Caecilia V66n05 1939

Caecilia V66n05 1939

圃圏 舵甜抽 MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF CAIHOしIC CHUROH AND §CHOOL MU§iC 丁H管CHAN丁OF TH各CHURCH - BRiEFLY たXPLAINED Sis†er Urban, O. S. B. BEHOLD! TH管CHURCH OF GOD - The Cel.emOnie§ o書Dedica[ion MUSiC∴BROADCASTS ON THたCORONAT書ON OF POPE PiUS X営l SALV且, R各GINA (Second lns†aIlmen†) Dom AdeIard Bouv冊ers, O. S B. Vol. 66 MAY. 1939 No. 5 FOUNDED A.D. 1874 BY JOHN SiNGENBER6ER McLAUGHLIN ,む輸REILいI CO. BOSTON FO照Pl州O TEA闘E鵬0‖しY FREE: Å 36,Page Book (``The Studenl 千早重 Pianist”) containing the ll piano oompo~ 曹I NたS丁 sitions listed below, eVery nu皿ber absolute- 1y COMPLETE, to aCtive piano teachers. TO RECEIVE THIS 36・PÅGE BOOK. c軸U RC門 you IImst eStablish wi血us yo伽prOfessional stalus. Fill out (or copy) coupon at the bottom of this ad・ M U SIC Endose professional card, letterhead, Or O血er means of identification, Or refer to one or two music pub- in 富he 1ishers by whom you are recognized as a teacher. 11 NEW EASY TRANSCRIPTIONS - FOR P重ÅNO 丁重M甲し岳 Tuneful, rhythmic music by well - known American o書 composers, in⊂luding the world ・ famous marches. ..our Director’’, ``National Emblem’’, ‘‘NC -4’’. and “Down Main Street’’, Carefully transcribed, edlted, R重しIGきo N and fingered. As an attractive title - Page does much 詩語諸島露盤嵩e誌慰霊嘉詩篇 You already know of the su- modern designs in attractive∴⊂Olors. Perb program of religious music Title Transcribed by COntemPlated for the Temple of OuR DIRECTOR .….……….…..… Walter Jacobs Religi。n at the New York March (Bigelow〉 World’s Fair. NATIONAL EMBLEM …………... Ch卿Ies R印p鯖 March (Bagley) We are now asking for the R. E. H組d重e血 names and addresses of a11 or〆 March (Bigelow) ganists, With their churches. DOWN MÅIN STREET …….品..... R. E. H組dre血 March (Weidt) When we get this information Wu Hu (Rolfe) .………・・…・・……・ .. Wal(er Rolfe from you・ We Will send you a AuTuMN TINTS …………………….... Wa重te章Ro瞭c descriptive leaflet with the plan Waltz (Rolfe) for underwriting this program. MOONLIT RIPPLES ….….….….… .. Wal章e重Ro脱 Barcarolle (Rolfe〉 When the appeal reaches you, . W血書e富 RoⅢe RuRÅL P重CNIC ……..….....….….…… Will you not, after consulting Rustic Dance (Rolfe) CANZONETTÅ (Rolfe) ………‥... Wal(e重 RoⅢe your pastor, bring it before your PICKÅNINNTES, PICNIC ………….... No調an Lei9h Choir and any other lovers of (Four Little Blackberries) (O’Comor) SaCred music in your∴Church? WHIP AND SPuR …….………...... Walter Jacobs Galop (Allen) A modest contribution will in_ ヽ--ゝ---ノ Sure yOur∴reCelVmg tWice∴eaCh f In regular sheet皿uSic editions, the above i numbers are∴eaCh 35 cents, less the usua] month a card giving言n advance, し discount to teachers・ the most jmportant sacred music events. This is an invaluable WÅLTER JACOBS, INC. Privilege for all in your church 120 Boylston St., Bos純血, Mass・ who.・Can Visit the Fair. Please send me ``The Student Pianist’’ as des- cribed above. I am endosing (please check)……‥PrO- fessional card..…‥1etterhead to establish my status 。芋盤岩音C嘉晋詰霊 as a teacher. (Publisher references as ’t°、 status may New York, marked `Music Fund.’ 霊能笥below if card or letterhead is not Na皿e REGINALD L. McALL, Director Street Music Program Fund. City 8 State Publishers who recognize me as a teacher: NEW YORK WORLD′S FAIR WÅLTER JÅCOB§, Inc. 120 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. Entered as se⊂Ond dass mat. ter, October 20. 193l. a` 血e Post Oflce at Boston. Mass.. under血e Act of March 3. 1879. 軸でく的桝i⊥i韓 Fomerly publlshed 血 St. Frands, Wisconsin. Now Is・ MonthIy Megazine of Cathoiic Chu「ch sued mon血Iy, eXCePt血July. and §chooI Music 。隷書o霊盤p鑓ぷ叢 ESTÅBLISHED 1 8 73葛1y JOHN SINGEN】関取GER copies, 50c. VoL 66 MaY 1939 No.与 CONTE NTS EDITOR IAL THE CHANT OF THE CHURCH _′ BRIEFLY EXPLAINED 177 Sister Urban, O. S. B. BEHOLD! THE CHURCH OF GODノーThe Ceremonies of Dedication 180 MUSIC BROADCASTS ON THE CORONATION OF POPE PIUS XII 183 BYZÅNTINE MUSIC …………………‥.,……………..………………… … …‥ 184 OUR MuSIC THIS MONTH………………………………… …………..…………‥ 184 QUESTION AND ANSWER BOX....…………….……………………………… 197 OBITuARIES .…‥…...…...………...…..… ……………… ….… …… ………… 198 COMMUNICATIONS ………………. 199 PRO GRAMS ……………‥ 201 CURRENT EVENTS SALVE, REGINA (Second Install皿ent) Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, O. S. B. Rev・等親監諸討雷萌霊豊i誌蕊r漉謹呈孟誓謹‡9馳調 MdAuGHLIN 8 REII.LY CO., 10O BoylstoかSt., BOSTON, RELSS∴町S. jL P録bl蘭e種 Price $3.OO per year Single Copies, 5O cents Copyright, 1939, by McLAUGHLIN 8 REILLY CO., Boston, Mass. 174 THE CÅECILIA 討議e農具Vi寄 Pop〔 G寄【QoRY し 瀦 爾 ロ圏 �ロ 「"「○○ � I鴨場I耽り▲U丁明ぬ∴録肌`賀来 OI‡6∧川裏きR of EDrrORIÅL PÅGE By DOM GREGORY HuGLE, O.S.B. HIGHLIGHTS Perfect agreement with this teachin9; he SayS tO the Ephesians (5~19〉: `Be ye 。 。豊富豊i糀謹謹話発揚.象 飢ed with the Holy Spirit, SPeaking to The book represents the life and ideas of yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spir- an eminent musician (Wi皿Schmid), Whose itual canticles, Singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord’.’’ 霊護憲欝護豊譜‡ SACRÅMENTÅL PLÅYS 霊㌔雷芸霊書記s盤議: Spain has been purified in her own blood, 寵欝豊輩轟馨 and now a grand program of reconstruction has set in’based on the principles of holy 慧謹認諾蒜諾謹 religion. Recent communications infom and loving Christian soul:’ 4. ``In chant there is no exuberance of rambling self- 謹嵩嘉竃護罵窪 expression; there is a transparent clarity, abi宮窪t需d ,h。 S,。nish s暗 詰親書蕊. du常盤o艶岩器言 always had a Christian orientation, but ●● With the advent of secularism, liberalism and 5. ``The tone・material employed is pure・ free thought, bad influences asserted them~ ly v∝al, but we find relations which are Selves; S血ce 1936 however, a flood of創th 詰喜悪業h霊豊島喜葦二 詰請書霊u藍霊等露盤 Spain. But now the enemies failed in their 藍霊。語草。霊。蒜霊詳言謹言 enterprise; State and Church, like one Of words and phrases assembled and welded by melodic pattems; this process of assi皿・ 請書ea詑霊薬註霊宝蕊語 ilation we型6芋窪藍‡s#謹言 the ancient Spanish Classics, the religious and hymns. musical form which seems to be an overflow 霊誌雪諾霊霊宝;諾…・・嵩 講書諾・諸諾s雷霊芸結露‡ 認諾謹驚認諾葦 憲護嘉諾嵩諒護謹 moral education of the people; the actors Ionger necessary, a State Wherein the heart 書誌s三富e碧孟C認許寵霊宝 Part Of this restoration. Even the smaller 葦認諾嵩霊蒜笥to晋嵩霊 towns are to be visited by the “Phalanx”, SayS: `This jubilation of wordless singing a state ~ Organization consisting of various groups of actors. 霊霊豊語豊艶嵩落葉黒 Recent productions of the Sacramenta] Plays met with extraordinary approval of 読富三霊霊草e善書薄塩t器 the people. A special o重dinance issued by THE CAECILIÅ 175 the govemment prescribes that in al=arge重 SCHOOL FOR ORGANISTS OPENED 維諾。諾嵩藷富喜嘉詰e重- IN CLEVELAND DIOCESE ALL CHANT PROGRAM RCHBISHOP. BISHOP SCHREMBS And now a word of comfort for those A has announced the opening of a Schoo重 church musicians who su任er from a sec重et for Organists in the Cleveland ‾diocese. The 謹t霊sぷ盈喜罰窪d誓言 o億cial letter and regulations follow. 芋霊悪霊霊霊葦誌s繁霊豊 霊蒜謹‡謀澄聾叢 as 1903 hurled a winged word from the WOrShip. Apostolic Throne, Saying: Let the whole “It would lead too far afield to attempt Catholic Church be convinced that Divine Services, eVen here at our Vatican Basilica, an histQrical presentation of this subject, will lose nothing in splendor if accom~ Showing the solicitude of Bishops, Councils, and Popes in this matter. `Sacred Music: 諸富謹浩諸藩s重器e恕霊 読嵩嵩警護嵩蒜琵 ’should possess in the highest deg重ee, the 謹諸富誌揺嵩護 the Roman papers reported that the effect had been unique, and that St・ Peter’s Dome 護欝輩露語 be true art.’ had never heard the like before. When “Great strides have been made within the the sixteen hund重ed voices began to rise and fall in the Kyrie and Sanctus of the An・ last decades in educating the musical tastes Of organists and choir di重eCtOrS tO a keener gel Mass, the triumph w‘aS SeCured: the immense∴CrOWd of listeners was simply knowledge and appreciation of our most PreCious musical heritage. 器普請・t。豊盤音譜霊 ’’High standards cannot be attained with~ Out the firm foundation of a thorough mu・ Sicianship, aCquired only by careful study 諸宗誌警護義認 Of harmony, Of organ technique, Of Gre~ cathedrals, and in churches and seminaries 9Orian chant, Choir directing, VOice training and other ecclesiastical institutions in which and other subjects. Much of the whole ef~ the necessary皿eanS.are uSually not lack・ fect of the se重Vice depends upon the e債・ in航,h r。。a.d ,。 m。d。rn.。mP。Si,i。nS Ciency of the organist. ’’In order that our organists may have Pope Pius X says: “The Church has aし WayS reCOgnized and favored the progress 蕊露盤藍精霊m霊†雑誌諾 the Reverend Peter H. Schaefers to start a 謹言笥豊艶三豊蒜講話悪霊 SChool for organists. This schooI will offer ered by genius, - always however, With th請競嵩葦蕊薯謀嘉耽。r。d 。, music∴COurSeS at Very reaSOnable rates. 。l霊霊盤業盤。霊宝霊等三品 a time when confusion was rampant, When by the Reverend Peter H. Schaefers. the waves of disagreement ran high; en~ 法皇晋詣悪霊講書雲霊宝 。。豊謹患諾謹霊豊霊y豊富 SuPJeme authority in unmist.akable terms: ``We do therefore publish `motu proprioタ and with certain knowledge, Our present 謹撃謹富農蒜叢‡ by the School for Organists. Instruction to which, aS tO a juridical code of sacred musie’’. We will with the full. Very cordially yours in Christ, JOSEPH SCHREMBS, Archbishop ~ Bishop of Cleveland. 護欝寵鵠器 Apri1 21, 1939.’’ ヽ 176 THE CAECII,IÅ SCHOOL for CÅTHOLIC ORGÅNISTS 5. GREGORIAN CHANT:_4 terms_ Cleveland, Ohio Term l and 2: The Gregorian IIDCation: St. Alexis Hospital, Broadway Chant Manual. and McBride Avenue. Term 2’3’4: Writing of Gre- Opening: Thursday, May llth, 1939, at gorian accompanjments. 6. HISTORY OF CHURCH MuSIC: One te重皿. タ票整雷管音盤密豊y簿1‡誌 7. CHOIR TRAINING AND CON. H鵠慧電機。, is in,。nd。d 。.im。.. DuCTING: - 3 terms - Voice training, 手盛。霊畳語荒薯。豊艶 霊霊樹霊㌔o already are connected tion for organists who play and direct at Some of them a重e PrOfessional organists, the same time. 8. ORGAN: Theoretjcal _ 4 terms _ 宝器静議b詑霊詳記雲霊霊 Registration’Pedal Studies, Analysis・ aftemoon. They could finish the entire 9. ORGAN: Practical. Individual les. COurSe in two years (2 aftemoons weekly SO寵霊詣e㌢詰誓。h。。rS。.S 。n。。 整葺等霊霊罵盟窪嵩 謹t謹告窪豊霊霊sご書盤 蕊盤重t諾霊Of瑠霊宝h薄 give the∴Choirs an opportunity to重eam SOme Gregorian and other Massesタ and 忠2簿辞認諾欝j hymns for different occasions: _ 40 Hour Devotions, Funeral and Wedding. 20.00・一Tuition for each term of Ti血e o登C重義se挑 。.。。_謹書欝㌫h t。重m 。f A〉 Day Classes: Tuesday and Thurs- evening classes.

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