OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] CAMPAIGN STATEMENT REPORT OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES Election Date: 11/1/2019 Status: Submitted Name of Committee: Committee to Elect C. Omar Issue: Montgomery Candidate’s Name: Crittyleus Omar Montgomery Office: Mayor Address of Committee: 16299 E. Purdue Pl. Aurora, CO 80013 Phone: 720-479-8477 Name/Address of Committee’s Bank: Candidate’s E-mail: [email protected] Reporting Period: (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election Termination Report: False Filing ID: 634 DETAILED SUMMARY OF REPORT 1. Funds on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period $0.00 2. Total Contributions (From Schedule B) $62,750.58 3. Total Receipts (add line 1 and 2) $62,750.58 4. Total Expenditures (From Schedule C) $43,596.16 5. Funds on Hand at End of Reporting Period (line 3 - line 4) $19,154.42 6. Total In-kind Contributions (From Schedule D) $6,954.00 I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief this is a true and correct filing. I understand the submission of false, erroneous, or incomplete information may be subject to sanctions in accordance with City Code Section 54-133(h). Name: Shenika Carter Role: Candidate Address: 16299 E. Purdue Place Aurora 80013 Email: [email protected] Phone: 720-480-7677 Date: 8/8/2019 8:59:00 AM Date Created: 8/8/2019 9:51:28 AM Page 1 of 41 Committee to Elect C. Omar Montgomery | [email protected] | (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election | 11/1/2019 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] Schedule A LOANS – Loans Owed by the Committee No information copied from such reports shall be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose. [City Code Section 54-133(g)(1)(c)] Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code of Loan Original Amount of Interest Rate Date Loan Source Loan Received 1. Loan Amount Received this Reporting Period 2. Principal Amount Paid this Reporting Period 3. Interest Amount Paid this Reporting Period 4. Amount Repaid this Reporting Period (Add lines 2 and 3) 5. Outstanding Balance (Line 1 minus 2) 6. Terms of Loan 7. Due Date for Final Payment LIST ALL ENDORSERS OR GUARANTORS OF THIS LOAN Full Name Address, City, State, Zip Amount Guaranteed $0.00 8. TOTAL OF ALL NEW LOANS THIS REPORTING PERIOD Total of line 1 of $0.00 all loan pages. (Transfer to Schedule B, Line 3) 9. TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS REPORTING PERIOD Total of $0.00 line 4 of all loan pages. (Transfer to Schedule C, Line 2) Date Created: 8/8/2019 9:51:28 AM Page 2 of 41 Committee to Elect C. Omar Montgomery | [email protected] | (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election | 11/1/2019 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] Date Created: 8/8/2019 9:51:28 AM Page 3 of 41 Committee to Elect C. Omar Montgomery | [email protected] | (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election | 11/1/2019 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] Schedule B ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS - $20.00 OR MORE List name and address of each person or organization that made a monetary contribution of $20.00 or more in this reporting period [City Code Section 54-133(d)]. Use additional pages as necessary. Name of Contributor Address Street, City, State, Zip Date Amount Margaret Mitchell Clarke 1755 Beeler St Denver, CO 80247 8/11/2018 $50.00 Barbara Jones 7502 S Trenton Ct Centennial, CO 80112 8/11/2018 $25.00 Kirk and Patti Bateman 15695 E Grand Ave Aurora, CO 80015 8/11/2018 $50.00 Danielle Young 1539 Peninsila Cir Castlerock CO 80104 8/11/2018 $25.00 Bill Holen 373 Quentin St Aurora, CO 80011 8/12/2018 $100.00 Mary TItus Sims 15132 Kelly PL Denver, CO 80239 8/12/2018 $25.00 Regina Edmondson 6140 S. Gun Club Rd K6-363AuroraCO80016 8/13/2018 $100.00 Butler, Lamont Lynell 16785 trinity bay ctMoreno ValleyCA92551 8/15/2018 $50.00 Guillory, Marc 4909 Stacy StOaklandCA94605-5641 8/15/2018 $250.00 Ross, Ryan 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 8/15/2018 $50.00 Jacqueline Barker-Dennis 305 Doveview Dr Dover, DE 19904 8/18/2018 $25.00 Westerberg, Kristin Mallory 2956 S Jasper StAuroraCO80013 8/20/2018 $25.00 MichelleSimmns P.O. Box 471766AuroraCO80047 8/25/2018 $50.00 TraceyGrant 13630 E Dakota PlAuroraCO80012 8/25/2018 $100.00 SheaSwauger 5943 S. Hill St.LittletonCO80120 8/31/2018 $100.00 JessicaCritten 1836 Boulder StDenverCO80211-6442 9/7/2018 $15.00 Deborah EsquibelHunt 9740 Melody DriveNorthglennCO80260 9/7/2018 $50.00 Bianka Emerson 2215 Cherry Hills Farms Drive Englewood, 9/7/2018 $25.00 CO 80112 Sharon L Sherman,PhD 4730 South Decatur StreetEnglewoodCO 9/8/2018 $100.00 80110 ImaniLatif 13626 E Evans AvenueAuroraCO80014 9/8/2018 $50.00 Hassan A.Latif 13626 E. Evans AvenueAuroraCO80014 9/8/2018 $50.00 Vetvest Group P O Box 5872 Denver, CO 80217 9/8/2018 $50.00 Leandra Steed 1294 Stable Blvd Aurora, CO 80011 9/8/2018 $25.00 Sharon Bailey 3570 Manaco Pkwy Denver, CO 80207 9/8/2018 $100.00 Nancy Todd 11293 E Harvard Dr Aurora, CO 80014 9/8/2018 $25.00 Date Created: 8/8/2019 9:51:28 AM Page 4 of 41 Committee to Elect C. Omar Montgomery | [email protected] | (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election | 11/1/2019 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] Shontel Lewis 1121 29th Street Denver, CO 80205 9/8/2018 $100.00 Barbara Ball 283 Franklin Ave Ridgewood NJ 07450 9/8/2018 $50.00 Samuel Spraggins 3296 S Xenia Street Denver, CO 80231 9/8/2018 $100.00 Bill Holen 373 Quentin St Aurora, CO 80011 9/10/2018 $100.00 Anthony Howard 4419 S Atchison Dr Aurora, CO 80015 9/13/2018 $100.00 MonnelleFarr 25358 Bay AveMoreno ValleyCA92553 9/14/2018 $5.00 Morgan Carroll 1165 Ouray St Aurora, CO 80011 9/16/2018 $50.00 MIchael Weissman 1165 Ouray St Aurora, CO 80011 9/16/2018 $50.00 RyanRoss 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 9/19/2018 $50.00 Kristin MalloryWesterberg 2956 S Jasper StAuroraCO80013 9/20/2018 $25.00 ElbraWedgeworth 3026 N. Gaylord StreetDenverCO80205 10/1/2018 $100.00 JessicaCritten 1836 Boulder StDenverCO80211-6442 10/6/2018 $15.00 AllisonHiltz 17524 E LaSalle drAuroraCO80013 10/11/2018 $100.00 MichaelHimawan 995 Scranton StAuroraCO80011 10/15/2018 $100.00 Christopher RWard 3726 South Magnolia WayDenverCO80237 10/19/2018 $100.00 RyanRoss 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 10/19/2018 $50.00 Kristin MalloryWesterberg 2956 S Jasper StAuroraCO80013 10/20/2018 $25.00 LindaCross 1525 Casino CircleSilver SpringMD20906 10/21/2018 $100.00 JessicaCritten 1836 Boulder StDenverCO80211-6442 11/6/2018 $15.00 George Purvis Jr 1135 Josephine Street Denver, CO 80206 11/16/2018 $250.00 LLoyd Alston 4835 Landall Way Colorado Springs, CO 11/18/2018 $50.00 80990 RyanRoss 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 11/19/2018 $50.00 Kristin MalloryWesterberg 2956 S Jasper StAuroraCO80013 11/20/2018 $25.00 Nancy Jackson 12229 E Amhurst Cir Aurora, CO 80014 11/26/2018 $200.00 SheaSwauger 5943 S. Hill St.LittletonCO80120 12/2/2018 $50.00 JessicaCritten 1836 Boulder StDenverCO80211-6442 12/6/2018 $15.00 HowardChou 9735 Crosspointe Dr.Highlands RanchCO 12/6/2018 $75.00 80130 EikoBrowning 662 Huntington DrHighlands RanchCO80126 12/15/2018 $45.00 RyanRoss 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 12/19/2018 $50.00 EikoBrowning 662 Huntington DrHighlands RanchCO80126 1/8/2019 $45.00 BryanLindstrom 17707 e Princeton plAuroraCO80013 1/8/2019 $50.00 RobertAtwell 2115 E 14th Ave.,#8DenverCO80206 1/11/2019 $100.00 Date Created: 8/8/2019 9:51:28 AM Page 5 of 41 Committee to Elect C. Omar Montgomery | [email protected] | (Pre-Election) 90 Days Prior to Election | 11/1/2019 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Aurora 15151 East Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400 Aurora, Colorado 80012 303-739-7094 [email protected] KeithScott 19 Oak Canyon TrailCoto de CazaCA92679 1/13/2019 $1,500.00 RT 1001 Mariposa Street, Apt 202San Francisco 1/16/2019 $100.00 CA94107 MyronReed 2271 W Malvern Ave #411FullertonCA92833 1/17/2019 $500.00 EricHamilton 18769 East Vassar AvenueAuroraCO80013 1/17/2019 $50.00 RyanRoss 25047 E Canal PlaceAuroraCO80018 1/19/2019 $50.00 Lorne EStevenson 29332 SaltbushLAKE ELSINORECA92530 1/20/2019 $125.00 KeishaCalhoun 29332 SaltbushLAKE ELSINORECA92530 1/20/2019 $125.00 JustinBrooks 238 McAfee CirErieCO80516 1/20/2019 $50.00 Raulcardenas 3671 e Easter cir n.CentennialCO80122 1/24/2019 $50.00 Robert W Crisp 1016 Shelly Street Altedena, CA 91001 1/24/2019 $125.00 TanyaIlela 10279 Garrison CtWestminsterCO80021 1/26/2019 $50.00 SamanthaKingston 13774 Garfield StreetThorntonCO80602 1/26/2019 $25.00 KimberleScarlett PO Box 3922New Hyde ParkNY11040 1/27/2019 $100.00 AlisonCoombs 14006 East Stanford CirAuroraCO80015 1/28/2019 $50.00 Kristin MalloryWesterberg 2956 S Jasper StAuroraCO80013 1/28/2019 $20.00 PeggyDunn 1355 Loma Ave #303Long BeachCA90804 1/29/2019 $100.00 ChereeMontgomery 2945 Douglas wayCoronaCA92882 1/29/2019 $250.00 Yasminemohamed 4393 s helena way #263AuroraCO80015 1/30/2019 $3.00 BrianJoondeph 103 Glenmoor LaneCherry HillsCO80113 1/30/2019 $25.00 TanyaIlela 10279 Garrison CtAuroraCO80021 1/30/2019 $50.00 Suzanne Arkle 7752 E 4th Ave Denver, CO 80230 1/30/2019 $250.00 JulieWeinheimer 2098 Emporia StAuroraCO80010 1/31/2019 $10.00 Debbie van derSanden 24022 E Moraine PlAuroraCO80016 1/31/2019 $50.00 JeriShepherd 1713 Fairacre RoadGreeleyCO80631 2/1/2019 $25.00 Imani SLatif 13626 E Evans AvenueAuroraCO80014 2/1/2019 $100.00 KimDickerson 26928 E.
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