University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-14-1989 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 08, September 14, 1989 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 08, September 14, 1989" (1989). Central Florida Future. 941. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/941 Th~ntral Florida Future~~· • Volume 22, Number 8 University of Central Florida/Orlando Thursday September 14,1989 Film not so tempting for protestors • by Joelle Subourne ing only one protester, who showing of The Last Tempta­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE refused to watch the movie. tion of Christ, so that students Curiosity was a common would be able to "discuss is­ Despite the controversy reason given by students wait­ sues in an educational man­ surrounding the film The Last ing to see the movie, which was ner, and view controversial Temptation of Christ, a calm shown in the Student Center issues in an objective manner audience and only one pro­ Auditorium. by providing a forum for open tester were on hand at the first Vicki Hooper, a school psy­ debate." He added that repre­ showing of the movie in Cen­ chology major said, "If it had sentatives from organizations tral Florida. on each side of the issues wilJ Reverend John B. Book, be involved in the upcoming • evangelist, carried a large sign "If [the movie] had debates. that read: "Universal owes been shown in The representatives at the Christ an apology; Last Temp­ showing of the movie included: tation = Cremation and Hell." theaters to begin Ron Ross, Central Florida Book's protest was directed with, there wouldn't chair, American Civil Liber­ at UCF, not at the students ties Union; Father Rob Gara­ who chose to attend the film. be such controversy." falo, Campus Ministry, Catho­ "This is a tax-supported - Kim Snyder lic; Reverend Harrel Morgan, school ," he said, and should public relations Campus Ministry, Baptist; not show The Last Temptation Reverend Barbara Muller, which is, "not only scripturally been shown in theaters to be­ Campus Ministry, Episcopal; and historically inaccurate but gin with, there wouldn't be and Dr. Harry Smith, profes­ is insensitive to the Christian such controversy." Kim sor, Theater Department. community." . Snyder, a public relations­ Of the 420 people who at­ Book said, "If [students advertising major agreed. tended the movie, 60-70 were watching the film] don't have a "With all the controversy sur­ not UCF students, staff or fac­ good understanding of the rounding the movie, it creates ulty, and paid $5. scripture, they are going to curiosity ." Approximately 100 re­ come out of here brainwashed Other students wanted to mained for the discussion af­ with a certain degree of what I exercise their First Amend­ terwards. Collazo commented, call theological i era) dP. er­ ment rights. "It's my right as "I think many of the people gent." an American citizen to see this that were upset about the The film's broadcast at UCF movie," said Susan Chadovich, movie didn't stick around." He Monday night was the first in a an English education major. added that he was surprised • series of three "Hot Topics" "It should be made available to that the fundamentalists did assemblies sponsored by the see.n not remain for the discussion. Programs and Activities According to Victor Collazo, Sherry Rahaim, an adver­ Council's Speakers Commit­ assistant director of the Stu­ tising-public relations major tee. dent Center, the decision was who left immediately follow- The Reverend John B. Book protests the showing of The Last Approximately 420 people made to provide the "Hot Top­ Temptation of Christ Monday night at the Student Center. attended the showing, includ- ics" assemblies, including the see MOVIE page 5 Sisterly support on the way UCF clears the air David DiSalvo victim but an incest or abuse survivor." CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Young explains that the group is "for Asbestos removal underway at Physical Plant the person who recognizes that she has by Nancy Robards A therapy group for women who are been abused and has a desire to learn CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE sexually abused will hold its meeting from their experience and heal. n soon. The group :is called S.I.S.T.E.R.S According to Young, "most people Workers are removing asbestos (Sexual abuse/Incest Survivors Trying that have been sexually abused do not from hot water and steam pipes in to Experience Rebirth and Serenity) remember the experience," so she lists the UCF utility plant. and it is the brain-child of Lisa Young, a few of the major symptoms associated The removal process, which a psychology major at UCF. with prior abuse: alcoholism, drug started Aug. 29, should last nearly • Young explains that she was greatly abuse, eating disorders, fear of sex, fear two months. influenced and prompted to begin the of men, being addicted to people, not The Board of Regents granted group by a recent FBI report indicating being able to get angry and fascination UCF an asbestos abatement fund of that by the time a girl reaches age 13 with suicide. She adds that "if they are $477 ,000 to start clearing the cam­ she will have been sexually abused. not sure that they have been abused pus of the carcinogenic insulation, Young is careful to emphasize that which has been found in approxi­ someone who has been abused is "not a see ABUSED page 6 mately 16 buildings. According to Hugh Ivie, UCF's di­ rector of environmental health and Fraternities rush to MDA's aid safety, this should be enough money to finish two of the three most impor­ by Tricia Martin flag football tournament at the cam­ tant areas in the utility plant. The CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE pus' intramural field. remaining funds will be used for According to Rich Cherry, social other asbestos removal projects. Fraternities at UCF recently made service chairman for IFC, the idea to When asked if the asbestos was a pledges to the Muscular Dystrophy donate came from the officers ofIFC. "I health hazard, Ivie said there was no Association which aired its annual know an MDA spokesperson very well, need for the students and staff to be benefits program featuring Jerry so we decided to give to them this year," concerned about the potential Lewis on Labor Day weekend. he said. health hazard. Asbestos is only Pi Kappa Alpha co-sponsored "Bud Dave Blair, IFC president harmful when the particles are Asbestos-removal contractor Robert Lite Night" on Friday, Sept. 1 at said,'We're kicking off the intramural stirred up, and under everyday con­ Barrow enters the Physical Plant. Sweeney's; a night club located on E. season .. .it's our service to the commu­ ditions it does not pose a threat to Colonial Drive. Most of the proceeds nity and to the university. "It's a anyone. tection ·Agency is required _fqr all went to MDA. fun way to raise money for a very good A three-day training course ap­ On Saturday, Sept. 9, the Inter­ proved by the Environmental Pro- see ASBESTOS page 7 Fraternity Council ( IFC) sponsored a see MDA page 6 2 The Central Florida Future, September 14, 1989 WAYNE DENSCH, INC~ 851-7100 UCF REP ERIC ERICKSON · 425-7005 • • The Central Florida Future, September·14,. 1989 3~ • SG heads ·to tour D.C. by Chris Hobby will emphasize ar~fundingfor CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE residence halls, financial aid and transportation problems. Student body President Schmidt also said they will let Fred Schmidt and Vice Presi­ the delegation know they sup­ dent Christine Toutikian are port President Altman and his in Washington, D.C., today goals for UCF. along with members of the Some events scheduled for Orlando Chamber of Com­ the participants include a merce. luncheon with Florida repre­ The UCF Student Govern­ sentatives and senators, mentis a member of the Cham­ breakfast with members of the ber of Commerce and was able president's Cabinet and a tour to participate in the charnber- of the White House which may sponsored "Washington Fly­ be hosted by Vice President In." Dan Quayle. Schmidt and Toutikian Schmidt said that he and traveled with county commis­ Toutikian are the only student sioners and local business government representatives leaders on Tuesday in order to in Florida who have the oppor­ meet with members of the tunity to speak to Florida law­ Florida delegation. makers. "We hope to get to meet all According to Schmidt, the legislators and express to members of the Orlando them that we have a very ac­ Chamber of Commerce ar­ JOl'ge AlvereZ/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE tive student body who is very ranged the trip to discuss local UN-HIDDEN VIDEO politically-minded," said issues with the delegates. Marty Ofsowitz and Cheryl Hines, both senior radio-television majors, perfect their filming skills Schmidt. Schmidt and Toutikian are earlier this week in front of the computer center. Schmidt stated that some of scheduled to return to Orlando ) the issues he and Toutikian on Friday. Racial riots prompt National .Guard response Staff Report thing to do with this," suggested Norfolk State Uni­ and enjoy the beach and be treated with respect," said COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE versity (NSU) student and weekend rally veteran George Timmons, student government president at Willy Lindsey.
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