FRIDAY, OCTOBER B, 19S6V !>'■ -i":* Airenige Daily Net'pjriiss Run V . ' For the We^'Kuded Beptenber M . IM G , Th« Wtnllitr- F w i m at t V , 9. UrggMWr A dance vdl}. be held at .M B> Juros, ao;i o f Mr.'and A ^ V U i grhde class of th^^Wad* Mothers or^hSdren in the first Grand TalkCedar 0 1 » u t ' f o •Army and ^ a v y Club tomoi ~ t g ^ y Juros. M Branfora ,deir . School, Sdwiu^ ■ Ttmbr^i-' .grade' at RoberUoir School went' weider ai&iouncea^thdt ■ 'ht from JO to ,lv. Music ' for St::.^4s'^a^>cii|A the 304 haw stu- 1 2 , 2 6 1 ^ laereaatag ^^ehmilweaa,’ tSa<rlmr, rwently vlslto^the'Mystle tb 'sch o o l with Uieic.i'Jdiildren tion • of the' reg|pi»4sTall MAlOMUll^l ^arioiitf will be provided by the dents>nts'SKho'<haye reaiater^^. at Seaport, Wedileaday mornlhg. Reading Jor ceremOntaP-tp^^. held.'bn; Oct. Middier e( th^,.Aniltl-. coal tMUght] aliewim mUm- ^In dsot^rioV The public la/invit- Rhode hMl. of lMst^th..| s BoiitK be^lnnerlKjn its \'arious bisects has-been otianged from t^^eaterly. *«irea« •ti5Hwilatl«B^'<: ^tg^t. fUwW|^ endlifi, 8v lurut^s iHtmning ^ ed. A June 'of\ Manchester! rs. S;lvlra J|*fcln, S38 Oak St., was demonstrated hv the teacher,- V R. I,, ^ to the , Stonington IBI^ fair, edalar.^ ' Unitwl^gtlonS'^ Pri- High School; tbjs if.^undergoing^ah''operation at the Mrs. Edj'Uia 'Coffin. Pflnidpal Sehpof at 'PawcatucK.' Those Talt ityofV Any ragh'^hool . Mi^. Ora Creightim and daugh­ conge's Division tattfDrd'^spntal. Thomas .Bentfey ''•jyplained the Cedara. who. plan to use.the cngr- tSilPs^hurch wm,!)* ter, RiJtU, 'o f Ber^v^cl^^^’ova Sco-' Fou'ndation. a year changes Im teaching nwlhods dur-’ tered., httses ' frOiiii Manchester -AlV^e Rted Is and and MrsNNC. -Mil- ies preparatory to c.wibeQt>a; 'ijp Y i, NO* r 'the Moiilster'^.A viinh old ing the last decade:: ahbjUd'.iipnOKsk either .the Grand ,^ T U R I> A )BER c IkBu'e BtW nT'Hl McKcc'Bt., ton';<^linR and., faniity of wford?' tion'in, pne^of,J5 profeeslbnal .. -b ■'^a^all-Ced^.w the.,l> Gran.d U) C E N tE morft-r4nfonM&tU>nH^aoon fia' >fas5..^<u‘e recent 'guesut of M tc gree programr.^^:^ ■.^penopen 'htniM'at:^tha'hi>uae 'at;^th'e schopi Tuesday a«d Mrs. >>sD. Srtiith; 2 0 ^ ’ i Fair- . r^glit ar=n:oLctbctk Folldn^ng ' the ' :the Manchester ROdv^Jtn<t;"Qi!n Peck,. by"Mon- field S t > - = ^^ptimStpiiSe, T<^eeshment wifiiQje Clip'' bold its annual outingi A'nj’'.h lg h ^ h d o l. age glris and sbr^ed,^'s e r ^ for members only,''at the 'em ^' L es^ '^^teinbcrV'bC^'Meindrigl Temple.' their mothers who are Inurtsted .....''C; house in Cov-entry on Sunday. A' Pf^yOrtim yih to. Si»terS^^,^^ill.Si8ter»^^^^l. meetHipnlghtr ............ arejnvited to,attin4 a ^hmvlni^ W b A ;:«^ ^ C T u b 'd eleb i*atr "chicken dinner wtJi;'be served.' at T^ttock at th i^V P. J^ish 1 o»!!eighth ahnlvewiary With s 'C <■- FiinertL, rtbhje to P i ^ ^ ^ t r night a t thif''.,V. 111 4 ^ Miss Mafguertta Xt. Jkm^a; 5^2 ipecisjw .M . ni ufS»wwi.Hi ■i>»nrt__j >Vteinoon oteit 55 oclock.O'clock, at)onsored>»4..t..^o!«ii»..Tl-_n.-^,ji-i..sponaored^'t^ig. Follow ing, the diAnbtv an ‘ Adam's St., and Victor J. B iin i^ whose- widow 'ia^ijnutmber .hV^he^ Centlnei - HUl Teen Club Mtertainme^tk-was^ presented ^ b y 230 woodbrldge St., will be u n it ^ 'c1^ r e ''\ iil4 be rto„ charge and'j-c Bureau .r'pfitdieU wH^ TOW COI%^*er '’T^ple. sS ygrakof‘the.^nemberSi The foi-'j'in.'r'S'i'Uige toiborrmv at 10 a.in. VAti^^SLOiN^ cd^ 91 'fr^iments' loitihg officers wert'.elected; Mil* in'the Hiiir+h of the Assumption. ^ 'F « r Eatiiuate CSU V cloudj^^aW^or today>AVdrtd «^sr- dred.Tedford. presidents.. Utlian — ^Series gaihe]:k{:::,Tanke« S ta -. ^dlumi,,with moderate.,^ aOiiihT ffc^PbRO^ . - ......... eciltive bhard ok...lhe;'t?«'rfU-''ry. vice..PreBl the X>emeu)iey, vtchj)resldent;\M ith! ,m Trotter \ BANK east, .windj) and feni^'ratures 4iutkley PTAv meet Monday at . ^tbMullen.' aecreairy: and Ifeive ■ have .a'rrh'ed aktheir iionie in St. Ben^lmxin DeMg^ s la y e r ' o f in the 'inia-60!a.'' ' ' H .P ^ 4 in . the stiffkrOom. All mem-1 VlhcekKjreaBurer,'- ^<terabiirg, Fla.,. Sftgr apedding b*ra.pf the board ahesTequested ti Alma GbbdsvUI, 4^ o rvis Rd., die4,-tmis^joTnihg of a 'The. forecaster, skid aho\vi5' attend>'. ' I tbe'-'amimer-A'l^thelr .irotjage^di^ aelMn^itftediir eni'Were expecteds^thla eve- , SANITARY PROTEaiON i ^I h e -PcPolish Xmrtican 'Chib' w ill | Covent "Hartfoi^^Stv^JInihcilt^^^spital. ning. with., graddaC; clearing AtUMI ■ihOlOB'.lllI Reeling tomorrow night ati. M 4 iy 4 'R i^ « M<iyas''taken oa4ng,^^>.gho6tiilgJit^^rtfoh|^s^ by Sunday aftemoon^". NEEDS Members of Manchester Grangif->®'n'‘^*®ck'dn, the.clnbroSms on Clin- 7 ^ -■J tihlay'’^ h lcli'^ . Yapkee Manager Casey' , are^requested to ifteel a't-.the ty. wn.,St>..Menibors are requcated to 'deaths:''^ Stengel called upon hia ace'^ b Y N ^ cU McutxJteiien. Ga. , 'Joljn E>U(oyla.^4;'iiprt o f Mrs. tlapki^ > P. Qiitidr Fimeral Hbnie 'a y 8 attertd^^'ae'.arrangenienu forSihe GENERA! Southpaw, Whitey Foid. in an ''oTelqck t^ g ^ it to pay resflecis to. 1 Pulaski'yarstdy ’ in' Hartford otf-H 9*>! VftS Ufiin 0 ■> N fe’ H VAIN MWff' ‘.‘.tNCHfYlb ;:OoodWHl, by ^><fprni'er 'tnarriage, efl'brt'..t.o halt the : Brooklyn; paebaa* . Sitbon Hildebtand. a m em bei^'. j'®C,l. 14 wili bb'-^ade. Refresh-] IHSURANC "N. aakt^tMay-heirtioughi DaMagiatria’ Dodgers''Ujday In the. Uift® * 3 traefc^tsi|r^ wJimI ^ s^ > * o t i l ' ! ' 4'Xperrty \viU be aerVed^after thef TV SERVICI iTOAf JealotoJr'ii^la jnoth^^ay haVe.' game of th*' 1B5« ba*****"!! d n l n e n i t Oa.Ts TO AC ^^CaW 9 A. IVI. to 12 NOON ..,]'>''bean th4>«jpqye. eUaaic. ' -i. iMnotiOhdo^ Mrs. BeaWce F o x ' .Auerbach. 1 . ^ .. ! Nights Wm 9 9 pins ( H a iw r d ]RdHc,a, iitformad Da BrOokJ.vn ; Manager Walt . XIra. Chase Going Woodhoitse. and f , ; "LEC^M. SILVBRS|EIN ^ TEL. 311S-5194 XTagwtris auffer4(Kjtaad injuries fn' (Uton nonxinjded;' Irighthj righthander ’ Awn Modetl Ifllt I Cheater J,^ Later. Hartford attocfj kynwood''J5....^more.. executive i automobile accidi^t -here last m Roger CralgSn an effort 'to.. j ney. who visited the Smiet Union' V**-* president o f the Manchester i Ach’Miise iiv^hte; Tt Pays rtac. 24, agreed they ntight have make It'.three straight. axim um ! last summer, will give their im- Bank.' is .attending the ' * JdoAsint ■S,. .><, had. a bearing oh hia actionk^dnee then. Before you buy any Detective Uapt. Joseph P. Mc­ Boston, Oct. 6 <^FVrA Suffolk Superior Court jtiry early Widows, be sure to stop in j der the spqprorship of the Sen--I "'urth-by-the-seR.^ at Portsmouth; ><r" Donald ''reconstructed the events ^ e Reds today Convicted eight lihen of taking part in the $1,219,000 Msd> Tampent jlca^Bureau forAVomen's Organiza-! N.H. ' ' which lad lip to the murder-suicide by DeMagUitria at ‘ a Homestead Brink’s robbery— the largest ca.sh haul in the nation’s ciimi- at Hble’s fotvjheir offer on I tion.s. The meetiTtg48 open to, the j • For a LOVELIER YO U- Ave., Hartford, iervice station. Visit Tito for ital history. „ ' v STIiAFFblU) ' Cluh will hold a pof- Talks .\hniit ‘HU Girl* • *** the Sendee i luck supper tomorrow night ' 'at The.wface a maximum.of life imprisonment. Buremi, •'30 in Tinker Hall. H# laid DeMagiatria, who uaea Crimea Report ^ T h e alT^ale jury deliberated 3 hours and 2’7 minutes be­ ALUMINUM , BUY NOW for iivxt time Ji a .22 caliber target pistol in the fore convicting .seven of the eight defendants of arm ^ rob­ Come to H A L E ’S T w double ahooting,* went to Sexton's '''' 'Psobuctsi X Service Station about 3:30 p.m. He Belgrade. Yiigbslayia, Out. S t/f) bery— meaning they actually participated in the Jan. 17, talked to the service atatlon^oper- — The firat of a atrih'g-ms*Gdlinnu- 1950 looting. afbr about "hia girl" going out nut delegations meet.s wrth'Yugo- • The eighth—Joseph McGinnis, 52, termed'by the prosecu­ with another man and then walked alavia Communist leaders today on tion as the “brains”— was convicted as an accessory before ikJIKHAIf^ vUJMHUMtoMi Fashion Decrees up the .street. MRS. ANNA GOODWILL the heels of President Tito's’ re­ AlMMfiiitHI Cmh^ r u n s L y n n e s DeMagisfri.s had left hia car at turn from the Soviet Crimea. the fact of armed robbery and accessory to breaking and en­ the station and returned a little the gun on himself." McCluskey re­ Tito arrived home without fkn- tering,which carry .the same penalty. ' over an hour later in Mrs. dood- lated to police. faie yesterday fron- hia 8-day visit McGinnis was acquitted of*— ' ■ ■ ■'' ‘ .......... 'niU'a automobile, accompanied by armed robbery and breaking and Detective Lt. William F. McCi'.e with Soviet Communist party chief her, Nikita Khrushchev at Yalta.. The , entering ch^ges by directed ver^ 'police quoted James Murrav. Vi "'J*'’ t * ’ Yiigoalav leader described his trip*» diet before.
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