Article available at http://www.parasite-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/2007141039 LARVAL TREMATODES (DIGENEA) OF THE GREAT POND SNAIL, LYMNAEA STAGNALIS (L.), (GASTROPODA, PULMONATA) IN CENTRAL EUROPE: A SURVEY OF SPECIES AND KEY TO THEIR IDENTIFICATION FALTYNKOVÁ´ A.*, NASINCOVÁ V.* & KABLÁSKOVÁ L.* Summary: Résumé : LARVES DE TRÉMATODES (DIGENEA) DE LYMNAEA STAGNALIS (L.), (GASTROPODA, PULMONATA) EN EUROPE CENTRALE : ÉTUDE DES A survey of cercariae and metacercariae (Trematoda, Digenea) ESPÈCES ET CLÉ POUR LEUR IDENTIFICATION from the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) in Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, South-East Germany, Poland and Slovak Une étude des cercaires et métacercaires (Trematoda, Digenea) Republic) is presented, based on a study of 3,628 snails de l’escargot d’eau douce Lymnaea stagnalis en Europe Centrale examined from 1998 to 2005. A total of 953 (26.3 %) (Autriche, République Tchéque, sud-est de l’Allemagne, Pologne et L. stagnalis were infected with 24 trematode species comprising Slovaquie) a porté sur 3628 spécimens prélevés de 1998 à 19 species of cercariae and 11 species of metacercariae 2005. Un total de 953 (26,3 %) L. stagnalis ont été retrouvés (six species occurred both as cercarie and metacercarie) of eight infecté par 24 espèces de trematodes, dont 19 espèces de families. The dominant cercariae were those of Opisthioglyphe cercaires et 11 de métacercaires (six espèces présentant à la fois ranae (159 hosts infected), Plagiorchis elegans (141) (both family des cercaires et des métacercaires) appartenant à huit familles. Les Plagiorchiidae) and Echinoparyphium aconiatum (153) cercaires majoritairement présentes étaient celles d‘Opisthioglyphe (Echinostomatidae); 14 double infections were found. The most ranae (159 hôtes infestés), Plagiorchis elegans (141) (famille des frequent metacercariae were those of Neoglyphe locellus (71) Plagiorchiidae pour les deux) et Echinoparyphium aconiatum (153) (Omphalometridae), E. aconiatum (66), Echinostoma sp. (59) and (Echinostomatidae); 14 doubles infestations ont été trouvées. Les Moliniella anceps (48) (Echinostomatidae). In the previous studies métacercaires majoritairement présentes étaient celles de carried out in Central Europe, a very similar spectrum of nine Neoglyphe locellus (71) (Omphalometridae), E. aconiatum (66), trematode families of 22 cercariae determined to species level Echinostoma sp. (59) et Moliniella anceps (48) and 43 types of cercariae reported under generic or provisional (Echinostomatidae). Les précédentes études menées en Europe names, which can be in many cases conspecific with the previous Centrale ont rapporté des résultats proches : neuf familles de taxa, were found. A simple key to identification of cercariae and trématodes avec 22 cercaires identifiées en tant qu‘espèces et metacercariae, together with their illustrations, is provided. 43 types de cercaires répertoriées sous des noms génériques ou provisoires, celles-ci pouvant dans de nombreux cas être KEY WORDS : Trematoda, Mollusca, Basommatophora, cercariae, conspécifiques avec les précédents taxa. Une clé d’identification metacercariae, life cycle, prevalence, great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. des cercaires et des métacercaires avec leurs illustrations est fournie. MOTS CLÉS : Trematode, Mollusque, Basommatophora, cercaire, métacercaire, cycle parasitaire, prévalence, escargot d’eau douce, Lymnaea stagnalis. INTRODUCTION arms, pools and also periodic swamps, and it is able to survive short dry periods (Jackiewicz, 2000; Beran, he great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) is one 2002). of the best known aquatic molluscs with Being the most common and conspicuous snail, toge- holarctic distribution, occurring in Europe, Asia, ther with Planorbarius corneus (Planorbidae), L. stag- T nalis was examined in the very first larval trematode North Africa and North America (Jackiewicz, 2000; Beran, 2002; Glöer, 2002). In Europe, it is widely dis- investigations of Nitzsch (1817), La Valette (1855), tributed and lives even in some parts of the Baltic sea Pagenstecher (1857) and later Lühe (1909). Until today, with low salinity (Jackiewicz, 2000). It can be found L. stagnalis is still of interest, being the intermediate predominantly in lower altitudes (150-250 m) where it host not only of a wide variety of larval trematodes, inhabits slowly flowing or still waters, ponds, blind which are among the most common species (Echino- paryphium aconiatum, Opisthioglyphe ranae, Diplo- * Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia & Ins- stomum pseudospathaceum) in Central Europe (Falt´yn- titute of Parasitology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the ková & Haas, 2006), but also of the causative agents Czech Republic, Branisovská 31, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Czech of cercarial dermatitis – cercariae of bird schistosomes Republic (genus Trichobilharzia), which are studied quite inten- Correspondence: Anna Falt´ynková. Tel: +420-38-7775486 – Fax: +420-38-5310388. sively in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland E-mail: [email protected] (Allgöwer, 1990; Kolárová et al 1997; Kolárová & Parasite, 2007, 14, 39-51 Mémoire 39 FALTYNKOVÁ A., NASINCOVÁ V. & KABLÁSKOVÁ L. Horák, 1996; Konecny. et al., 1999; Dvorák et al., 1999; a survey of larval trematodes in the great pond snail Kalbe et al., 2000; Zbikowska, 2003, 2004; Sattmann et in Central Europe, based on original data from five al., 2004; Horák & Kolárová, 2005; Rudolfová et al., countries and revised records from literature, is presen- 2005; Hertel et al., 2006). ted here, together with a simple key to identification Loy & Haas (2001) found 18 species of trematode larvae suitable also for non-trematodologists and illustrations during their long-time investigation into the behaviour of of the most common species. Detailed morphological cercariae from L. stagnalis in Germany. They found out descriptions of larval trematodes with more informa- that the spectrum did not change over the period of tion about their distribution and life cycles will be pre- 20 years. The species composition was also similar to sented in a separate monograph. reports from the 19th century (see references above). However, a substantial part of the cercariae found by Loy & Haas (2001) were not determined to species. Cercariae MATERIAL AND METHODS with invalid or provisional names were often listed in articles dealing with the trematode fauna of L. stagnalis AMPLING AND HANDLING OF SNAILS published in hardly accessible journals of regional impor- S tance. In some countries only few records of cercariae nails of Lymnaea stagnalis were sampled from other than bird schistosomes exist (Konecny et al., 1999). April 1998 to October 2005 in still and slightly flo- Several attempts to compile an atlas of cercariae (Com- Swing water bodies of drainage areas of major rivers bes, 1980) or keys to identification of different types of Central Europe (Danube, Elbe, Main, Odra, Tisa). of cercariae (Odening, 1962a; Palm, 1966a, Blair, 1977) The regions studied comprised pond systems of South were made, but these are of difficult use. And recently, Bohemia and Moravia in the Czech Republic (see Fal- there is no updated and comprehensive information t´ynková, 2005), in South-East Germany (see Falt´ynková about larval trematodes of the great pond snail. & Haas, 2006), in the reserve of Milicz in Poland and Because of the large size of the great pond snail, pro- ponds near Danube in Germany; blind arms of Danube ducing large amounts of cercariae over a long period, in Austria and the Slovak Republic and channels along it is a favoured model organism for studies on parasite- the Tisa River in East Slovakia (Fig. 1). host physiology, immunology and behaviour. However, Molluscs (n = 3,628) were sampled with a strainer or correct identification of larval trematodes is the pre- hand picked on shores. In the laboratory, they were mise for any studies and also the knowledge of spe- separated into glass containers with tap water (100 ml). cies composition is important for studies on the epide- Shedding of cercariae was stimulated by light and miology of veterinary or medically important trematodes heat for 4-6 hours. The internal morphology of cerca- and for ecology of trematode communities. Therefore, riae and metacercariae was documented by drawings Spree Berlin Odra Elbe Saale Dresden Wroclaw Elbe Wisla Fig. 1. – Survey of localities (●) where samples of snails were taken. Prague Vltava Main Nuremberg Morava Bratislava Linz Danube Vienna Tisa Budapest Parasite, 2007, 14, 39-51 40 Mémoire LARVAL TREMATODES OF L. STAGNALIS IN CENTRAL EUROPE with aid of a drawing tube. Neutral red (to observe (153) (Echinostomatidae). The most frequent metacer- paraoesophageal glands of echinostomatids) and Nile cariae were those of Neoglyphe locellus (71) (Ompha- blue were used for vital staining; urine solution was lometridae), E. aconiatum (66), Echinostoma sp. (59) used to study the excretory system. For measurements, and Moliniella anceps (48) (Echinostomatidae). Meta- cercariae were fixed in hot 4 % formaldehyde solution. cercariae of O. ranae (3), P. elegans (1) and strigeids (1) Afterwards, a part of the molluscs were dissected to were found less frequently. detect larval stages other than cercariae. Cercariae In the previous studies carried out in Central Europe, were identified with help of publications of Combes as many as 22 cercariae determined to species level (1980), Niewiadomska (1986), Nasincová (1992) and and 43 taxa recorded under generic
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