'BOOM TOWN' COLUBORATION BY MAX DiJULIO, BARRY LORIE Member of Audit Rurefiu of Circulation Centennial Salute Is Original Work Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society. Inc., 1980 — Permission to Reproduco, Except Of See City Musician and Publicist On ArUcles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M Friday Following Issue The some 5.000 theater-goers forts that an original work has Heights College, is under ihe di­ who take advantage of the op­ been staged by the Loretto play- rection of Bari C. B « h with portunity to see the Loretto en. original settings depicting Den­ Heights College Star Nighu pro­ The two-act musical will fea­ ver of the 1870s being designed duction of Boom Town are in DENVER OUHOUC ture 20 musical numbers u it by Walter Sonnenberg. for a rare musical treat. The unfolds its sprightly tale. The show will be presented reason for the treat is the tune­ The broad scope of the show two nights, April 17 and 18, In ful and gay muaical score, the allows room for spirited action, City Auditorium. Ticketa arc work of Denver composer-con­ raucous comedy, and. of coutm, now on sate at Loretto ductor. Max DUulio. the inevitable love match. Height! College and may be R E G IS T E R Produced by Loretto Hei^ti Boom Town, 10th annual Star obtained by cililng WEst as a salute to Colorado's Cen­ Nights production of Loretto S-S423. VOL. LIU. No. 35. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1959 DENVER, COLORADO tennial Year, Boom Town has been filled by DUulio with song and dance that give true flaeor DESPITE 'PREDICTION' OF BOULDER SPEAKER to booming Denver of the lB70i. From the time the curtain goes up and thre4 rather tipsy gold miners sing their forlorn la­ ment “We're Hard Rock Min­ ers” to the last K t finale num­ Catholic Church Will Never ber “Colorado." the show is amply sprinkled with bright and happy songs. In the tin t act “Love Is Not For Me." "Denver,’’ “Marriage,'' Alter Birth Control Stand 1 "Someone Like You." "Boom Town,” and “Doin’ the Railroad 'Ynil Da9^ Hargene Ely when Gino LeonetU tells her Square Dance" appear to be lO U UO. he loves her. Margene and Gino portray Nancy stand out songs. The second act Teaching Is Based and Bart, the love interest in Boom Town, the original twoAct features “A Mile of Track,” mnslcal comedy which will be presented as Loretto’s 10th annnual Star Nights production. Margene it a Loretto sophomore and appeared in the last Star Nights offering. Annie Get Vour Gvn. Preview on TV Upon Natural Law, While Gino has been seen and heard in many Denver shows, his most memorable performance was in the Denver Civic Theater’s A preview sf “Boom Town" production of Pajama Gome. will be presented Sunday evening at 8:39 p jn . on Not 'Superstitions' SCHEDVLEO APRIL 12 KTVR, Channel 2. This will mark the first poblic perfor­ aul allett mance of the Mogs from By P H. H Uie show. In sddition to the A particularly blatant instance of the stepped- Over 100 Men to Attend presentation of some o f the up campaign to frighten the U.S. into an accep­ musical numben, the cre­ ators o f "Boom 'Town,'' Max tance of birth control thinking was noted April 6 De Paul Seminary Meet DUulio and ^irry Lorie. will at a meeting in Boulder of the Colorado University explain bow and why they World Affairs Conference. More than 100 members of a Pontifical Mass for the group wrote the show. Walter Son- “The attitude of the Catholic Church,” Leon­ the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the seminary chapel. The nenberg, art designer, will are expected to attend the Archbishop also will address display the models of the ard B. Tennyson of Washington, a representative grouB's annual Communion and the assembly following the “ Boom Town" sets. of the European Economic Community, is reported breakfast meeting at S t Thomas’ breakfast at 10:30 o'clock to uying, 'founded on ancientu vary nature of the act, and it Seminary, Denver, on Sunday, close the meeting. Other fea­ superstitions, will cbsnge “Phantom Cowboy.” "W e’re on would be wrong if then wero April 12. tured speakers will be the Very within five to 10 yean.” Our Way,” and "Colorado." What no Catholic Church. The The meeting will begin offi­ Rev. John J. Dinagher, C.H., Talk is cheap, and it coat an may prove to be the cleverest Church simply upholds a law cially at 8:1S a.m., when Arch­ rector of the seminary: the Very obscure public figuK nothing number in the show is a comedy that is im b^ded in the nature bishop Urban J. Vehr will offer Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, to predict an event whose non- version of the quick-draw artist of things, like that against director of Catholic Charities: realization will go unnoted— as sung by an old-timer named mercy killing. and T. Raber Taylor, president any more than it costs him any­ 52nd in State Hank. He boastfully recalls that of the St. Vincent de Psul Par­ thing to substitute abuse for A key arch In the Catholic at one time "I Was the Futest ticular Council. reasoning. structure Is that the Charch Gun in the West.” Other officers of the council The serious thing about cannot teach error in faith or Tennyson's diatribe Is that It iS' morrais. It would teach error Eighth K. of C. are Joseph Loeffel, treasurer; In addition to the songa three CnolIrlAUfti W mnarc ^ Monsignor Eugene O'Sullivan, pastor, was Gerard J, Smith, secretary; and dance numbers have been in­ Spciiaown fiinner> parochial Colorado- host to the group at a luncheon aerved in the part of a heavy bombardment If, after condemning nimata- of propaganda and irresponsi­ three vice preeidenu. Paul V. cluded in Boom Town. A parade spelldownschool cafeteriaheld at SLm Vincent em ben ofde the PTA. St. Vln-Wyoming rai marital practice from the ble statements that is being dayi of SL Paul, it ahoold Council fo r Murray, John J. Weakland, and vintage 1870, the show-down Paul’s School, Denver, April S are, left to right, cent de Paul's eighth graden, school band, and fired currently by the Planned m ^e the alighlest concessioa Leo J. Schuster. ballet when ri^t and viftue seated. Karen Schoepf, eighth grade. Cure d’Ars chorus presented a musical program. Parenthood Association and 36 Conferences triumph over the villain, and a School, Denver, third place; Dennis Maes, eighth Shown standing behind the winners are, In a matter o l such ImperL o U m t birth control organixa- grand ball seen i have bMn de­ grade. St. Mary's School, Walsenburg, first place; left to right, Mrs. H. Schoepf; Sister Carmencita, The mathematicel gymnastics See City Area Repretented tions. vised for the show with special and Diana Davis, eighth grade, St. Joseph’s, principal at Cure d’Ars School; Mrs. Commodia of another speaker at the con­ The Particular Council is com­ choreography directed by Beth Grand Junction, who placed second. The trophy Maes, grandmother of Dennis; Slater M. Martin. Seek UN's Help ference shotring bow horribly The eighth Knigfits of Colum­ posed of members of 36 confer­ Fuber of the Ballet Theater will go to St. Mary’s School principal at St. Joseph's. Grand Junction; and bus Council in the Denver met­ ences that operate in nearly For Evil Work the human race might multiply School. Eighteen participants, six from the Denver George Davit. Benedictine Sister Mary Elizabeth ropolitan area and the 92nd in all the parishes in and around Meeting last Febriury in amounta to little more than Archdiocese and six each from the Pueblo and is the teacher of Dennis at St. Mary's School in m en ta l c lo w n in g , Harriapn the state is being organiaed in Denver. Total membership of India the .Sixth International Based on Building Cheyenne Dioceses, were contestants. The Rt the Pueblo Diocese. Brown, geochemist from the Cal­ Southwest Denver. the council now stands at 242. Conference on Planned Parent­ Of Railroad Link ifornia Institute o f Technology, Weekly organiaational meet­ Parish conferences are usually hood advocated the enlistment The book for Boom Toum is of the UN and its agencies in said that the world population is ings are held each Monday eve­ kept relatively small to u to 200-300 EXPECTED TO ATTEND the work of Barry Lorie, Den­ furthering its program. Only now increasing 18 per cent a ning at 8 p.m. in the Presenta­ insure that only the most dedi­ ver public relations man, and last March 22 all but three of decade. This in itself ia a ques­ tion Parish Hall, under the di­ cated men will be attracted to it is based on the building of 300 participants of the sixth tionable statement It is based rection of Dave McKinney, dis­ carry out the primary aims of the Denver Pacific Railroad that Youth Rally for Vocations Slated biennial Wilderness Confer­ on the assumption that we pos­ trict deputy. The council is de­ the society, which are the per­ linked Denver with Cheyenne ence voted in favor of giving sess Kientific population statis­ signed especially for members sonal sancURcallon o f members and the transcontinental Union childless couples a tax deduc­ tics all over the world, which ia in Presentation, Si. Rose of and the spiritual and material aid of the poor, the sick, and Pacific route, The show slays In South Roggen Parish April 12 tion and adding laxea for each not true, and that the increase Lima’s, and St.
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