" . THE ROLE OF THE DUTCH IN THE IROQUOIS WARS 5 P. Lowensteyn (Montreal) As early as 1606 the Dutch probed the St. company was also active for some years in Lawrence River in search of furs, in defiance of Brazil and was given a monopoly to trade with the French monopoly. In that year, the ship all of North America. Witteleeuw captured two French vessels and Although financed on a much larger scale took quantities of whale oil, guns and codfish than the earlier companies, the West India from Spanish and Portuguese ships.1 Company still had to face the same four basic More legitimateDutch enterprises also began problems of the New Netherland fur trade: (1) in North America during that period. On July establish regular shipping with New Netherland 26th, 1610, Arnout Vogels from Amsterdam (2) contact al many Indian tribes as Possible' chartered a ship called de Hoope in response (3) induce tHem to hunt, and (4) try and sell th~ to discoveries made by Henri Hudson for the furs on the European market.4 Dutch the year before. Vogels was involved in The raison d'etre for the W.I.C. for being in the fur trade with Russia but had been denied North America was trade and not settlement or access to the trade with New France.2 He tried empire building. In this respect, Dutch activity to circumvent the French monopoly by trading in North America was similar to that of the with the I ndians directly via the newly discovered French, but contrasted sharply with British Hudson River and by establishing a partner­ policies in New England, and specially in Virginia ship with two French merchants, who could where serious attempts were made to establish trade with New France as the de Mont monopoly permanent colonies.5 It is difficult to establish had lapsed in January 1609 and trade was if the W.I.C. made much of a profit in North now open to all Frenchmen. Thus began both America. Poor local administration, constant competition and cooperation between Dutch interlopers, encroachment by the British, and and French fur trade interests in North America. the many conflicts with the Indians along the Other Dutch traders followed soon. Lambert van Lower Hudson, made management costly.6 In Tweenhuysen established trading companies 1639 poor trade results caused the abandonment to get the valuable beaver and otter pelts, of the West India Company monopoly, but while Adriaen Block not only traded furs, but goods continued to be transported in W.I.C. also did important cartographic work along the ships.7 New England coast.3 Although major settlement was not the aim It was risky to trade with North America. of the West I ndia Company, some form of Adventures could be very profitable but could trading post was nevertheless necessary. As also end in financial disaster. Only large stock­ early as 1614 the New Netherland Company companies had the finances to establish forti­ established a trading fort on an island in the fications and to settle people permanently. Hudson River, several leagues south of the Instead of the one-ship mobile trading post, mouth of the Mohawk River where it joins the which would barter with the Indians as soon as Hudson. It was called Fort van Nassoueen.8 It the ice would break up and would sail as soon wasn't much, a small redoubt, surrounded by a as the ship was loaded with furs, a permanent moat and protected with two cast iron pieces settlement with year-round trading staff could and eleven light cannon. The garrison consisted extend exploration throughout the summer of ten to twelve men.9 The island was, however, and fall. Thatway remote tribes could be con- subject to flooding and soon a new fort had to tacted. be built. It was called Oranje, today's Albany. Such large companies were also in a better By 1624 some Dutch and Walloon families had position to secure monopolies from the Dutch settled around the fort. government to limit risks and receive better In 1630, Kiliaen van Rensselaer bought a profits. On January 1, 1615 a monopoly was domain surrounding Fort Oranje and called it given to the New Netherland Company which Rensselaerwyck. Although the patroon of the would last till December31st, 1617.ln 1618, estate, he never came to the colony himself trade with the colony was thrown open and and instead controlled his estate through competition between the New Netherland members of his family. His major aim was to Company and independent traders was vigorous. develop an agriculturally based colony with On June 3, 1621 the West India Company additional income from the fur trade. was incorporated. It was for that time a tre­ The domain grew very slowly and van Rens­ mendous enterprise. Established primarily to selaer blamed the policies of the West Indian harass Spanish shipping through piracy, the Company for this. As a director of the W.I.C., 6 van Rensselaer had hoped for a more generous come primarily to trade and although Kiliaen patroonship, but by the time he bought his van Rensselaer had bought his estate from the estate, directorship of the W.I.C. had shifted defeated Mahicans in 1630, it was not until toward those who wanted to strengthen the 1661 that Arent van Curler actually bought monopoly of the company and van Rensselaer land from the Mohawks.16 had to accept a much less generous deal in Trade was the bond that kept Iroquois and terms of free trade.1 0 Dutch together. Although personal and racial Over the years Rensselaerwyck received animosities did flare up, trade interests always more settlers, but if New Amsterdam (New ensured that conflicts were kept to a minimum. York) could be called a "m,alehill", the settle­ The first and last major conflict with the ment around Fort Oranje was even smaller.11 Mohawks had occurred in 1626 when com­ In 1646, Father Isaac Jogues, who had been mander Crieckerlbeeck had involved himself ransomed by the Dutch from the Mohawks, in the Mohawk/Mahican war, paying with his wrote that Fort Oranje was nothing but a life for it. The Mohawks had later apologized "wretched little fort, bu ilt with logs with four or for the killings, stating that they had never five pieces of cannon of Breteuil and as many injured whites before and asked "the reason swivels." He further mentioned that the van why the latter had meddled with them; had it Rensselaer colony was "composed of a hundred been otherwise, they would not have acted as persons, who reside along the river, as each they had." 17 This was just so much diplomatiC one found it most convenient... All their houses language, as the Mohawks knew very well why are merely boards and thatched. As yet there is the Dutch had meddled in a conflict which had no mason work, except in the chimneys. The been caused' by the Morlawk aim of monopo­ forests furnishing large pines, they make boards lizing the fur trade with the Dutcil and Mahican by means of their mills... Trade is free to all, this unwillingness to give the Mohawks free passage gives the Indians all things cheap, each of the to Fort Oranje. 18 By 1628. the Mohawks had Hollanders outbidding his neighbour and being driven the Mahicans from the region and thus satisfied provided he can gain some little profit."13 established a trade pattern that would last a Other settlers lived isolated on their farms, long time. The Dutch would have preferred to scattered over the immense hilly estate. In deal with as many tribes as possible, playing 1635 only five farms had been cleared. one against the other and keeping prices low. Poor trade results, caused by the many Now they had to deal with the Mohawks only. Indian wars during the 1630's and 40's, poor The Dutch did not like this development at all crop years, and disastrous floods, as well as and made efforts to break up the peace between the uncertainty of possession after the British Mohawks, French and northern Algonquian conquest of New Netherland in 1664, kept the tribes. 19 The Mohawks imposed themselves van Rensselaer family in North America from upon the Dutch as sole middlemen, and tried prosperity. Only after the 1740's did the family at the same time to establish friendly relations do better. with the French. The rest of the settlers were considerably The Mohawks did not have much of achoice. less well off than the van Rensselaers.14 During As a result of the increasing strength of their the seventeenth century, the Dutch settlement Algonquian neighbours, as well as the Iroquoian around Fort Oranje was thus small and not very Hurons, they were threatened with encirclement prosperous. The settlement on the Upper and lock-out from the important European Hudson River was far away from New Amsterdam, trade. In an all-out effort they had driven the physically as well as politically, as fur trade Mahicans away, having first made sure in 1624 interest frequently conflicted with the more that their northern flank with the French had agricultural pursuits of the settlers along the been secured in a peace treaty.20 Lower Hudson. Even when the colony changed The settlers were numerically at the mercy hands in 1664, only the names of the towns of the Mohawks, butthe Indians needed European changed, the political relationships remained trade goods. Thus the Dutch had little to fear from the Mohawks, but were repeatedly in the same.
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