Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CV PPASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., JJUNEUNE 1155, 22016016 NUMBER 5071 Slovak Catholic Sokol 70th International Bowling Tournament combined with Greek Catholic Union’s 80th Bowling Tournament held in Buffalo, New York Pennsylvania Team made up of bowlers from Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre takes Men’s Team Title while GCU Bowlers, Cleats Strongsville Captures Women’s Title Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports Award goes to Francis J. Risko of Assembly 79 in Lilly, Pa. States and Canada. Supreme Direc- On Saturday morning, all of the ond place bowlers, Dave Iskra, Sr. tor of Sports and Athletics, James bowlers returned to the Airport rolled a 200-245-223 with an 81 C. Matlon along with the Supreme Lanes for the Doubles and Singles pin handicap while Tony Rasimas President of the Greek Catholic competition. In the Men’s Division, bowled a 265-240-215 with a 51 Union George Juba, welcomed all the father-son duo Stephen and Paul pin handicap. In third place, James of the bowlers from both societ- Papcun claimed fi rst place with a 39 J. Asmonga and Mark Cherpak from ies. James C. Matlon, Basil Wahal, pin margin against the second place West Miffl in and Munhall, Pa. rolled Communications Director from the team consisting of Dave Iskra, Sr. a combined score of 1,504. James J. Greek Catholic Union, Gregory N. and Tony Rasimas. Stephen rolled Asmonga bowled a 221-255-224 Vladika, National Vice President 258-255-213 with a 153 handicap with a 51 pin handicap while Mark and Stephanie Yackovich, Mem- while Paul Papcun rolled a 180- Cherpak bowled an amazing score bership and Community Relations 168-194 with a 138 pin handicap of 205-268-280 actual. Manager coordinated the lane as- for a combined score of 1,559. Sec- (Continued on page 18) signments for all 41 teams. All of the bowlers received a sou- venir fl ashlight from both fraternal societies. The Friday Team Bowling began at 7:30 p.m. with Supreme Presidents, Mike Horvath and George Juba rolling the ceremonial fi rst ball. When the Team Bowling con- cluded on Friday evening, the Slo- Preparing to roll out the fi rst balls of this year’s bowling tournament vak Catholic Sokol Teams swept the are George N. Juba, president and CEO of the Greek Catholic Union tournament with fi rst, second and and Supreme President Michael J. Horvath. third places. Members from Wilkes- Barre and Pittsburgh placed fi rst The 70th International Slovak with a score of 2,970, led by Keith Catholic Sokol and 80th Greek Moeller who rolled a 843 and Marty Catholic Union held a combined Degnan who rolled a 789, with hand- bowling Tournament, the weekend icaps. In second place was the Sokol of May 20th through the 22nd at Team from Lilly, Pa. who fi nished Supreme President Michael J. Horvath, right, is shown presenting Airport Lanes, Buffalo, New York. with a 2,873, led by Dan Casey who the Frank S. Petruff Memorial Sports Award to veteran Sokol kegler, The Holiday Inn located in Cheek- rolled a 778, with handicap. A third Francis J. Risko of Assembly 79 in Lilly, Pa. at this year’s bowling ban- towaga, New York was the host Sokol team, Dave’s Crew, fi nished quet. Brother Risko has competed in numerous Sokol bowling compe- hotel for the 2016 in third place with titions over the years. bowling tourna- Story & Photos by 2,810. Dave Iskra ment. The bowling Nancy Kropolinsky Sr. led his team with lanes and the Holi- Member of the Supreme a 756 score with day Inn hotel were Physical Fitness Board handicap. located just a few The Women’s miles from downtown Buffalo con- Division, Cleats Strongsville from tributing to the kegler event. GCU fi nished with a 2,453 led by The two fraternal organizations Phyllis Johnson who rolled a 664 combined with 26 Men’s Teams and Diana Simpson who rolled a and 15 Women’s Teams, for a total 643. All scores included handicaps. of 164 bowlers. On Friday evening In second place with a total score at 5:30 until 7:00, the bowlers were of 2,409 was the SCS Wilkes-Barre treated to a hospitality dinner that Team led by Kelly Palchanis who included pulled pork, wings, meat- fi nished with a 632. Bernadette Ja- balls, pasta salad, fresh fruit, salad cob rolled a 603, with Andrea Ames and soft drinks, allowing ample time Papcun following with a score of to eat and socialize prior to the start 601. In Third Place the Team of Club Members of the fi rst place men’s division team from Wilkes-Barre of the tournament. The annual sport- Lanes from GCU was led by Anne and Pittsburgh with a total score of 2,970 are shown above and include, ing event began with the playing of Marie Kuzma who rolled a 639, and from the left, Dave Check, Member of the Supreme Physical Fitness the National Anthems of the United Patricia Fischetti who rolled a 611. Board Martin Degnan, Keith Moeller and Supreme President Michael J. Horvath. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, JUNE 15, 2016 Our shepherd and friend 2016 SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL INTERNATIONAL CLINIC – KURZ Bishop Frank J. Rodimer celebrates July 27-31, 2016 University of Brockport, Brockport, New York 65th anniversary of priestly ordination The Most Rev. Frank J. Rodimer, Monsignor by Pope Paul VI. A year WEDNESDAY, JULY 27TH Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of later, Msgr. Rodimer was appointed TIME EVENT PLACE Paterson, where our home offi ce diocesan chancellor and in 1966 as 11:00AM - 1:00PM Arrival of Supreme is located celebrated the 65th an- secretary of the diocesan board of Physical Fitness Board McLean Hall niversary of his ordination to the consultors. When Bishop Lawrence priesthood on May 29. Born Octo- Casey resigned for health reasons in 1:00PM - 6:00PM Work Detail TBD ber 25, 1927 in Rockaway, N.J., he June 1977, then Msgr. Rodimer was attended Seton Hall Prep in West elected by the board of consultors as 6:00PM Supreme Physical Fitness Orange, N.J. and St. Charles Col- diocesan administrator. He held this Board Meeting Common Room of McLean lege in Catonsville, Md. He pursued title until his appointment as Bishop his theological studies at St. Mary’s of Paterson on December 13, 1977. THURSDAY, JULY 28TH Seminary, Baltimore, Md. and the He received episcopal ordination 8:00AM - 11:00AM Registration McLean Hall former Immaculate Conception and was installed as the sixth Bishop Seminary in Darlington, N.J. and of Paterson at the Cathedral of St. man to ever serve in that offi ce. He 11:00 - 11:45AM Meeting with all Clinic The Catholic University of Amer- John the Baptist on February 23, is also the fi rst Paterson bishop to Participants McLean Hall ica in Washington, D.C. where he 1978. hold the title of Bishop Emeritus. He received his Licentiate in Sacred During his years as a priest, he served as ordinary of the diocese for 12:00 - 1:00PM Lunch Brockway Hall Theology. He was awarded a doc- also served as parochial vicar of St. 26 years until his retirement in 2004. torate in Church Law there in 1954. Brendan Parish in Clifton, N.J., Our During his episcopacy, he estab- 1:30 - 4:45PM Clinic participants - Men - Tuttle South Upon return to the diocese, he was Lady of the Lake in Sparta and St. lished 12 new parishes, ordained 91 opening meeting / drills Women - Tuttle South appointed assistant chancellor and Paul in Clifton, where he served as priests and 179 permanent deacons secretary of the diocesan Tribunal. pastor for 10 years until his appoint- and confi rmed more than 100,000 5:00 - 6:00PM Dinner Brockway Hall He was named secretary to Paterson ment as Bishop of Paterson. He was Catholics. On the occasion of the Bishop James Navagh in 1963 and the only priest of the Diocese to have 50th anniversary of the establish- 6:30 - 10:00PM Group photo Tuttle South Common attended the Second Vatican Coun- ever been raised to the episcopacy. ment of the Diocese of Paterson, he Room of McLean Hall cil with him. In 1963, he was named He also enjoys the distinction of commissioned a full-scale history clinic participants - seminars: a Papal Chamberlain with the title of being both the youngest and oldest of the Catholic Church in northwest (gymnastics, Slet, medical forms, insurance) New Jersey, beginning with the Team building activity Church’s infancy in the 18th century and carrying through to the anniver- FRIDAY, JULY 29TH sary of the Diocese. This book “Liv- 7:30 - 8:30AM Breakfast Brockway Hall ing Stones” was authored by Monsi- gnor Raymond Kupke. 9:00AM - 11:45AM Clinic participants - drills Men - Tuttle South Over the years, Bishop Rodimer Women - Tuttle South has enjoyed a wonderful relation- ship with the Slovak community of 12:00 - 1:00PM Lunch Brockway Hall the diocese. On many occasions, he offered remarks in Slovak at various 1:30 - 4:45PM Clinic participants - drills Men - Tuttle South celebrations. He participated in the Women - Tuttle South 75th anniversary of the founding of the Slovak Catholic Sokol, presid- 5:00 - 6:00PM Dinner Brockway Hall ing at the jubilee liturgy at SS.
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