Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information Index A Contribution to the Critique of Political Alter, Victor, 175, 304–305 Economy (Karl Marx), 82 Alterman, Nathan, 97 Abern, Martin, 172 Altman, Jack, 298 Abraham, 264 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Abramowitz, Bessie. See Hillman, Bessie (Amalgamated), 20, 294, 301, 307, Abstract universalism vs. concrete 309–310 particularism, 43 Female leadership, 221, 224 Intrinsic to capitalism, 43–44 American Federation of Teachers, 297, 301 Perspective of overcoming the antinomy, American Labor Party (ALP), 176, 291, 56–57 294–303 Abt, John, 177 Liberal and Labor Committee to Abzug, Bella (née Savitsky), 227 Safeguard the American Labor Party, Achdut Ha’avoda, 88, 108 300–301 Addams, Jane, 225 New York County, 300, 307 Adler, Friedrich, 265 New York state committee elections Adler, Max, 8 (1940), 301–302 Adler, Sol, 177 Progressive Committee to Rebuild the Adler, Victor, 8 American Labor Party, 300 Adorno, Theodor, 234–235, 244–245, Amin el-Husseini, Mohammed, 126 323 Amish, 30 Agnon, Shmuel, 234 Amos, 31 Ahad Ha’am [Asher Ginsberg], 267 Amter, Israel, 174 Alexander II Anabaptists, 256 Assassination, 184, 194 Anabaptist millenarianism, 258 Alexander III, 198 Anarchism/anarchists, 4, 9, 19, 23, 132, Algeria, 105, 118, 120–121 169, 217, 219, 221, 224, 237, 239, Aliyah B. See Second Aliyah 241, 243, 246, 248, 252–259, 266 All Russian Socialist Revolutionary Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 277 Organization (ARSRO), 191–194, Anti-Americanism, 61 199 Anti-anti-Communist historiography, 292 Trial of the 193, 194 Anti-Bolshevist, The (Brooklyn), 169 Trial of the Fifty (1875), 192–193 Anticapitalism Allen, James [Sol Auerbach], 170 Antisemitism as a fetishized form of, 49 Allenby, Edmund, 115 Reactionary anticapitalism, 48 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information 356 Index Anticolonialism, 60, 87 Austrian Social Democracy Anti-Communism, 55, 291–293, 297 As role model for labor Zionism, 95, 97 Anti-Dühring (Friedrich Engels), 254 Avineri, Shlomo, 38 Antiimperialism, 60 Axelrod, Pavel, 8 As “orientalism in reverse”, 57 Azzam Pasha, Abdul Rahman, 127 Antisemitism, 43–66 As a fetishized form of anti-capitalism, 49 Babi Yar, 52 Distinction between antisemitism and Baitalsky, Mikhail, 152 racism, 44, 47, 83 Bakunin, Mikhail, 4, 259 In the Middle East, 63–64 Balfour Declaration (1917), 113–114, 117 In the New Left, 245–246 Balfour, Arthur James, 115, 117 On the left, 36 Baltimore, 221 Redemptive antisemitism (Saul Bar Giora, 201, 214–215 Friedländer), 48 Barnard College, 226 Secondary antisemitism, 64–65 Battle of Warsaw (1920), 148 Anti-Zionism, 61–62 Bauer, Bruno, 5–6 And integral cosmopolitanism, 125 Bauer, Otto, 8 In postwar Eastern Europe, 54–55 Bavaria, 4, 266 In the New Left, 62–64 Bayonne, 3 On the left, 123–143 Beard, Charles, 315 Antonini, Luigi, 301 Bebel, August, 8, 32, 48, 238 Appeal for Socialism (Gustav Landauer), Becker, Ruth, 215 257–259, 262, 265 Begin, Menachem, 105 Arafat, Yasser, 133–134 Bek, Alexander, 96 Arato, Andrew, 326 Belarus, 150, 152 Arbeiter Zeitung [Arbayter Tsaytung] (New Ben-Aharon, Yitzhak, 88 York), 217 Ben-Gurion, David, 30, 88–89, 91–92, 95–97, Arbeter Ring. See Workmen’s Circle 115, 211, 215, 268, 277–278, 281 Arco-Valley, Count Anton, 266 “The National Mission of the Working “Are These Heretical Thoughts?” (Gustav Class”, 91–92 Landauer), 262–264 Visit in the Soviet Union (1923), 96 Arendt, Hannah, 49, 134, 139–140, Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 212 242, 248–249, 313, 319, 323, Ben-Yehuda, Hemda (née Jonas), 212 325, 327 Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak, 214 Argentina, 19 Benjamin, Walter, 2, 140, 235–245, 247, Arlozoroff, Chaim, 108, 112 249, 258, 260 Murder (1933), 108 Bentley, Elizabeth, 177 Ashkenazim, 142, 334, 341–342 Berbers, 120 Asquith, Herbert H., 117 Berdichev, 188 Auerbach, Sol. See Allen, James Bergman, Shmuel Hugo, 247 Auschwitz, 44, 52–53 Beria, Lavrenti, 155, 161, 163 Austin, J. L., 131 Berkeley, 135 Australia, 105, 118 Berkman, Alexander, 8 Austria, 2 Berlin, 200 Dollfuss regime, 97 Berman, Jakub, 160, 163–164 February Uprising (1934), 97 Bernstein, Eduard, 8–9, 234, 238 Red Vienna, 97 Bessarabia, 159 Republikanischer Schutzbund, 97 Between a People and Its Land (Martin Austria-Hungary Buber), 271–272 Jewish Social Democratic Party of Bevin, Ernest, 97 Galicia, 15 Bezalel, 212 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information Index 357 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, 211 I and Thou, 281–282 Bialystok, 188 Orientalism, 274 Bierut, Bolesław, 161, 163 Prague lectures (1909/11), 269–270 Bigthana, 33 The Legend of the Baal-Shem, Biltmore Conference (1942), 275, 277 260–261 Birobidzhan, 101, 158, 173 Buchanan, Patrick J., 129 Bittelman, Alexander, 171 Buchenwald, 44, 236 Blank, Aleksandr D. [Srul], 156 Bukharin, Nikolai, 152 Blank, Moshko Itskovich, 156 Bukovina, 159 Blanqui, Auguste, 8 Bund, 13, 15–17, 19, 88, 93, 124, 140, Blanshard, Paul, 300–301 147, 173–175, 201, 203, 206–207, Bloch, Ernst, 2, 235, 243, 255–257, 260 210–211, 336–337 Bloch, Marc, 349 Commonalities with Poalei Zion and Blood libel, 63–64, 305–306 Independents, 202–203 Blücher, Heinrich, 242 Erlich–Alter affair, 304–308 Blum, Léon, 8, 296, 300 Executive Committee, 208 Bolsheviks, 9, 15, 153, 265 Female leadership, 207, 213 Borejsza, Jerzy, 160 In interwar Poland, 15–16 Borkenau, Franz, 243 In postwar Poland, 17 Borochov, Ber, 88–89, 98, 202 Jewish self-defense, 213 Borochov, Luba (née Meltzer), 88 Minsk chapter, 209 Borochovism, 89, 91, 110 Women in the party, 208 Boudin, Louis, 300 Bund Neues Vaterland, 265 Boussenard, Louis-Henri, 167 Burke, Edmund, 123–124 Boycott of Israeli institutions, 128, 135–136 Bush, George W., 129, 133, 137 Brandeis, Louis, 226 Butler, Judith, 124, 129–138, 215 Brauer, Erich, 242 On Hamas and Hezbollah, 135–136 Breines, Paul, 243 On the boycott, divestment and sanctions Brenner, Yosef Haim, 88 movement, 135 Breshkovsky, Catherine, 211 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 315, 324 Brest, 16 Brin, Fanny (née Fligelman), 226, 229 Cahan, Abraham, 19, 88, 296, 306, 313 Brit Shalom, 246–247, 250, 267, 275–276 Camp Kinderland, 22 British East Africa, 105 Canada, 19, 105 British Mandate (Palestine). See Palestine/ Cannon, James, 171 Yishuv Cantor, Eddie [Edward Iskowitz], 177 Browder, Earl, 175, 297 Capital (Karl Marx), 82 Buber, Martin, 233, 252, 254, 257–258, Carey, James, 307 260–261, 265, 267–288 Carnegie, Andrew, 169 And Ben-Gurion, 277–278 Chaikovskii circle, 192 And Brit Shalom, 275 Chamberlain, Neville, 296, 300 And the kibbutz movement, 281–283 Chanin, Nathan [Nokhum], 306 And the left in the yishuv, 281–282 Charney, George, 178 As a Mandarin, 270–271 Chateaubriand, François-René, 254 As an organicist, 272 Cheka, 153–154 At odds with political antisemitism, Chelcicky, Peter, 256 267–270 Chelm, 16 Between a People and its Land, Cheney, Dick, 129 271–272 Chernyshevskii, Nikolai, 191 Chair at the Hebrew University, 283–284 Chicago, 172, 176, 221 Communitarianism, 272, 277, 282 Childs, John, 301 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04786-0 — Jews and Leftist Politics Edited by Jack Jacobs Index More Information 358 Index Churchill, Winston, 53 Sponsorship of Lincoln Brigades, 174 CIA, 54 Support of the Arab riots of 1929, 172–173 City College of New York (CCNY), 175 Trotskyists, 172 “City of Slaughter” (Hayyim Nahman Yugoslavs in the party, 172 Bialik), 211 Communitarianism, 254–259, 271–272, Clinton, Hillary (née Rodham), 23 282 Cobb, Lee J., 176 New Community (Neue Gemeinschaft), Cohn, Fannia, 218, 224 254 Cold War, 54–56, 61, 66, 178, 227, 311, Community and Society [Gemeinschaft und 340 Gesellschaft] (Ferdinand Tönnies), Columbia University, 175, 315, 324, 342 73 Communist International (Comintern), 72, Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 163, 174 294, 307 Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), Labor’s Non-Partisan League, 294 90, 167 New York Council, 298, 307 Communist Party of Germany (KPD), 11, Connolly, Eugene, 298, 300, 302, 309 236 Conservative Judaism, 340 Central Committee, 11 Coplon, Judith, 177 Parliamentary group in the Reichstag Coughlin, Charles, 300, 310 (1932), 11 Counts, George, 301, 310 Rote Fahne, Die, 71, 236 Court Jews, 33–34 Communist Party of Poland (KPP), 9–11, Crimea, 101, 158 162 Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, The (Harold Communist Party of the Soviet Union Cruse), 170 (CPSU), 15, 155–156 Critical Theory, 8, 10, 323–324 Evsektsii (Jewish sections), 148, 158 And the prohibition of graven images, 8 Role of Jews in the party, 153 Croly, Herbert, 315 Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA), Cruse, Harold, 170 10, 170–174, 177–178, 227–228, Cuba, 334, 343, 348–349 293–299, 313 Curran, Joe, 300, 307, 309 And the death of Alter and Erlich, 175 Czechoslovakia And the Wallace campaign of 1948, 176 Slánský trial (1952), 54, 128, 164, 177 As a means of Americanization, 171 Czytelnik, 160 Bulgarians in the party, 172 Central Committee, 172 Daily Worker (New York), 172, 175, 298, Daily Worker, 172, 175 300, 302–303, 308, 310 Finnish Federation, 172 Damascus affair (1840), 63 Frayhayt, 20, 172–173, 178, 306 Dashevsky, Pinchas, 211 German–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, Davidson, Ben, 297 175 De Gaulle, Charles, 53 Hamer, Der, 316 Debs, Eugene V., 8,

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