£<^ §-.*•***$* {&&%> "-'(Z;*'^ v-w1'?^ •t ifi.OOO People Read the - ; HERALD. "JmHct to till Published Every Tuesday malice toward none." and Friday Noon; and SUMMIT RECORD FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 78 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 5, 1931 $3,50 PER YEAR Shooting Medals Three Towns Pageant Council Passes New This Is One Way Many May "Lend a Hand' Adopt New Policy Summit Telephone 110 Graduates at Movies to Be Shown If you would help the unem- each week or nbt BO that each week Official is Promoted ployed 'situation in Summit just $6. was given to Mrs. Gross, over- for Police Officers As we near the fifth anniversary Planning Ordinance now,; responding to the appeal as seer of the poor, and she had that of Boys'Work S. B. Flanagan, assistant manager Summit High School of the Three Towns Pageant given set forth by the Co-operative Serv- amount to count on regularly for of the Summit office of the New one' family's food. Jersey Bell Telephone Company, by Summit, Madison and Chatham, ice Association on page three of to- July 6th, 1926, It seems a fitting has been transferred to the Newark New Insigne Ordered By Glenside Ave. Widening day's, HERALD, a suggestion has There are numbers of groups of V. M. C. A. Announces New About 110 Are Expected to Mine to live over again the 'inter- people playing1 bridge with con- office, it was learned Wednesday. Mayor.'to Recognize De= esting times we had rehearsing and Ordinance Adopted — 'been made whereby small groupB siderable regularity. Why do not Plan, Broadening Work His promotion Is effective June Receive Diplomas, Larg= payment's Fine Record producing the historic pageant, May Have to Condemn can regularly contribute - sums each-one of these groups agree to of Boys' Department 15th. Mr. Flanagan has been at the "The Valloy of the ;Great which would care for the feeding of pay 50 cents or a dollar each time Summit office two and a half years, est Class in History of on Firing Range Watchung." Portion of Property a family week by week. they play which will in reality add Local Association • coming here from Morrlstown. School This picture will be shown at the The suggestion Is that If more pleasure to the game through Ogden Memorial Presbyterian people realized that $6 a week knowledge that even this small Presents Gift to Columbia Present Medals Tomorrow Church in Chatham, Friday eve- Other Routine City Matters would practically feed some fami- amount is helping to relieve a des- Effective October lsi Among the gifts to. Columbia Closing Week Festivities ning, June 12th, at 8.30 o'clock, fol- lies they would try what one group perate situation? Many groups fol- University made during the 177th After tomorrow, nearly every lowing a short talk by the author Some of the more or less minor of twelve people did all winter. The lowing this policy this summer After a careful study of the situ- Commencement, Tuesday, was one member of the Summit Police De- on the early history of this locality or routine items of business'trans- members of this group paid 50 would suroly be "lending a hand" ation locally, and desiring not only of $10,000, a fiftieth anniversary partment will be wearing over his and Incidents leading up to the acted by the Council at the regular cents a week at their weekly bridge as the Co-operative Service Asso- to concentrate more fully upon the gift for Columbian endowment, by badge a thin, bar of metal—gold, writing of the pageant. meeting Tuesday were as follows: meeting and pledged that amount ciation urges in its announcement Christian purpose of the association the class of '81, • presented by but to serve more adequately the '.silver or bronze. Following this, H. T. Strong*will The Council passed on first read- whether they were in attendance on page three. Charles M. Lum, of^Chatham, who glvo his lecture on "Color," what it real boy needs of the entire com- is vice-president of the Overlook 'To the general,public, these bars Ing a re-introduced ordinance for munity as they exist in this modern Hospital Association and President is and how we see It, illustrated by the creation of a Planning'Board to will be attractive bits of metal. To the polariscope and florescence • of age, the Boys' Work Committee and of the New Jersey State Historical $Bat portion of humanity which minerals. replace the City Plan Commission, the Board of Directors of the Young Society. seeks an illegitimate living at the which was legislated out of office Baker.of B.M. AJs Many Entries Men's Christian Association have point of a gun and conies under the by tho Wise act The, ordinance in- worked out, approved and adopted category 6f. gangdom, these bars troduced at -the previous meeting a new membership policy for the will have another significance—an State Approves wa£ withdrawn. lie-introduction Lions Club Speaker for ll^rse Show Summit Boys' Division, effective Lease Court Space uncomfortable one, • was actuated by a desire to in- October 1st of this year. - Wearing' of the insigne, which is crease the membership of the board Deputy Governor Delivers Watchung Riding and to be authorized by Mayor Edward Traffic Lights from five to/ \ This policy will open the mem- in Bank Building B. Twombly as a part of the regu- The measure providing for tho Message From District Driving Club Annual bership-of the Boys' Division to lar police regalia, means that the widening of Glenslde avenue In an- every boy in Summit who truly Lights for Two Summit ticipation of the improvement of Governor Bray—Movie Show Tomorrow At= wishes to.join.with,other boys in District Court to Use wearers can shoot, with deadly ac- that street by the Union County a purposeful program, through na- curacy. The medals will be pre- Avenue Points Given Board of Freeholders was adopted. Test Attendance Award tracts Wide Interest tural club groupings, without speci- Rooms Now Occupied sented to thoBQ who qualified in The preparatory work, it was fied membership fee. It will mean the recent government-prescribed 0. K. By State Traffic learned, may bo delayed for a time that boys will Join a Christian fel- By Telephone Exchange course, tomorrow evening at police Commission by a probable necessity of resort- Delegates to Convention Complete Entry List lowship with a purpose, instead of in 1st National Building headquarters. ing to condemnation proceedings to buying bargain memberships; that Qualifications, made in rigid tests acquire oho of the properties re- Deputy District Govornor Leo The Fifth Annual Horse Show of membership will take on signifi- involving four types of shooting, Will Be Installed Soon quisite for tho widening. The prop- Fclndt of Maplowood took the place the Watchung Riding and Driving cance. Group work will-be broad- To Add Small Claims Court under the supervision of Special erty, it was said, is owned* by the of George W. Bray, Governor of the Club will bo held on Saturday, June ened in scope and intensified in CAMEEON BECK flange Officer Frederlok K. Trus- Traffic lights at Summit and Faitoute Realty Corporation. Even Now Jersey Lions Clubs, at the 6th, with the lal-gest entry list of quality, and will eventually cover Lease of space on the second low, developed sixteen experts, two Springfield avenues and at Summit in the contingency ot condemnation, regular weekly mid-noon luncheon any previous show. Nearly a hun- all parts of the city,-as well as floor of the First National Bank Approximately one hundred and sharpshooters, and six marksmen, avenue and the Morris'turnpike will the bollef was exposed that the and meeting of.tho Summit Lions dred - entries have been filed with nearby communities, if plans carry. ten seniors are expected to grad- as many aa sixteen horses in some & Trust Co. building aa perma- uate this year from Summit High out of a total of twenty-six mem- be installed shortly in accordance delay will be a matter of weeks Club on, Wednesday at the Hotel Membership will be more closely nent headquarters for the Third and that the improvement can be ot the classes. The Essex Troop related to the life. situations as School, Until examinations are bet's of the department, a propor- with permission granted . by the Suburban. District Court In Summit, presided State Traffic Commission, An- carried out this year. Deputy Feindt explained that a Horse .Show Tdam and the West- they really are Jn home, church, completed, the- exact number of tion of accurate shots believed to be field Cavalry Club have each en- over by Judge John L. Hughes, has ;raduates cannot be learned, but utiequaled in any. other police de- nouncement that the commission is The Council adopted 1ft resolution onference of'the Motor Vohicle school; and community, The ap- jn accord with tho projects was requesting the County to establish Department at Trenton, of which tered eight horses and the compe- proach of the association to the been announced by the Union the list with littlo doubt will ex- partment in the State. t!tion,will be especially keen in the boy will,make him feel more a part County Board of Freeholders. ceed that of any "preceding year. Ttfke'Officlal Action made at the Common Council meet- a Small Claims Court In connection District Governor. Bray Is a deputy ing- Tuesday evening in a letter with tho Court of tho Third Judicial commissioner, prevented his com- Troopers' Mount and Officers' of It and more responsible for liv- The quarters leased are now oc- Cameron Beck, personnel direc- Both Mayor Twombly and the Chargers classes.
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