Thursday, Feb. 20th, 1941. PAGE FOUR THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. News FOR SALE ONE MILCH COW It will be the first time that Beau Subscribe to The Beaufort Beaufort News presume that an important Movie Attractions now fresh, reasonable proce. J. M. The ot the ior a fort theatre goer3 have had the op $1.50 per year. Merrimon, N. C. Published Thursday at part training Carraway, every marine is to become experts Obituaries At Wade And Royall portunity to witness a picture ol 120 Craven Street in from throu- such magnitude as this beautiful N. C. landing ships in Beaufort, Carteret County, surf from the ocean. Royal and Wade Theatres Technicolor production on a Satui-da- y gh the North- We believe too that the ter- CAPTAIN BRODIE WILLIS Morehead City will feature instead of the usual run of Publishing Co. rain of the lower Onslow sec- west Mounted Police starring Ga- Westerns or double features. The Your Doctor Will 50-ye- ar and Madeline Carrol! Satur- AYCOCK BROWN Editor tion proved ideal. There is CaDtain Brodie Willis, ry Cooper idea to start the picture on this week-en- d and through Tues- and and Advertising Manaer a minimum of lowlands and a old master of the menhaden boat day is Manager Perry Reavens, maximum of of Beaufort, until day. The picture, one of the big- whether it clicks, remains to be high ground. "Kingfisher" al WM. L. HATSELL, Business Mgr. of the ns his failine health made it neces gest of current releases opens seen. Since part con- Us to be in this to retire from work several The Royal on Saturday and. Tell You About Subscription Rates: spent creating sary tinues and Mon- of Marine center in months ago, died at his home here through Sunday Cecil B. DeMille, native (IN ADVANCE) gigantic The Wade. on Eastern North Carolina in- last Thursday night. Funeral ser- day at Jackpot Washington, N. C, and master North Carolina, South Carolina, will be and the pic assembled the creation of an air vices were conducted at the First Wednesday $70 producer-directo- r has and Virginia volves with base at Wilkerson Point in church Sunday afternoon ture will be Melody Moonlight the cast of stars to ever doctor whose prescription One Year $1.50 Baptist Downs and Vera greatest Every Pamlico it is easy to at 2 o'clock with Rev. S. J. Erwin Johnny Vague. appear in any of his productions im- Eight Months $1.00 County, The Wade "Go West" we fill will assure you of the vital assume that the will in- pastor, officiating. Interment was presents for Northwest Mounted Police, Six Months .73 plans with the Marx Brothers on Thurs- Madeline clude a direct connection be- made in Ocean View cemetery. with Gary Cooper and of the standard drugs Three Months .50 and and on ,'"undav, roles. portance pure, tween the land and sea and Capt. Willis was widely known day Friday Carroll in the top starring at- ELSEWHERE $2.00 YEAR and at the Royai and we as well as the care and Aviation unit. Established the Atlantic and Gulf couU Monday Tuesday An epic-size- d tale of blazing employ, Bonnie Orin Tucker an. I DeMille has Com- Entered as second-clas- s matter between the two as a menhaden fisherman and he Baker, indomitable courage, tention we to the Scientific highways orchestra will be featured in give 5, 1912 at the postoffice sites at presnt ex- was held in high esteem by all who seen fit to place such starring February proposed "You're The One." Pres- to insure accuracy and safety at North Carolina, un- for a distance of ap- knew him. players as Paulette Goddard, pounding Beaufort, tend Rob-ei- der the Act of March 3, 1879. proximately 82 miles. The He is survived by his widow Mrs. ton Foster, I.ynne Overman, t in results. Your neighbors know this line distance is only Maude Davis Willis, and two daugil Pn-ston- , Akin Tumeroff, straight More-hea- too. Thursday, Feb. 20th, 1941. 40 miles, and such a route tors, Mrs. Bruca Willis of d Beaufort Theatre George Bancroft, Lon Chaney. in Onslow Selected would go through Western City and Miss Thelma Willi To Feature Jr., and Walter Hampton top MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Why Was A Charles Dun- Start rides which rank with ev- For the Marines? Carteret County. of Beaufort. son cast any can Willis, of Beaufort also sur- Picture Saturday er seen in motion pictures. When Why did the U. S. Govern- vives. Three brothers, Capt. Bon- you have seen this picture on Sat- C:ir-ter- DRUG STORE ment select Onsloy County ner Willis, Capt. Willie Willis and Something unusual for tins urday, Sunday or Monday, you will BELL'S The Seabreeze Will Alvin S. Willis and three seat will be have seen a pic- as the site for one of the larg- Cant. County presented say that you great SERVICE TO THE SICK est bases in continental Unit- Offer "Hullabaloo" sisters, Mrs. J. W. Wade and Mr. here on Saturday when The Beau- ture. There will be no advance in Ion Willis of Wiliiston and Mrs. fort Theatre its three-da- y of admission for this movie. ed States instead of Carteret Three-Da- begins price For y Run also Police. A Cow- County? That seems to be Browning Finer of Beaufort run of Northwest Mounted double feature "Ragtime FRONT STREET BEAUFORT survive. and "Great Mr. Nobody" will a which is thro.-brothers- , boy" question worrying of rier of Washington, N. C. : DAY PHONE NIGHT PHONS a here on the Car- Thi surprise picture the yeav be presented at The Beaufort on lew people Frank in the John Williams of Hope- featuring Morgan ELIJAH F. RICE and on "Dan- 323-1913-- 1 379--1 teret Coast. The answer to Tuesday Wednesday, 4 role is "llullalialoo" whin well, William Williams of .Atlantic the in our opinion is leading cing on a Dimi'" will be the picture question three-da- y and Robert Williams of Mcrritt. opens for a ran at Th Funeral services were conducted and !?7i will be the jackpot. because it is by far the most also 9 survive. Sea Breeze on Sunday. Not only last Saturday afternoon :;t 2:30 grandchildren suitable site. While not try- t to the role of a mili- does he have an opportunity o'clock for the late Elijah Foilvs ing take he is a talented comed- tary expert, we would say show that Rice, SO, year old Baptist minister that lower Onsow and the ian, but the picture reveals a new of Kershaw, S. C. who died here-earl- anjrle to his many talents, namely, last Friday morning at the New River section proved movie there one dis- that he impersonates famous home of his sister, Mrs. Jess Pagels Wades Theatre ideal, because stars. covers the only section of the Rev. S. J. Erwin conducted the final rites and interment was in Sunday and Monday, Feb. 23, 24 North Carolina coast where Billie Burge who has acted with Pt. Paul's cemetery. the mainland adjoins the him in pictures helore, appears "NORTHWEST MT. POLICE" In to ocean. addition that, this time as his third and Rev. Rice had been in poor health with Gary Cooper, Madeline Carroll lower Onslow is approxi- pretty Virginia Grey is featured in for some time and was brought News mately half way between the role of Morgan's daughter. tn Beaufort recently hoping that Paris Island and Quantico. Presenting romantic interest cen the change would prove beneficial Wednesday, Feb. 26 Excepting a few miles south- tering around a triangle is Dan to him. He is an alumunus of Wake west of South port, North Dailey Jr. Another talented ac Forest and while there made a a, JACK no coast in comedy-dram- POT 4 Carolina has but tress involved the high rating and was an outstand- $70.00 t which is not fro..i is Ann Morriss and there are "MELODY separated ing student of the college. Later, MOONLIGHT" let us show you the ocean's beach from the other talented stars in the cast. he attend the the University of with Downs, Vera Intra-coasta- Johnny Vague lower Onslow only the l Hullabaloo is a picture that will Chicago where he received his PHD Also Comedies waterway separates give you a pick-u- p and it is coniin; degree and also was recognized "The Most Beautiful the ocean's been from the to the Sea Breeze on Mor. Refrigerator Sunday, for his unusual abilty there. Thursday, Friday, Feb. 27, 28 mainland. It is a matter of das and Tuesday. He is survived a sifter Mr?. a of hundred as by "GO WEST" couple leet Pagels, and a brother, J dm H. in the World" compared to a sound averag- Rice of this city. with THE MARX BROTHERS ing from a half mile to many SUBSCRIBE TO THI EEAU- - I News and Comedy miles in width. We would FORT NEWS. JACK E. TAYLOR Saturday, Feb. 22 I T HARLOW E Jack E. Taylor, i life-lon- g resident of this "STAGE COACH WAR" community died at his home here with William Boyd Comedies, Serial -- this morning, (Thursday) at 6:30 m au mu "mff o'clock. He was a prominent far- mer of this Carteret sec- X PAUL'S GARAGE County i tion and was widely known. Mr. Theatre Talk about Extras what with an Oversize was an active member of Royal Taylor Crisper Vegetable Bin Magic Shelf Big the Harlowe Methodist Church, SATURDAY.
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