MIT- Continuous-- Tu1esay, November 13, 199K0 V oltiume110 umbr5 e Dep to give condoms Houses get them f ree with AIDS program S | ~~~~~ByJoanna Stone held bbefore then, but actual dis- He said this was taken into :inof condoms will not go consideration. "Ultimately, we ect until after Thanksgiv- decided there were sound medical Tewhey said. reasons -sufficient for going = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~soonbe distributping colntdoms Dist"~tribution of condoms in the ahead with the program," he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~free of charge to all interested dormsswill be handled by resident explained. dormitories and independent liv- graduzlate students, according to Condoms have been sold _ ~~~~~~~~~~groups. ~~ing Tewhe,Dy."We intend to ask gradu- through machines in the larger _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inorder to receive the free ate sttudents to make recommen- dormitories for several years. The _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~condoms,a dorm or ILG will dation ns on how condoms could idea to distribute them for free to _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~have-to host an AIDS education be bes~stdistributed on their par- all interested houses came from is _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~seminarfor its students. ticularr hall, " he said. Chief of Student Health Services _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Wefeel there is -a need to Homwever, ILGs will be given Mark A. Goldstein. _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~do'more than we've done in the condo:)ms to distribute at their . I ~~~~~~~~~~~paston AIDS education to make discrei-tionl, provided they have - ~~~~~~~~~~~~studentsmore knowledgable and' takenjpart in an educational sem- Number Six extends ~~~~~~~~~~~~safe,"said James R. Tewhey, as- inar. Nu~ ~~~ i x.e' e d sociate, dean for student affairs. Art}hur C. Smith, acting dean q " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The program, initially intended for suudent affairs, expressed his rush'thlro-ughn A P for campus dormitories, has re- supporAr for the new program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~centlybeen extended to include "The iidea was brought to my of- By Katherine Shim ILGs, after sufficient need had fice, aand I said, 'Fine, let's do Delta Psi,- commonly referred to as the Number Six Club, been determined. it,, "1E he said. "I hope it will have -held an open rush luncheon on Saturday. The party was notable Tewhey, who is the head of res- a varicety of effects. Students will -in that it was publicized by postering is on1campus. Though estab- idence and campus activities, sent be ablele to have all the protection fished fraternities often quietly extend bids during the term, out a letter two weeks ago alert- and in-formation they need in or- I they rarely openly advertse such4 rush events, according to the ing all house presidents to the der to >guard against AIDS." I Interfraterniity Council rush chair, Kenneth S. Chestnut Jr. '92. newly instituted-AIDS education Tewl(hey said he fears that there ."Often fraternities and sororities like Delta Pi and Kappa program. Although initial reac- may bbe some resistance' within Alpha Theta poster because they are in an awkward position- tion has been positive and wide- the MIIT community to the distri- and are just starting out on campus. But it's very rare for 'an spread, the program will not be bution iof condoms. "I would established fraternity to poster," Chestnut said. officially initiated until the end suspectStthat some people on cam- Number Six decided to poster.in Tech i order to reach people they of this month. pus witill find some objections," file photo I otherwise I would not have met, said Anthony S. Jules '91, presi- "Educational programs may be he said Arthur C. Smith dent-.of Number Six..v m "We postered because we didn't want to cut off our option~s,"|n o o h ar Jules said.- "There might be people -who will be future Number :* __ o renova ilons near Sixers whio we might not have met. It's a trade off between the B ei rshcri their space needs. possible interpretations lors, " and redoing the and the possible results'" of pestering.Pas arevbing made for--tebtrodloms. These lists are to be returned 'l1UsBn~ rush, events have been scheduled-, the coed Pas r en aefrte btrb second aspect of the reno- to the 'client group by the end of fraternity will hold rush 4or the rest of the term and throughout rnvto h orhforo h h swill involve a reallocation- this month.- An- open forum will the Independent Activities Period, Jules said. Julius:,. Stratton Stdenc "Cen vationstce. This will include be held in early December, at "The rush is, not a terribly big deal,' he added. aWe do haveer ihata not okshdldO p ~huffling around which all interested groups can room for people, and we have people the office of interest. But there is no Alleinithe summerfl ofr 192ontu lyespae of the current student ac- voice their concerns and needs. particular number of people we are interested in. dent Cether haer beenorenovathedS tspes on the floor, but giving Meanwhile, the ASA, the "We made the decision at the end of the summer to have a detCnrhaebnrnotd, ivis activities space on the group actually responsible for al- winter rush -we weren't sure how much room we head, and we tator feel itudins time forithe fothr- There are currently about locating space to student activi- wanted to leave as many options open as possible," Jules taosfe ti iefrte Bo .tivities registered ties, will be distributing its c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ourthnefloor to receive its facelift 200 adt with the own .ation of Student space request form to student Susan D. Ward '92,, rush chair Activities. of Number Six, indicated that "Th rest. ofth SudntCe- T iere are many more big groups. These forms will require a-larger pledge class was needed due to the large senior class teresloks ther Stude.nt Peopl grup ,than there used to more detailed responses from the that graduated last year. In addition, be . she explained that a few fethtthefort flooksvry nicesort. Pespeilerop. illy [since] graduate activities, and will be a major members were leaving to study abroad. activi- ofee tan tembafaseth saorid An-rties hcaave gotten much larger, factor in the ASA's decision on Citing the variability in the Number Six population, Ward dre P. embrrssent9,"chair An- thesrhle said. "Things should be the allocation of space. could not give the specifice number of seniors graduating last drwP tel'9,caroth Srhe Rear. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ClientGroup for the Renovation evened Lout." The ASA~s allocation -which of the more popular will begin at the end of this term 'The number of people in lNumber Six varies quite a ideas bit fof -the Fourt Floor of the Stu-On renovation and continue next term -will said Anastassios E. Petropoulos is splitting up be '91, a social member of Num- dent Cetyer. prblmhetRO for 49 1, a large based on three factors: first, ber Six. "Some people room on the how stay on for an extra term. Many people1w the pesrtflofrolm beadesdwi foormi much a given activity take a into many small offices use needs space term abroad, and many people are coming back from a bythe reo vathifon. There -adresshed in, di] to term abroad.' riders, with a central meet- fulfill its purpose; second, structralatnd physica probemthe ing are-a."A lot how many students are involved Currently, there are 45 members of people come of the Number Six Club stuchsthea aircndiphyiclponing, ven- areit Ihthis idea on their own, in the activity, with more popular living in the house. Seventeen people, including _0"e social tilhatin the atingnigtiing, aend and wa re enthusiastic when they groups given priority; and finally, member,, pledged in September. None of these pledges have piatint. Shlesating ihigadsrcu andhar Other people thought of it whether the activity's space must depledged and no active members have withdrawnl so far this phaint eswill sinde impctrovin tear "S year. wilicueiprvn o, 3trehle said. be in the Student Center, rather than another place (Pleaseturn to page 2) renovation, in addition on campus, the layout of Room 401, a con- This like Walker Memorial. 4 r .. .T ~~~~~~~~~~ference room, "cheering up the ........to makking more efficient use of common space, could allow The ASA may determine that ny as 20 additional activi-- some groups with similar inter- AW~~~~~ssonsors awvareness wveek ties on ltO the floor, bringing the ests are compatible, and ask D)about 50, Strehle said. them to share space. This might ods of defense. The workshop march to total to I BRy Joanna Stone is Harvard Square. The The cost' of the renovation include sharing office space, as being held on1 the third march This week is Sexual Assault floor of. is intended to be a wom- was est ,timated in 1989 at well as sharing adjunct space, the Student en's march. about Prevention W~eek at MIT. And in Center at 7 pm. Menl who wish to $115,0000. Some of the major ex- such -asdarkroomns. Tomorrow show their support an effort to mnake the MIT stu-; night there will be a are invited to penses include $18,00 for fur- If groups are unhappy with the "Take Back the Night' rally and participate in a discussion dent body more aware of the is- group nishingo Fs,$14,000 for painting, ASA~s decisions, they may ap- march. The rally is scheduled to be held at sue of sexual assault and the to the Student Center. $10,0000 for heating ventilation peal, 'Strehlesaid. necessity for begin -at 6 pm at the Student The discussion will its prevention, the be sponl- and airr conditioning, $7000 for Once the ASA determines the Association Center. AWS member Alexa D. sored by Men for Women Students to End Sexual As- lights, and $7000 for the pro- (Pleaseturn to page 2) Ogna '91, who sault (MESA), a project (AWS) is sponsoring a series of is in charge of of the posed p,partitions for Room 491.
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