Petroleum coke and plants: Impact on growth and physiology By: Colin Keiji Nakata A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of; MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Botany University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB., Canada March 14th,2007 Copyright A 2007 by Colin Keiji Nakata THE TJNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA FACULTY OF GRADUATE STT]DIES ****:* COPYRIGHT PERMISSION Petroleum coke and Plants: Impact on growth and PhYsiolog¡r BY Colin Keiji Nakata A Thesis/Practicum submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE Colin Keiji Nakata @2007 permission has been granted to the Library of the University of Manitoba to lend or sell copies of this thesigpracticum,io the National Library of Canada to microfîlm this thesis and to lend or sell copies of túe film, aná to University Microfilms rnc. to publish an abstract of this thesis/practicum. This reproduction or copy of this thesis has been made available by authority of the copyright owner solóty for the purpose of private study and research, and may only be reproduced and copied owner. as permitied by copyright laws or with express written authorization from the copyright l1 Ansrnacr: Greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the effects of coke, a by-product of the oil sand industry, on the emergence, growth and physiology of Triticum aestivum, Deschampsia caespitosa, Calamagr-ostis canadensis, Agropyron trachycaulum, Oryzopsis hymenoides, Fragaria virginiana and Cornus set"icea. Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in plant tissues was also determined. Plants were grown in peat-mineral mix (control) or coke produced by Slncrude Canada Ltd. or Suncor Energy Inc. Coke had little effect on the emergence of grasses. In most cases, biomass, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were lower in coke treated plants than in controls. Transpiration rates of plants grown in coke either decreased or remained unchanged when compared with controls. In some cases, nickel, vanadium, boron and molybdenum were found at higher concentration in coke treated plants than in controls. The results suggested that plants growing in coke suffered from water stress, nutrient deficiency and potentially metal toxicity. Recommendations for revegetation of coke storage sites and future studies are made based on the results of these studies. ill AcKNowLEDGMENTS: First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Sylvie Renault. Thank you for the time and effort that you invested in me to help me grow as a researcher. I appreciate the experience gained from the conferences, workshops and meetings which you made available to me during the past few years. I would also like to thank you for the technical and morale support you provided when times were rough. J'ai beaucoup appris je et me sens bien preparé pour la vie dans le marché du travail. Encore une fois, merci Sylvie. Thank you to my committee members Dr. Mike Sumner and Dr. Tee Boon Goh as well as ClataQualizza, Dr. Mike Mackiruron and Wayne Tedder for their input and contributions towards this study and the completion of this thesis. I would also like to extend a special thanks to Karen Kivinen, Carl Szczerski, Scott Green, and Maha Afifi for moral and technical support. I am indebted to you for your help during harvesting, which extended far too late into the night. I also appreciate the time spent by Scott Boorman and the summer students at Syncrude who did their best to keep my grasses alive in the hot, dry coke. Thanks to Eric Hoffman and Greg Morden for their advice regarding the element analysis of tissues. Finally I would like to acknowledge Syncrude Canada Ltd., Suncor Energy Inc., Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. and NSERC for funding which made this project possible. 1V We will be known forever by the tracks we leave -Dakota v TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: vi 3.3.4. Transpiration and Stomatal Conductance ..................39 3.3.6. Element Content: ..............39 3.4.1. Seed Emergence in Coke......... ...............59 3.4.2. Water Status of Grasses Grown in Coke......... ............60 3.4.3. Arsenic, Vanadium, Boron, Iron, Molybdenum and Nickel in Coke Treated Grasses...............62 3.4.4. Species Comparison. .........70 CHAPTER 4 - GROWTH, PI{YSIOLOGY AND ELEMENT ACCUMULATION OF CONTVUS SERICEA AI.ID FRAGAKIA VIRGINIANI EXPOSED TO COKE ..........72 4.1. INTRoDUCTToN: .........................72 4.2. METHoDS ANDMATERTALS:............. ..............74 4.2.1. P\ant Material and Treatments ... ...........74 4.2.3. Chlorophyll and Pheophytin............. ..........................77 4.2.4. Transpiration ....................78 4.2.6. Uptake of Elements ...........7g 4.2.7. Data Analysis....... .............79 4.3.1. Injury and Growth.. ...........79 4.3.2. Chlorophyll and Pheoplzytin............. ..........................80 4.3.3. Transpiration ....................d1 4.3.5. Element Content: ..............81 4.4.1. Nutrient Status ..................94 4.4.1 .3. Macronutrients, Micronutrients Concentrations................... ................ gg 4.4.2. Arsenic and VanadiumAccumulatton............... ........102 4.4.3. l4tøter 5fatus........... .........103 4.4.4. Species Comparisott. .......105 CHAPTER 5 _ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......... .........................106 vii Lrsr op T¿slns (mean + Table 3.1: Root dry weight, shoot dry weight and roolshoot ratio SE) of Triticym aestivum (aftet 2 months), Deschampsia caespitosa, Calamagrostis (after 3 canadensis, Agropyron trachycaulutn, and oryzopsis hymenoides coke months) of grõ*th in peat-mineral mix (control), uncapped or capped the treatments. No signifiãant differences exist between means followed by 49 same letter (n : 5l u,: 0'05). """"""' Table 3.2: chlorophyll a (chl a), chlorophyll b (chl b), chlorophyll a to + chlorophylt U rátio (Chl a/b) and carotenoid content (mean SE) of Triticum o s ti s c anadens is, A gr opyr o n ae s tivum, D e s c hamp s i a c a esp it o s a, C al amagr trachycaulum and oryzopsis hymenoides grown in peat-mineral mix (control), Syncrude .ãt", Syn.rude coke + cap, Suncor coke or Suncor coke + cap. Ño significant differences exist between means followed by the same 51 letter 1n : 5, o : 0.05). """"""""""" + root Table 3.3: Arsenic (As) and vanadium (v) concentrations (mean sE) in o s al o s t i s tissues of Triti cum a es tivum, D es champ s i a c a espit a, C amagr growing in canadensis, Agropyron trachycaulum and oryzopsis hymenoides peat-mineral mir(control), syncrude coke, syncrude coke * cap, Suncor coke or Suncor coke * cap. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same lettãr (n: 5, o: 0'05)' ""' 53 + shoot Table 3.4: Arsenic (As) and vanadium (V) concentrations (mean SE) in s t is tissues of Triti cum aes tivum, D es champ s ia c a esp it o s a, C al amagro growing in canadensis, Agropyron trachycaulum and Oryzopsis hymenoides peat-mineral mirlcontrol), SlTrcrude coke, Syncrude coke * cap' Suncor coke or Suncor coke t cap. No significant differences exist between means 54 followed by the same lettãr (n: 5' cr: 0'05)' ""' Table 3.5: Element content (mean + SE) in root tissues of Triticum aestivum, is, A gropyro n D es champ s ia c a e spit o s a, c al amagro s tis c an a dens trachycaulum and-oryzopsis hymenoides growing in peat-mineral mix (contiol), Syncrude coke, Syncrude coke ¡ caP, Suncor coke or Suncor coke ì Ño significant differences exist between means followed by the same lettei"up. (n:5. o:0.05). --- denotes no available data"""" """"""""""" 55 Table 3.6: Element content (mean * SE) in shoot tissues of Trítícum aestivum, Deschampsia caespitosa, calamagrostis canadensis, Agropyron trachycaulum and-Oryzopsis hymenoides gfowing in peat-mineral mix + (contiol), Syncrude coke, Syncruds * cap, Suncor coke or Suncor coke same òap. No'significant differences exist between means followed by the 57 letìer (n : 5, o : 0.05). """"""""""" vll1 Table 4.1: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, pheophytin a andYo pheophytin (mean + SE) in Fragaria virginíana and Cornus sericea after 8 weeks of treatment. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (a: 0.05, n: 5). ............. 87 Table 4.2: Transpiration rates (mean + SE) of Cornus set"ícea and Fragaría virginiana growing in peat-mineral mix (control), syncrude coke or suncor coke. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (a : 0.05, n: 5). .... 88 Table 4.3: Proline content (mean + SE) of F. virgíniana and C. sericea growing in peat-mineral mix (control), syncrude coke and Suncor coke at the time of harvest. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (cr: 0.05, n: 5). ............. 88 Table 4.4: Arsenic (As) and vanadium (V) concentrations (mean + SE) in root and shoot tissues of F. virginiana and C. sericea growing in peat-mineral mix (control), Syncrude coke and Suncor coke. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (n: 5)....... ....... 89 Table 4.5: Macro and micro nutrient concentrations (mean + SE) in root tissues of F. virginiana and C. sericea growing in peat-mineral mix (control), Syncrude coke or suncor coke. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (o:0.05, n: 5). ..... 90 Table 4.6: Macro and micro nutrient content (mean + SE) in shoot tissues ofF. virginíana and c. serÌcea growing in peat-mineral mix (control), Syncrude coke or suncor coke. No significant differences exist between means followed by the same letter (o : 0.05, n : 5). ..... 92 ix Lrsr oF FrcrrRES Figure 3.1: Percent emergence (mean + SE) of Triticum aestiyam (4, B), Deschampsia caespitosa (C, D) and Calamagrostis canaderzsls (E, F) grown for 17 days in peat-mineral mix (control), Syncrude coke, Syncrude coke + cap, Suncor coke or Suncor coke + cap.
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