■ 4 _ ^____j ttierfrfttkll LIV. auwrt Co TH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 4, 1908 *”"»■»No. 45 "y^L.- muntmtnuiua. LOCAL AFFAIRS. excellence of work turned out. The com- GHASTLY FIND. pany manufactures dynamos, motors end other electrical The is of a Man Found at b ur1rTllnati6nalban k NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. appliances. plant Decomposed Body the equipped with the roost modern and North BlueMIl. in it* new quarters on Main stTeet, offers every for The Bifou. expensive machinery and tools used in the Tbe body of sn unknown man, appar- modem facility depositors and investors. Iu bankruptcy—Howard 9 Tracy. Elihworth Hi:.dwood Co—Wood wanted. manufacturing ana repairing of electrical ently about middle age, was found Mon- In E W Austin Pont curds. machines. day by Boy Grindle, at North Bluehill. a cent. Savings Department. ^..»st -Belt pin. per Show case—For sale. The woman’s alliance of the Unitarian The body was in the Elmer Fiske lot, a on M. h Calvin P Joy House to let. few rods from the main road and about EXHIBITION cent. Inier»tt btl»no» of over S5Q0 on Ht.au church, at its first meeting for the season per wood—Photographer. one-third of a mile from Charles NOW OPEN. ^J Haucoca Co Mavii gs bank. last Wednesday afternoon, elected Mra. Hughes’ Kearns A coffee and extracts. itepwte wbiKt to check. Cottle—Tea, A. Mrs. bouse. It waa badly decomposed, and Eliswortu Greenhouse. Myron King president, and F. L. J A Haynes—Cash market. Kent secretary. The alliance will hold Coroner F. F. Simonton, of Ellsworth, Lace Curtains G A A FE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Parcher— Apothecary. e ho was summoned, believes the man had S Burriil Na» Bank. fortnightly meetings, beginning this after- Madras been dead Imported Floyd Market—Meat9, groceries, etc. noon. The study class connected with at least six months, probably Tke.mont: since last winter. Curtains the alliance, with Mrs. 8. W. Button as V Tanner—Notice of foreclosure. The man had a Casper will meet on the alternate been warmly dressed in We will sell for Willard F Rich chairman, Madras Yard you. -Caution notice. dark and with by Bangor, Me: weeks. suit,double-breasted cost, We will rent for you. a Scotch cap pulled down over the ears. Scrim Dr J W Merrow—Specialist. The T. N. E. bridge whist club, recently There wen heavy socks and moccasins We will bay for you. Boston: is of members SELL organised, compos'd eight on Draperies Commonwealth Hotel. the feet. Tbs man waa about live feet, We will the title. Misses V nriel B. Davis, Louise W. Eppes, certify B Charles—Post-card Exchange. ten inches tall, and appamntly had been W H Gardner-Wholesale commissioner. Grace C. King, Bernice E. Giles, Annie L. Tapestries We write all kinds of insurance. quite stout. New York: Lord, Basic Jordan, Ella Morangand Mary In addition to the on the Pillow Tops YOUR Write us and we will call on R C wanted. clothing body, you immediately Peacock—Agent E. Holmes. The dub meets every Wednes- Ohio: there were found beside the body a meal Clbvblard, day avening. Meetings have already been Coucb Covers Fairfax Refining Co—Agent wanted. bag containing other clothing, an over- held with Misses Davis, King, Eppes and Miscellaneous. coat and a canvas extension case in which Giles. This evening's meeting will be with REAL True’s Elixir. were a number of jack knives. razors and C. W. & F. L. MASON, Mica Holmes. other small articles. There was nothing C. Flint National Bank Bldg., SCHEDULE OF MAILS. The football last at Roy Haines, game Bafurdsy on the body to serve in identifying it. A ■ AT BLLSWORTTf Main Strkkt, ■ Mb. POSTOFPICr. between Ellsworth high ESTATE. Ellsworth, Wyman park, folding wallet found in one of the pockets 30-33 Main Street. in Oct. r*8. effect nt and field was too one- I Cherry academy, contained fifty cents. The man wore no sided to be The visitors were i MAILS RRceiVBD. interesting. watch or jewelry. FOR SALE Fbom a and scored West—7.13 m; 4 39 and 8.08 p m. outclassed, the Ellsworth boys I Coroner Simonton could find no evi- From East—11.07 a m; 12.09, 5.56 and 10.62 p m. as The score was 42 to 0. n of land situate on south side and at foot of Pea street, Northeast Harbor, they pleased. dence of foul play. He believes the man of la on the short and title to 10waster mark. Next the Ellsworth will I Jbu* lot land given MAIL CLOSBS AT POSTOPFICB. Friday boys play was tramping through this section, and u Acres flue Bar Harbor school here. will I far: tli buildings la good repair.; shorejproperly, FastfBlnehlll/Me. Going West—10.45,11.30 a m; 5.30 and 9 pm. high They went into the pasture to sleep. The Going be the real thing in this Apply to C. W. * F. L. Mason. East—8.30 a m; 4 and 5.30 p m. up against game, | coroner deemed no inquest necessary. He and it be No Sunday mail. probably will tbeir hardest game j authorized the municipal officers of Bluc- p f'rthe season. The game will be called hui to bury tbe body, and Instructed them at 10 a. m. ! Monaghan’s dancing school will have an to hold tbe clothing for some time for I, \v TAPLES, Raal Eatate arid Insuranco, extra Friday evening. George Lullam, one of Ellsworth’s old- purposes of identification. Natf-Cafa'aats, H w* est died at his home on the Shore HAS FOB SALE Roy C. Haines is on a business trip to citizens, $1.25 dozen. 25 for 25 cafe. New York and Boston. road this morning, aged ninety-six years. Maine Library Association. par A farm with town good building?—'Two dwellingg'in Mr. Lullam had always been an industri- The next annuel of the Maine Q The Floyd market has moved to its new meeting —A mercantile property. ous in the mills and in the will location on Water street. man, working library association be held at the Un- .... He was a citizen. He came IAIS ST., ELLSWORTH, MAINE. woods. good iversity ol Maine library, Orono, on There will be a regular meeting of Ly- to Ellsworth from the Provinces over fifty Thursday and Friday, Nov. 19 and 20. T gonia lodge, F. and A. M to-morrow even- years ago. As a young man he entered The secretary of the association will 1 >K- the English army, but left the army and soon issue a statement about railway and Portraits Picture Frareos, I. O. (J. will work the Crayon Lejok lodge, F., came to America. He leaves two sons- hotel rates for those attending. Q at the art initiatory regular meeting Friday John and Albert Lullam, both of Ells- are $238 up and Oareloping evening. worth. £ _________^_ COMING EVENTS. all framed. Printing. A crew is cutting wood for the city J" JEW CANNED BLUEBERRIES schools and Hancock hall on the city ELLSWORTH FALLS. BLLS WORTH. wood lot. Bijou theatre—Moving pictures after- A ton was born on to Horace E. Monday noon and Admission 10 cents. R Mrs. E. of evening. J. Dunn, Franklin, is visiting Bounty and wife. H. W. Dunn and wife and other relatives Thursday, Nov. 5, at Union Congrega- Maddocks is in Boston for a Sidney J. — in Ellsworth. tional vestry, Ellsworth Falls Chicken A Packed week’s visit with relatives. Practically Clean; pie supper, served by gentlemen. Tickets, Mrs. Fred Wescott has become the pos- down here Horace Archer shot a deer near his home adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Stanwood Main Street, from hush Juicy; sessor of the quilt recently disposed of by on Waltham road the Friday. Nov. at Odd Fellows p 1 M its Maddocks. Friday evening, 8, to u or. in Delicious. Mary Surry. Miss Delphine White, of Boston, trained hall—Dancing party for benefit of Ells- Ellsworth,Me. Only one new voter was registered by Stud io. nurse, is here with her sister, Mrs. Horace worth high school basketball team. the Ellsworth board of registration dur- R. Bonsey. 35 cents a extra || ita session last week. Tickets, couple; ladies, ing 15 cents. Charles Gray is home from Millinocket, The second moose to be killed in the two for a where he has been for several months Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 20, 5c per large can; quarter; Trenton woods this winter, was shot laBt working in a novelty mill. 21, 22—Ellsworth Free Baptist quarterly S Wednesday by Henry Smith. meeting at East Franklin. Eugene Carl isle has gone to Green Lake Elmer L. Kingman was in Ellsworth with bis team to help in building the new here’s on business. Mr. is It is to tell where love is. If you want b'ueberries of QUALITY, your chance. yesterday Kiugman to the easy enough road leading hatchery. You love and whom now employed in Bangor, and is living in thoae, only thoae, it E. has moved to where makes serve.—A. O. Brewer. John Lake Surry, you Singten. he will have a camp this winter, and where “Cash Down” Grocer aod^Marketman The Calendar society of the Methodist Deposited in wood Money he will be engaged cutting. 30brtttBrmema. AHairna^• New Peters Block. church held a box supper at the Free Bap- ilayilta, Mrs. Almond G. Jellison went to tist church building last Wednesday Lynn, IN THE on of last for a evening.
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