- ', Se 1F -F~~~~ CasUrgOC, S H~~<LONG' Li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIMM i-M," 17-577" ('Continuous News Service , . Since 1881" r0LUME 93 NUMBER 27 lae xCAMBRIDe o 3E, MASSACHUSETTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1973 FIVE CENTS By Storm Kauffman years in three. Financia! aid as- The Admissions Office re- sistance is being extended to 458 . .,"-~ N 0tetiat the Class of 1 97 7 will freshmen. The class includes 703 A Iave913 members. this number students From US public schools,B . i-SeJ on the acceptances of ad- 93 from private schools, 64 from ~ -" ~', X iissiolns received. However, a church related institutions and :ehian z'i>ount of "melt" is ex- 49 from overseas scllools. A cte~d to lrut the final tiurnber There are 184 freshmen from taloutll '300. the New England area, 304 from . * rx-~.::. : In response to recomimenda- the Middle Atlantic states, 91 M,4$, ions made by the Committee on from the Southern Atlantic, 141 . Lndicrg-raduate Admissions and from the North Central, 51 fromr. :,. iliacjal Aid to the Faculty the South Central, 87 from the CU,4vt A, see story page ) and West, and 55 from foreign coun- sjpjrt of the continuing effort tries (not necessarily foreign stu- ' -, or attract applicants from di- dents). Site of construction of Chemical Engineering Building on ¢ise backgrounds, the Adrnrs- Admissions background is the Car ncer Research Center under renovations. ions Office has made special To achieve the desired class I lts to attract more minority size, 1663 students were ad- ~ _ _pi,Ca IIts. However, minority mitted. While Director of Adrmis- La2Z Presentation il the class of sions Pete Richardson is not 977 has not increased signify- satisfied with this yield - he's By Curtis Ree' Ives reduction of value ever attempt- quality of development vis-a-vis antly. like lo see 75% of those ad- The MIT administ tration has ed in Massachusetts."' the relationship of the existing Aproximately 15% of the mitted decide to attend - MIT come out in opposi ;ition to a According to Davrid Vickery, communities and the riler. :liss is female, the 124 women does as well as, if not better, proposal which wot uld rezone of the City Planning and Devel- The Planning Board has toved cluailing the high of the Class of than almost all its competitors the Cambridge riverfr -ont for res- opment Department, MIT owns with the idea of the city buying 975 but making up a larger except Harvard. In years past, idential purposes, an{d limit the about 30'.`r of the land in ques- the 50 acres of underdeveloped rroortion because of the for example, if ten people were extent of development it. tion. Milne suggests that the property, but the attached pnice- maller class size. The break- admitted to both MIT and Har- On June 13, Wal lter Milne, actual figure is somewhat lower- tag of $20-25 million makes this mvwnaccording to minority y ard. eight went tD Harvard. The Special Assistant to the Pres- The Riverfront proposal, idea presently unfeasible. dckground is: 31 Blacks, five figures for the Class of'76 were ident, presented MIT's " position TheR verrontproposal, which is supported by several Vickery notes [hat, were the 'hicanos, five Puerto Ricans, an improvement. as six of ten on the proposed ' Riverf ront neighborhood groups around the land developed to its Current i've Mexican-Americans, one went to Harvard and another ten District" at a public hearing in1 ml-aximum legal 1.lmit, the crowd- Irnerican affected area, Indian, and 40 foreign percent to other schools. Cambridge. Milne Leermed the was submitted to ing would be similar to that inl the City Council tu(lnents from 25 countries. The reasons for withdrawal? prososal, whrihtoulc Id redlistrict bythe Planning r would Besilrdtovthat Afurther analysis shows that Boaid, :vhi~ll is halt Df she Brooklyn's Bedford-Styvesant. Richardson feels that th,,ey are prILL chalIly all ot the area along Board, ~h~,ndDesepart othe Such crowding, he says. is not to Planning, and Developm-nent De- :eveln are attending MIT after the customary ones: "money," the river between MF T and Hlar- be found in Cambridge, partment. According to their and is iner junior year in high school broader programs or, as they put vard, "probably the nnost exten- seen in few locations booklet, "Riverfront," in the Afhle 28 completed the four (Pleaseturn to page 6) sive and drastic rezmonipt and several Bot etpliaar. state officials also endorse the Mosto f the lan area. idea, and suggest tihat it might otfthladhtMI TroZes e$ ie cmea, andsuggesth thsat ;mightt owns in the district is leased to 3ve Scoenic u ers Athe of lssa971 t the Polaroid Corporation for Scenicil Rivers Act ofe 1971 seeven to eight more years of a which aimns to preserve the "scenic and reereltj1lll ret teen year contract. Any new de- By Storm Kauffman 9 prm.The address is 362 Green the municipal elections will be "scenic and recreational re- sources" oil- the state's water- C('ambridge is now permitting Street, near Central SquaTe. 20 days prior to election day, velopment is prob~ably at least ;tudcnets with proof of residence Persons residing wavs. ten years away. in the November 6. Thewtlay-us. of lea college to register to vote heprpoalis The Riverfront plan is meant in Second Suffolk District of Carn- The rules for eligibility are: The th:-ust of proposale lth mixed Inone hous- :be city . bri.dge (Wards 1, to change the zoning of the 2, and 4) may 1 ) You must be a US citizen. L_ ~~~~ing with a Persons IS potential of 31800 years of age or register now to vote for the 2) You mlust be 18 or older properties from their present Re- unith a penal The lhiler hv November 6 may regis- senator of that district in the by November 6, 1973o sidenece C-3 status, wthich lt sidenccUStatuns 3 per7acre,allows alndws "Riverfront"O 50poebooklet states thatTh er lo ,v,oe at the Election Con- special state election of Septem- 3) You must be a legal resi- 14it s10USn' unitsc eracres tand despite the recent building of lission office, Monday through ber I 1. The MIT camipus lies dent of Cambridge Of.fice status, which allows total with nopres- projects fin the city, there isL still :Tidazv from 8:30 am to 4:30 within Ward 2, the precint ent intention de- of making your commercialdevelopment, to th a particular need for low income )M. Special hours for new voters pending on exact location of the residence elsewhere. status of Residence RF. a zoning which allows ire being conducted at tlle office residence. In proving your legal resi- a maximuinl oli 120 Ilhu1sn for large families, but whitscper allowand a max;imlum oif 120notes also that few large families afery Thursday from 6 pm until The last day to register dence, you must for first present unitscoer acie and aei-_naxiin ofwould be able to afford to live evidence that you actually live in 15% comnmercial use.wihnheRvrotDsrc. Cambridge. The following are The RF classification permits within the Riverfront District. a basic -density of 60 units acceptable. per Originally, the Riverfront Dis- acre, with more density 7; A) Your name listed in a eilla trict was to extend from lr- ~~~~-lJ, ari M.(fs, Phllp alle,wed th 1°I it vard's Peabody Terrace to Aud- G47as-, 1972-1973 student directory. allowedl, Lipould the de20lUnit rey Street (Westgate lI). After B) A statement from your maximum, should the developer reconsideration, the border was college housing office on their ouse any or of allthe stipulon and . There are four buildings at gifts, Martin M. Phillips '47, as- statione , authenticated with bonus alternatives . Such alter- Albany Railroad tracks at MiT that bear the names of sociate director of the MIT Al- the the college seal, to the effect natives include: low and. City Council meeing '!raduates of the class of 1923. umni fund stated "Several of the of June 2 5. that you live at the address moderate income housing; large This move cleared ?here will probably be more, large donors prefer to remain. the way for claimed. apartment units; riverfront pe- th e cleared of ay for IBecause the class has donated a anonymous. Some gifts have destia0I aaccss 50 oot et- the construction C) Your narne in the annual destrian access; a 50 foot set- Hyatt Hotel atof 575a 49 Memorial0 roo m iRecord $8,098,300 as its 50th very specific designations and back from Memorial Street List. - baecki~i frofi Drive; andHatHtla i5Mmra S'ear gift, exceeding the previous others are undesignated. qne,(-il i i dJ5l(, -, Perfnofia r nn, Drtive;l G t- rti and,r. nl Drive, the site of the old Jordan Some D) Your name ?ecord by funds in the 1973 $7 million. have been allocated and (Please turn topage 7) aimed at encouraging a high (Please turn to page 7) The class also provided MIT used . '. p7ith the first dean Hewent on to describe . E3a of the School some e -71, R '3 C 0 of the Humanities and Social of the details ina letter sent to t 2' m 2 t 2 u m 2 > g 3 ~ g g p L S 2 @ 2 ' gg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 ?'Cientists (now retired) John The Tech,including $ 1.2million ullrchard, and its II th president, forthe Cecil Green Professorship inElectrical A'llius S tratton. Engineering and the ByStorm Kauffman grants, etc. This figure is an poration approval to expand. Robert Schrock Funding for student i The Stratton student center Professorship of financial average, in any one year it may Presently, the office isseeking Earth and aid programs -asn t built by him, but it bears Planetary Sciences, has first priority, differ by several million.
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