•P" mammmmmaumt •taapi '89: Hot Wedding cakes colors, hot styles,'1D one-of-^a-kincl, 1B {--.l'itiV7Wiinii<f-wml ir.i.i|ii j FW]i , f i ra-l -••:•<».-•••.•.• •>•.•"-,.:• :•-'•"; I'/-; ^:.,:,:.-/.,1 -W.v :'•- •-• ' '^-•••iV-.'-r'.-, w r, ,^--.-.-..: ,r VY;—-J,.: ,-,V:;V^-^ ^,; Volume 24 Number 85 VA/oetlaAH, h^jr>hinan 46 Pages twenty-five cents iM«i^i«aaMi^^ C1JS9 Subtfibm CoBYrunlayoMCorporwfcM. AH Rf|fcu fci*md. Hear! ng i ri ^^liools case oonti nyes By Todd Schneider dismissal of the case based,on de­ to $10,000 on any of the four, if found staff writer fense attorneys' claims that their cli­ guilty. ents were improperly charged. A defendant, if convicted, could The judge presiding over the pre­ also lose his teaching certification liminary examination in the Wayne- THE PRELIMINARY examina­ for a minimum of five years. Westland Community Schools adult tion, adjourned March 14, is sched­ The charges stem from an exami­ places education enrollment dispute uled to continue Friday morning. nation of tbe district's adult/commu­ refused Thursday to dismiss the The four defendants, charged in nity education program during the' f charges or throw out portions of tes­ November after a lengthy Wayne 1982-83 and 1983-84 school years. timony. County citizens grand Jury investiga­ Attendance records In some adult But 18th District Judge Gall tion, are Kathleen (Kay) Lyons, di­ classes were deliberately falsified In ^v|)RlVERS wlwmake • McKnight told prosecuting attorney rector of special projects and ,the order to receive more state aid than 'Cherry Hill part of their regular / Robert Sheiko to offer substantial Tinkham Center executive director, the district was entitled to, the pros­ v fornmute will have a faster trip' v evidence of records falsification Holbert (Rick) Hamrick Jr., assist­ ecution claims. 'i after Improvements afe madeat within the six-year statute of limita­ ant principal at the William D. Ford •theJohn Hix and Carlson tions before the court rules on the Vocational/Technical Center, Bar­ SHEIKO, IN an interview after v^tersectlons. •*••.'• admissibility of evidence outside the bara Blanton, adult education teach­ Thursday's hearing, said he. re­ .; r the Westlahd City Council last * statute. er „and a former supervisor, and mained confident the prosecution iJweeJtappbovexU plan'to-widem. _ "What you've presented here so Phyllis (Rode) Roderick, a former will provide enough evidence to : the road. The cost of the far is awfully thin," McKnight told supervisor. bring the case to trial. 'The grand estimated $300,000 project is the assistant Wayne County prosecu­ All four are facing one count of jury felt there was>enough there to , being split with Wayne County. tor. "You've, got to show me some­ indict these people, and that should :-; Proposed Improvements. falsifying school records and one : thing inside the statute before we be good enough for the (justice) sys­ Include widening Cherry Hill to count each of conspiracy to wilfully 1 can go outside." falsify school records. tem," he said.- thiee lanes for 910 feet west and McKnight said a motion by ^de­ Each charge is a high mis­ "We have plenty of people' — 430 feet-east of John Hix, ART EMANUELE/etaff photograph* teachers, clerical employees, super­ ; - providing a/paved shoulder from fense attorneys lo disallow testimo­ demeanor, punishable by up to two ry ny about events prior to November years in prison and/or a fine of up to visors — who can testify." ; the western city limit to a point Wayne County assistant prosecutor Robert Sheiko makes a 1982 would be considered. $2,500. In addition, the trial judge • 91p feet west of John Hix, and point during Thursday's motions hearing. i widening Cherry Hill for 300 feet; She denied a motion calling for could impose an additional fine of up Please turn to Page 2 ; east and west of CarKon. .• - < :";:. JVIAIJREEN WILSON of3 AdamsJunior High baa advanced to the finals, of toe 83rd annual state spelling bee Tuesday at Official: Grant advisory -iAWr^nce.Technological _:__/ 'UniyersUy.SoutWleld. Thirty-six students from across Michigan will compete in tbe bee, which la co-aponaortd by LTU committee not ignored and the Detroit New*. Tbe winner i will advance to national .; competition in Washington DC By Todd Schneider tone of the requirements for CDGB tions to her neighborhood the past ^May^Wunel;; staff writer funds)." - three years and what she said were $.'% Wilaoft; an ej^ntn-gnder, won ;; badly deteriorating waterand sewer v th< district Earle Owrt««iao The advisory committee that "I WOULD like to recommend systems.---- '«•«. vaj|tt^B»Feb.». ;,.,,i •makes recommendations for spend- that the council seriously reconsider The neighborhood Is slated for ing~tederal Community Develop­ its priorities and pay more attention $151,000 in water main;improve­ SiJ^lJER SKATING for to residents' requests," Carman said. ments for the fiscal year beginning ^.J^ry, what a concept: • •_ ment Block Grant money isn't ig­ : nored by city officials, the adminis­ Carman, a resident of the July 1, the first time the niultl-year ;v* Let us explain. Norwayne neighborhood, said she ^%'Tl^|fria«iioiUwWeatlaM • trator for the program said • vwtJwUOTi was disturbed by a lack of alloca­ Please turn to Page 2 '.C Historical Masetun groop ii "You need citizen input and (the planning a itating party at the . committee's) ideas are looked at se­ SkateiandW««roU«rrinkto riously," said Jay Gilbert," the city's' : raise money for its continuing community development director. ':: restoration of toe Nankin MM. "But the way the system is designed, Priorities for the itjrtforT-tpm - we-c<uVt^always-4ncoFporate-'what- ^XiSdayTApill JOrAdmlwlonia "they want right away." -a S3 donation and skate rental is "Sometimes their ideas will show m^*---•:• ••',•'• ----.:-- up in programs the next year." use pTgrant •^iH POLITICAL news; City priorities in spending > the -•> Paul tyexigian and Harry How is the Westland administra­ — administer bldck grants and CDBG money for fiscal-1990 were other programs from the Dorsey GreenfleW, both Weatland debated during a public hearing tion proposing to use federal Com­ reatdenU, were singled out for munity Development Block Grant Community Center. *- Monday. A second public hearing Is • Fire engine pumper, $166,000 recognition this month by tbe scheduled for Monday, April 17, with funds for the fiscal year starting Michigan Democratic Party's the Westland City Council to vote on Julyl? — purchase new fire engine • 15th CoiHppeaaional District specific allocations In May. Following is the list Of recom­ pumper to replace existing equip­ Return from Russia mendations which will be the sub­ ment at Norwayne station (repre­ group. '•.;:-.-•: The city will receive $1.02 million senting the second half of a '••-. - Mezigian waa the honored A tired Ken Men) .carries a shopping bag from a Soviet in CDBG money, up from $982,000 ject of a city council public hearing i senior Citkeo and Greenfield the Monday night, April 17: $322,000 allocation). Union store while his wife. Sonya, wears her sweat shirt last year, Gilbert said. • Norwayne watermain,. im­ precinct delegate for the party's with a Russian (ogo after returning from the 10-day trip to Debbie Carman, a member of the • Senior programs, 1195,000 — -"annual Jefferaoo-Jackioo Day operate Friendship Center and pro­ provements, $151,000 — replace Leningrad and Helsinki, Finland, with the Stingers' hockey advisory committee, claimed the substandard watermains (third al­ Dinnar on April 1 at tbe Cobo council was appropriating money for vide senlor'services including tele- ^Center In downtown Detroit team. The squad, made up mainly of Garden City and care, homebound meals, emergen­ location of multi-year project). Westland players, won five of their six exhibition games in "pet projects" including new softball cy transportation, home chores and • Fire station doors, $85,000 -^ ^THt VAL Saxton-Wolf Finland and the Soviet Union. They complained of poor diamonds in Central City Park and Install new doors and complete" improvements at the main fire sta­ Operation Breadbasket. i Inturance Agency of Westland telephone service and food when they arrived Wednesday • Community development de­ has Joined the Independent tion on Ford Road, not to "eliminate Please turn to Page 2 . Inturance Agent* of Michigan night at Detroit Metropolitan Airpprt. blight and slums In targeted areas partment administration, $177,000 organiiatioo. , i^ANDREWSPISAKwiu - bold a tooin&og reception for bis Waynt-Wetland school board Economic potential of Eloise site st re-ekctioa bid front 5-1 pjn Thwaday, April J^.tt the ByTedd8chnaldar are here and what Is their potential," neighboring cities on the alms of a THE ELOISE site, which includes The consultants said Wednesday •; Frki^sWp Center. Newburgh at staff writer said Pam McNamara of the Arthur six-week feasibility study of the more than 800 acres of county- they plan to Took at employment < rair^wtte. D.LlttleCo. Eloise site, at Michigan Avenue east owned land, is one of the last large trends In the area, concentrating on CfSnW-t' WESTLAND The*fulure of Wesjland's Eloise "We want to identify what's neces­ of Merrlman, and other property undeveloped pieces of property In the service economy and warehous­ HbtortcalMnwirmii about U> site will depend In part.on the recent sary to satisfy the existing economic near Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Westland. An economic development ing immediately adjacent to the air­ Join the comprter age thanks to past and economic potential of the base as well as what new types of The $65,000 study was commis­ task force has beep looking for ways port and the automotive industry In surrounding area, a consultant said development, are possible," sioned last spring by Westland, to. attract Industry or commercial surrounding communities.
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