New Zealand OTT Limited 121 Carbine Road, Mt Wellington Auckland 1060, New Zealand : 09 399 8058 : [email protected] Please fill the form & send it back to [email protected] OR Application Form & Contract post to PO Box 132328, Sylvia Park, Auckland 1644 TVB Anywhere in New Zealand 新西蘭�TVB�Anywhere�訂閱服務申請表及合約 Applicant Details 申請人資料 Surname 姓:…………………… First Name 名:……………………………………………………………….. Date of Birth 出生日期 dd/mm/yyyy: |__|__|/|__|__|/|__|__|__|__| Contact Information 申請人聯络方式 地址 Address : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… Suburb 地區: ………………………………………….. City 城市: ……………………………... Postal Code: 郵政編碼: |__|__|__|__| Phone 電話: |__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Mobile 手機: |__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Email 電郵: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Place where the OTT Box is installed 服務安裝地址及電話 Same as the above contact address Yes (skip to next section) No (please fill in) Address 地址: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Suburb 地區: ………………………….. City 城市:… Postal Code 郵政編碼: |__|__|__|__| Phone 電話: |__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Enable us to serve you better, can you tell us what is your native language: 主要語言 Spoken 口語: Cantonese 粵 語 Mandarin 普通話 English Written書寫: 简体中文 繁體中文 English Next of Kin 親屬姓名………………………Relationship關係: ……………………………… Optional: Referred by TVB Anywhere Subscriber Phone電話: |__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Account No.用戶號碼: …………………………………… Address地址:…………………………………………..……………………………………………….… Account Name用戶姓名…….…………..….………….. Services/Packages to subscribe 訂閱服務 Number of boxes to subscribe 訂閱機頂盒數量 : |__|__| NZ Pack TV Box: NZD68 (incl GST) per month for each box. Please refer to Channel listing overleaf. 新西蘭至尊組合: 每台機頂盒租金每月費用為 NZD68(含稅) 。頻道內容詳情請參照背頁。 Payment Method 繳費方式: One-off payment (10% discount plus 1 month free for 1-year contract, 2 months free for 2-year contract) Monthly Payment: please select : Auto pay Electronic /Online Banking Direct Debit Terms & Conditions to New Customer (More Overleaf) 重要條款適用於新客戶 (更多條款請參照背頁) : Option 1 New Customers have to pay $100 bond to New Zealand OTT Ltd (herein after named as NZOTT) to enter a minimum 3- month subscription. The bond can only be refunded when customers return the OTT box in good condition & original package. It they fail to fulfil the minimum subscription, the bond will not be refunded. 新客戶訂閱期最少為三個月,客戶須付 100 元予 NZOTT 作 保証金。 個月期滿,並歸還完整無缺的 盒子給 後客戶才可以獲退回此 元保証金。 3 OTT NZOTT 100 Option 2 New Customers have 1-year agreement with NZOTT. 須與 NZOTT簽訂為期一年的訂閱合約 Option 3 New Customers have 2-year agreement with NZOTT. 須與 NZOTT簽訂為期兩年的訂閱合約 The $100 deposit is being wavied for Option 2 &3. If they withdraw or breach the agreement within 1 year, they have to pay the unfulfilled subscription fee to NZOTT. The OTT box should be returned on terminating or cancellation of this agreement. 選擇選項 2或3的新客戶可獲豁免100 元的保証金。但敞若於一年內客戶提前解約,客戶須繳付未完成的剩額予 NZOTT ,並须把 OTT 盒子完整無缺地交還給 NZOTT。 DECLARATION By signing this form I, ............................... , have agreed an agreement is formed between me and NZ OTT Ltd. I also acknowledge the above information is true & correct. I further agree and accept the Terms & Conditions as stipulated above and overleaf. 一經簽署此表格後,此表格已構成了一份本人與 NZ OTT Ltd 雙方同意的合 約,本人謹此確認上述所提供之資料一切真實無偽,並同意及接受上述與背頁所述的條文。 Applicant’s Signature: ………………………………………….…….. Date (dd/mm/yyyy): ……./……../………….. NZOTT USE ONLY Date Received: …../…../……………. Customer Number assigned NZOTT Form 011 effective 2020-05-01 New Zealand Pack: (A) 35 Live Channels Channel list for New Zealand Pack (OTT Box) 1 無綫翡翠台 - 香港時區 TVB Jade - Hong Kong Time 19 中國中央電視台戲曲頻道 CCTV Opera 2 無綫翡翠台 - 澳 ▪ 新時區 TVB Jade - Australia & New Zealand Time 20 雲南國際 Yunnan International 3 無綫新聞台 TVB News(HD) 21 安徽廣播電視台國際頻道 Anhui Broadcasting Corporation International 4 無綫財經 ▪ 資訊台 TVB Finance & Information Channel 22 北京電視台國際頻道 BTV International 5 TVB 娛樂新聞台 TVB Entertainment News(HD) 23 重慶電視台國際頻道 Chongqing TV International 6 TVB 星河頻道 TVB Xing He Channel 24 廣西電視台國際頻道 Guangxi TV International 7 KBS 國際台 KBS World 25 上海東方電視台國際頻道 Shanghai Dragon TV 8 88 台 Horse Racing Channel 26 海峽衛視國際頻道 Fujian Straits TV 9 粵語片台 Classic Movies 27 湖南國際頻道 Hunan TV International 10 神州新聞台 Mainland News Channel 28 江蘇國際頻道 JSBC International 11 粵語片台 Classic Movies 29 山東廣播電視台國際頻道* The International Channel of Shandong TV Station* 12 TVB 直播台 TVB Live Shows 30 南方衛視 The Southern Television Satellite Channel 13 鳳凰衛視資訊台 Phoenix InfoNews Channel 31 浙江電視台國際頻道 ZTV International 14 鳳凰衛視澳洲 Phoenix Chinese Channel - Australia 32 廣東國際頻道 GDTV World 15 中央電視台中文國際頻道 CCTV-4 - Chinese International Channel 33 深圳衛視國際頻道 The Shenzhen TV International 16 中國環球電視網紀錄片頻道 CGTN Documentary 34 河南國際頻道 Henan International Channel 17 中央電視台娛樂頻道 CCTV Entertainment Channel 35 長城精品頻道 Great Wall Elite 18 四川電視台國際頻道 Sichuan TV International Channel *will be terminated on 28th April 2021 at HKT00:00 (B) 7-days catch-up on TVBJ & KBS World (C) Basic VOD Pack with over 5000 hours of TVB programs The Package Channels are subject to change from time to time without further notice. TERMS & CONDITIONS: As stated overleaf, plus: 1. The subscriber hereby authorizes NZOTT to use information about the subscriber supplied to or otherwise collected by NZOTT from time to time for the purposes of marketing its products and services to the Subscriber, market research, credit control and debt collection (including logging overdue debts and/or liquidated damages owed to NZOTT with credit reference agencies), and any other purposes reasonably related to its pay television business (which may include disclosure to third parties). The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that such information maybe held by NZOTT for such period both before and after termination or cancellation of this agreement, as NZOTT in its absolute discretion considers appropriate. 2. The Liability of NZOTT to the subscriber in connection with or arising from the supply of the NZOTT service pursuant to this agreement shall be strictly limited to and shall not exceed the term and be in reference to the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Acts 1993. 3. NZOTT may terminate this agreement without written notice to the subscriber in the event of any failure on the part of the Subscriber to pay any monies payable to NZOTT for the service in terms of this agreement on the due date or in the event of any other breach of this agreement by the subscriber and that such termination will not be without prejudice to NZOTT other rights and remedies whether such rights and remedies arise under this agreement or at law. 4. The subscriber must immediately return the OTT box to NZOTT on termination or cancellation of this agreement. The subscriber shall responsible for the costs for returning the OTT. Where the subscriber fails to return it, NZOTT will require the subscriber to pay to NZOTT an amount equal to the cost of replacing the OTT box ($100). 5. NZOTT may at any time assign this agreement to any person, company or business entity. The subscriber may not assign or otherwise transfer his rights hereunder. 6. Interest may be levied on overdue accounts. 7. NZOTT reserves the rights to suspend the service on all overdue accounts without prior notice. Customer will remain responsible for payment for all subscription fees during such temporary suspension period. 8. Maximum period for suspension of service per annum is 2 months, and NZOTT should be notified at least 1 month before. The subscriber agrees NOT to cancel the subscription within three months after the service is being resumed. 9. Monthly subscription is subject to change with a one-month notice. 10. NZOTT reserves the right to alter the conditions of this agreement. 11. Special Conditions Apply. Payments I /We, understand that should my account be outstanding at the due date or after the ordinary cancellation of this agreement. NZOTT shall be entitled to recover as a Due Debt, all costs incurred in the recovery and/or collection of any monies owing, including all Debt Collection Agents fees or Legal fees on a Client/Solicitor basis. # 中文譯本只供參考,一切以英文條文為準。 Initials: NZOTT Form 011 effective 2020-05-01 .
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