C(OT'I'ON FACTORS, ETC. COTTON E'ACTORS, ETC. COMf)MISSION MERCHANTS. GROCERIES ATTORNEIYS AT LAW AND PRODUCE. STATIONERY, ETU. OWARD, PRFATONS BARRETT. JAMES WBISIIT,r p AP R ............... .................... d& IIALSEY- 1 1 WsLS,, E.Ew a Co., P FA SMIT DEY & PINCKARD- COMMISSION MERCHANT, E (P.F. EDEY, WM.M. PINCEARD,,J R,) slatae of •rtre In Mltlllll.lppl. JAMESB. HSMITH,linton; J. I.IALSEY, Point Coupee CR.Ht. HOWARD. II. D ARRElTT,New Orlank--W.IHnt5:R. - J. WELLER, M. R. CHEW, E. C. ROBBINS.) DIRECTIMPORTATION CourtHo.use,) PRI.HSTN,New Yr.,k--CATLINPIURAOD, 4 1. CpCondeletstreet. FROMEUIROP and General Commnlsson Mer- W-holesale [ Fmroth lVkrrllrg ler.lld.) Cotton Faetors vllle. III.-GEO. PIRE-TON,Evasville, Ind.--WM. Foreignand Domesttte EXCIIANGE Groeerh ad CommIstso ler. Atterneys-ut-Leaw, Ky) boughtand soad. chants, Z. L. Wagener, chants, If. rLLLIAMS,Calhuun, We have just returned from a trip to the north- Haveformed apnnnership, andwill practicetheir profession AIDVANCEP.Smade on conrignmentsto A. R. McMaSter& ern portion of tile State; and thinking that a fair Noa an4d 2SPOYDRAS STREET, S CDAMPSTREET, BETWEEN PICAYUNE hND ? JudicialDistrict. 3.COMMON STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Bro., iverpool; CaldwellAshworth,S Wall street. NewYork. and truthful accounlltiof tile condition of ulafirs in theb courts oIthe Seventh No .ottenand Tobaeeo Factors NEW ORLEANS.LA. OPPFICEP. our readers, we propose &ROMBY that section will interest d TEVIN, & BROTHER- STEWART, GALBREATHR B FIZER, 1rSO. H. WATTS A CO.. ostrrrEdsalo P o 0 in thir issue to 'give it. Itonrsing, a few renarks JJUNTINGTON LETTERPAPER, wt lleD and blo e ~ler S. (J.F. CROSBY,R. M. TEVIS.) (A. S. HUNTINGTON-B.W. HIUNTINoTON.) CO MI ION MER C A N T S, (ANDIEWSTEWART,New Orleans: WM B.GALBREATH, WHOLESALE GROCERSAND OENERAL R.ktes andOl RSEALING concernling the. railroads olf the State may not be WM.STEWART, and JOtN C. FIZER Memphla,) WAL deemed inappropriate. 'ThireSouthern road, in AT LAW. Commnlslon ATTORNEYS Cotton Factors and General 108 Common street. Commission Mercebhts. Commsson Merehants, --Alo-- spite of the dtfilcuties and seeming impossibility of Houston, Texas. Merchants, No. 10 Cemmres otreet,Montgomery, Albam.L its reconstruction, is now in fine running order Now Ot,.Eos, LA. AND COTTON FACTORS, Al OFICE. e,d ?CRET DIARIES101 5, from this city to Meridian, with the exception of R. M. TEVIS,of the abovefirm will he in New Orleans No. 89NATCHEZ STREET,NEW ORLEANS. of consignmesto our aldressandto thi bridge at Big Black. This, we understand, is thenrext twenty-five aysand mayhe seen at tile oMco Cash dvneeesmade,.on HARLOW J. PIIEL CO., 46 Union Ntreet, ftM1lrMStof reduce and orders for the purehaseof eottlo SpikerS Stdidge, Nn.4 StrletdletlCutr wstrI Ire portionmleayhe otIrfrien In Now Yorkand Liverprlol. sollcited in process of construction anld will soon be com- rosulted,andwill takecharge of anybusiness in any (B LOWJ. PHELPS,of NewOrleans ; 8. B. BUCKNER, NEw OalAYS. LState.Oneof tihfirm will make atour oi the state tILLI9S & FERGUSON, of Kentucky.) Ad,.e. madeon c4gnment. pleted. The elflcient and courteous officers Irlngthf the coming Sprlng and Summer, for the purplose ofset- ofCottoa to aED. c. PALME, JOBMS tlngclainms entrusted to them. Cotton Paetors GALBREATH, STEWART d& CO., WIL of the road, with commendable forethought for (LS. ILLIS, S.G. FEROUSON,) GIVEN,WATTS CO., NewOdrle, tihe comfort of passengers, rhavea line of fine BUlerto kerS& Sdanidgo;Jan. A. Lesh; Wrlght,Alien SorW lDorE O ambulancese runing between the gafr, short as it COTTON FACTORS, GENERALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, (W. B. GALRREATH,Iate of Maeeham& Gaibreath;WM. WATTS,CRANE A CO., NowYor, Kelly;Hlarper, Walker & Co.; Paper•, avelepes mad Ma*s, is. Ftor safety, corrrft and regularity of schedule, SSCo.:Jotn hlelps; Crosby And General Commitslon Merehants. No. 142Gravier street, between Cuap .ad t. CharlesN. 0. STEWART,ANDREW STEWART, of Des Ar, Arkaetu; W. c. WATTS& co., LiverCoo C. FIZER,of Panelscounty, No. 113 Golobonree this road is not tro ie surpassed. We had the taawtt.NLrtl nl& Co.;Camhell & Strong;Page, feel & OFFICE--N. 41 CARONDELETSTREET, (up stairs.) JOHN M1B.J Ne 0,1.5, Ia I GPOSLEE of meeting, during our absence, ileneral with the ommercialboole of J W. pleasure MorLn;Poet, Simms & On.; orlow J. Phelps& Co.;Com- NEWORLEANS. Havlngbecome mssoclted Wholesale Grocers, tihe P'resident, and ier. Frost, tihe Superin- HARLOWJ. PHELPS& CO., I proposegiving my PIr- WHOLESALE GROCER West, , STATIONER road, minls,Brown & Co.;Stylephenson & May. sonalattention to theirbsuinese, and respectfly solicitfor AND COTTON FACTORS, H.OOSELLE. AND DEAL=B tendent of the Mississippi Central. Their M. M. COPELAND & LCO.-- GENERALVAIET GOODS, good order, ofmy friends ndthe public. which was a perfect wreck, is now in SIIEL]DON d pARDEE, (M.M. CoPLAnD,Montgomery-J. T. CANNoN, ERoal, Ala) them5 the patronage No. 8s4 Front Stret. Coulmsolo Merhafut, SE ........... a.... save some fifty miles of the Northern terminus. S. B. BUCKNBR. m alae reet .............. u The bridges are all rebuilt, and tire Superintendent (L.A. SHELDON,DON A. PARDEE.) Cotton Faetors, December2, 18H6. (setwesnUnion and Monro,) NO. FRONTAND AND 10 ULXTONSTREETS, Neat Pooamlner Andwstod, pdtsM Mu, --AND-- omntODieSt,, informed us that daily trains would commence ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MSlarsa.TRe. Charles Street,New Orleana. At CO., payKb.9shwa. on band and Is SnosSyip running through to Jackson by the slt of March. 18 at. GENERAL COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, OODIM,MATTHEWS eSg McENERY-- (J. B. WOODS,WM. H. MATTHEWS.ARCHIE WOODK) WILLIAMS der BLACK, G. M. $AALYL, At present they are triweckly from (Grand Junc- JOHN 69Oarondelet street, New Orleans. WHOLESALEGROCER AND COBMSSION NEBCEANT, n. te.hl "NoothtbWasd Woe S •dT.d Po s. tion to Cantoun. Thie Jackson and Now Orleans COTTON FACTORS (FRANKW. WILLIAMS,ALEXANDER o. BLACK,) Railroad also runs three passenger trains a week, ATTORNEYAND COUNSELORAT LAW, IHAWTHORN di&GO.. -- v- No.61 CS.o Am 41CCatd SunN. M Honroe, La. MARTIN, 'connecting with the Mississippi Central at Canton BGeneral Commission Meehants, Comlmisson Meehat.s,l Hating resumedbusiness a my Old Stnd, I .peetfaeIT and the Southern Railroad at Jackson. Willprstie In the ourtl of Ossachlta, Morhou.se, Franklin, (B.W. MARTIN,A. T.HAWTHORN, R. F. HARRISON.) 106Poydras Street, New Orlealn solt the paroIns ofmy fInd d old .. tomer. The Mobile and Ohio railroad is running daily Caldwellahd Catahsul.Also.., in theSuprems Csourt ofthe 87 BEAVER STREET,NEW YORK. 5tate. Attentiongiven to matters connected withthe lanld de- b. YDBADT. passenger trains, and not having been so badly partment,elther in this Snt, ortat WsLhlngtonCity. oammitslon Merchants and Cotton Factors, CHALMERS & BOON- H.go* i gmGuIed,Rohe I* . MACTO.-E, damaged during the war is in better condition than John J. Roe & Co.,Lewis a Bro.,B. M.Rnya.n, J. B. 8. WARMOTH TATUM, HAVINGENTERED THE any rorad in this section of country. Tie towns and LEmosne,John S. MeCune,St Louis; Horell,Gayle & Co. (A. H. CHALMERS,U. BOON.) TUM UNDERSIGNED, 11'oVS~r.Bou•, o nuo 67 CARONDELETSTREET, bs.il a of villages along the roads as a general thing have (IENRY JOSEPH TATUM,) Converse Kennett,E. S. Keep,J. W.Bsrbridg.& Co., New Ie/,e bf G.E. BAYLY, espectf41y.ol11 thb H. F. rEQURtE. diastroyed. Jackson, Brandon, Grenada C. WARMOTH, T. COTTONFACTOR8 W. t. SlMONI.I all been New Orleans. Orlans;J. B. Alsexnder Co., RobinsonA Oarth,Norts, hMdfroldmId formet a Odetnsfor or osigm The latter place is a Attoreys and Coumsellors at Law, And General Commltea Merehaats, and Oxford, particularly. Slaghter& Co.,New York; L.W. LeveringA o, BSdtmor, StProducewill hTb hi.penal.teiHo perfect wreck, owing to the prompt and efficient OFFICE,NO. 40 CAMPSTREET, Md.;Hnson, Holt A Co., Mobile,All. NO.H18 GRAVIER STREET. B. M. POND, d. Weeeem Commonl manner Ilr whrich General Snitr (the Prince of In- SBetween Commonand Oravler. Ordersfor Plan.ttion Mhebinery particularly attened to. upon New Orleans. Formerlyof Goodrlic& ks ATEAMBOAT cendiaries) discharged the duties devolved EDWARD PILBeDn r, AMlbh S I m, ,dAGW wf.tW t$ sl a.triumpirat conrqreror. lie evinredr noprtiality, CC M. CONRAD a& ONS- LONGSTREET, OWEN d CO., JOSEPH H. OBLESBY. but destroyed pullic arnd private builrings alike, COTTONFACTOR AND COMMISHIONMERCHANT, RPoe,,Iywfswom- ,Id oh&OG CON- (C.M. CONRAD, C. A. CONRAD,L. L. CONRAD,) COTTONFACTORS, (LATE OGLESBY& MACAULAYJ . CASH ADVANCESMADE the rich and poor being invrlved in one coinmon (H.RSTEAMBOAT -UrD- No. 12 CASsoSaLnsSRos? IgESmI.jof Produce,ard prompt returns of sles, by AGENTSAND GENERAL ruit. We do tnot think that this portion of the Attorneysat Law, Commiselon Merchant, COIO Oeneral Commlaslon Merehants. 0. NM.AYLY, State is sufficienrtlyreconstructed fto ermit tihe BetweenCanal and Common atreMts. NO. 8, 7 AND72 TCHOUPITOUHLASTRE•T, No.37 CARONDELET STREET. I7UNION STREET, No.61Common and 41 Canal Stre. barnring Generrl tor dwell nrrong itsIelrle Muines NO. Nzw OnRLANA r• Poydra.us he came backed by armed legions with which to New Orleana stseet, up sta , F. SHAFFER, JI o. P. COOBS CO. New hrieosared and wRtrioteic person. Theundersigned hasformed a connectionwitha gentlems. AemR,Ind. Orleaoe,I... guard TOBURNS & SHAFFER) JOHN COBB, O. P. COBS. theselilaces are raplidly imrproing, and new havingmuch expselenseand (BUCCESSOR BROTHERS, D. ARME, J. W. CHRISTY,Cincinnai, Ohio, All ,esidingIn Washington City, KENDALL CARTER, and MOILVAINE JAR. S. ATHEWS * (I-" to of H. COTTONFACTOR nad (ENERALCOMMISSION COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, GENERAL buildings are going up as ii' by mrigi. Owirng grestfacilities in suh business,for the prosecution claim' FORWARHDINOMERCHANT, PRANK MERCHANT, PRODUCEDEALERS AND COMMISSIONMERCHANTS. KIMBALL,JAN E. MATHEWS,) the unremritting eftris of Ntrtllern lphilrthrolpists againsttheGovernment, particularly thosegrowing out of the COTTONFACTOR AND COMMISSION 190 O.rvler street, New Orleans, No. 49 Broad Btrset, New York. No. TchodpltahlIsNo St., eomer ofLtfyette. NewOrlesL BECEIVING,ORWARDNING AND GENERALCOMETS- orany of the freedr en have emig lted to thiat latewar.
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