^Omerstrlccolonlac the Flflfl* Siilni- in Nm Liirk

^Omerstrlccolonlac the Flflfl* Siilni- in Nm Liirk

YORK TRIBUNE OCTOBER 15, 1916. IIOTF.IS. HOTELS. HOTEIaS. HOTELS. mnli LONGACREHOTEL 47TH ST. OFF BROADWAY A Motl Convenitnt Location. ^OMERStrlCcOLONlAC The flflfl* siilni- in Nm liirk. 'mtli in Kimiiia ;inil Ki-aliiiinint. IOTEL MOTEL( 150 Roomt with privatt bath and shnwer .$1.50 150 W.47th.bL Coluni&ui Ave-SL^ ST. HALLOWE'EN 100 Ronni vtitb private bath and ihovaer $2.00 aCala, Witclaflfl, Coanii Pigurva, i.i.k rioriis Two room suites with bath, $3.00 to $3.50. Lwo hoteJi wiatch evi ry ¦Bifli i TH-ta. Snapping Mottoca, Notav Maki>ra. Nunkina poaaeai i.,ii\ .nni DiniMr Caarda M.iaka BlosWta. |C) Special weekly rates. -i|uirement of lhe penon with I'liiiiii nM Hr.Minl. inclinations toward modern Cimi- B.SHACKMAN & *eniences .ind cninlortable hte. HROXDWAY, NEW YORKCO., * 90b CITY Hotel Laurelton F.tch hotel .lims .it iiBpretnacy 147-149 WEST .-.5TH STREET, lervio, Just east of Seventh Avenue. Each Iiotel presents acconuno- ^ l.itions and turmture the eiju.il ol MW MODERN RFFIN'FD SaJRROUNDINCS AND BF.AUTI- A young tvonan, naving dinner \hich is lound iu the 1LLLV ILUMMII.L). witii hei parenti .it thc Belledaire only hoanei the other ni.tdf tne follow- nl (nif<t md nin-t excluatve char¬ TRANSIF.NT RATES: MONTHI V RATES. night, acter. Staglc Rooca aad baih. .$2.00 Nn.jlr rooaa aad liaili. .$45.00 ing coimin'iit mi the chicken whieh l)....l,le Ri.i.m aad haih. .$*.imi l>..,.l.l< .¦ aad l.,tl, .55.00 had ordered: Each hotel haa . reatauranl in connection whicn Oafen the bneat rwo Rooflaa aad l..iil.. ..$4.00 ],.om unJ ba&.. 100.00 they I hia i* the nio-t delicioui thl market atlords, maiten in the flll ot cookini*. (.ruiuul 1 I. Ollui- siiilulili- fur I'ln aii iun nr Di-ntial. prepared hy chicken 1 evei ite. 1 have J. G, Bo|gi, Propr. Phone Circle 240. Gen. F.. Mulligan, M-r Why. The ratea are exceedin<-'l\ reaaonahle ind monthly and yearly eon- Tube Bed in eoloi not used my knife until ju*;t noB fhjs Square any in Irom thi*- (essioni are made. A j,.._: :%:!..\4'i Whitcomb standard .>: construction cutiing the meal hone, reasi nabl) prieed VYe will tinish iliis hei The me.tt wai io tendei thal I One i< convenient to the dovntown rlistrict.one is located in the \1.I71- I. -i.ii nn.il district. Each i* in a i)\ itselt. * tiajs n Vii used my fork only. I^ul you evei d<7* I HOTEL ...i::m MARSEILLES e.it ¦ better chicken in youi lile?" Inveatigate oi write for partictilari. at 103d St., New York The food ,tt the Belledaire is so Wc I Broadway Absolutely SL'i'EI.1! LOCATION md so well cooked thal crir-s Fireproof paod peo¬ CLAUDE R. MANAGER - di >' To Live at the Marsdllvs ple come here rroni all parti ot NOTT, j rUch »- tne i lo .« .- to Well it) gel good meal. aajBCed Is Live ROBERT D. BLACKMAN. Metailic li:ilMA.\K\T THANSII.NT TVeWhitcor Co. A toci.il atmotplicre- that is deliijht- Bedsteai Inl and a location tliat it unusually 34th 4 Ma.: "" Avt" convenient, with good food and good fKtirs I service at reaaonahle prieea, make Hotel Bretton Hall Boston. the fall ¦littltlP»l»- BmO y the Hotel Marteillet ideal ."ItoaSt. and winter home. 85TH TO M*jM*BBtfls Tt*n#^ BROADWAY 86TH ST. 0 * Rooms with Bath from $2.00 Per Day and Up LARGEST & MOST ATTRACTIVE UPTOVVN HOTEL <£axbt\\& Larger Suites in Proportion Subuay Station at Door l\t\a llll; M'MtTMIMa IM. HEStlAMM NOW Hhl.M. HOI K. All the Advantages of the Best New York Minutes from Herald >*4-rr5*r- -3 ' - bnM'TBR mhllr raa< City Hottis at One-Third Less Price 15 Sq. il,", liilllllU' Ifl, »'¦ '. :. i. i" .¦ /¦ Ul i .¦¦ rr*. -'.'.V' aad bb datf New Colonial House Parlor hetlrwm ¦.»¦< "-fl/*, 91.00 ffl fIJBQ For Either One or Two Persons Manhattan Hotel illartrlclntoinrttr AISO FAaFPII'-MII DESIRAIMi APARIMI.MS Square 66th St. FURNISHED OR f\. LHM.-III D UNDER M.ARIA St..Broadway.67th 11 am.. FROM 1 lo o ROI »\b tVrTHI.2or IBATHS. *r ,a- || 50-58 WEST 77TH STREET ( onit-iiii-nl lii I 4i-r\ Uthafl. MODERN, FIREPROOF HOTEL. l: l: \\ KEK DATS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Per I. 1.35 Rooms wilb Bath. $2.50 Day. tc. .-r\- Opposite beautiful Manhattan Square Rooms vailhout Bath, $1.50 Per Day. 11.40 A. M.: : '. Park and Museum ol Natural Hlstor) ball Mock from entrance lo( lentral l'.irk. Ideal Suites to Meel All location.vi uit*t. refined, dignilied and se¬ Arranged HOTEL IMPERIAL lect famili hotel Convenienl toever) thing. nequirements, Transiently or Leases on -Furnished or Broadway and 32nd Street ;»iiiiiiiii.im,«,_.li.!ii!iiiiiilt Yearly by Month or Year. Unfurnished Apartments. Nrarer tu Ereruthina Than Trn Minutes t.i and Thealres and Anything. ItfllM. iirr.inm-il ln . n.inii.-ni.-ni. Shupi 600 Roonit, or En Suite Also and monthly transient tates. All Points of Inlereit. Single weekly Sinr»!«* Rooms $1.50 per le or tfl/o Exceptional h acililit-s for Dinners aml day up "wo r.'.'ni-* u!id hath foi o LntertainmrnU. With bdth.$4c:.50 per day up A HALF BLOCK FROM FIFTH AVE. ersons, S2.50 per ,i.i\ and up Superior restauranl .i l.t .".tru-. cluh Restaurant of Unusual Excellence Imperial Horni* Dinner Served Daily ti to 9 P. cover. BEDR00M AND BATH, i M., $1.25 per PARLOR, W. II Slanles Gtern. Manar,in» Director From $1,500 per year. GEO. O'HARE, Manager. WILLARD D. R0CKEFELLER, ROOM, WITH BATH, FOR TWO, J Manager. $3 to $5 pcr day. SINGLE ROOMS, $1.50 PER DAY. JHOTELI iim.ii (i IM <.!'< in -rmi laTrJir. HOTEL LE all MARQUIS prlcfs M:*?& r crifltfcfl booklet flN* ru,..i,-plan stating 12 East 31st St., Near 5th Ave. THERESA §m$i Hotel Leonori '"' " WllrV !fiiiliillllllJ1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr)IIIIIIHIIIllllllllllMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi iBSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 7th Avenue, 124th to 125th Sts. S^3jE2lfflSl_t Madison Avenue at 63rd Street (j ntw iti.'.M- a* r> RAlafa: r. *.|44 **rrn-j ai.i. ¦BP"pr ii invi i XEWX1 Kl KMrtlll |i 4M- fl nIM r>:ii IIBAI tllHM r i. i. " Acicsiible Priees Moderate g i, jI.¦ \i ,,. \ 11 nll ri i:m IM-A1 i.i -1- Very style. one block from Central I'.rr k Elec¬ 4LML.M TU EVEBTTU1XQ B'OBTIl uiill.l. VTIthli. a 1 nf X. pr PfG 1991111 il.-'! to i| li tt kt B6*ata l*fi n,i,<3.. j tric cars p.iaa _he a/hich Iransfer ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF " Attractive rates on yearly leases lor om- i.i... I. tn.iii "l aml tabflra*'. .ill parts «>i the i i. ii- Iim I" iaillii Hlll nnl Bat* aM |.ll* I.uxurious HOTEL furnished or unfurnished nl iliiur. ln--* Apartments, apartments. FAMILY & TRANSIENT FIREPROOF iri» Furnished and Unfurnished ALL OUTSiDE ROOMS LEASES NOW BEING MADE. rtaa K ir ha Wl t \r fl rr* 1.7-9 r. "ill. r.i.BtBit.K TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED. HARGRAVE Mfltjrlf 4i ali-mir $1.50 illi .. .¦ .7 i iti aaa * i HfllPf ilinl . C. L. ... WE51 720 M.. N. V. CITY. .inllN l'. mi »<»n a.,,,,.1,. r.ii ii itll I'.iHiZ.UU LEONORI, ||2 Ib r.u Um and Elrvat-d StfltMB* oa K.iuiii iiilli I'-t |ii 2 en G. R. SCHMIDT. Subtray Eiprcu .xiiia) o'ert - same MO> e . k. I'.irlnr. Ili'ilrniiin iml M.itli 3.50 Clienlelc I i' : f.= lliii ,,,'y i, ¦ D.s'i7m:nating ».,, i.ll lllltia bj 41.,Hlll iu »r.|»iiN. on suites foi Fall and Wiatet Iitaiaa K.I..IH alha. Avenue ,,n -iii ti..... 37 Madison Ill-l lllllUlllL I'.ilia.nl.-. r. RESTAURAK1 A LA CAR1X PWCES HOTEL ARLINGTON ^ ^^Ur ML'SIC. Il.nril ItflJM M0OERATE THE MADISON SQUARE |HI Hl-l-k. 25TH STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. fl^f^r-Ulil!..,77*' J. Wade McGrath, Mgr. tltmsc .ai> t.._. *'^^4*_L"»*» Itn-ilkfllat, ."OC; MOS'i < /-> TRALLY l.i>< ATED. I urnished tt L niurnished j., .'. '.'-,. .li. **.<..¦: Nott'HomaekeepIng und .,'."' liininr. BLflfl. LOW MONTHLY RATES. kvLpinti. ^ 'I ¦¦:.¦. '.,:¦. iM.-ll.-iii now ;i\ailablc. !JBW«ffT-r.'r>t. i in-ni. nse in Remodeling. Studio Apurtmcnts IVrlii Room, run'g trater, bflth.lltJiap $50,000 Room, pi :-. BtC liatli 15.00 en naHe or "h "'"' ,,!,,,¦. up - Con.truction. \Nn rooins »lnfl)'i . .t Modern in i . "a ^^^ Parlor, bedroom and bath... 70.00 liHAi-.llitl in .ii.|.«.,iitin.nt. nl.aphrrt" flnd **TTicr. Tt%. isITo up a- .^* RflOfji $1.00 Per Day Up. M..riiini;-iil. .\ la carte r* itaaraaL K. iv III lti WEEKLY RATES. Maaflfcr. PHELPS-STOKES EST., Inc, Owners. Ri :. run'g arat*r, uae bath. IftJOap % HOTEL Director. Room, in r. ate bflth. 10.50 up WILLARD H. BARSE, Parlor, bedroom 71ml bath.., 18.00 up Prince ricorge IV.' ileal letd LBERT THE- n nFTHAVESL'E -IH STREET. lith S reel flnd Umver.itv Place, ANDERSON HOTEL NEW YORK CITY. ln tbe Heart of New York 102 WtST 80TH STREET. ot Rivenide Drive. *J* RV.Ir,,. )i 11,itll. Between Central Pk. ORLEANS kat" . uirl il|i. Close lo "L," Subway & Surface Can. f.'¦ ADVANTAGES 100 West 80th Street "a- ll.-nt iliiirinK-r 20RCE H >N, Manager . ,,, 11((| h.'Iltte. I.v.. '.r»af|, .. , mmr HateL ul aur«l«. < ii.ikiiiK bl ssi.iii.ii. Tbe Hotrl «.f Ea-ceplional Opportunity, tbe view it ¦flflfl iiinl a la-iaaalBi.a.

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