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The access to the contents of this doctoral thesis it is limited to the acceptance of the use conditions set by the following Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/?lang=en Housing and Family Dynamics in Southern Europe by Alda Botelho Azevedo Supervisors: Dr. Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo Dr. Julián López Colás Ph.D. Thesis Ph.D. Program in Demography Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics Departamento de Geografía de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona November 2016 This Ph.D. thesis has been carried out as part of two projects: the I+D project Demographic analysis of housing needs in Spain, 2005-2015, headed by Juan A. Módenes; and the R+D+i project Geographical mobility and housing: Spain in an international perspective, headed by Juan A. Módenes and Joaquín Recaño. Both projects received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. i ii Acknowledgments This thesis is a direct result of a research work carried out with great motivation, excitement and perseverance. This confidence relied in the constant support of a group of people and institutions to whom I am deeply grateful. I am deeply grateful to my supervisors Dr. Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo and Dr. Julián López Colás for their mentoring, encouragement, constant availability and for making it possible to surpass the linguistic and geographical barriers by working towards a common objective. I am also thankful to Dr. Anna Cabré for bringing the European Doctoral School of Demography to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, giving me the opportunity to join the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics. It is no exaggeration to say that without Dr. Anna Cabré this thesis would never have been possible. I am also thankful to all the staff of the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, in particular to Socorro Sancho Valverde, Inés Brancós Coll y Teresa Menacho Montes, by their exceptional support whenever necessary. I wish to thank the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research for receiving me as a student of the European Doctoral School of Demography in 2011/12, shaping the beginning of a new step in my academic path. To the Institute of Ageing of the University of Lisbon, in particular to Dr. Amílcar Moreira, I am deeply grateful for the exceptional working conditions and his unconditional support throughout the completion of this thesis. I am very grateful to Luís Manso for the endless patience in reading, revising and teaching me academic writing in English. I would also like to thank those colleagues that became friends along this path: Elisa, Hernán, Juan, László, Pilar, Roberta. Thank you so much for your companionship. I am also very thankful for the friends that encouraged me since the moment I decided to pursue an academic career in a field so distant from my background in Humanities: Ana and Pedro. There are truly unbreakable bonds, such as the ones that have been, and will continue to, keep us together. iii To my family, my kind mother, my sweet sisters and my tender brothers-in-law, I thank for their love and understanding. I thank for the good laughs in our celebrations. To Zé, walking hand in hand since 1999, I am deeply grateful for his love, for his wisdom, for his unconditional support and for all these years of happiness and joy. Finally, a Ph.D. is a long journey and unfortunately, some of the ones who watched me starting this challenge are no longer with us. To those whom I cannot thank in person, these acknowledgments express my gratitude for the influence they had in this thesis… and in whom I am. Thank you Virgínia. Thank you Yara. Thank you Mário. iv Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Aim and objectives .................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Background and significance ................................................................................. 2 1.3 Research design ....................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Outline of the thesis ................................................................................................ 8 Chapter 2 Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Housing demography ........................................................................................... 11 2.3 Linking convergence and divergence in housing studies ............................... 16 2.4 Housing and the welfare state regimes .............................................................. 17 2.5 Southern European housing system ................................................................... 19 2.6 Homeownership versus renting in the southern European housing system 28 2.7 Housing behaviour in southern Europe ............................................................ 33 2.8 Concluding remarks ............................................................................................. 35 Chapter 3 Homeownership in southern European countries: similarities and divergent patterns ......................................................................................................................................... 37 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 37 3.2 Tenure status in southern Europe ....................................................................... 39 3.3 Data and methods ................................................................................................. 43 3.4 Results and discussion .......................................................................................... 46 3.5 Concluding remarks ............................................................................................. 58 Chapter 4 Non-headship as a competitive housing tenure option? Choices of active young adults in southern Europe, France, Germany and the UK ........................................ 63 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 63 4.2 North-South models of non-headship ................................................................ 65 4.3 Data and methods ................................................................................................. 74 4.4 Results and discussion .......................................................................................... 79 4.5 Concluding remarks ............................................................................................. 93 Chapter 5 A multilevel analysis of the recent increase of home renting in Spanish young couples, 2001-2011 ........................................................................................................... 97 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 97 5.2 Early stages of life in couple and housing tenure status ............................... 100 v 5.3 The boom and bust of the Spanish housing bubble ....................................... 102 5.4 Data and methods ............................................................................................... 106 5.5 Results and discussion ........................................................................................ 110 5.7 Concluding remarks ........................................................................................... 126 Chapter 6 Change in the relationship between first-child birth and homeownership in Spain ............................................................................................................................................ 129 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 129 6.2 Housing and Fertility .......................................................................................... 130 6.3 Data and methods ............................................................................................... 140 6.4 Results and discussion ........................................................................................ 144 6.5 Concluding remarks ........................................................................................... 150 Chapter 7 Parenthood, residential movement and housing tenure in four southern European countries, France and Germany ............................................................................ 153 7.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 153 7.2 Fertility in southern Europe, France and Germany ........................................ 155 7.3 Family formation, fertility and housing tenure status in southern Europe, France and Germany ................................................................................................
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