Commentary From the AG Talk Up the Guard to Friends Another year in w hich to excel ... crue to Guardmembers and the oppor­ Now that we are one month into the tunities that exist for them . Read it care­ proud and enthusiastic g roup that is new year, a great many New Year's Res­ fu lly, talk it up and you w ill find the making a contributio n to their country. olutions have alrea dy been broken. people your unit needs. Show your pride in appearance, dress, One that I hope each of you made and It seems to me that there is a great deal e nthusiasm and pe rformance particu­ has not been broken is to see k and find of emphasis on dollars, recruiting l arly when assigned as an instructor. You one good new member for the Ohio Na­ bonuses, college tuition , st ripes and w ill be pleased with the reaction of your tional Guard. This m eans that each of us extra pay for buddies recruited as well as students, subordinates and the public. must talk Guard to at least ten prospects drill pay and retirem ent. Don't forget Onward and Upward! Mount up and to find that person we want in ou r there are other factors that appeal to Forward Ho! (That's a horse soldier's ex­ squad, platoon or unit. We are now ap­ young people. You will find many that pression). I want to use my " Done proaching the prime recruiting season are very patriotic and want to do some­ Good" column again. for the high school senior. To help you thing for their state and nation. Don't talk Guard, this issue of the BUCKEYE underestimate these factors or the de­ MG JAMES C. ClEM GUARD is devoted to benefits that ac- sire of young people to belo n g to a THE ADJUTANT GENERAL Military Retirees to Lose Rights To Buckeye Guard Buy Credit in PEAS THE NATION'S TOP NATIONAL GUARD MAGAZINE A change in the Ohio public pension WINNER OF FOUR NATIONAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM INCLUDING THE laws affects all career military personnel, 1977 NGAUS NEWSPAPER CONTEST- FIRST PLACE IN DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY'S KEITH l. currently employed in public service in WARE COMPETITION - FIRST PLACE IN DEPt\RTMENT OF DEFEN SE THOMAS JEFFERSON Ohio, if they are also receivi ng or are AWARDS- AND PART OF THE 1978 WINNING SILVER ANVIL ENTRY JUDGED BEST IN THE eligible to receive military pensions, ex­ PUBLIC AFFAIRS CATEGORY BY THE PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF AMERICA. cept for retired pay for non-regu lar serv­ ice under Chapter 67 o f Title 10, United BUCKEYE GUARD MAGAZINE is an unofficial publication of the Ohio Nat1onal States Code. Guard Association and is published in coordination with the Ad1utant General's Under Amended Ho use Bill 754, effec­ Department for the State of Ohio and the Ohio National Guard's 196th Public tive March 15, 1979, they will no lo nger Affairs Detachment. It is a bi-monthly offset publication with a printing run of be eligible to purchase military service 23,000 copies. credit toward retirement in the Public O NGA OFFICERS Employees Retirement Sys tem , accord­ President ...................................................... CPT Stephen Kope r ing to a PER S spokesman. Until that 1st Vice-Pres................................................. LTC Robert Z1mmerman dea dline they are e ligibl e to purchase up 2nd Vice- Pres................................................ LTC Philip Williams to a m aximum of five years of their active Secretary............................. ...................... ... CO L Leslie Pletcher duty service. Treasurer ...................................................... MAl John Mutchler PERS is unable to estimate how m any military retirees are now employed in STATE OF OHIO - AG DEPT. public service jobs in O hio under the Governor ................................... .................. James A. Rhodes Publ ic Employees Retirem ent Sys tem, Adjutant General .................... ...................... MG James C. Clem the spokes man said. A number of such Asst. AG , Air .......................... ...................... BG Paul E. Hoover members have already purchased credit Asst. AG, Army ............................................ .. BG James M. Abraham toward their retirement, he sa id. Effec­ Public Affairs Office r .................................... .. 1L T Victor Dubina tive M arch 15 , 1979, such purchases will Asst. Information Officer ............................ SFC Bob DeVoe 196th P.A. Detachment Commander ............... .. CPT Steven C. Stone no lo nger be perm itted. The new law does not cancel military service credit al­ Editor ..................................... ..................... SFC Bob DeVoe ready acquired . Assistant Editor ............................................. SSG Nancy Clevenger Staff Writers .................................. .............. .. SFC Don Lundy r ~ SFC Jerry Condo SSG Rebecca Moneys mith Our Cover .•. SSG Roy Wortman O ur cover d esig n for this issue of PV2 Charles Tritt BUCKEYE GUARD Magazine was Staff Photographer ........................................ SP4 Rick Lewis created by PV2 Kevin Mclinn , Staff Il­ Staff Illustrators ........................................... .. PVT. Kevin Mclinn lustrator, and a m ember of the O hio PVT. Julie Hughes Army National Guard's 196th Public Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of th e Department of De­ Affairs Detachment in Worthington . fense and its agencies; the Adjutant Ge neral 's Department of the State of Ohio; or the Ohio National Guard Association. The magazine is published under the He is currently enro lled at Ohio provisions of AR 360-81. State University. Pg. 2 The Buckeye Guard Commentary From the Asst. AG-Army Intangible Benefits Are Important A large part of this issue is being de­ in order that we remain a free people for occasionally about why we have bee n voted to the benefits of being a member over two hundred years. Our freedom is able to remain a free people. The only of the Ohio National Guard. You should n o t a God-given or God-guaranteed guarantee that we can remain this way is save this issue as it will be a handy refer­ right but one which results from the will our will to keep this country strong in a ence of what material incentives are of the American people to remain free world too often full of strife. Along with available as a member of the National and enjoy a democratic form of govern­ this, we also set the example for the rest Guard. ment. Thi s along with our free enterprise of the world in showing them that we are Visible benefits are no doubt incen­ system has produced for this cou ntry the a proud, free people and are determined tives and will cause some to serve, how­ highest standard of living the world has to keep it that way. While we can se rve ever, I would like to briefly address in­ ever known. in many ways, nothing more visibly tangible benefits. Perhaps so me of you Unfortunately, we often accept this exemplifies this attitude, desire and will will think this is kind of corny, but they way of life as the norm rather than the than to w~ar the uniform of this country. are basically the reasons why I have exception. Too many of us enjoy our liv­ This is to me perhaps the greatest ben­ stayed in the National Guard and served ing environment to include all the mate­ efit of being a member of the Ohio Na­ our country for so many years. There are rial things that go with it and never give a tional Guard. many others like me. thought to those former so ldiers, some We have inherited from our of whom are unknown who gave their BC JAMES M. ABRAHAM forefathers a proud heritage of freedom lives so we can enjoy the very things that Asst Adj Cen - Army which many take for granted. Some do we take so lightly. not think about what so many have given The point that I' m getting to i s think CSM Comments Why Are You An Ohio Guardmember? benefits such as the Ohio Guard' s un­ tunities? You bet! look for the article on BY CSM CARL ARN STATE SERGEANT MAIOR ique College Scholarship Program; the Camp Perry. It's a resort spot we all have new Federal Tu ilion Assistance Program; in our own back yard and the facilities Why are you a member of the Ohio and the Urbana College Program at are both outstanding and very low in National Guard? Beightler Armory in Worthington. cost. As a Guardmember, you're also en­ Do you enjoy the extra pay every You'll also find updates on a broad titled to discounts at Sea World, Disney month? How about the benefits? Or do range of topics to inc lude: increased World, and several lodging facilities in you simply enjoy meeting with your State Active Duty Pay for emergency the Washington, D.C. area. You 're also friends at the local armory one weekend call-ups; the Pre-BCT Training Program; eligible for car rental savings of up to 40 p er month? Perhaps patriotism is the the new options under the Survivor Ben­ percent. Info on all of these topics and reason you're a member of the Ohio efit Plan ; the Blue Streak Referral Pro­ much, much more can be found in this Guard? gram; and a host of other topics too issue. Whatever the reason, this special issue numerous to mention here. Keep this copy! This is probably the of BUCKEYE GUARD Magazine has been Interested in an income tax break this single most important iss ue of BUCKEYE dedica ted to informing you and your year? Discover if you qualify for special GUARD ever produced. Take the time to dependents of the many benefits you are tax deductions through your member­ read it from cover to cover! I'm certain entitled to as a member of the Ohio Na­ ship in the Guard by reading the article you'll be pleasantly surprised with the tional Guard.
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