Carson City Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan

Carson City Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan

CARSON CITY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REVISED: DECEMBER 2006 Carson City Local Emergency Planning Committee 777 S. Stewart Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 (775) 887-2210 CARSON CITY LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE 777 S. Stewart Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 To the Citizens of Carson City: Hazardous materials are a common and important part of our everyday life. When properly controlled, these materials are useful elements in business, industry, agriculture, and at home. Uncontrolled, they may present a hazard to health and safety, the environment, and property. To meet the risks posed by hazardous materials, cooperative, concerted, and continuing efforts are being made to take the following actions: (1) locate, identify, and quantify hazardous materials used and transported in Carson City, and (2) prepare to respond to any emergencies involving hazardous materials in the city. This plan is one important part of the overall program to address hazardous materials and implement the emergency planning and community right-to-know aspects of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-499). Hazardous materials planning, response, and recovery cannot be handled successfully by any one organization or group. Rather, these efforts must be accomplished through the cooperative efforts of local, state, and federal authorities working in cooperation with private industry. The results of the Carson City Local Emergency Planning Committee’s ongoing planning efforts are set forth in this Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan. Robert S. Giomi ______________________________________________ R. Stacey Giomi, Carson City Fire Chief Carson City Local Emergency Planning Committee Chair Carson City Emergency Management Coordinator ii TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Identification of Facilities Subject to Requirements ...................... I-1 II. Response Procedures ..............................................II-1 Attachment A - Interlocal Agreement Attachment B - Standard Operating Procedures - Hazardous Materials Response Team III. Designation of Emergency Management Director ...................... III-1 IV. Notification Procedures.......................................... IV-1 Carson City Notification Procedures ............................. IV-1 Notification Requirements of Facilities That Experience a Spill ........ IV-5 V. Methods for Determining Release and Possible Affected Areas ............ V-1 VI. Description of Emergency Equipment............................... VI-1 Attachment C - Carson City’s Hazmat Emergency Resource Directory VII. Evacuation Plans ............................................... VII-1 VIII. Training Programs ..............................................VIII-1 IX. Drills and Exercises - Types and Schedule ............................ IX-1 X. Remarks/Comments...............................................X-1 iii I IDENTIFICATION OF FACILITIES SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS The following pages identify all facilities in Carson City that are subject to the requirements of SARA Title III and Tier II reporting. I-1 CHEMICAL LISTING FOR TIER II FACILITIES IN CARSON CITY· 2006 CAS# QUANTITY COMMON CHEM NAME EL AEROSERVICES, INC FACILITY REC#: 16.00 2101 ARROWHEAD DRIVE, CARSON CITY KELLY,JOHN (775)883-1500 W KELLY,JOHN (775)246-3719 H 540-84-1 12000 GAL AVGAS 100LL 8008-20-6 12000 GAL JET FUEL 8006-61-9 200 GAL GASOLINE 7727-37-9 500 CFT NITROGEN 7782-44-7 500 CFT OXYGEN 74·86-2 500 CFT ACETYLENE 540·84-1 12000 GAL AVGAS 100LL 8008-2D-6 12000 GAL JET FUEL 8006-61-9 200 GAL GASOLINE 7727-37-9 500 CFT NITROGEN 7782-44-7 500 CFT OXYGEN 74-86-2 500CFT ACETYLENE CARSON CITYWASTEWATER FACILITY REC#: 26.00 3505 BUTTI WAY, CARSON CITY MENATH,KYLE (775)887-2362/101 W MENATH,KYLE (775)883-4527 H 7782-50-5 500 LBS CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 67·66-3 11 LBS CHLOROFORM 7674-38-2 10 LBS PHOSPHORIC ACID 8006-61-9 15 GAL GASOLINE B008-2D-6 30 GAL KEROSENE 74-86-2 535 CFT ACETYLENE 7681-52-9 7560 LBS BLEACH 12,5% 1310-73-2 935 LBS SODIUM HYDROXIDE 7782-50-5 500 LBS CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE 67-66-3 11 LBS CHLOROFORM 7674-38-2 10 LBS PHOSPHORIC ACID 8006-61-9 15 GAL GASOLINE 8008-20-6 30 GAL KEROSENE 74-86-2 535CFT ACETYLENE 7681-52-9 7560 LBS BLEACH 12.5% 1310-73-2 935 LBS SODIUM HYDROXIDE PCC STRUCTURALS-CARSON CITY FACILITY REC#: 32.00 2727LOCKHEED WAY, CARSON CITY SCHANKIN,DAVID (775)883-3800/224 W SCHANKIN,DAVID (775)425-0433 H 74-86-2 400 CFT ACETYLENE 7782-44-7 600 CFT OXYGEN 1310-73-2 6000 LBS SODIUM HYDROXIDE 7647-01-0 5 GAL HYDROCHLORIC ACID 7697-37-2 5 GAL NITRIC ACID 7664-93-9 300 GAL SULFURIC ACID 7440-37-1 17437 LBS ARGON CAS# QUANTITY COMMON CHEM NAME 7727-37-9 10122 LBS NITROGEN 67-64-1 10GAL ACETONE 67-56-1 700 GAL METHANOL 64-17-5 10GAL ETHYL ALCOHOL 1310-48-3 8300 LBS CAUSTIC SALT 7440·48-4 1000 LBS COBALT 7440-02-0 1000 LBS NICKEL 7440-47-3 1000 LBS CHROMIUM HYTEK MICROSYSTEMS FACILITY REct: 44.00 400 HOT SPRINGS ROAD, CARSON CiTY SOSA,MARTIN (775)883-0820 W SOSA,MARTIN (775)721-3148 C SOSA,MARTIN (775)883-0282 H 67-63-0 148 LBS ALCOHOL 67-64-1 152 LBS ACETONE 64741-41-1 35 LBS MINERAL SPRITS 7727-37-9 12000 LBS LIQUID NITROGEN 8050-09-7 80 LBS 197 ROSIN FLUX 7782-44-7 600 CFT OXYGEN 75-09-2 SOO LBS METHYLENE CHLORIDE 67-56-1 150 LBS METHANOL 64742-47-8 500 LBS ISOPAR M FLUID DURA·BONDBEARING COMPANY FACILITY REC#: 62.00 3200 ARROWHEAD DRIVE, CARSON CITY MCBROOM,BOB (775)883-8998 W MCBROOM,BOB (775)267.2301 H 7646-85-7 2500 LBS BUTTER OF ZINC 1310-73-2 330 GAL CAUSTIC SODA 64742-47-8 165 GAL PETROLEUM NAPHTHA 8008-2D-6 55 GAL KEROSENE 124-38-9 600 LBS CARBON DIOXIDE 7664-41-7 450 LBS AMMONIA GAS 1-2 78·93-3 40 LBS MEK 7439·89-6 50000 LBS CARBON STEEL 7439·92·1 80000 LBS 13X BABBIT METAL 7727-37·9 60000 LBS NITROGEN REFRIGERATED L1QUIO 7439-89-6 10000 LBS PROD FROM M2 STEEL ALLOY 74-98·6 25554 LBS PROPANE 7664-93-9 930 LBS SULFURIC ACID 77647-01-0 1570 LBS MURIATIC ACID CAMPORA PROPANE SERVICE INC FACILITY REC#: 64.00 4826 GONI ROAD, CARSON CITY CHRISTENSEN,RICHARD (800)226.7672 W CHRISTENSEN,RICHARD (7751265-2828 H 74·98·6 25800 LBS PROPANE 74-98-6 25800 lBS PROPANE CAS# QUANTITY COMMON CHEM NAME KEN DIE CUTTING SUPPLIES INC FACILITY REC#: 92.00 2280 CONESTOGA DRIVE, CARSON CITY KENGOTT,BRYAN (775)882-4453 W KENGOTT,BRYAN (775)826-9353 H 143·33·9 330 LBS CYANIDE 7782-50-5 1291 LBS CHLORINE 107-21-1 200 GAL ANTIFREEZE 143·33·9 330 LBS CYANIDE 7782·50·5 1291 lBS CHLORINE 107-21-1 200 GAL ANTIFREEZE TAIYO AMERICA, INC FACILITY REC#: 96.00 2675 ANTLER DRIVE, CARSON CITY HARRISON,PHllllP (775)885-9959/122 W HARRlSON,PHllLiP (7751882-4149 H HARRlSON,PHllLiP (775)720-8096 C 34590·94·8 15000 LBS GLYCOL ETHERS 112-15-2 40000 LBS ACETATE BETRA MANUFACTURING COMPANY FACiliTY REC#: 98.00 45 AFFONSO DR. CARSON CITY THOMAS,MARK (775)246-9060 W THOMAS,MARK (7751246·7769 H 787·53-3 4000 LBS RESIN COATED SAND 7429-90-5 10 TON ALUMINUM ALLOYS 8393-90-0 55 GAL PYRO CM BINDER 134-46-9 10GAL PYROS 1 HCN 14807·96-6 30LBS CORE MUD 131 14808-60·7 30 LBS COREFIX 10 16871·90·2 500 LBS 679 FLUX 74·86-2 13CFT ACETYLENE 74-98·6 120 GAL PROPANE 68476-34-6 6 GAL AW HYDRAULIC OIL 32 68476·34-6 5 GAL WAY OIL 142·82-5 5 GAL ZIP SLIP LP-78 7440-37·1 2352 CFT ARGON 101-68-8 56 GAL PEP SET 5230 64742-95-6 5GAL PEP SET 5325 64742-95-6 56 GAL PEP SET 5110 1318-00·9 10 GAL DAG 193 COLLOIDAL 67-63·0 55 GAL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 68476·34-6 6 GAL DIESEL 787-53-3 4000 LBS RESIN COATED SAND 7429·90-5 10 TON ALUMINUM ALLOYS 8393-90-0 55 GAL PYRO CM BINDER 134·46·9 10 GAL PYROS 1 HCN 14807-96-6 30 LBS CORE MUD 131 14808·60·7 30LBS COREFIX 10 16871-90·2 500 LBS 879 FLUX 74·86-2 13 CFT ACETYLENE 74·98·6 120 GAL PROPANE CAS # qUANTITY COMMON CHEM NAME 68476-34-5 5 GAL AW HYDRAULIC OIL 32 68476-34·6 5 GAL WAY OIL 142-82-5 5 GAL ZIP SLIP LP-78 7440-37-1 2352 CFT ARGON 101-68-8 55 GAL PEP SET 5230 64742-95-6 6 GAL PEP SET 5325 64742-95-6 55 GAL PEP SET 5110 1318·00-9 10 GAL DAG 193 COLLOIDAL 67-63-0 55 GAL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 68476-34-6 5 GAL DIESEL UNITED RENTALS FACiliTY REC#: 102.00 3223 NORTH DEER RUN ROAD, CARSON CITY PHIPPEN,PAUl (775)691-0348 C PHIPPEN,PAUL (775)884-4745 W 107-21-1 65 GAL ANTIFREEZE 61970·53·2 60LBS UlTRASORB FLOOR SWEEP 64742·94·5 20 GAL CLEANING SOLVENT 1-3 64742-54-7 110GAl HYDRAULIC FLUID 7762-44-7 625 CFT lBS OXYGEN 74-66-2 560 cFT ACETYLENE 6006-61-9 500 GAL GASOLINE 67-64-1 10 GAL CARBURETOR CLEANER 66476-34-6 500 GAL DIESEL 74-96-6 7000 lBS PROPANE 64742-54-7 30 GAL TRANSMISSION FLUID 303-00-0 250 GAL WASTE Oil 111-76-2 10GAl WINDEX 9036-19-5 5 GAL PROTECT All VINYL PROTECTANT 64742-52-0 110GAl MOTOR Oil 127-16-4 124 GAL QUICK CLEAN 12166-65-3 25 TON CEMENT 64742-54-7 120 lBS UNIVERSAL GEAR lUBE 7647-14-5 4000 lBS SNOW & ICE MELT 1305-78-6 396 lBS BENTONAMIT 65997-15-1 12000 lBS QYICKRETE CONCRETE 6052-42-4 14000 lBS BLACKTOP 107-21-1 65 GAL ANTIFREEZE 61970-53-2 60 lBS UlTRASORB FLOOR SWEEP 64742-94-5 20 GAL CLEANING SOLVENT 64742-54-7 110GAl HYDRAULIC FLUID 7762-44-7 625 CFT lBS OXYGEN 74-66-2 560 CFT ACETYLENE 6006-61-9 500 GAL GASOLINE 67-64-1 10 GAL CARBURETOR CLEANER 68476-34-6 500 GAL DIESEL 74-98-6 7000 lBS PROPANE 64742-54-7 30 GAL TRANSMISSION FLUID 303-00-0 250 GAL WASTE Oil CAS# QUANTITY COMMON CHEM NAME 111-76-2 10GAl WINDEX 9036-19-5 5 GAL PROTECT All VINYL PROTECTANT 64742-52-0 110 GAL MOTOR Oil 127-16-4 124 GAL QUICK CLEAN 12166-65-3 25 TON CEMENT 64742-54-7 120 lBS UNIVERSAL GEAR lUBE 7647-14-5 4000 lBS SNOW & ICE MELT 1305-76·6 396 lBS BENTONAMIT 65997-15-1 12000 lBS QYICKRETE CONCRETE 6052-42-4 14000 lBS BLACKTOP SCHWAN'S HOME SERVICE FACILITY REC#: 106.00 45 RED ROCK ROAD BOX

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