Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Washington University Record Washington University Publications 11-7-2003 Washington University Record, November 7, 2003 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/record Recommended Citation "Washington University Record, November 7, 2003" (2003). Washington University Record. Book 984. http://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/record/984 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Washington University Publications at Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Washington University Record by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Medical News: Researchers use PET Concert: "Best band in the world" Washington People: James Herbert imaging to study Tourette syndrome coming to Edison Theatre Nov. 15 Williams focuses on youth and families 8 Nov. 7, 2003 Volume 28 No. 13 Future Treasuring the Past Washington University in St Louis **** * CelebratingKQ Years University to host presidential debate BY ANDY CLENDENNEN that eventually was canceled, and hosted the (From left) Robert L. third and last presidential debate of the 2000 Bagby, chairman and Washington University will host the campaign season. chief executive officer ■ U)v mm ji^g?"-—- mmW ' '"1?\ of A.G. Edwards; presidential debate scheduled for 8 p.m. "It is an honor and a privilege to once again Chancellor Mark S. Oct. 8, 2004, according to an announce- be chosen to host one of the presidential de- Wrighton; Pat Mercur- ment made Nov. 6 by Paul G. Kirk Jr. and Frank bates," Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton said. "To io, president of Bank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., co-chairmen of the Commis- host such an event at Washington University is of America-Missouri; sion on Presidential Debates (CPD). a significant responsibility and the effort is one and Steven H. Lip- This is the fourth consecutive time the that will bring important benefits to St. Louis stein, president and University has been selected by the CPD to host and the Washington University community. chief executive officer a debate. As with previous debates, the 2004 "The 2004 presidential election will stimu- of BJC Healthcare, event will be held in the Athletic Complex. late much national and international interest, visit before the Nov. 6 The University hosted the first presidential and hosting a debate will engage our communi- presidential debate debate held prior to the 1992 election, was ty in issues that will affect our future. Being news conference. selected to host a presidential debate in 1996 See Debate, Page 7 JOE ANGELES Study enables 'Future of Freedom' is topic of genetic screen for severe condition Arts & Sciences 'Conversation' BY SUSAN KILLENBERG MCGINN sor of modern European history BY MICHAEL C. PURDY at Stanford University; fifiThe Future of Freedom" will Martha Vicinus, Ph.D., the A protein that helps keep im- I be the topic of "Conver- Eliza M. Mosher Distinguished mune system cells from mis- sation" when scholars gather University Professor of English, takenly swallowing and destroying Nov. 13 at the University for the Women's Studies and History at healthy cells has been linked to an second of a four-part series of the University of Michigan; and inherited disorder with symptoms discussions on key issues that will Gordon S. Wood, Ph.D., the Alva similar to severe food poisoning, affect the future of the University, O. Way University Professor and according to researchers at the the community and the world. professor of history at Brown School of Medicine and the Uni- Arts & Sciences is sponsoring University. versity of Newcastle in the United the four "Conversations," which "Freedom is not a question Kingdom. are free and open to the public, as that will ever stand still," Davis The results make it possible to part of the University's 150th said in explaining why the topic genetically screen patients for one anniversary celebration. "The was selected for a Conversation. form of atypical hemolytic uremic Future of Freedom" Conversation "If we have freedom now, we can syndrome (atypical HUS), a rare will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. in never be sure we always shall. but potentially life-threatening Graham Chapel. Partly this is because threats to condition linked to excessive Richard W. Davis, Ph.D., pro- freedom have a way of repeating blood clots and kidney failure. fessor emeritus of history in Arts themselves. A nation that during Normal HUS, often in the & Sciences, will moderate the dis- World War II watched with equa- headlines because of food-related cussion. From 1989-2003, Davis nimity while its government outbreaks, is caused by consump- directed the Center for the His- stripped over 100,000 U.S. citizens tion of a toxic form of the bacte- tory of Freedom in Arts & Sci- of all their constitutional protec- ria E. coli and includes an addi- ences, which over 12 years pub- tions and interned them, cannot tional symptom: bloody diarrhea. lished a landmark 15-volume ignore possible implications of "Based on what we've discov- series chronicling the birth and similar issues today. ered, atypical HUS patients would development of basic human free- "And, of course, this episode is be susceptible to more damage doms. He also served as general also a reminder of how often in anytime they have tissue injury," editor of the series, titled Making the course of their history preju- said John Atkinson, M.D., the of Modern Freedom. dices of all sorts have blinded Samuel Grant Professor of Medi- The scholars participating in Americans to issues of freedom as cine. "In a heart attack, for exam- the Conversation on freedom are: plain as the noses on their faces," ple, these people might get 20 Hare-raiSing experience Thinker on Rock, one of the Douglass C. North, Ph.D., the Davis continued. percent to 30 percent more tissue University's most popular sculptures, is moved by a crane in Spencer T Olin Professor in Arts "If the preservation of free- damage. There are new drugs preparation for repair work. The sculpture is coming loose & Sciences and professor of eco- dom requires constant vigilance, coming on the market that may from its base and needs further bracing and reinforcement; nomics in Arts & Sciences; Orlan- it also requires careful considera- help us limit this damage." the repairs are estimated to take 2-3 weeks. Larson do Patterson, Ph.D., the John tion of the institutions that will The new study, published in Engineering and Acme Erectors — who originally installed the Cowles Professor of Sociology at best sustain it. The symbiotic rela- the Oct. 17 edition of the Proceed- piece — are working on finding ways to improve the stability Harvard University; James Shee- tionship between freedom and a without compromising the sculpture itself. Students, faculty ings of the National Academy of han, Ph.D., the Dickason Profes- free market economy has long and staff are asked to leave the sculpture alone while the ren- the Sciences, links atypical HUS sor in the Humanities and profes- See Conversation, Page 6 to membrane cofactor protein ovation is in progress. (MCP), which researchers in Atkinson's laboratory discovered This Week In in 1985. Flex spending plan open enrollment ends Nov. 30 "In most situations, when you WUSTL History find a new protein, you just Active faculty and staff wanting Interested employees — even and hearing aids. genetically disable or remove the to save money on their out- those who are enrolled for 2003 Child-care expenses include Nov. 10,1923 protein in the mouse," Atkinson of-pocket health and/or child- — must enroll by the Nov. 30 services provided by a licensed Herbert Spencer Hadley, a former said. "That can't be done here care expenses can enroll in the deadline to ensure their partici- day-care center, pre-school or Missouri governor and professor of because in the mouse, this protein University's flex spending plans pation for 2004. baby sitter. To be eligible, this law at the University of Colorado, is only expressed on the head of for calendar year 2004 during Those expenses that are not service must be rendered for the was inaugurated as the seventh sperm, while in humans it's found the open enrollment period covered by your health, dental, sole purpose of allowing a single chancellor, serving until 1927. throughout the body. So we didn't Nov. 1-30. prescription drug or vision bene- parent, both spouses of a married have a model to look at and were These plans allow employees fits can be reimbursed from the couple, or both a parent and Nov. 12,1969 trying to find the first human to avoid paying federal, state and pre-tax health-care spending his/her domestic partner to work Consumer activist Ralph Nader gave deficiencies of this, not knowing Social Security/Medicare taxes on account. Examples of qualifying or seek an education on a full- a speech on "Consumer Protection where or how to look." money specifically set aside from expenses include: deductibles, co- time basis. and Corporate Liability" for the The answer came from Tim- their paychecks into the spending insurance, office visit co-pays, "Our employees who are Assembly Series. othy Goodship, M.D., a nephrolo- accounts. prescription drug co-pays, hospi- enrolled in these plans enjoy a gist at the University of Newcas- The annual limit is $5,000 for tal emergency room co-pays, definite tax savings," said Tom This feature will be included in tle. Goodship's group was study- the health-care spending plan and LASIK surgery, noncovered pre- Lauman, director of benefits, "a each 2003-04 issue of the Record ing a registry of families in which $5,000 for the dependent child- scription drugs, over-the-counter current tax savings that won't be in observance of Washington more than one member had atyp- care spending plan.
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