "Labor Day," tíopL Sth. <- and at the where he left The and selection President Wilson's penciled nota¬ Haven THE credit, point Coryphees. dancing Thomas Dixon will bring his Abraham tions in shorthand enabled him to-day. GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD off Ernest Truex has gone on to com¬ of music for this work were warmly Lincoln "A Man of the to The meeting took the form of a re- most was play, People," keep tab on all even when to plete one of the winning stage receivid. The overture, "Mignon," to the Theater on proceedings, ccption Eamonn De Valera, Presi¬ portraits of the season. Billy Burlc- played by the grand orchestra, with Bijou Tuesday night, no stenographer was present. dent of the Irish Republic. hero ot the Si'ptembcn 7. "The Charm School," The. history of shorthand for the son, the eighteen-year-old Erno Rape? directing. A scenic film, now at the will move a without cows. was appearing Lijou, English languago began with the SPANISH »s cowboy any "A Bit of God's pub¬ LOVE play, showing Country," to the Thirty-ninth Street Theater on Bahy Drowns in Garden Pool By Avery Hopwood and Roberts He doesn't even own a gun, and entertaining, and Bertram Peacock lication of the system of Timothy Merle Mary Rlnohart September t>. Bright in 1588. Then came the Feuer, two years old, was 7 he Words of the. further than that he is handicapped by sang. A travelaugh, called "Such If Gurnoy drowned in a pool of about two critics which haïe crowded his to the young heroine never revealed a novel systi m the system Dickens wrotc- water, the theatre to absolute each promise Sporting Life," Michael Goldreyer announces the published in 1760.
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