THURNBY & BUSHBY PARISH COUNCIL Sue Bloy, Clerk to the Parish Council 0116 2786280 17 Shetland Way, Countesthorpe Email: [email protected] Leicester, LE8 5PU _________________________________________________________________________________ MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT THE HILL COURT COMMUNITY CENTRE, MAIN STREET, BUSHBY, ON MONDAY 9 MARCH 2020, AT 7.00 P.M. PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mrs A Burrell, Mrs E Derrick; Mrs K Goodacre, Mrs E Hale, Mr R Lamming, Mrs V Poole and Mrs M Wakley District and County Councillor: Mr S Galton District Councillor: Mr P Elliott Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the Public: There were no members of the public present ACTION 20/50 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Mr J King. In addition, apologies for late arrival were received from County/District Cllr Mr S Galton. 20/51 CO-OPTION TO THE PARISH COUNCIL It was proposed by Mrs E Derrick and seconded by Mr R Lamming that Mrs V Poole be co-opted onto the Parish Council. This was RESOLVED. Mrs Poole completed the following: Declaration of Acceptance of Office; Register of Member’s Interests; Dispensation Request: and, Electronic Service of Summons forms and joined the meeting. It was reported that Mrs S Johnstone has tendered her resignation from the Parish Council. On behalf of the Parish Council, Mr H Gopsill expressed thanks for Mrs Johnstone’s valuable contributions. 20/52 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST No requests had been received. 20/53 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2020 The minutes of the above meeting were approved and signed as a true record, subject to the following corrections: “… the addition to minute 20/15 …” (minute 20/29, line 2 refers) and “cases” (minute 20/39, refers). 20/54 MATTERS ARISING FOR INFORMATION A response from HDC to issues raised by TABS was noted (minute 20/47b refers) 20/55 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were no matters raised. 20/56 GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The provisional date of Thursday 2 April 2020 was noted. 20/57 CLERK’S REPORT The following planning decisions were reported: 19/01801/LCC – reconfiguration of extension to existing car park (Fernvale Primary School, Somerby Road, Thurnby). Referred to LCC. 19/01957/FUL – resurfacing and making designated parking on existing car park, erection of porch and lobby entrance to rear, minor alterations to server area and entrance porch (Rose and Crown, Main Street, Thurnby). Approved. 19/01983/FUL – erection of single storey rear extension (3 Bramley Orchard, 1 THURNBY & BUSHBY PARISH COUNCIL Bushby). Approved. 19/01988/FUL – erection of single storey side/rear extension (82 Sedgefield Drive, Thurnby). Approved. 20/0001/CMA – variation of condition 3 of LCC planning permission 2018/2083/3 – weekend working (Fernvale Primary School, Somerby Road, Thurnby). Approved. 20/00140/TCA – works to trees (726 Uppingham Road, Thurnby). Approved. 20/00147/TCA – works to trees (The Manor, Main Street, Thurnby). Approved. In addition, dates for Cllr training were noted. It was agreed that Mrs M Wakley be booked onto the session scheduled for Wednesday 18 March. Mrs V Poole agreed to look at dates later in the year. 20/58 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Mrs M Wakely reported that the wildflower project is underway and that members of the Parish Council are invited by the Brownies to attend a launch event on Saturday 21 March 10.00-12.00. Alisia Kearns, MP for Rutland Melton has accepted an invitation. It was agreed that Mrs M Wakley would draft a press release and send it to Cllr MW & the Clerk. Clerk 20/59 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs A Burrell did not take part in discussion other than to provide advice. a) 20/00294/FUL – erection of a single storey first floor and two-storey side extension (1A Wadkins Way, Bushby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. b) 20/00318/FUL – erection of single storey rear extension (58 Main Street, Bushby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. c) 20/00292/VAC – variation of condition 2 (materials) of 18/01927/FUL from render to brickwork on north elevation (14 Dalby Avenue, Bushby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response. It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mr R Lamming that the above decisions be approved. This was RESOLVED. 20/60 PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION ON AN UPGRADED VODAFONE BASE STATION INSTALLATION AT THURNCOURT ROAD, LEICESTER It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mr R Lamming to submit a NEUTRAL response with a comment that it is assumed that the installation will comply with ICNIRP guidelines. This was RESOLVED. Clerk 20/61 APPLICATION FOR A TREE PRESERVATION ORDER (HDC TPO 242) AT LAND AT RANDLES CLOSE It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mr R Lamming to SUPPORT the application. This was RESOLVED. It was noted that the tree is located within land under the ownership of Seven Locks. Clerk 20/62 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT MATTERS The following matters were reported: ▪ A new case had been opened in relation to a property on Dalby Avenue. However, it was noted that this has been superseded by planning application 20/00297/VAC (minute 20/59c above refers). ▪ Erection of a wall to the front of a property on Uppingham Road (minute 20/30 refers). The case has been closed. 20/63 FINANCIAL MATTERS It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mr H Gopsill that the following be approved. Payments i) ICP Cleaning Services (5 weeks Hill Court cleaning) - £168.85 (140.70 + 28.15 2 THURNBY & BUSHBY PARISH COUNCIL VAT) ii) Target (dog bins – 4 weeks) - £117.80 (98.16 + 19.64 VAT) iii) Quick Cabs (taxibus) - £26.00 iv) DCK Accounting Solutions (Payroll) - £30.00 (25.00 + 5.00 VAT) v) S R Bloy (Salary) - £929.80 Direct Debits i) Water Plus (Hill Court) – 67.63 ii) HDC (Planned maintenance and refuse collection) - £79.57 iii) Total Gas and Power (electricity at Hill Court) – £34.24 iv) EMH Homes (Service charge and insurance) - £146.67 v) BT (Clerk and PCIC phone and broadband) - £116.67 Purchases i) Coles Nurseries (replacement trees for Uppingham Road, Rose and Crown green and Church green) ii) Mark Goddard (work associated with planting above trees) Income i) Groundwork UK – NP grant - £2,191.00 20/64 GRANT APPLICATIONS The following were noted: a) Houghton Gardening Club – it was agreed in principle to support a grant to cover the levy to residents of Thurnby and Bushby who have allotments in Houghton-on- the-Hill, subject to receipt of a grant application form. b) It was noted that the “Monday Club” wishes to apply for a grant for audio/visual equipment for use by village groups. 20/65 INVITATION TO VISIT MEMORIAL HALL FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF GRANT FUNDED WORK It was agreed to arrange a visit to the Memorial Hall prior to the next Parish Council meeting on 13 April 2020. It was agreed that the Clerk request an end of grant report. Clerk 20/66 GRANT FUNDING FROM HDC FOR VE DAY CELEBRATIONS The availability of grant funding to parish councils towards VE Day celebrations was noted. 20/67 HIGHWAYS MATTERS a) Update on the Grange Lane pedestrian safety scheme – it was agreed that now that the additional railings have been installed, the Clerk should ascertain when the Safety Audit is to be undertaken. In addition, it was agreed to commission video footage on Grange Lane, and Main Street/Court Road, noting that this will need to capture both vehicle and pedestrian movements, including vehicles mounting the footway to the south of Grange Lane. It was further agreed that due to issues relating to release of the data from the video footage to the Parish Council, LCC Highways be commissioned to undertake the analysis. Clerk b) Update on the speed and volume survey in Thurnby, Bushby and Scraptoft - It was reported that the speed and volume survey had been repeated on Grange Lane, following failure of the tubes. c) Update on the transport assessment associated with the Scraptoft North SDA – A verbal report was received on the recent meeting between representatives of Scraptoft and Thurnby and Bushby Parish Councils, District Councillors and Neil Edwards, consultant. It had been agreed that the best way forward would be to put a case to mitigate measures to improve traffic flow and traffic calming measures. It was further agreed that Community Speedwatch data collected in Scraptoft and the recent speed and volume survey conducted across both parishes should be considered in a 3 THURNBY & BUSHBY PARISH COUNCIL workshop, to which representatives of LCC Highways be invited. It was agreed that Neil Edwards be asked to facilitate the workshop. d) “Tackling Road Safety – A guide for Parishes” produced by the HDC Community Safety Partnership – it was agreed to forward the above guide to members of the Joint Community Safety Working Group. e) Access to PC notice board on LCC land off Main Street – a quotation from HDC to remove the damaged step to the Parish Council noticeboard on Main Street and install a new footway was received (total cost £818.46 + VAT). It was noted that the accompanying drawing was inaccurate and agreed that HDC be asked to correct this. Subject to confirmation of the works to be completed, it was proposed by Mrs K Goodacre and seconded by Mrs A Burrell, that the quotation be accepted. This was Clerk RESOLVED. 20/68 ADOPTION OF OPEN SPACE ON THE JELSON DEVELOPMENT OFF PULFORD DRIVE It was reported that advice is being sought from the LRALC and the internal auditor.
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