OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2002 SAMPLE BALLOT ~p~~ MYRNAJ.RODENBERGER COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote for the candidate, completely fill In the OVAL to the LEFT of the candidate of your choice. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark this ballot, contact an election official for a replacement. Please use black Ink. VOTE LIKE THIS: - "Ballot issues referred by the general assembly or any political subdivision are listed by letter, and ballot issues initiated by the people are listed numerically. A 'yes' vote on any ballot issue is a vote in favor of changing current law or existing circumstances, and a 'no' vote on any ballot issue is a vote against changing current law or existing circumstances.• C.R.S. 1-40-115(2) UNITED STATES SENATOR STATE TREASURER COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER (Vote for One) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) 0 Wayne Allard 0 Mike Coffman 0 Scott Doyle Republican Republican Renublan Signed declaration to limit service to no more than 2 Terry L. Phillips terms 0 COUNTY TREASURER Democratic (Vote for One) 0 Tom Strickland 0 Michael Sanchez Democratic Colorado Reform Gaar Potter Myrna Rodenberger 0 Libertarian 0 Renuhlican O Douglas "Dayhorse" Campbell ATTORNEY GENERAL COUNTY ASSESSOR American Constitution (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Signed declaration to limit service to no more than 2 terms 0 Rick Stanley 0 Ken Salazar 0 Larry G. Johnson Libertarian Oemocrallc Reoubllcan Signed declaration to limit service to no more than 2 Marti Allbright terms 0 COUNTY SHERIFF Republican (Vote for One) 0 John Heckman 0 Dwight K. Harding Concerns of People Libertarian Signed declaration to limit service to no more than 2 terms Alison "Sunny" Maynard James A. Alderden 0 Green 0 Renuhlican 0 ------------ STATE SENATE· DISTRICT 15 COUNTY SURVEYOR (Vote for One) (Vote for One) REPRESENTATIVE TO THE 108TH 0 Kathy Gilliland 0 Ron Perkins UNITED STATES CONGRESS· DISTRICT 4 OemOO"attC Reoubllcen (Vote for One) Steve Johnson COUNTY CORONER 0 RenubHcan (Vote for One) STATE REPRESENTATIVE· DISTRICT49 Stan Matsunaka (Vote for One) O PatAllen 0 Democratic R-'"'-••bllcan O Marilyn N. Musgrave Kevin Lundberg Republican 0 Reoubllcan O JohnVolz STATE REPRESENTATIVE - JUSTICE OF THE COLORADO Libertarian DISTRICT 51 SUPREME COURT (Vote for One) (Vote Yes or No) Timothy S. Fritz Shall Justice Nathan B. Coats of the Colorado GOVERNOR/ LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 0 Supreme Court be retained in office? (Vote for One PAIR) Republican Joe Jabally 0 Unaffillal.ed Rollie Heath/Bill Thiebaut STATE REPRESENTATIVE • YES 0 Democratic Q DISTRICT52 Bill Owens/Jane Norton (Vote for One) NO 0 Republican 0 Ronald Forthofer/Dan C. Winters Bob McCluskey COURT OF APPEALS 0 Green 0 Republican (Vote Yes or No) Ralph Shnelvar/Desiree Hackett Hickson Bryan Jameson 0 Libertarian 0 t----"=="-------------t-----"""'-"<=""----------------1Democratic Shall Judge John Daniel Dailey of the Colorado SECRETARY OF STATE STATE REPRESENTATIVE - Court of Appeals be retained in office? (Vote for One) DISTRICT 53 (Vote for One) Q YES Donetta Davidson Kirk Brush ONO 0 Republican 0 Republican Anthony Martinez 0 Angie Paccione COURT OF APPEALS 0 Democratic oemoaa~c (Vote Yes or No) David Aitken 0 Libertarian !;a:.,~.ro~.!~'~~tt~~.fr=t~~Mli Shall Judge Henry E. Nieto of the Colorado Clyde J. Harkins COUNTY COMMISSIONER - Court of Appeals be retained in office? 0 American Con.stitutinn DISTRICT1 (Vote for One) Q YES Kathay Rennels QNO 0 Republican Nancy York 0 Green 1 ,···· ~ JUDICIARY.; I' .• , __ STATEOFCOLO~DO . ,j,. , ·-- 1 COUNTY JUDGE - LARIMER AMENDMENT 30 REFERENDUM D I (Vote Yes or No) Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Amendments to articles VI, XVIII, XX, and constitution concerning election day voter I Shall Judge C. Edward Stirman of the Larimer XXVII of the constitution of the state of registration, and, in connection therewith, allowing an County Court be retained in office? eligible citizen to register and vote on any day that a Colorado, concerning the repeal of certain vote may be cast in any election beginning on obsolete provisions in the constitution of the 0 YES January 1, 2004; specifying election day voter state of Colorado. registration locations; specifying that an eligible O NO citizen who registers to vote on election day shall Q YES ----------------------1 register in person and present a current and valid STATE OF COLORADO J;J·'-'·'-' '~-- Colorado driver's license or state Identification card NO _____________._ , _ ,. __'lf:_· _ -,,,_. _~_.· _·1'--1''~: or other approved documentation; and directing the Q Colorado general assembly, in implementing election AMENDMENT 27 day voter registration, to adopt necessary protections REFERENDUM E against election fraud? Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning campaign finance, and, in Shall the thirty-first day of March be designated connection therewith, reducing the amount of a legal holiday for observing the birthday of campaign contributions that persons may make to 0 YES Cesar Estrada Chavez as "Cesar Chavez day"? candidate committees, political committees, and political parties; establishing contribution limits for 0 NO Q YES small donor committees; prohibiting candidate committees and political parties from making or accepting certain contributions; restricting the AMENDMENT 31 0 NO amount of contributions political parties and political committees may accept from certain sources; limiting Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado contributions and expenditures that may be made by constitution concerning English-language education B i:! f:.. ~ME~ cotfNrr: = in Colorado public schools, and, in connection corporations or labor organizations; creating REFERRED ISSUE 1A voluntary campaign spending limits; providing for a therewith, requiring children to be taught by using the periodic adjustment of contribution and voluntary English language in their classrooms and requiring spending limits; specifying the treatment of children who are learning English to be placed in an ELECTION FOR INCREASE OF THREE unexpended contributions; requiring the disclosure of English immersion program that is intended to last TENTHS OF ONE MILL AD VALORUM TAX. information about persons making electioneering one year or less and, if successful, will result in communications above a specified amount; defining placement of such children in ordinary classrooms; SHALL LARIMER COUNTY TAXES BE electioneering communications as certain near­ exempting from such requirements those children INCREASED BY $900,000.00 IN THE FIRST election communications that unambiguously refer to whose parents or legal guardians obtain annual FISCAL YEAR AND ANNUALLY a candidate and are targeted to voters; and waivers allowing the children to transfer to classes THEREAFTER IN SUCH AMOUNTS AS ARE incorporating into the constitution existing statutory using bilingual education or other educational RECEIVED EACH YEAR BY THE IMPOSITION provisions, with amendments, regarding definitions, methodologies, but making such waivers very difficult OF AN ADDITIONAL THREE TENTHS OF deposits of contributions, limits on cash to obtain because the school can grant them only in ONE MILL LEVY TO THE EXISTING LARIMER contributions, notice and disclosure of independent very restrictive circumstances and can deny them for COUNTY MILL LEVY UPON TAXABLE REAL expenditures, reporting of contributions and any reason or no reason thereby reducing the AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN expenditures, civil penalties, and duties of the likelihood that bilingual education will be used; LARIMER COUNTY, COMMENCING WITH secretary of state? requiring schools that grant any waivers to offer TAX COLLECTION YEAR 2003 AND ENDING bilingual education or other educational AT THE CONCLUSION OF TAX COLLECTION methodologies when they have at least 20 students YEAR 2009, TO BE COLLECTED AND SPENT 0 YES in the same grade who receive a waiver and in all FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING PUBLIC other cases permitting students to transfer to a public HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE 0 NO school in which bilingual education or other LARIMER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 1-----------------------l methodologies are offered, with the cost of such SUCH AS MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH AMENDMENT 28 transfer, excluding transportation, to be provided by SERVICES, COMMUNICABLE DISEASE the state; allowing a parent or legal guardian to sue CONTROL AND IMMUNIZATIONS, Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado public employees granting a waiver if the parent or ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Revised Statutes concerning the conduct of elections guardian later concludes that the waiver was granted INCLUDING RESTAURANT INSPECTIONS, using mail-in ballots, and, in connection therewith, in error and injured the child's education; creating AND HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS; AND replacing existing statutory provisions relating to mail severe legal consequences identified in the SHALL SUCH REVENUES BE COLLECTED, ballot elections with provisions governing "automatic amendment for such public employees who willfully RETAINED AND SPENT AS A VOTER absentee ballot elections"; requiring that, after and repeatedly refuse to implement the amendment; APPROVED REVENUE CHANGE UNDER January 1, 2005, any election held on the same day and requiring schools to test children learning ARTICLE X SECTION 20 OF THE COLORADO as any primary, general, congressional vacancy, English, enrolled in second grade or higher, to CONSTITUTION AND, IF APPLICABLE, special legislative, partisan
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