University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-15-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 15, October 15, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 29 No. 15, October 15, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1408. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1408 ... Central Florida Future Vol. 29 • No. 15 SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA SINCE 1968 Oct. 15, 1996 INSIDE: Amendments on ballot • NEWS: for SG Senate election Campus Chat Room by RYAN ANDERSON language and it will become effec­ pg.4 News editor tive for the 1997-1998 elections. A vote "against" the amend­ Students going to the polls ment will maintain the language for the senatorial runoff elections of the present Constitution. "' . will have more choices on the The following is a list of the table then just who they want to proposed amendments and the re­ represent them in the SG student sults behind both voting for and • senate. against the amendments . Voters will have the power · For each of the proposed to amend the Student Government amendments bubbling in "a" on constitution and affect the eligi­ the ballot is a vote for the amend­ bility of future SG officials start­ ment and bubbling in "b" is a vote Should hazing be ing with the 1997-98 elections. against. •Amendment #1: Al- permitted as part of "It is very important that everyone takes the time to read lows for only one graduate student Greek pledging? Five the amendments and clearly un­ senator in the Student Senate. UCF students give their derstand what they are voting for," A "for" vote will result in feelings regarding the SG president Aaron Scavron said. the Senate being composed of 49 · issue. The amendments were rec­ undergraduate students and 1 ommended by a ~ommittee of graduate student. former UCF Student Government According to the report is­ FEATURES: leaders commissioned by UCF sued by the Special Committee to Movie Reviews President Dr. John Hitt after he Review Student Government, the suspended the student government passage of this amendment would pg.16 last year. lead to, "the return to an under­ For each of the following graduate senate, with one gradu- amendments, a vote "for" the amendment will adopt the new see AMENDMENTS page 3 Diversity Week: see things in a different way Diversity Week by KRYSTIE CROWE tor, and student assistant Christina sic, food, lec.tures, comedy, guest Staff writer Alvarez. Each year, new and speakers and games. unique activities, discussions and Though Diversity Week Thursday: Starting Monday, Oct. 14, calls one to celebrate differences, entertainment have been added to . • Serenade under the moon UCF will celebrate its fourth an­ the agenda of the week. there is one common thread among Reflecting pond James and the giant nual Diversity Week. This seven This year's theme is Diver­ most college students: slow flow­ monocle. day festival of events is geared sity: A Transforming Power. All ing cash. That is another wonder­ •Olympic Gold Medalist, toward both promoting and enjoy­ or most of the programs and ideas ful thing about the week-almost Greg Loughanis, 8:00 p.m. ing diversity among UCF students, during the week will coincide with everything is free. SPORTS: Student Center Auditorium. faculty and the surrounding com­ this theme. Although the first Diversity Golden Knights munity. In keeping with the theme of Week event, a play about Con­ Saturday: pg.12 Diversity Week started in diversity, the planned activities of gressmen Adam Clayton Powell, • Communtiy Festival UCF . 1993 through the inspirations and the week offer a lesson in diver­ Jr. Called "The Well in the House," Green 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 planning of Dr. Valerie King, cur­ sity. There is truly something for p.m. rent Diversity Initiatives Direc- everyone including theater, mu- see DIVERSITY page 2 " Greek life at UCF more than just one big party by MELANIE RIVERA though. Participating can be fun. by the ladies of Delta Gamma in (GAMMA) also sponsors semi- Greek columnist Most fraternities have philan- synchronized swimming and pool nars. This risk management group thropy weeks during which they games. There was a $50.00 entry educates Greeks on tough issues The fall semester is a busy raise funds or collect canned food. fee for each fraternity. The entry such as drinking, safe sex and date time for the Greek community. It For example, Lambda Chi Alpha fee was donated to Service for rape. There's no place like means managing time for aca- Fraternity hosts Watermelon Bust Sight. The DG's also added a vol- CarrieBisceg1ia, VicePresi- home. The Golden demics, rush, meetings, intrarnu- every fall to help Second Harvest leyball tournament to the list of dent of Panhellenic, feels it's an Knights improved to ral sports, social events and com- Food Bank. Sororities participate .activities. Anchor Splash was sue- awareness issue. ·"Seminars work 31-9 at home since munity service. in fun games using watermelons cessful thanks to the 13 fraterni- from an educational standpoint. • joining Division I with In addition to this hectic and donate canned food. ties that supported it. You can't always change people's agenda, most Greeks are involved "Participating in philan- The Greek system also of- minds but at least they are aware," a thumping of the in many other campus organiza- thropy w~eks is a fun way for fers educational seminars on some said Bisceglia. Samford Bulldogs tions. Greeks can be found any- Greeks to help those in need," of today's prevalent topics. A re- Providing important infor- Saturday at the Citrus where from FCA to Student Gov- Stefanie Carrion of Kappa Delta cent example of this is Delta Delta mation to the growing Greek corn- Bowl. ernment. said. Del ta' s Get Real seminar. Get ~eal munity can only strengthen it. By See sports for all of the Involvement and leadership The Delta Gamma sorority focused on important issues that educating incoming members and are key elem en ts among all Greek recently held their annual Anchor women face today. supporting chapter events, the details. organizations. Splash to benefit Service for Sight. Greeks Advocating Mature Greeks are supporting themselves Involvement isn't all work Fraternity members were coached Management of Alcohol and advancing their reputation and In this issue: News 1-4 Cl~ifieds s OJ!inion 6 Features 9-10 Sports 11-12 lit 2 • The Central Florida Future • Oct. 15, 1996 DIVERSITY from page 1 started on Sunday, Oct. 13, the • official opening ceremonies were at 10:00 a.m. Monday, Oct. 14 at • . - ~.~. the Reflection Pond . A parade of clubs, accom­ panied by opening words from parking lot. be between 5' 11" to 6'2 ". President Hitt and Dr. King, • with DUI on Oct. 6. Smell of Jim Beam in kicked off the Diversity Week The defendant was •On Oct. 7 it car leads to charge of •A hang-tag parking de­ observances. driving without any was reported that a alcohol possession cal was stolen from a blue Other activities will in­ headlights or parking license plate, Volkswagon on Oct. 4. • A 20-year old male stu­ clude the International Fair, a lights on. He was also #UDB4 l U, was stolen dent was charged with the pos­ blue stocking lecture on Diver­ swerving from lane to lane. from a blue Oats un pickup If you have information session of alcohol on Oct. 6. The sity, stand-up comedy with Chris An officer pulled over the truck. The truck was parked be­ regarding any of the above • defendant failed to stop at a flash­ "Crazy Legs" Fonseca, a Ser­ defendant and approached the ve­ hind the Wayne Densch Sports incidents, contact the UCFPD ing red light. An officer pulled enade under the Moon and other hicle. Sobriety tests were con­ Complex. The estimated value of at 823-5555. over the defendant and ap­ speakers, dinners and activities. ducted and the defendant was ar­ the license plate is $35. proached the vehicle. He could Clubs, organizations, so­ • rested for DUI. •Note: Bicycles are of­ rorities and over fifty faculty smell alcohol coming from •It was discovered on Sept. ten recovered by the UCFPD members from all overhavecome within the vehicle. A half full 30 that a Nike book bag was stolen Incidents Reported: because they are abandoned together to organize and maxi­ bottle of Jim Beam Kentucky from a car. Inside the book bag or not secured to a bike rack. mize the experience during Di­ Straight Bourbon'Whiskey and were five library books and some •On Oct. 8 someone acti­ Contact the U CFPD if you versity Week at UCF. a shot glass were found inside negatives. Each book has a replace­ vated the fire alarm on the first cannot find your bicycle or Dr. King encourages ev­ the vehicle. ment value of $51.15. floor of Seminole Hall. believe it has been stolen. eryone to take advantage of these Re~overed bicycles are placed various opportunities to celebrate Swerving without any •A white male was exposing •It was discovered on Oct. 7 in the police impound yard diversity around the campus dur­ lights on leads to DUI his sexual organ and fondling him­ • that someone stole parking decal, for safe keeping.
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